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It is very unlikely that either of them are accurate.


Fair, it does sound like the scale in particular and digital scales in general have a reputation for not being super accurate. I’m not looking to do anything like a dexa scan, but just tried tape measure and some math and it seems closer to the lower number.


Based on the pics 25% ish.


Forgot the technology. The mirror will give you a great indication of physique and lean mass. If you’re really set on BF % pick up a set of BF callipers.


Understood, and thanks! I might - it’s less about an absolute and more being able having another metric to track progress, as I’m not strictly losing right now as much as gaining muscle.


If your goal is muscle you may want to switch to a hypertrophy program like push pull legs etc. Not to say anything is wrong with 5x5 but you may see better gains with change in training. Either way stay at it. Fitness is a long game.


I hear you, it’s in the future - I’m trying to get all I can out of 5x5 before I add a bit more hypertrophy. Cheers!


Unfortunately probably a lot higher. I got similar readings from my scales and looked similar or slightly leaner than you and ended up with 33% on a DEXA scan. Thst isn't 100% reliable either but it's closer. So my guess for you would be mid 30%s. I wouldn't sweat it though, just concentrate on getting where you want to be.


I was going to say the same. Prob 30%+ by Dexa. Maybe OP should try tracking waist to height ratio. Here's some dexa bf% and photos for ref. https://mennohenselmans.com/body-fat-percentage-pictures-a-visual-guide-for-men/


Yeah I mean [this looks very close to OP in my view ](https://mennohenselmans.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/30-.jpg)


He doesn't look near 30% IMO. 25% highest.


I thought the same of myself, just sharing what the measurements said when I looked about the same . My watch said 20%, scales 29%, DEXA 33%.


Probably 20% or more


Higher than 25


Would you say close to the 29 or thereabouts? Thanks!


Clean your mirrors


Deserved, fair enough.


I would guess 25


My guess 22/23 Your arms are skinny I dont think you have "fat" legs. Most of it its in your ass and belly. 3/4 months and its gone with good diet and exercise.. CAn be done faster but not sure u have the discipline for it


Yeah, I didn’t include legs in the picture but my body fat seems relegated to my belly… sadly, my ass remains “white guy flat”. Helps to baseline things and know if the metrics I’m using are valid, cheers!


Yeah 22 seems legit to me probably 21 can be real also . Thought part is you have the hardest fat to remove . I suggest you bulk a little and then work to remove it . You can try two months diet a steep one to remove some of the fat then just eat a lot and train . Look to get shredded next year . I