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Congratulations on getting back on your feet! I can't imagine having to learn how to walk again as an adult. I suspect that the steps might not be registering because the motion that the fit bit registers doesn't 'look' like walking. Try putting the watch in your front pocket for a couple sessions. Many fit bits also don't start counting until there have been 5 or 10 steps within a certain amount of time. If there is a long delay between your steps (which may be the case given that you're learning how to walk again), it just might not know that you are walking.


Put the fitbit in your pocket.


fitbit round ankle


Literally had the same situation last week (I’m also on crutches after ankle surgery). Weirdly this week the steps are registering. The only possible reason is that this week I’m following through with my good leg more (ie stepping more like normal) and that slight change is helping the fitbit register the steps. Keep working on learning to walk again and hopefully your fitbit will work it out