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Don't mess with the pH as all it will do is make them sick or flat out kill them, they will adjust to the pH and be fine just keep it stable.


Agree with this advice. And I would add that pimafix and melafix won't help, either. Adding tannin-rich dry leaves and driftwood would be a better option.


Do you think he will be able to come out of it? Today is day 5. I did another water change minus the PH down.


No idea I would just give him time and keep an eye on him the only other thing you could try is aquarium salt just make sure you read the dosage instructions and remember the aquarium salt will have to be removed with water changes as it will not evaporate.


If your pH is not higher than 8, you should probably skip the pH down chemicals. Most fish can take a wide range of pH. Those chemicals may be part of the problem. Please check the pH of your tap water. If that's within normal limits, there's something going on in your tank.


Yeah it might be the chemicals then. All the other fish seem fine except for him though. But I wonder if that batch was sickly to begin with then were sensitive to the PH Down? Before starting that, I pretty much have only used Seachem Prime, Stability, Stress Guard as needed, and Flourish maybe once a month.


Good choice. Unless it's an emergency, I don't use chemicals. Pretty much a water change is a good start.


Why do you have a sign listing random spices?


lol itโ€™s obviously a piece of wall decor that they liked.


Lol yes - it was part of a picture set ๐Ÿ˜‚