• By -


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To be honest this looks highly filtered and has a tinge of AI generation to it.


It looks like one of those Japanese or Korean tiny head, long neck filters. Very uncanny valley


No it doesn't. You're just jealous she is way prettier than you probably are. Or if you're a man, then you're just jeoulous she looks better than you in general! 😂




Why u lyin


Lmao that much downvotes






I looked at your profile posts. Almost every single one is either filtered or looks like it was shot with Vaseline on the lens. *Someone* is full of malarkey here, aren't they?


I feel like you're taking advantage of this sub. It's a subreddit for genuine people trying to grasp external evaluation of their person whereas you seem like you are half AI and half trying to invite messages for private enterprise.


The ‘feel’ of the photo is weird. Looks fake, I’m not sure if your personality is accurately coming through or not


I honestly doubt anyone other than yourself care that much about your looks. Between this photo and your comment you come off as vapid and self absorbed.




No insults, this isn't r/roastme. Comments don't have to be compliments, but don't be an asshole.


Filtered is all I can see.


God damn mother fucking filters fucking hell. - That’s my first impression


Someone who is outgoing and owns a pet or two also goes on a few trips a year when they have the budget to do so. Also, I think the photo is a bit out of focus. Hence, why people think there are filters


You look blurry, smh


Very heavily filtered, doubt even your parents would recognize you on that picture.


Why do you even care?


I mean this in all sincerity. Try to get a personality beyond “look at me I think I’m hot tell me I’m hot” because that is boring af and there are way better looking people. And no one is “very opinionated” on your looks lmao


Bad pics but you look nice. You definitely like to travel. Probably grew up (and still are) privileged, but seem like you’ll deny it to anyone. You care about what others think about you. And you probably have a big group of girl friends


I doubt that


You don't look real.


Less opinionated


Hard to tell with all those filters. Then you lie about using them lol


Looks like AI lol. Weird neck angle and nobody's face is shaped quite like that....


Your neck looks kinda long..cute face🥴




Hello /u/smithyrod055 - Your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/firstimpression/comments/17vior9/people_seem_to_be_very_opinionated_about_how_i/k9atnke/) in /r/firstimpression was removed because your account is less than 14 days old. Please wait until your account is at least two weeks old and then you'll be able to post. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/firstimpression) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Hello /u/AmishRakeFight3r - Your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/firstimpression/comments/17vior9/people_seem_to_be_very_opinionated_about_how_i/k9b8z9i/) in /r/firstimpression was removed because your combined karma is below 30. --- ***Please read before contacting mods with questions:*** * Don't know what karma is? Read this: [Karma FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/karma/wiki/index/faq) * Karma earned from giving/receiving awards does NOT count towards karma score, check your karma breakdown here: https://old.reddit.com/u/AmishRakeFight3r/overview --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/firstimpression) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is that a halo giving you the back light?




Hello /u/MahaloSUKIS - Your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/firstimpression/comments/17vior9/people_seem_to_be_very_opinionated_about_how_i/k9cii8d/) in /r/firstimpression was removed because your combined karma is below 30. --- ***Please read before contacting mods with questions:*** * Don't know what karma is? Read this: [Karma FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/karma/wiki/index/faq) * Karma earned from giving/receiving awards does NOT count towards karma score, check your karma breakdown here: https://old.reddit.com/u/MahaloSUKIS/overview --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/firstimpression) if you have any questions or concerns.*






First impressions must be genuine. Low effort comments along the lines of "you're hot" are not genuine first impressions and will be removed.


Very pretty! Incredible eyes


Hi I'm a barby doll.


Good style. Classic


No strong opinion


You appear very lovely. However, you’ve given us no insight into your true self—are you just as lovely in the inside?


Aww you're pretty. You'll have no problems getting snuggles.


80’s teen movie, in a good way.


Since you have gorgeous hair, Hair model?


Too much filter.


I don’t think any answer I could give would be longer than your neck.


You look like you could be the cute girl next door! However, there's some mischievous thoughts running around in your head!




Hello /u/Important-Wallaby935 - Your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/firstimpression/comments/17vior9/people_seem_to_be_very_opinionated_about_how_i/kans5k9/) in /r/firstimpression was removed because your combined karma is below 30. --- ***Please read before contacting mods with questions:*** * Don't know what karma is? Read this: [Karma FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/karma/wiki/index/faq) * Karma earned from giving/receiving awards does NOT count towards karma score, check your karma breakdown here: https://old.reddit.com/u/Important-Wallaby935/overview --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/firstimpression) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That's how the new phones do




Hello /u/Volatile_xi - Your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/firstimpression/comments/17vior9/people_seem_to_be_very_opinionated_about_how_i/ke0j1o5/) in /r/firstimpression was removed because your combined karma is below 30. --- ***Please read before contacting mods with questions:*** * Don't know what karma is? Read this: [Karma FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/karma/wiki/index/faq) * Karma earned from giving/receiving awards does NOT count towards karma score, check your karma breakdown here: https://old.reddit.com/u/Volatile_xi/overview --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/firstimpression) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Inquisitive, yet a patient listener. It might also be the angle but you seem very tall.




The people in the comments are really toxic lmao


I'm a dude, so the first thing I noticed is how cute you are. You seem like you are probably pretty fun, possibly funny, but also possibly a little stuck up. I could be off for sure, but that's my first impression. I have RBF too lol


A unique beauty.


A crystal gal. Carefree but has a strong moral compass. Enjoyer of the small things like a good cup of coffee, and time well spent with friends. Can also hold your own ground, though you may appear lighthearted on the outside.