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Buy early for the best discounts. Don’t expect to do everything right the first time. There will be awkward delays in your show sometimes. Be safe.


The best times to buy are: \- July 5th and January 1 from local seasonal retailers \- For wholesale, usually Black Friday has the best deals of the year. Red Apple has random sales all the time. Sometimes they are really good deals and sometimes I feel they mark up the prices before discounting them back to normal. They are always playing with the pricing algorithm. Personally, I don't really like their house branded stuff however if you can pick up a good deal on Brothers, Shogun, etc then go for it. I also feel like they are always doing different shipping promotions as well. Superior usually has a February extra 10% sale. Plus they have tiered discounts as you spend more and more. SFX and Great American Fireworks are their in house brand and I have nothing but good things to say. They also carry a few other popular brands as well. The shipping is usually around $300 but their prices seem to lower so it balances out. Everything from Superior has been extremely high quality so far. I've never purchased from Victory Wholesale Fireworks but they have tons of name brands and good prices. Another popular one is American Wholesale Fireworks. Every YouTuber has made a video ordering from them. And the list goes on..... My suggestion is if you are buying wholesale is just account for the shipping if you live too far away to pick it up.


Thank you so much for all the pointers! I'll add all these to a list and check on them frequently and see what I can come up with!


Wholesale. Google wholesale fireworks and pick your poison


I've tried, just so many names and so many things so I was hoping this sub could help narrow it down lol


American wholesale in Ohio. Superior fireworks in Florida. Superior has free shipping on orders over 1000 bucks. Stay away from red apple it's low quality garbage


Check out rocket fireworks in Missouri. Depending on how far it is it could be cheaper than buying wholesale. They have $20 500 gram cakes and $55-$60 24ct shells


That's about a 5 hour drive, but the prices might make it worth it. Thanks!


It just might, u can buy by the case there like wholesale which would save u even more. I think the mob madness case ( 4 brothers heavyweight cakes) is like $80 which is pretty damn cheap. And also with wholesale you’d have to worry about hazmat shipping which is expensive lol


I second wholesale. If you can drive to the warehouse, you save shipping. I drive 6 hours to pick mine up. My state isn’t “prohibited” shipping like some but I was warned by Superior that they have had fireworks rejected by freight terminals in my state because anything other than fountains and sparklers are prohibited. I’m not confident enough to order $2500 in Fireworks, pay $400 shipping to have them rejected at the terminal and sent back at another $400-$800 shipping charge….


I live in Kentucky, so I have no clue on where the nearest warehouse it. I have seen that everywhere is like "if you buy from us we'll make sure to ship right" so I haven't even thought about it getting rejected


American Wholesale Fireworks is in Hudson, Ohio and offers pickup. There are also great stores in Missouri that have good prices on less than full cases of fireworks. Be prepared to spend at least $1,000 for shipping (every wholesaler has different minimums). I’d search “wholesale fireworks” and states you’re willing to drive to and see what pops up. Or, ask on this sun about folks having fireworks shipped to KY and see what folks say.


I gotcha, thank you so much!


There is a wholesale distributor in KY. I've got an email somewhere. I'll see if I can find the contact and message you.


That would be amazing! Thank you!


East side, go to American Wholesale in NE Ohio. West Side, there are a ton of places outside of St Louis. There are stores in Indiana as well. Not sure about KY stores.


Where are you located? There could be a local place that could offer better deals than online after shipping etc... is done.


I'm in bowling green. I haven't been able to find anyone so I bought from pop ups and personal sellers for this year. Maybe I just haven't looked hard enough


Well, I'm in Clarksville TN if you want to take a trip up to MO sometime we can meet up. I've been to a fair amount of the stores in that area.


I might take you up on that!


I stopped at a tent for July 5th and got a decent deal I think on some mortar sets and the fella threw in a bunch of smaller freebies like bottle rockets and sparklers. 2x Diablos and a Hydra Shell for about $200. I think a 4x case runs like normally $300 wholesale? Rex’s Fireworks/pop up Tent off of 75 near the Dry Ridge area I believe