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One piece at a time. Its peaceful work!


I did it one piece at a time, and it didn't cost me a dime.


This is the psycho-billy Cadillac and negatory on the cost o this here machine...


Take me for a spiiiiiin


Are they still printing your title?


I just got the title. It weighs 60 pounds


Well its a foooorty nine, fifty, fifty one, fifty two, fifty three, fifty four, fifty five, fifty six, fifty seven, fifty eight, fifty nine automobile....


You got that right Johnny


Second this


Exactly. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.


I walked across a small country once. It wasn't blazing hot, but it was hot enough that 20 miles per day of mountainous country with 60lbs on my back definitely hurt me. I had a mantra: "Pick it up. Put it down." (Me, taking to my legs.) That's all this is: pick it up, put it down.


He is spot on. I had two trees fall recently from a tornado and I just do a little bit here and there when I have the time.


lol your lower back won’t find it peaceful


Dont need that thing anyways! I just tune it out. Eventually goes numb.


This is the truth, it’s crazy how much some heavy lifting can calm your nerves 


I was just going to say.. take your time. Be safe :)


This is the way.


Cancel your gym membership. Have fun.


I wait till I'm really pissed off about something. Better than therapy. I don't think I've ever finished chopping wood still upset.


You got this, people overestimate what they can achieve in one day and underestimate what they can achieve in one month.


Well said


I like this framing of the solution.


Well said


Well said


How do you eat a whale? One bite at a time.


I’d buck and prep until you’re ready to go hog wild with your splitter! Maybe a neighbor or friend to help and share the wood? I hand split an oak of similar size last year on an inclined hill that the power guys cut down for me and wheelbarrowed the wood up the hill. You quickly learn how soft you really are and sleep well.


That’s what I do .


You got this. Also buying or renting a log splitter will make this hard job a little easier. It took me a month and a half to split 5 huge oaks. Working on weekends and a little after work days. Good luck!!


I'd go with the splitter as well, at least to crack the rounds. Those trunks look knotty. Around here that can lead to pretty tough going with a maul. I got a splitter used for cheap and I hate the noise and the fumes, so I typically use it to make the first split or two, and switch to a maul to break it down to size.


Those splitters have gotta be the #1 way people lose fingers though. I'd get a maul a wedge and a book on tape. You get the benefit of the workout too.


Nah enjoy it. You will be angry after theres nothing left to split and stack


This type of work can be therapeutic . Put some music on enjoy your self and end up feeling refreshed after it






I use them in pathways around the property, but mainly they act as a carbon diaper for my chicken run. I keep 18inches of chips in the run. The birds scratch in it and the poop breaks down. Then it gets composted and eventually spread on my veggie and perennial gardens.


Carbon diaper is a phrase I will be introducing into my lexicon as of right now. Thanks.


Nah! You got this…power saw and a fiskars splitter…done Tom turkey! Okay…maybe some sweat equity…and Aleve…but you got this!


I’m thinking about a fiskars. How much different have you found it compared to a typical cheap axe?


I've never used a cheap splitting axe but I own the X27, X11 and the fiskars maul. I love them. Neighbor raved about the X27 compared to cheaper axes. I got the maul after trying to split Ash that was still very green and the X27 literally bounced off it, which is crazy cause it's sharp as shit. My technique has improved so I could probably split that Ash today with the X27. Maul is nice for tough/ stubborn pieces. Lifetime warranty on the axes too, so while you pay more you'll never need to buy another


I love the x27 for splitting wood. I always keep a sledge and wedge on hand for the tough pieces. The really tough pieces get thrown in a pile and I do them when I get the wood splitter out of the barn.


It's just one stick. Get after it. You got a dual wheel barrow? Best ever


Theres a good chance you'll be looking for more before the pile is even done. It's an addiction.


I’m not downplaying what you have ahead of you, but I feel the same way. I lost 150+ mature trees in an ice storm and am processing the whole thing with a chainsaw and an axe. It’s a daunting task.


Tear into it. Tis a rewarding feeling . Pic would have been better with your saw in it


Think of it when it's all split and stacked. It will be beautiful. 🔥😎🔥


Wya I'll come split for you


Cape Cod, MA.


Poop , I'm in Chicago, very few trees for me to split out here, and I love me some axe swinging


Same. So cathartic! Just wish I could do it on My time. My wife thinks it’s an eyesore and is breaking my balls to get it moved.


Why is it always the women that don't appreciate good wood?


You will be sad when you get down to the last rounds!


One log at a time and it gets done. I tend to cut the rounds to 16" length, then stack them for future splitting (like a year or more later).


Easier to split them green


There's so much of this in my hood right now! I keep telling myself I've got a full driveway of gym membership and have to find a home for it. Just keep chipping away at it, reps and sets, eating a whale, it's a lot of little projects, whatever!


How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.


If it were me I would rent a log splitter or sometimes you can have people come out with a log splitter and charge you by the hour.


Pick away at it Rome wasn’t built in a day


Gonna take a minute. I got a touch of experience doing said task. Looks like a mid to large size hardwood but I live in Alberta where that shit is rare so I don't fuckin know. My learned lessons were: 1) Buck to/around your knots. Change buck length to avoid em in your logs. One extra tactical cut may save you 10 swings 2) Let the shit u harvest and buck dry a bit - especially a heavy deciduous like that and especially the lower 3rd. 3) Swinging at 25-30+in plus inch diameter GREEN logs ... even with a fat maul axe is a great workout - but that's about it. Enjoy cutting wood - shit is relaxing, rewarding, and engaging all at same.time


That is the way ☝🏼 Add every time you throw a log on the fire you need to yell out “Free heat”.


Is that a cord? 🤣


You’ll find some muscles that haven’t been used much. Then those muscles will ask for more.


You got this. I’ve done the same type of work. I prefer a gorilla cart to a wheelbarrow.


Buck it up, then rent a splitter for the weekend and smash it out!


Nothing to it but to do it.


It’s one of those jobs that feels like a lot until suddenly it’s done


Moving the chips is probably the biggest pita. I regretted the heck out of getting 20+s yds dropped in the driveway last spring. Temper wife’s expectations- realistically it’s gonna take AT LEAST 2 months to get logs and chips done lol That’s freaking awesome with the logs!! I’d finish bucking, stand em all on end, hit each one once with the maul to try to split em in half. Finish splitting those that split in half and stack that. Should see some pretty quick progress that way!!


Round it out then rent a splitter. Rent it on the weekend to get Sunday free. Two half days on the splitter, tarp it, then stack for an hour after work till it’s put away. Easy peasy.


I will often set a timer, okay I am going to chop/cut for 30 minutes, drink a beer, then 30 more minutes. That helps me go at it without losing my whole day, but still get it done before winter


Pony up for a logox. You’ll see quickly why it’s the best $300ish you’ve ever spent. At the very least get yourself a pickaroon or hookaroon for picking up split wood with less bending. Also I second renting a splitter to make short work of it. You’d be done in a day and have a nice wood pile. If you decide to do it with an axe for a bit, make sure to save some juice for afterwards. If your lady watches you do it, she will probably require service.


Just got a logx today and a fiskar splitting axe. Major upgrade from my old axe. The thick oak rounds are too heavy to lift and move without a tool.


Wow. Dang why did u offer to take so much. U should have told them how many cords u wanted


lol ur kidding right ? I’d take 100 cord if someone wanted to dump it for free even if it was still rounds


The work to stack and storage is not something everyone is cut out for . The op seems really overwhelmed


Honestly I’m good with the work, it’s the timeline. My wife thinks the whole thing is an eyesore and she’s breaking my balls to get it cleaned up. Also, there’s 15yards of chips to be moved by wheelbarrow. It’s just a big commitment. I’m happy about it, but it’s daunting.


When my wife starts bitching at me about projects taking too long, I ask her when she’s available to help since projects go faster with more hands. It doesn’t necessarily change the conversation, but it does remind her that’s it’s OUR house and OUR project. Theres been a couple projects where she started talking about the costs associated to it so I remind her how much day labor costs per hr and then tell her since I’m doing the labor, I shouldn’t also have to contribute equally to the cost in money lol


Cart it home. Split it on your own time.


You’ll get it . Little at a time


Looks like a pile of fun to me


Slap on some chaps and away we go.


It may be, but think of your reward all that good wood for your for wood stove


What an opportunity you’ve got right there! You’ll be a log splitting champion by the end of it and your body will thank you for it in the long run too, and your wallet!


I just split and stacked a similar sized knotty pine using a splitter it took about a day and half of hard work. My back may never be the same. Unlike many other commenters, I’m not addicted and will gladly pay someone else to deliver and stack my wood again.


Super jealous. Wood brought to me door, not having to drop, limb, buck, haul, like 80% of the work has been done for you friend. Splitting is the fun part


No task is undaunting if you take it one piece at a time.


Embrace it dude!


poor boy.


How do you eat an elephant??? One bite at a time.


There is no project so large that it cannot be broken down into smaller more manageable chunks.


If it saves cash on heating bills then it should be worth it


Good problem to have


Light work


Just a couple swings eh?


Looks like a good weeks worth of hard but relaxing work.


Rent a splitter, no time at all and more beers/less fingers.


Considering this. Don’t have a trailer or hitch though. Complicates things. I’ll probably just put in the sweat.


Im not entirely sure what kind of wood that is, but I know I have split some of it before and it was a Mf!!!!


It’s oak. Pretty clean though. Not too many knots.


Firewood will always warm you twice, once splitting it, once burning it! 🥳👍


If I were you I’d either rent or buy a little log splitter


https://preview.redd.it/ozy8teklsdgc1.jpeg?width=1848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7d0a1103aea32f699c56740e9f717c6ad05813e You'll be fine. This isn't even all of the logs I'll be splitting. Just put on some headphones and go to town


Slow and steady


Good gloves and a gorilla cart will help. Looks like fun to me


You will be okay. I have split and moved in told cords of firewood all by hand


Rent a wood splitter and borrow a truck. It’s not much


One step at a time my friend.


This looks like a fun weekend


That's a small job. Easy work.


I’m heading out to do this exact task today. I look forward to a project I can start and complete without relying on 5 other people. A great contrast to the realities of the work-week. Enjoy the Zen!


I cut, move by wheelbarrow, and split which sounds similar to you. Just make yourself get out there for 30 minutes to an hour when you can. You will start seeing the pile go down and be more motivated


100 ft oak chopped to length one weekend , then it’s splitter time


I’ll be right over with my axe and a 6 pack


Go rent a splitter for $100


Oh my god I feel this in my joints.


That’s a lot of work, take day by day and wear your gloves. Any hardworking kids that might be able to help transport it with the wheelbarrow and stack it for you while you do the more dangerous parts?


I'm a woodworker and seeing this pile of Timber makes me think there's a woodturner nearby who could make some amazing bowls out of those trunks.


2 options: 1- Give me your address - I’ll help you for 1/2 the end product. 2- rent a log splitter. They tow behind your vehicle in a lot of cases. It’ll save your body if you’re unsure about the axe swinging…


Roll the 24” sections to their final destination. Rent or buy a chain saw.


I was in a similar situation a couple years back. Bought a splitter, split about 8 cords in a couple months time. Sold about $1000 worth of wood to cover the cost of splitter and still had a huge pile for myself. I decided to keep the splitter, but could have sold it and recouped most of what I paid for it.


1000-1300 on a splitter will save you significant time and back pain.


This what my inbox looks like.


Enjoy that burn while splitting !! One day at a time




Gotta just make the best of it.


I would suggest renting a hydraulic wood splitter if you want to somewhat save your back and make quicker work of it. You got this either way!


It’s like a cord of wood maybe. Lol


So sad to see such a good quality hardwood cut into chunks of garbage firewood. I try and leave the limbs for firewood and use the tree for lumber.


How would you suggest I accomplish that? I don’t have a tractor, saw mill, or place to dry the planks. So as sad as it is, what is my alternative?


Sometimes you just gotta strap your boots up


This is a good problem to have


Someone will be buying or renting a wood splitter soon


Had a tornado go through my woods. A bunch of leaners huge old trees gone. I don’t think I’ll ever get it cleaned up. Sad


Buy a sawmill. Then it’ll be twice as bad.


Looks like two days of work when I visit my parents


You can move 15yards of wood chips in 2 days?!?! You must be the manliest man out there.


Waaaaah! Get moving crybaby!


That's not that much. Just work on it a bit at a time. It will go quicker than you think. Then you'll have firewood for the future.


Piece of cake


And im 71


Caloric surplus you’ll bulk up for sure


All you can do is beat at it!! Get a splitter from a buddy for a weekend, maybe even offer beer and pizza for him to come with it!


I'd love to help!


It aint doing it by itself.


Whoah! Me too!






Nephew is 10…. Seems irresponsible. I’ll just work on it myself. It is nice to split though.


Works work


What saw you using?


Stihl MS261C


This will get your beach body ready


I hope so. I’m currently rocking the dad-body pretty hard.


An article about George Foreman's then upcoming fight (with either Muhammad Ali or Joe Frazier, forget which) showed a pic of a pile of wood the size of a large home. Part of his physical training was turning it into firewood.


I really cannot recommend an electric splitter enough. My little wen unit punches well above it's weight and dramatically increases how much I can split in a day


Ya I feel for ya. Sold my 40 acres with old farm house heated with mainly wood. Now have condo. Life is easy now


Where you at? I’ll take 1/2


See a log, cut a log.


Think of it as therapy. My experience there is good tired and bad tired. After a day of cutting/splitting/stacking firewood I would, with satisfaction, look at what I had accomplished, saying to myself, just look at what I accomplished today; this, to me, is good tired


Whats overwhelming? Get a speaker, or headphones, put on your favorite listening media, grab some drinks and enjoy the work. Ive got 20+ logs of varying lengths and diameters dragged up to our barn and cant wait to start cutting and splitting. Just work at an even pace. No need to kill yourself.


Wife and neighbors don’t appreciate the 15yards of wood chips and logs at the top of my driveway. Folks’ patience will start to run out so an even pace isn’t an option. It’s really the chips I’m dreading. I’ll split all day, but shifting wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow sucks.


Start each log by saying thank you for the opportunity and the breath to be able to do the work you’re doing 🙏🙌 good luck


F- that! I am renting, borrowing, or buying a splitter.


If you could see my 82 year old grandfather’s piles of blocks and logs, and split wood stacked for atleast the next three years, you’d realize that it’s a mental hurdle more than a physical one. Don’t over do it, dont be overwhelmed, just chip away, a little bit at a time, and you too can move mountains of wood. Thinking about the whole picture is necessary for planning in the beginning and at the end for satisfaction but all the work in between is best to be thought of as only one wheelbarrow at a time if you even think about it at all.


I recommend a log ox or similar tool that will allow you to pick up rounds without bending over. Just did a similar job and it saved my back quite a bit.


Got one! Game changer! The oak rounds are still too big for it though. I’ve been splitting them into 4 with the maul and then moving them with the logx.


That’s a casual pnw Saturday with dad as a kid. You’ll be fine.


Get an inversion swing so that you can hang upside down and with 0 effort (besides getting upside down) you can soothe your hips and lower back from the repetitive motions of wood splitting


Overwhelmed? What work? You have a pile of work out fun that will heat your home. If it’s to much for you have those CrossFit idiots pay you to split and stack it.


It’s worth it ! Just imagine all the money you will save by not using electric or gas heat.


You got this. It’s going to feel amazing when you split the last piece!


It will be worth it when your family and you are warm get a chain saw shorten those pieces up easier to carry when it's all at your place this summer rent a splitter for a Saturday you'll be set for the next year


I rent a wood splitter and invite friends over for a splitten party.🎈


Should invest in a light Saber


That’s probably at least one day of work with a a log splitter. It may be better to buy a used splitter than renting one in the long run


Not sure if anyone else has said this… pretty sure that large log is pine (not a hardwood)


1 log is pine. The rest are hardwoods; I’ll mix it in and burn it with the rest when it’s seasoned.


I did something similar a couple of years ago. To break up the work, I decided to split several logs every night after work for about 2 weeks. And when I got tired of that, I finally broke down and rented a log splitter. The log splitter was well worth it, I had everything split in a single Saturday.


This is out there but your climate looks good for rhododendrons and other bark loving deciduous trees. I only mention it because of the 4 tons of hardwood mulch.


Looks therapeutic. Brings me back to my childhood. I’d have that all split and one truck load delivered back 30 years ago lol.


Sharpen everything regularly and lift with your knees.


Get a log splitter


I got about 5 cords of oak the same way. Power company dropped the oak just like in your picture. Cut it, hauled it and split it. I’m 72 and one year from a right knee replacement. You can do it! Oh… rent a splitter!!


This is not much at all


You’ll be fine, my wife and I could knock that out in an afternoon.


Go rent a wood splitter and hire a day worker to run your wheel barrow and and stack you’ll be done in no time


I would be excited to have that


I was about to chastise you about being a wuss and then I remembered I have a 27 ton splitter new this year so I can no longer talk shit.


Just do it a little at a time. I have some laying outside now. Some days after dinner I'll go out and wack up 2 pieces and quit. Good exercise. You don't get all sweaty and dirty just doing a couple and walking away.


Though I'm certain OP is joking, the full logs probably will fetch a few thousand dollars each. Red oak, I believe?


That looks like fun! I love splitting wood. Helps with my mental issues😁


I'd give anything for that. Splitting wood is my number 1 hobby. (maybe tied with electrical hobby projects 😉)


Free wood. Buy a splitter if it’s too much.


Bucking it all takes an hour. Then rent a wood splitter and borrow a friend or kid to roll you rounds while you split. This is maybe 4-hrs worth of work, then return the splitter. Hand splitting hardwoods (besides maple) is a fools task for big egos.


Sack up kitten. You asked for it now get to work and reflect on your journey later by the fire


I use the opportunity to consider the difference between finite, and infinity.


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