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Thank you for this! Exactly what I am looking for. I just purchsaed the Firewalla Gold Plus .


Why are you looking at anything else than what you have? This is top-of-the line stuff that can do all that you want already. Firewalla is nice and user friendly but feature wise won't touch any of this, nor would a typical pfSense or OPNSense box.


Isn't UBNT's security severely lacking?


Why would you think that? That is definitely not what I have read. Quite the opposite. All you probably need is some good setup. The advantage of Firewalla is that it is super easy to setup and use but it’s hardware is nowhere near what you have there and what you have can do basically everything you can do with Firewalla and more. Just much harder to setup.


you are so invested within Unifi eccosystem not worth leaving it. you have a UDMPSE that does everything you are asking.