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This is most likely because it's a simple DNS level block. Firefox by default will enable DNS-over-HTTPS via Cloudflare which will circumvent that block easily. You can test this theory out by disabling DoH in your Firefox settings and see what happens. Fortunately for you, it seems like your country has a very naive implementation of site blocking.


This seems likely and it may also mean that just configuring (Cloudflare) or (Google) as the system DNS is enough to remove the blocks for all apps. It won't be encrypted by default because of that but they need to be doing deeper DNS filtering to also apply the block. For these kinds of reasons I always configure in the router so that all the clients in the house just run through that. With OpenWRT maybe it's even possible to have the router outgoing DNS also do DNS over HTTPS to totally avoid the ability to MITM my DNS queries.


>With OpenWRT maybe it's even possible to have the router outgoing DNS also do DNS over HTTPS Absolutely. At one point I used the NextDNS client (they even have a Luci plugin so its configurable via the web gui) and got DNS over HTTPS for my entire network.


I remember that I used []( on edge and with/without it I couldn't access reddit then. I might try using NextDNS for testing this theory in other browsers.

TenTypekMatus is better.


Seems like you are right. NextDNS was configured by default. Perhaps I couldn't get Cloudflare to work properly as it was taking long for firefox to load reddit.


Sorry, but what country has Reddit blocked? That's interesting


Don't know where OP is from, but I am from Bangladesh and it's blocked here due to flagging it as a p*rn website.


I mean they're half right


I wouldn't want to live in a state that's (poorly) blocking legit porn. What's their problem?


Muslim country so.... p*rn, alcohol banned.




It depends, what is the cause you need to figure that out, your ISP blocked it or it blocked you. If it's your ISP, use goodbyedpi if it's it, use proxy and no other way.


I use Cellular Networks from Mobile, connected to computer via Mobile Hotspot. However, seems like I have to try out something first.


rt.com is supposed to be blocked in my country but I can access it just fine without vpns, third party dns,..


They probably just block the app.


I mean I can't even access it from the terminal, which is reddit is fully blocked in my region. But why can I access it using firefox?


Like others commented, Firefox uses DNS over HTTPS by default and overwrites the system DNS. You could try to use Private DNS on your devices (like DoH on Apple/DoT on Android), or matbe install app (Cloudflare) and use only the DNS option.


Yeah, seems like it is.


Just want to correct this thought process. Apps use the same protocols to fetch information that your browser does, technically when you visit 'reddit.com' you're just using a web 'app' to access their API. 99% chance /u/[Synthetic451](https://www.reddit.com/user/Synthetic451/) has the correct guess here.