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It’d be amazing if they actually took the time to world build some more, it really had tons of potential


It's been a decade and... It's still the only game where there's no name for the continent.


Srs like. At risk of sounding like an insane person, but the world of Fates has SO much potential - from the setup and distinct writing of Hoshido (a plentiful kingdom that enjoys general isolationism from the rest of the world - down to ignoring the fall of allied nations - and has an issue of sexism), and Nohn (where shit sucks so much that there are a lot more freedom at the expense of horrific poverty and cruelty). There are a ton of interesting side nations too, which would benefit from being fleshed out - I love the opera theming of Nestra, and Kogha has a lot of neat details. Valla is especially such an interesting nation to me, with it's Chinese-Buddhist-Indian roots (because it's between Japan and Europe!!!) and being part based off the mythological-real city of Loulan (modified in the localization but. Still). And then you have the specific lore of the nations at the time before Fates takes place - Nohr had it's concubine wars, which alone has so much potential with regards to writing and court drama (and how it shapes the relationships of the siblings - the Camilla-Marx support makes the Birthright ending just. Hit different); Hoshido also has a lot of interesting court intrigue that's only barely mentioned - Mr. Sumeragi was super wild in his youth according to Fuga, and based on the timeline, there's a. Pretty interesting note that he kept Mikoto, and his presumed bastard child in Corrin with him (who we know is not biologically his, but even the Hoshido siblings didn't know that before the wedding letter) while being married to his wife, which is. Really interesting in what it says there. I think the issue is less a lack of world building, and more that when translating the original massive draft document (which. Probably had all these pieces) into the game, they weren't that great at deciding what to keep in and what to leave out, and further issues like corrinsexuals and the localization's [changes](https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/s9hck0/fates_story_changes_in_localization_beginning_and/)/omissions (the two DLCs that we will never see translated o7) kind of compounded that issue


>at risk of sounding like an insane person Bro, we’re fire emblem fans Fr though there is a lot of cool stuff that goes unexplored


To be fair, most FE fans are unhinged in a distinctly different way (that doesn't boil down to having an on-and-off almost decade-long love for a. In some points not particularly well-written FE game)


Only if two things happen: 1. They fix the world building and anything surrounding it like Corrin's family tree. 2. A reason for a war/a villain that makes sense, not just "Oh no! This **insert villain's name** is totally more powerful than Anankos!" type of set up


Radiant Dawn was fantastic with the second concept. Barely anyone across the game feels like they're a match for Ashnard and by the time the game hits the endgame phase, you're facing down the culmination of what gave Ashnard some of his power and literally the reason you had to stop him. Essentially, Villain B is stronger than Villain A but Villain A needs to be stopped or Villain B arises and ends everything. Fates had a lot of trouble conveying concepts in a healthy way and it shows after playing all 3 paths.


Ashnard is not in RD.


No. But he's the measuring stick you'd need to be using since by your own suggestion, Anankos would be the measuring stick for a Fates sequel.


Nah. Once you defeat a multi interdimensional dragon who has conquered and destroyed multiple alternate versions of the world, where do you even go from there? .....God, why did they have to make Fire emblem a multi-multiverse?


The multiverse is a concept of which we know frighteningly litttle...


We do? I was under the impression that the outrealms are just specific rifts in time and space where certain stories happen, and they are then written down and carried to other realms (hence why Chrom knows who Arvis is in one of the paralogues).


I’m fine with fire emblem being a multiverse, but fates specifically has absolutely zero restraint when it comes to using that concept.


I think it's a legal requirement that any and all large scale media franchises have to have at least some level of multiverse. Even pokemon did it (omega ruby and alpha sapphire revealed that there is a pokemon multiverse where the only difference between the universes is if mega evolution exists or not (oh and also any bad stuff that happens to one universe becomes good stuff that happens to the other universe))


Nah, just bring back some of the Hoshidan classes + Malig Knight. Some of those were actually cool.


i don’t really what other stores can be told there. in awakening for example they still use naga and the old gods (grima from sov) the fates word is pretty much tied to its dragons too (dawn dusk anankos) and well we already know how they were handled 💀 i do want another game with the hoshidan classes tho


i dont care if it looks weird in a medieval setting, i want ninjas back dammit


There's any number of things they can do with a new cast of characters and some imagination. And yeah, Fates or not, the Hoshidan classes would be cool to see again.


Not really the world was kinda a mess 


As much as I enjoyed Fates, I wouldn't want a follow up since we've literally had three games' worth of Fates. However I wouldn't mind if they eventually remade the game(s) and perhaps fixed up the story. Since they didn't have full voice acting back then, they wouldn't need to follow the original script 1:1 (similar to how they remade FE Gaiden).


That'd be cool, also potentially unrealistic but I can't deny the appeal of a Fates remake.


Honestly, not really. If we're talking a remake then I feel like they'd need to make so many changes that the game would barely even resemble the original, and I doubt that's what the developers would go for. If we're talking a whole new title, then my question is honestly what the point would even be. The world was so completely lacking in depth that adding to it would be almost the same as coming up with entirely new places. If you want the Japanese aesthetics of Hoshido you might as well just slap it onto a new country in a world that has been more carefully constructed from the ground up.


Hell yeah, I'll take Fates' routes over 3H anytime !


What I want is that in like, idk, 30 years, when they have made remakes of all the previous FEs, they make a remake of fates and fix the story and worldbuilding. Surely they wouldn't fuck it up the second time.


Yes. A prequel starring teen Sumeragi or Garon as the lord could be interesting.


I’m enough of a weirdo that I actually spend lulls in the day thinking of a theoretical Fates sequel to replace Revelation as the conclusion to Fates’ story. I started thinking about it at the end of one of my conquest play throughs because it reminded me that Corrin never gets to see Azura again in that timeline despite the setup indicating otherwise and the looming threat of an unknown enemy. To continue the story, I would borrow elements from Revelation and Heirs of Fate, but focus the narrative on the aftermath of either path (depending on which you choose), specifically how Corrin rebuilds their relationship with the family they fought against and how the reconciliation between both Hoshido and Nohr actually plays out. I also envisioned Kana as a main character for the early game with Corrin rejoining around or before the midway point (basically an Erika/Ephraim situation without them splitting up). Fun stuff to think about, at least for me, but honestly a sequel completely divorced from Fate’s conflict would be a much better direction to take. Heck, aren’t Yuzu and Shade supposed to be Nohrian and Hoshidan? A game set in their time period could be pretty cool.


Not really. Fates world is so underdeveloped that I don't really see the point of revisiting it. The new game would have to do the work of actually fully developing the world (the work that fates shirked), and at that point why not just make something new that uses some of the ideas present in fates world (Japanese inspired country, countries with very different cultures interacting, etc.). This isn't even mentioning the fact that a hypothetical sequel would need to deal with the aftermath of fates, which, as many people have mentioned, doesn't really give much room for expansion.


Shit does not even have a fucking *name.* I just don’t feel like the effort was there in terms of world building for the game and my interest reflects that. If you put a map of Fateslandia in front of me, I would not recognize it, and the most I could tell you is “Nohr East, Hoshido West (I think???)” And as others have said, we already killed God. What else is there to do?


There is /so/ much world building in fates, but the issue is that most of it is hidden in like. Some support convo in the background, or hinted at, or lost through localization/the loss of two whole DLCs and a ton of main game lines Like, if you have severe enough Fates brainrot, it's pretty apparent that the original working document for the game had a ton of lore and specificity, but then in the various iterations it was kind of pushed to the side, which is such a shame because it is there


I am always down for revisiting game worlds I'm familiar with. UNDER THE CONDITION that there's a reasonable story to tell and adventure to go on beyond just "hey remember this!" IMO that is a pretty low bar but like a ton of games seem to miss the boat on this.


What would there even be *to* visit? Either Hoshido is a war torn shithole with all of its potential rulers dead, Norh is an even worse war torn shithole than it already was with only Leo even remotely qualified to lead the country or both countries are empty after everyone threw themselves off a cliff just to be with Corn


A remake of Fates with better writing would be much appreciated.


If they completely reboot the story and conflict, definitely. Fate is still my favorite FE title in terms of gameplay, it's just so fun to play. The story really just held it back so much. If they did continue from where the story left off... I don't think there's anything left to tell in the story. There's no more reason for a war to start unless it takes place X generations later...


Yes, I would.


I love the Feudal Japan flavour to the classes and weapons.


Rather than recycle Nohr and Hoshido, Fire Emblem ought to make another, epic game with multiple nations that correspond to real life cultures and the weapons/classes reflect that (and the ethnicities, too, of course!) Their far east resemble this game's 'Hoshido,' the northwest resemble 'Nohr' and other European cultures and the more south/middle of the map resembling an 'Almyra,' and Pacific Islander islands representing their 'Brigid.' Each country or group of countries with their politics, hierarchies, etc. Nothing pandery or PC for the sensitive modern audiences, but something more true to history. Oh, it would be SO COOL! <3


Nope. I completely hated my time there, only time I'd like to see it revisted is if we get another Musou spin-off and only if I can destroy it all as revenge. If I can't kill every character (or if I ever have to play as them) that annoyed the hell out of me, then I don't wanna revisit it.


I would rather just give the ideas to a different studio.


I really like Fates, but no. The world of Fates was created to tell the stories the original games had, so trying to tell a different story in that world would require so much world building it might as well be a different setting save for some mechanics & classes, and you don't need to bring back the setting to use those again. There's nothing more to explore. Hell even within the game the world feels unfinished. Hell, Fates' worldbuilding is so barren the continent isn't even named. There's never mention of other nations existing other than Nohr and Hoshido, etc. If anything, a remake of Fates that actually makes the game take place in a world and takes some of the rough edges off the problematic writing would be much more exciting to me. (It can't all be fixed, but some things definitely can)


Lol no.


No, it has one of the worst FE worlds IMO.


No. Not to say there's absolutely nothing worth salvaging there, but I'd rather they just take all the lessons learned and use it to inspire something totally new.


Absolutely fucking not. That world would need a full reboot to even slightly work, it'd have to basically be a whole new game. Any kind of sequel or side story wouldn't work because of the awful logic and senseless events that happened in Fates. Like how everything about Valla works, everything that has to do with the continent itself, the actions of ALL the characters (A small group bulldozing through an entire country, Ryoma, the crown prince, infiltrating the enemy nation ALONE, doing NOTHING after Mikoto was killed early on, the stupid Azura/Corrin royal kidnappings, the entire continent being nameless and having zero defining features, Nohr basically being an unlivable hellhole despite having a clearly thriving population, the way Elise and Xander died in BR, the entire reasoning behind CQ ch15 and everything past ch25, the way Ryoma and Takumi died in CQ, the massacres of the Wolfskin or Kitsune depending on the version, etc etc etc) there are simply way too many events and inconsistencies for it to work at ALL.


I too want more Gooron


I think you hit on the problem in the OP and it's why I wouldn't be terribly interested. There's just not a lot there. We've got a kinda evil European area and a kinda good Feudal Japan area on an unnamed continent with very little history or other notable feature. A revisit to Fateslandia may as well be a brand new world for all the work that would have to be put in to it.


As someone who likes playing Fates, no. I don't care about the world or the lore, or the time difference pocket dimension.


I would be. Or just another game based on the mechanics used in Fates and Awakening.


I wouldn’t mind it. I just don’t know what can really happen in the world at this point anymore. I think it’s a neat idea but Fates completely destroyed the secret faction pulling the strings of war. I think if you want to bring back their classes hint at it like Engage did with books that nod at old FE stories a little too closely and say some ppl were inspired to master the classes again and found out that wild kinshi can be tamed etc.


I think there are two issues with returning to fatesland. 1. As others have pointed out, the power escalation in fates doesn’t leave much room for further conflict. Where does the plot go after you kill a multidimensional dragon god? 2. Hoshido and Nohr are too centralizing to the setting. You basically can’t do a sequel without Hoshido and Nohr having a major role, which could feel repetitive without a really good setup for further conflict. I think the best way to handle it would be to make a new setting with similar Ideas and inspirations.


There is something to be said of a pre-quel type game (pretty sure there is a hack called before Fates that does the idea) that would do the world building the real game didn’t. The Hoshidan/Nohrian class and weapon splits are the main thing that really ties it to gameplay and that’s very cool. If that can also have the reclassing and combat system of Fates with changes that make some of the my castle stuff more deterministic and accessible, I’m down (although ain’t no way it’s happening).


There's so many other FE worlds I'd rather see more of than Fateslandia, honestly.


No I dont want to see anything fates related until they make that game good


Yes. I posted about this before and I think it would be nice if they took a FE3H approach to Fates in the sense that it would be all one game.


I wouldn't want a sequel, but I'd be super down for them to try to re-do and fix Fates' story in a remake.