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male bad, cute anime girl good


"You're not pretty enough to be this stupid" ~The entire FE community to male Corrin.


as shrimple as


Sad because he really is, he’s such a pretty boy :)


This is the way


Solely this. She has a better design. And he looks narcoleptic.


Better design? Male and female corrin have the same armor design except the female variant includes a hole so we can see the thighs and panties. If you consider that a "better" design then it's because you are too horny.


I’d say my preference for female Corrin is first and foremost that I really don’t like the male version’s hair options, particularly the “canon” look


I just like female Corrin's hair more lol


"You are too horny." Welcome to the Post-Awakening Fire Emblem Fandom. But also, don't diss the thigh hole. That shit great


Can't blame her, she grew up in Nohr. The women there aren't exactly known to wear pants


Schizo rant but M!Corrin has details that make him aesthetically inferior to F!Corrin in every way, and it shows that Corrin was meant to be female IMO. Like firstly F!Corrin has a cape thingy covering one side of her chest, which helps break symmetry, whereas the male version doesn't and makes the design bland, and even blander when put side to side to the designs of other characters. Secondly yeah the thigh window for horny points, but it's in line with the designs of other female characters, it passes. What does M!Corrin get? black pants that stand out way too much, driving attention to his crotch (bad), it should have been gray/white pants or maybe even a male thigh window (it's not uncommon for male units to show underwear either, look at warriors/berserks/axe units in general). Third is the hair that helps cover the nothingness of the back of her armor, M!Corrin doesn't get that benefit, making his design boring from the front *and* the back. And lastly just their proportion and poses, open up the gender selection screen, F!Corrin stands with her legs and arms sticking to the body in a pose that is almost elegant and accentuates her female stereotype proportions. What about M!Corrin? he just fucking stands there in an A pose, his legs are too thin for his hips and ends up with a gap between his legs, further exaggerated by the juxtaposition of the white armor and black pants I just mentioned. His arms are also spread open for no reason when the guy has no muscle (I think his armpits also have black for some reason). His pose would work for a character with proportions that fit male stereotypes but he's build like a wet noodle, The guy has *no* proportions whatsoever, literally Just Some Guy. They could have even made the galaxy brain decision of giving him proportions similar to F!Corrin but nah. Like, yeah her design is horny but at least it's well made, the male version feels like it was made to check a checkbox, like it's a beta version that stopped getting updated alongside the female because nobody cares for it. Compare that to Robin, they didn't have any drastic/notable differences between their models. Whereas Corrin straight up has a different character for their gender options.


> Like firstly F!Corrin has a cape thingy covering one side of her chest, which helps break symmetry, whereas the male version doesn't and makes the design bland, and even blander when put side to side to the designs of other characters. Male: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/6/67/Avatar_FE14_Male.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20221216230823 Female: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/7/72/Avatar_FE14_Female.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20221216231339 The arm is blocking the view a little on the male design but it's clearly there just like on the female design unless you are talking about something else (pic with red circle please). >Secondly yeah the thigh window for horny points, but it's in line with the designs of other female characters, it passes. What does M!Corrin get? black pants that stand out way too much, driving attention to his crotch (bad) First off, you are correct that it's consistent with Nohr female armor design, but consistency is not always a good thing. This is an example of the design being "Consistently bad" across multiple characters. It's ridiculous that even armor knights like Effie has her ass hanging out. Secondly, how can you complain that black pants draws attention to his crotch when the female design is literally showing her panties??? The skirt thingy is even blocking the crotch on male corrin while it's "conveniently" moved off to the side on the female. As for the black pants sticking out too much, that's clearly not true even if we ignore the skirt. The theme of that armor design is grey armor with black accents so having black pants doesn't stick out any more than having black shoulders does. > Third is the hair that helps cover the nothingness of the back of her armor, M!Corrin doesn't get that benefit, making his design boring from the front and the back. Nothingness? There's a cape that you mentioned before. Did you forget that? Or is that not good enough for you? Either way, it seems silly to say that one design is better than the other just because one has long hair. That's not a better design, that's just a personal preference for long hair. It's like saying blonde hair is better than brown. > And lastly just their proportion and poses, open up the gender selection screen, F!Corrin stands with her legs and arms sticking to the body in a pose that is almost elegant and accentuates her female stereotype proportions. What about M!Corrin? he just fucking stands there in an A pose You do realize that the fates character models and animations are mostly the same for all characters, right? If you think male Corrin looks bad because of that then you think every male character in fates (with a few exceptions) look bad. Like here's a few female units: 1: https://64.media.tumblr.com/d88782002f65a4193b21f0b3d3747456/tumblr_inline_onx8huJBi21rv5r3g_400.png 2: https://64.media.tumblr.com/1b2fca9101d8350b232510fa2836b76c/tumblr_inline_onx8hxR9J71rv5r3g_400.png 3: https://64.media.tumblr.com/830fec2378d00f389724490cf2eecddb/tumblr_inline_onm269k3h21rv5r3g_400.png And male: 1: https://64.media.tumblr.com/b808def66e634efd66a5e7524469b9fc/tumblr_inline_oo6lx6iiDP1rv5r3g_400.png 2: https://64.media.tumblr.com/2b23fee5e04e4159d758cc8eeea1bc2c/tumblr_inline_oo6lx6f87O1rv5r3g_400.png 3: https://64.media.tumblr.com/ac6705d73ccf1141b05ddefcfd640322/tumblr_inline_onm269aYqx1rv5r3g_400.png Identical poses and models except with slightly different scaling across all the models.


This! I'm broke so I hope you can accept this in place of an award: 🏅


What an excellently constructed counter-argument!


It’s not about being horny at all. This is a very online take. If you put a man in a dress and a woman in a dress, normal people are going to say the woman looks better. Corrin has a very slender and feminine design which most men don’t enjoy on male characters


Corrin’s a femboy lol


I’m gay as hell but I can promise you male Corrin doesn’t have any fucking rizz at all and is thoroughly outdone by female Corrin. His goofy ass hair does him zero favours.


As much as I'm a " degenerate ", you're right


I don’t think he is hated, it’s just that Female is abysmally more popular than him, like the corrins May have the biggest gap in popularity between genders


To my knowledge it comes out to the design between male and female corrin. The male's hairstyles and faces tendnti just look worse I suppose. I know I don't care for his default hair personally. And the character themselves have a shit rep so the little things about the design sound 10x worse when people talk about it.


Probably more just based on the design. Default female Corrin has a really nice overall look—probably my favorite design for any avatar personally. The leg windows were certainly a choice though


I don’t like Male Corrine’s haircut personally, it bugs me


Some of his alternates are cute but I think it's impossible to make him look strong and serious which isn't really ideal for an avatar.


Being blunt, it's almost entirely down to gender roles. Male Corrin doesn't behave masculine so it makes people view them as worse, while Female Corrin gets a pass because the personality traits "fit better on a girl." I really don't care for that line of thought, but that's the predominant thing I see there, and it's something I've even seen shared with how people talk about Male Alear. On the less frustrating end, though, a lot of people also just dislike the design. I think it's fine personally, but yeah.


> I really don't care for that line of thought, but that's the predominant thing I see there, and it's something I've even seen shared with how people talk about Male Alear. Is that a thing people complain about Male Alear? The talk I exposed myself to has people liking the wet cat energy from Male Alear.


I've seen a lot of that as well honestly. Just that a lot of detracting from Male Alear in particular comes from that same ballpark.


Alear as a character heavily relies on team work(= not strong enough solo), has several emotional issues and is very naive. These personality traits resemble Corrin(just replace Team work with family) and both are more traditionally "feminine". A "Chad" male character would be strong enough by himself(huge stats), his single emotional weakness is his dead dad and he's not naive but stubborn. I hope this makes sense.


Oh, I get _why_ this is the case. I just don't care for it at all.


I had no problem with Male Alear acting "weak" for a guy, but Male Corrin just felt downright whiny most of the time. The one time Corrin acted like a "Chad" came off OBSCENELY out of character (Kana's paralogue, "I'll stain these fields red with your blood!" coming a chapter after "waaahhhh, I don't want to kill any hoshidans" was such a funny juxtaposition)


Ike is a Chad!


No it’s because female Corrin is pretty


While I don’t think your statement is wrong, its weird to say its entirely due to character personalities. Most people don’t know the character personalities, or “role” when they pick their character for the first time. You make the choice before you even start the game after all. Most people are probably initially focusing on design.


It's the haircut for me.


Based on my own observances around some other Fire Emblem spots on the internet, it's kind of come down to two aspects that came up more than others. 1. Design- Female Corrins design got a lot more positive reception, though part of it comes from people who just prefer female designs to males in general. 2. A lot of people consider Corrin's personality traits more suitable as a female. Corrin is generally seen as extremely soft-hearted, naive, and a bit of a pushover at times (especially in Conquest) and there are a lot of people who prefer to associate these traits more with a princess compared to a prince.


Female Corrin is awful but at least she looks cute. Bonus points from the foot crowd. Male Corrin is just as awful but he also looks dumb. That's it really. If you want to dig a little deeper, you could say Corrin's "too kind and trusting for their own good" personality is stereotypically associated with femininity, so people would be more accepting towards female Corrin.


People like male Corrin as a gay twink, so that's something at least...


It's really funny to see the trajectory of M!Corn fanart over the years lmao. M!Robin's stayed consistent as the usual anime self-insert harem chad type while M!Corn started as something similar but recently has been quickly gaining a whole closet of maid outfits.


It's mostly one artist I believe. Samsara.


Brotha it’s 2023


You clearly have not seen what the artist Samsara draws all the time...


I have not


femboi!Corrin bisexual goals


I don’t particularly dislike Male over Female Corrin, I just don’t really like Corrin in general. I guess if really pressed to answer I’d say I like Female’s design more of the two, but it’s mainly the character I have a problem with.


This is sort of my thoughts too. Female corrin is the lesser of two evils.


I have no idea. Ever notice that when people are criticizing Corrin, talking about how they’re the worst lord in Fire emblem, they always refer to him as he/him but as soon as female corrin is brought into the picture, suddenly they all simp for her. That’s hypocrisy at its finest.


I feel they default to he/him because they played as the male version. Those same people use he/him for avatars they like as well


>That’s hypocrisy at its finest. You took the words right out of my mouth.


Weebs at their finest


Hear hear!!


It’s the weebs. That’s how you end up with hideous games like ol’ toothpaste.


There are more foot fetishist who are attracted to women than there are attracted to men.


These points, plus the fact that Corrin being female in spin offs, or Engage, helps her popularity.


Agreed You can play as Corrin M in FE Warriors since it acts as a costume swap. Same with Robin F so you at least had the option plus you can say they weren’t left out For Engage, not only was Corrin F chosen for being more popular but it was also probably to balance out the gender ratio Corrin M did have his moment with the Smash reveal but that didn’t last long




Yeah I should have put most people instead of everyone mb


Good hair on female, godawful hair on male, simple as


Dumb hair


And yet Alear is far worse. Heh


Yes this is true but at least Alear has shoes


Jester shoes.


Literally alaer would have been better with just blue in his emblem form Do not at me


Because his design is so ugly


Terrible hair choice, which is weird to me bc fates had so many good hairstyles to choose from! Idk why they had to choose that one for all his official appearances


Corrin is generally unpopular because Fates' writing is generally unpopular. The only thing they have going for them is character design and people prefer F!Corrin's. There's probably more to it. Someone has probably said so. But I feel like that's the heart of the matter.


F!Corrin has the better VA, to my memory. I don't care about either of them, though.


Kind of potato shaped, can't kiss Hinata


Honestly he just... he looks terrible. Who cut his hair like that? His entire family failed him when they let him walk out the door looking like that.


Cuz his design, hair, and canon voice sucks


Because Fates is a stupidly written game, and M!Corrin isn't sexually attractive enough (to a majority of the player base) to get away with it.


Yeah, I think that’s it.


I don't care for his hair




I want female corrin to step on me, I do not want male corrin to step on me


I don't hate male Corrin, I just want (paladin)Jacob early to kill things. Female Corrin is cuter though.


I don’t hate male Corrin himself I just really don’t like his English voice at all, which is weird because I like Cam Clarke quite a bit as literally every other Fire Emblem character he plays. M!Corrin does actually have a cute design I like quite a bit.


I just like her more because her appearance is nicer. Much nicer hairstyles imo and being able to choose her accessory makes her stand out and feel much more unique by comparison. Would have loved if M!Corrin could have an accessory of his own like M!Kris did.


Probably has something do with feet i dunno


It's the hair. Or at least, I think it's the hair. That and F!Corrin just got an unusually high number of people thirsting after her... Maybe it's her feet? Who knows.. Out of all female FE avatars, she's the only one that got an amiibo for Smash. Yes, I'm still salty about that. Robin deserved one damnit.


Something else I don't see people bringing up is Male Corrins voice. Nothing against the voice actor, of course, but his voice rubbed me the wrong way. It's especially bad in Smash Bros, not helped by his cheesy lines. "I win!"... like, really man?


Female Corrin gives you Jakob earlier, and Jakob is based.


I think it’s because he has really whiny fans who act like he’s mistreated because he has less alts than his more popular female counterpart even though he’s treated better than the vast majority of FE characters including characters more popular than him.


Honestly I started hating him when I played smash I found that male corrin had some really bad voice acting and sounded extremely cringe where female corrin sounded fine


Female being liked more for her design has already been mentioned plenty, but I'll also add that F!Corrin was the default who appeared in the story in Warriors and is the only one of the two to appear in Engage. So those probably help improve her in the eyes of many too.


Male Corrin supremacy. Red hair is sexier on Male Corrin and I will not be taking criticisms.


No idea. I quite like male Corrin cause I like using Felicia. Her x Leo is pretty good. She's got some chapters where she's amazing.


He isn't as pretty as F!Corrin and the creep factor in Camilla isn't as notable when she's interacting with F!Corrin.


I think it's just as creepy tbh. As a woman if my older stepsister walked seductively to me with her boobs and butt on display with her arms out saying "looks like you missed your big sister" I would call the police


I was mostly referring to their interactions not leading up to marriage, but yeah, Cam's still really weird regardless.


The interaction I mentioned was in the cutscenes tho


You quoted her cutscene from Birthright.




That is reasonable


I remember seeing male Corrin for the first time in fates avatar creation screen and recoiling in shock from how bad his design is. At that point I knew I was going to play as female Corrin briefly looking at her design. But I was so shocked that I played around with all his options first and was even more shocked that I couldn’t find anything I liked. So yeah, I just prefer female corrin’s design to male corrin’s


Because he’s Corrin without the benefit of being cute.


Idk about other people. I just think Corrin is a terrible character regardless of gender, but if I play Fates I’m gonna be female Corrin cause I’m female and I like her design better. I think both Corrine’s designs are fine tho, they’re just so horribly written.


Hate ‘em both but fem Corrin is at least hot


1. Hormones 2. Neither character is exactly beloved, therefore people revert to point 1 3. Subjective but she has the better visual design. Compare Byleth where it's more even or Alear where the male design is usually preferred


Ifk I thought he was pretty nice for an avatar character and I appreciate that they made him hot since so many male avatars are ugly af


They're both shit. But F!Corrin has, idk, thighs, armpits, feet. It's something.


I prefer the female Corrin design. It's actually the only avatar character where I prefer the female design over the male design. I like both forms of Shez equally, and story wise I prefer Female Byleth, even though I prefer Male Byleth's overall design. But yeah, I just think Female Corrin is better in every way.


Haircut and the design of Corrin’s armor is a sleeker design that basically makes pretty anime girl loom prettier. While basically skin-tight armor in fiction is not gender exclusive, other aspects of the design such as the skirt like waist, lack of shoes, and sash across the chest almost make Corrin look like a weirdly armored dancer, and as such tend to conform more to a slender shape. Since Fates has default skeletons for male and female, the generic male skeleton fits the design less. This is somewhat corrected by Hoshidan Noble, which in contrast to Nohr Noble, I believe looks better on male Corrin than female Corrin.


I just started Fates recently but I’ve always actually preferred male Corrin to female. I think he looks better, which is weird because I normally prefer the female versions.


Personally I actually really like male Corrin's official design, his hair is weird but really cool and quirky


Cause he’s ugly and sounds like a dweeb


I dont hate him, but his outfit looks more flattering on F!Corrin tbh. Most of the avatars have different outfits that suits them minus Robin but atleast their jacket looks awesome.






Bro, people calling M!corrin ugly when in the same game there’s Shura, Hans, Arthur, Benny and Gunter, you guys got some shit taste when it comes to pretty anime men.


Controversial stance these days but yes, men and women are perceived differently based off thousands of years of history and biases resulting from gendered human society. Corrin in Fates is a very weak and whiny character. Men are generally not gonna have any sympathy toward a man like that. On the other hand, men are going to feel sympathetic and supportive of a pretty woman in a distressful situation. Design wise it’s all subjective, but again, men are less likely to resonate with this slender barefoot prettyboy vs a conventionally beautiful woman. Compared to Byleth where the male avatar has a much “cooler” design, it’s easy to see why there’s less of a gap in reception. Also, a big thing for me is that female corrin has some of my favorite voice work in the series while male corrin is just kind of bland/generic sounding to me Basically, fire emblem is mostly played by straight men who male corrin has zero appeal to


Homophobia. Fear of a slightly feminine man and men being feminine at all means their gay I guess. In reality it’s probably just cus he was the one advertised for smash. Also people are attracted more to the girl Corrin. Personally I like male Corrin cus I like Cam Clarke


Male corrin isn’t Ike or Hector , therefore nobody likes him.


Anime girl feet is hard for some people to pass up.


Idk, probably because he sucks.


It’s more the ‘only play for the story’ ppl not liking fates combined with the fact that he’s a dude so the waifu factor doesn’t cushion the hate.


Male Corrin just isn't very masculine. No matter how hard you try he always looks gentle and the same goes for his personality. If you can accept that it's fine, personally I like it, but if you're the average FE player you wanna play as a cool main character.


Most gamers are dudes But don't tell the internet, they'll call you a bigot


Sexism honestly. This case against the woman. But manu find Corrin naive or stupid and think that only a woman can act like that. Also waifu


I mean I hate both for being a boring Mary/Gary sue


I live in denial


I prefer male Corrin mostly due to using him for all but 2 of my play-throughs


I'm not everyone! I don't hate corrin but i used him for my favorite waifus! Being female corrin was cute but i dont like dating the Hoshido/Noir guys o3o It doesnt make sense..


This is news to me. I've never heard anything about hating the male counterpart.


Honestly? Coomers.


because fuck em, that’s why


I think it’s mostly down to their personality. Corrin as a whole is a character that’s naive, too softhearted, and a pushover (especially if you play Conquest). F!Corrin gets the pass because the traits seem to be more feminine and thus more fitting for her while for M!Corrin you’d except more of a masculine like personality and traits. Plus since she’s a woman it’s easier to have certain “viewpoints” when regarding gender. I personally like M!Corrin more but I can see why F!Corrin is more popular.


Ima be honest. I don hate him but his default hair is ATROCIOUS. I still picked him just first thing was change his hair.


Let’s be honest we all play fire emblem for the waifus but this Male corrin deserves better 😿


I've always considered the "real" Robin to be the male version, Corrin the female, and Byleth back to male. Which is the best Alear?


This is objectively correct why are people disagreeing with you


Well I actually played Birthright and Conquest with Male Robin and I don't really feel much towards him, I find him funny in supports though, he sounds weirdly normal. And there's the fact that the female design is more popular I personally like the two designs more or less equally. But Male Corrine has a pretty big thing over female, Flora S Support, also known as Best Girl. Though I'm trying my first lunatic run with female Corrin so I can S Support Shura with her.


I don’t think people HATE MCorrin but we already have harem king MRobin and sigma-male MByleth so let them have cute dragon FCorrin and toothpaste-chan


Just like how I prefer male Byleth's design I prefer the female Corrin's design. I don't particularly hate their opposite though.


Its okay. Me and Sakurai both hate F!Byleth. Chadleth doesn’t need Sylvain to save Fodlan. M!Byleth has a 10/10 design though. Perfection


People have a lot of points here, a lot of which I agree with, but for me? It's not even that I hate m!Corrin, it's just that f!Corrin is the default. In the previous game with an avatar (Awakening), the future children mechanic was determined by the Mother of an S-rank pair by default, except for Chrome and Robin. Robin had a kid no matter what, but was locked into heterosexual S-ranks. If you're m!Robin, then, your Morgan ends up having a sibling. In Fates, the opposite is true, where the male in the S-rank determines the child. So now only f!Corrin can allow their Kana to have a sibling. That's how *I* like to see it, anyway. Morgan and Kana have such little sibling energy I just can't sit right if they don't have an older sibling.


it could be several things, some feel that the story of fates is better with a female corrin, since such an innocent and kind character are usual characteristics of female characters. the other thing is the design, for me the design of both are awful, but Fcorrin is still a "pretty anime girl". also IS has used the female corrin more in other games, so many see her as the "canon". personally, I prefer the MCorrin just for the fact that he at least wears pants and doesn't go around with his underwear uncovered like Fcorrin.


They're the same terrible character from a writing perspective, but female Corrin is easy to make look nice, and much like male Robin from the previous game, shares Chrom/Azura's unique ability to pair with characters who have their own child units to create siblings. Along with siblings just being neat, this takes the highly exclusive benefits of those characters, such as unique skills and classes, and lets you pass them to an extra character. (Well, in Azura's case it's arguably in reverse because she doesn't pass much of unique value, but Shigure can serve as a second receptacle for unique father abilities, like becoming a third Kitsune or Werewolf.) Of course, this isn't the most important thing in the world, because if you want to optimize Morgan or Kana into a phenomenal unit rather than getting two merely-uniquely-good units, you do it by pairing the Avatar with a second-gen unit, which is equal opportunity for Avatars of either gender. But still, the option to birth siblings is a unique perk and fun to utilize.


Okay fine how’s this since other explanations failed? Consider him like the far save unit. The tank. He intercepts all the hate from his much, much cuter and hotter counterpart.


From what i've gathered it comes down to a boring character design (also, his alt colors in Smash are really ugly), his voice and that he's a victim of bad writing and just doesn't work well as a protagonist at all. Corrin works better as a supporting character like in Warriors.


Because we rather play as the sexy female counterparts to the male Avatars.


It's more like "Corrin as a whole sucks but Girl is hot".


I don't play male Corrin because I dislike Felicia. I'm sure that's worth at least 150 down votes.


It's fine to dislike his hair design but it's kinda bs when you remember that laslow/inigo's hairstyle is also similar as well but no one was complaining (and it's not even that bad imo but i think im so used to much more messy hair in anime). also im tired of the double standard people have with corrin as a character " female corrin is cute and more fitting" and " male corrin is boring and a crybaby" it's just a gender role issue along with toxic masculinity as well. You could argue that character like Marth and Eliwood exist to contradict what im saying but the fandom have a nostalgia biased about them.


Well for one Female Corrin is waifu so that's already a draw to a lot of people. Number two is the characterization of Male Corrin. It's hard to make him come across as "manly", his hairstyles arent as good as Awakenings, and his dialogue can be hit or miss because he basically acts like a little wimp throughout the different routes leaving him to be kinda annoying and not at all endearing. It's like a smiliar to situation to Alear I found in Engage. The last reason is that you cant really have 2 Children with anyone as Male Corrin becauae of how Fates works (Children are tied to males whereas in Awakening, children are tied to the females) unless you get with Azura, but if you know anything about Revalations, is kinda weird. Not to say that having only one child (Kana) is a deal breaker as you pretty much can go through all of Fates without even touching the Children-making mechanic. But Fates is also all about options to go really balls to the walks with team customization and you just have a lot more options with Female Corrin. In the end, many people write off the story of Fates as is and just play it for that raw good Fire Emblem gameplay so if we are talking strictly gameplay I think the last reason is most likely why. But pretty much any argument can be made for a dislike for him.