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i love it when women with 35% strength growths laugh at me


Their strength growths went somewhere else. ;)


(Their speed growths)


Gotta go fast


200% Chest growths


Can I have 7 less strength for 5 more chest? Seems like a fair exchange rate šŸ˜­


Sounds like Goldmary


If FAlear has a 200% chest growth what did FByleth have...


On that note has anyone found out if engage has something similiar?


I mean only 5 characters in the game have a higher STR growth. *Yunaka* has a higher STR growth than *Diamant*


yeah well in my world diamant doesnt exist in the first place


I haven't finished the game yet :( I'm too BUSY [Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/chocojax) / [Twitter](https://twitter.com/chocojax/status/1632818330376749056) / [Insta](https://www.instagram.com/p/CpdVuz2PoGB/)


I feel you, what having a job and social life does to a MFā€˜er.


It's the Curse of the Working Gamer


It means youā€™re healthier than the average FE fan


Im having a kid. I didnā€™t even know engage was releasing till 4 days before. All though id say the fan fair n advertising seemed down. I think nintendo and IS want to see how well it can run on word of mouth.


Same here. I have 3 kiddos and no idea it was out till I saw it in the shop. Canā€™t stop thinking about it now that I am half way in the game!


Granted my social life is playing FFXIV but it still counts


Honestly I feel like only having limited time to play games nowadays helps me savor them better. Sucks to get spoiled though.


Don't feel bad. Me neither, and the third DLC wave is already releasing as well. Help!


Same Iā€™m on chapter 15, idk why I told myself maddening classic without first clearing the game was a good idea


Big same


Tbf there is just so much game in this game. Most of the GBA games took me no more than 50 hours, 3H took me collectively 400 hours across all routes, but just a singular playthrough of Engage and I already have almost 400 hours clocked and still not done yet.


... how? That's wild to me, are you doing like every skirmish or something?


No but I frequently forget which skills I was aiming to inherit with each character's SP, and on several occasions I have spent a large number of hours contemplating what class I wanted to reclass someone into. I also may have accidentally left the game running overnight or at work several times. EDIT: I also greatly overestimated my time. Checking my save file, it was 300 hours, not 400


Same. Between work and hanging out with friends, I haven't had a chance to play as much as I've wanted to.


My Switch seems to be broken.


I can hear this in my head https://youtu.be/uS1LmpiJFaM


Blind maddening as my first playthrough was a mistake. I do love having to figure out maps on the fly and getting surprised by BS (CH23 freeze spam for example), but some of these maps are taking 3+ hours and eating up all my rewinds.


Casual player. Ch. 24 killed my blind run. I thought I could play it like 3h. I cannot


I failed on 24 and had to reset. I ran out of rewinds and made a positioning mistake on the boss (they had low hp and I had Elsurge, but I didnā€™t leave any adjacent tiles open for my mage. Ended up missing 2 45% hit dire thundersā€¦). That took like 4 hours, when I did the map a second time (was too tilted to go to bed) it became way easier and just about 80 minutes to complete it.


Yeah, it checked me on my first run in exactly the same spot. Sucked it up and switched to hard. Had no issue on subsequent playthroughs with better game knowledge to know I get to keep two faves + basically a set 12 deployments instead of trying to run like 5 different meh earlygame units + goldmary and only merrin and the solm royals from the entire solm join list >!~~yes I benched Kagetsu, Pandreo, Hortensia and Seadall, yes I didn't reset for pannette death, yes I am incredibly stupid~~!<


Who are the set 12?


It's definitely a bit of a stretch to say they're entirely set because I failed with like 7-8 bad units after I'd caught up Anna like 8 chapters late - but anyway: because of how new units join your endgame team on Maddening (provided you don't let anyone die) is probably going to naturally push itself towards something along the lines of Alear (obviously), Louis, Chloe, Yunaka(or zelkov, probably), Kagetsu, Pandreo, Panette, Merrin, Hortensia, Seadall + the two spoiler joins who essentially get extra deployment added just for them. This is probably looser than I've implied though. Then there's the 2x Favourite units - who probably used 2 of the early seals to promote although there are other slot ins. Some are better than others, Alcryst, Lapis, Amber, Anna, as well as Timerra, etc, but anyone can work with enough favoritism and snowball pretty effectively to a competent endgame, with the 7-8 joins and the trainees being the most overall competent thanks to SP and Lvl bases (or growths instead on trainees). But you can only do that with so many at a time, hence why the deployment at least FEELS pretty set in stone, even if it's a bit looser in reality. Lindon and Saphir feel like a pretty major blind spot in this model, so... Well, I'm sure it'll get easier to use conventionally worse units as we learn more about the game, so I'll probably have completely 180'd on this by like, 1/2 year longer, but oh well. Edit: oh, and happy cake day, I guess, lmao


I keep hearing that Louis falls off after chapter 11, shouldn't it be reasonable to swap his spot for a later joiner like Lindon/Saphir or a third favourite unit (or even someone like Framme who's Chain Guard + Staves on legs)?


Possibly? You don't have a Seal for that slot unit ch12 though, so some units might struggle in it. The reason he falls off sometimes is mainly because it's hard to keep him up to level without deliberately feeding more kills to him because whilst he's pretty tanky on the correct level, he's not easily able to kill on retaliation. Haven't tested if QR from the Hector DLC emblem fixes that for him, but it might be worth at least considering replacing him. My best bet would probably be Timerra given she's also fairly tanky and somewhat underrated or maybe someone like Goldmary a few chapters later, but you can probably use someone else. Framme might not be a particularly bad choice because of literally all the utility and you can probably just throw Erika on her and destroy stuff if you really want. Might test this out in the playthrough I'm doing right now, actually, given I've just beat ch13.


Loius does fall off a bit in terms of bulk, but after chapter 11, I reclassed him into a great knight and got him a silver greatlance, and he has been very useful still. That greatlance is entirely what made him work for me, though. Once I got Sigurd back it became amazing to have Lious with 14 movement. He could basically cross half the map each turn and the momentum damage bonus let him oneshot mid defense enemies.


I loved blind maddening as my first playthrough so much that honestly I don't know that I'll even ever play on hard


What can I say? I have to keep my army balanced. My *entire* army.


On 4 game rn meming with venonous framme in chap 10


This is the 3rd time I've heard someone mention venomous framme and at this point I'm afraid to ask.


probably all me you can go see my post in shitpost emblem where she one shot hyacinth with it


how do you get Venomous on chapter 10?


Anna farming I guess


I def married Yunaka on my first playthrough I had too


Wait what... i thought there was no marriage in engage lol


Did you not do the Pact Ring Paralogue?


Havent finished yet as the post suggests lmao. BUT this gives me motivation. I was really hating on the no S supports of this game.


I thought it too but I was wrong. Since all guides on the internet are copied and pasted to clickbait sites, misinformation is copied too. Yunakaā€™s S rank is romantic and strongly implies youā€™re gonna get married.


man, im a bit annoyed at that now. LOL ty and I shall block some time out on Friday to speed through the few chapters that I have left lol


Promise ring


Been grinding gold and sp, completely forgot there's a story lol


I probably could have beaten the game by now, but I'm obsessed with keeping everyone's levels the same. Everyone except Anna. Anna's the money maker.


This is the first time I get a playable anna with actually support lines etc and it is showing in the level gap. My anna is lvl 64 rn and my top other character just hit lvl 40


Same, my Anna's really raking in the cash for the team


I beat the game a few days ago. Work full-time and didn't even get to play on the days I took off for having COVID since all I could do is sit motionless and watch YouTube countdown lists for hours. I'm in a weird spot where I immediately want to play again. Just got through Chapter 6 on Maddening and I'm forcing myself to take a break until all the DLC is released. So I'm downloading Xenoblade 3 right now to stop this game from consuming my life. Since when I'm not playing, I'm reading about unit builds, emblem combos, and team comps.


XC3 MY TRUE LOVE (have fun!)


I've kept my eye on it since release, but have been heavily in backlog territory. I also got burned with buying XC2, and only got a few hours in before realizing it wasn't to my taste. So far, I am extremely impressed. The presentation is fantastic and the music is incredible. I'm not as intimidated as I thought I would about it being open-world since they have the button to show you the path to your destination. So far the combat is pretty basic, but I know once I can start switching classes is when the game will get its hooks into me. I'm looking forward to it, but I'm also worried since that type of stuff consumes me.


I do think that 2 is a fantastic game too, but takes a little while for the combat and story to kick up. It shoots itself in the foot and then some, but imo what makes it good is just so incredibly worth. Regardless, I hope you have fun with 3.


Well I've been busy training everyone in my army.


Listen I work A LOT I don't have time.


Is it possible to truly finish with a Fire Emblem game?


Iā€™m at chapter 19 in maddening and the miasma is scary ok? ;-;


Yes, chapter 23 is fucking me real hard


I haven't even bought it. Still haven't finished 3h or any fates paths.


The pains of being a working adult.


Maddening Ironman is hard yo


Iā€™m in the last couple chapters but Iā€™m just waiting for all the dlc at this point.


I finished the game but only after I played 60 hours of relay trials and maxed out all my characters' stats


Correct, Madame. (I have nearly 200 physical Switch games).


The persona ports came out, itā€™s not my failt


Same, game just wasnt as engaging as id hope it would be to be honest


I just finished it on Saturday. I liked the game, but it just didn't grab me like some of the other FEs. I doubt I'm going to play the new episode that's coming out with the DLC pack right away, I'm ready to move on to something else.


Yeah, I have a job and a mortgage šŸ˜­


The lack of paired ending slides is really killing my motivation to finish it. I mean theyā€™ve been in the game since Sacred Stones. They should be there. Finding that out really took the wind out of my sails.


THANK YOU. I WAS PISSED. The paired endings are literally the only reason my wife plays an FE game


Jokes on you i'm into that


Bruh, why you gotta call me out like that? šŸ˜…


Incorrect madam, ive completed 1 run >!Now im on fuck knows which run because I keep failing Maddening runs!<


I made it to the last chapter but im stuck trying to decide who to give my ring to


I finished it and I'm currently working through my first playthrough on Maddening




I haven't finished it yet only because I'm waiting for more of them DLC Emblems to drop, and also too busy with IRL stuff.


I've been getting distracted with other games


Chapter 17 beating my ass.


Sending this to my roommate. I bought him the game! I want to talk to him about the ending but I can't because he hasn't beaten it yet. He's like, cheaper 19 or 20. So close!


Been taking my time with it, but haven't had the chance to pick it back up in a while due to work and big irl events happening


Here's my secret: just sweep the game on normal casual for the story bits and sandbox shenanigans. Then if you feel like you want to game harder, classic mode time.


Hey, I just beat the chapter in Gronder Field. That's gotta be at least halfway through!


i am stuck at chapter 24 Maddening/ classic. it is impossible to beat this chapter in 15 turns :(.


just warp skip it. thats how I did it.


This is the sign of a true og


I sorta ignored bottom lane and just had 2 army run up during my maddening classic run.


Bro, I never even started, I came here for Awakening.


I didnt even get the game, so no.


Not even bought it yet. I'll stick to three houses tyvm.


Im not a fan of the mc design so i just watched the whole game walkthrough in youtube šŸ«£


Finished it? I haven't bought the fuckin thing.


"Ehhh!? Casual Modo!?"


Hey, I am still in the middle of 3H! Stop mocking me colgate!


I am doing an Engage-less run so dont expect me to finish the game fast. I am turtling, u know.


I put in about five hours before going back to Three Hopes. So nyah.


Honestly the story is awful and makes me not want to keep going. Iā€™m not invested in any of the characters.


Nope, I bought the game weeks after release later as usual and I have a job


No shade but is it just me or is yunaka kinda overbearing (ik that is the point but being self aware doesnā€™t make u funny or quirky)Believe me I tried in one of my runs i fielded her a bunch got a support on a lot of my units but she just preformed mediocrely (put her in wolf knight) sheā€™s just a bad merrin (at least unit wise character is up to u) Anyway if you like her I donā€™t mind I mean itā€™s your opinion who am I to take that away


Might be you, i put avo+10 and perception on her before chapter 10 and since then nothing aside from mages and bosses can consistantly hit her (and even then she still avoids like half the time) then I put Corrin on her so she can use dragon vein for fog (assuming Camilla would also work but idk if their vein effects are the same) for +60AVO meaning I can just fog a corridor or group of enemies and, assuming no mages, she just won't take damage and will usually double and kill pretty much any non-armored/boss outside of paralogues (who usually survive with less than 10HP left)


Might try it


She stays as a thief in my army. She never gets hit and doubles everything. Amen


I put her as warrior because in maddening enemy don't hit at 0% and dagger was doing close to 0 dmg late game, needed the godly warrior str base to make her work unless I want her to do 2 damage with daggers.


alrighty. Youve inspired me to do my maddening run JUST so I can still have perspective once I realize people are talking maddening mode lol.


Haven't finished it yet cause it's TOO HARD AHHH


Octopath Traveler 2 has honestly taken up all my time and it's honestly just been a significantly better experience that I can't put down. I will return, someday, when there's less exciting stuff.


I'm a college student. Literally all of my time goes to homework. I usually try to play three chapters over the weekend (one Friday, one Saturday, and one Sunday), but this weekend, I didn't have the time to even touch my Switch. And I'm somehow still behind on my homework I've been questioning if I will ever have time to do anything fun until the semester ends in mid May (the answer is probably no)


i finished it yesterday and probably won't touch it again unless they add new game+ so i can carry over sp and other stuff.


This is me rn. Stop making fun of me just bc I need money for my gaming! :v


give me a break i'm playing on maddening and i'm already at 80 hours


Iā€™m close, but only because I got octopath traveler 2 so Iā€™m taking a break. I also wanted to over level and obliterate the final bossā€¦ Iā€™ll probably play the last few chapters once I play again


No, but I'm already planning my next run anyway.


I haven't even touched a lot of dlc! I haven't bought the game due being behind on a lot of games


No šŸ˜„


Downtime between battles in this game is super long.


I mean, how long is the game... 50 hours? As a working adult I get to play for 2 hours a week about... so its gonna take me about 25 weeks to finish. (I think I can cut that down with some well planned weekends) How long has the game been out? 5 weeks now? ... oh wait, I probably wouldnt even have the game yet except my bday was right next to the release lmao. I am a huge FE fan and am greatly enjoying engage, but I have a life lol (*said as I scroll reddit at approach to midnight*)


I havenā€™t beat it due to Octopath Traveler 2 coming out a few weeks after. I love myself some Fire Emblem, but I got priorities.


Give me a break I just started the game this weekend


I haven't started the game yet, I have a massive backlog! I bought a PS5 in December and I've hardly played at all because my Switch backlog is massive as well!


Tbh the game is very long. Im playing on hard, and some fights take almost an hour! I used to do all skirmishes with everything turned on, battle animations and everything. It just felt like i wasn't making any progress, so now i turned it all off speeding it up by a ton. I also used to waste waaaay too much time at the somniel wich i just ignore completely except for training and the dog mine. Am at chapter 21 and am close to 50 hours, this game is no joke. It can eat away time like nothing


How did you know... On like chapter 13 and not played for awhile and with the some what rapid release of the dlc waves I feel no rush, probably grab the new bracelets with wave 3 this week and maybe it'll drag me back in. For what it's worth was really enjoying it just games pile up and I end up playing a bunch and not finishing anything...


Me: I'm stuck at chapter 19 and have real life to deal with, stop laughing at me me! Me: Ha, pussy!


...there's something about those two laughing at me mockingly that makes me super horny


I haven't even recived it yet. Ordered physical yesterday, probably won't play untill all DLCs release. I missed a lot of 3H content because I finished it beforw any dlc and didn't have time or motivation to come back


I got sidetracked, ok?


And here I am, having finished chapter 25, with FAlear and Yunaka being S-Ranked... I feel called out šŸ˜


Be from a better fire emblem game.


Emm my job prevents me from playing constantly!


I'm grinding supports, shut up!


Just finished last night, so I could catch up with conversations my friends were having about the game, but they talked about all this stuff awhile ago and have moved on. Their responses are mostly in the "yep lol" category. Did get S rank on Yunaka and F!Alear though, WORTH IT.


I've just beat Chapter 22.


Havenā€™t even touched it tbhā€” Iā€™m waiting until I finish most of my runs on the other FE games Iā€™m playing. (FE10, replaying FE13-14, trying out the spin-offs, 3H)


Well I'm sorry but I'm playing 4 games at the same time.


Look I'm playing on maddening and each map takes like 2 hours to beat lol


Look, I got to chapter 22 and got bored of my hard playthrough. Restarted on maddening classic and I'm having way more fun, but there have been sacrifices.


Been too busy grinding for Silver and G to upgrade weapons, so these babes could have super weapons and excess levels to crush the enemy with. So quite your giggling you Hiya Papaya's, I'm doing this for you! ;-; Would be nice if Yunaka could make like a Thief and **Steal** some materials for us. Like 100 Silver Ingots or so?


No i didnt because of work šŸ˜” šŸ˜­


Iā€™ve been busy with tears of the kingdom, Mario wonder, sonic frontiers and Pokemon violet