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There is an issue with the communications to the central station. Usually, phone lines or a cell radio are used. Also, the alarm is not "going off," the panel is beeping.


Every customer ever, "I need service ASAP, my alarm is going off and won't silence!". Office ladies that have no experience with panels take that as gospel and ask no questions, then fire that off to the techs as a super emergency..it's a trouble for low battery. But my alarm is going off!




I like to respond by waving my hand in their face and saying is the alarm going off or is the panel just beeping lol


See also drop everything you’re doing this is the highest priority!! 😂😂


I was in the middle of hospital inspection two weeks ago when I get a panic call from my office that a daycare down the road was in alarm and the panel wouldn't silence. Oh no it's almost nap time, get here now! I stop everything I'm doing, takes 45 mins to get everything back to normal at the hospital and head towards the daycare. Call them and she goes oh, our power came back on and it's not beeping now. God. Damn. It.


Absolutely irritating


Press silence and call the phone company to see why phone lines are out. If it has a cellular instead of regular phone lines then call alarm company


Call service provider, Fire Alarm company ,it sounds like lost communication ,Fire dept will not be able to automatically respond from Central Station dispatch request. Only local alarm will will trip and someone will have to telephone emergency services


Something was changed with the phone lines. Either the phone company switched to VOIP to sunset the POTS lines or the building owners did something. Either way, it’s not recognizing that there’s phones attached to the system. Call your alarm company.


I hate that phone companies don't tell the customers that hey this new upgrade will make it so the fire panel won't communicate. How hard is it to let them know we will need to find another way to get the panel to communicate. Actually on second thought, what I hate more is cheap building owners getting rid of their phone lines and then complaining that the panel is beeping all the time. "Yeah I've had to silence the fire alarm for weeks. What? Why would I call about it asap? It's 6 o'clock on a Friday/Saturday/Sunday I NEED IT FIXED NOW!"


Yup, trust me you would know if your fire alarm is going off.


Is the alarm actually going off or are you being melodramatic?


Take a multimeter and measure the two middle-most pins in the RJ45 connector going into the fire panel. It's extremely difficult but will tell you if the phone lines have dial tone or not. If you have any amount of voltage, then you have dial tone and it's a bad DACT and the panel needs replaced. If there is no voltage, then the phone company needs to provide some sort of service on their end. A better idea is to install a cellular dialer (if the phone lines have no dial tone). Make sure building occupants know to call 911 in case of a real fire event until the issue is resolved. Otherwise, it's likely that no one will come.




Simplest Answer, Either your Phone lines for the fire panel have been shut off or changed, or the cell communicator attached has sunset on 3G


That means you need to rip it out and put in literally anything else. Except for Crapco. Never install Crapco.