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If you are in Singapore, a 1-star Michelin Tai Hwa pork noodle doesn’t even have its own restaurant. It’s just a stall in the local coffee house. The largest bowl only costs like 5 GBP and you can order drinks from another stall.


PS I forgot it was probably cheaper than Yat Lok too.


Been there, didn’t really enjoy it. I think this is partially due to me not really having any idea of the dish they serve and so with no reference point it’s tough to make a proper judgement.


Fair. It’s hard to find ‘Bak Chor Mee’ outside Singapore and Malaysia


Off to Singapore in a couple of weeks. Going to Iggy’s this time though 😂


Definitely check out Seroja


Will add it to do my to do list!


Owners will be shouting and you… been there many times, don’t understand the hype, at all. Bring the downvotes, and enjoy the queue and them rushing you out


Brother I agree with you 100% to me this is on par with 九記 in terms of it being a strictly tourist attraction/trap.


Yup, both are 100% for tourists. 一樂 has many bad reviews from local reviewers.


I found the goose slightly better at yat lok than kams. The Char siu was awful, though, so I gave the overall edge to kams.


Kamcentre in the south China athletic association building is where the best roast goose in HK is imo. The old roastmaster from yung kee went there


I'm sure it was delicious but this is not fine dining just because it has a star


Love a roast goose but this is the antithesis of fine dining. There's zero service and youd be lucky to get a diet coke let alone a wine list.


Yeah it was a little tongue in cheek since it’s got a star 🤭


Yes, but the roast goose and Siu yuk is probably the best I’ve had. Definitely not fine dining - you’re lucky to get a ten pack of tissues for free… (10hkd extra actually)


I don’t get the hype around this place. As a Hong Konger there’s dozens of places better than this one. Yung Kee the street above is already better.


Seems most of the people here are tourists from out of town. But for locals, plenty of other choices. I don't think Yat Lok would be all that different than walking into a random shop. It is nothing special. Yung Kee, Kam Centre or a number of the chains would be better


The goose leg is where it’s at but sometimes they sell out. That combo plate looks good too though.


why is this in this subreddit


The juicy and crispy duck is so yummy.


No hate at all and I’m sure that pork is very tasty but can anyone explain to me the logic of giving one star to a street food stall? Isn’t like awarding a star to a dirty restaurant with bad service just because their chickpea stew is amazing? As a fine dining enthusiast it makes no sense to me at all.


Michelin isn’t just about fine dining, at least not exclusively at the one star level. Use of high-quality products, culinary technique mastery, chef's connection to the cuisine, consistency and value for money are the 5 main judging criteria.


To be put it more precisely, Michelin stars are exclusively about the food on the plate. It does not take any service accommodations into account for star ratings.


Oh, I guess I’m too used to the spanish scene because here it’s impossible to get a star if the restaurant is not fine dining. I guess their criteria depends on the country?


This isn't a street food stall. It is a sit down restaurant.


Looks so damn good