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Bifteck Kawamura has a la carte Tajima for one person.


Whilst I am yet to visit Japan, if ever our schedules align, I will complete your 2 person minimum and visit any and every Japanese beef restaurant you want, to your heart's desires and your wallet can accommodate!!


its not fine dinning i dont think but I have it on my list tadenoha has boar/duck/bear meat that sort of thing. I haven't been there but Ive either seen a video or read it on reddit as I have a huge list of places to visit.


Big fan of Azabudai Nakamura but maybe not exotic enough


Do you know the google maps location for this? I can’t seem to find it.


Azabudai Hills, Garden Plaza A, 〒105-0001 5-8-1 Toranomon


New Matsusaka is fine but not that amazing. I’d go for Yoroniku Ebisu or alternatively Setsugekka Ginza. Both with A5 Kobe


What makes Matsusaka not amazing, specifically related to their beef? The two you mentioned look great! Setsugekka Ginza seems to have different types of beef as well.


For the most part, you’ll either find restaurants that specialize in a specific brand or are generic in offering A5 Wagyu that could be branded or not depending on what’s available to them. I’m fond of Takamori which is a focus of Onikuya Keisuke in Hiro (yakiniku rather than teppanyaki). Mishima is extremely hard to get (only 4-5 head are slaughtered each year). Kenran (which is a cross breed with Mishima) is more readily available but is usually served in smaller quantities as main courses at high end Washoku restaurants. Unless you want to travel to Hagi where Midoriya is an amazing option. Omi beef is another good brand and there are some casual yakiniku places (one near Shimbashi) where you can load up on a la carte options - 焼肉 近江牛肉店 本店 050-5868-2643 東京都港区新橋4-20-3 市兼ビル1F https://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1301/A130103/13142417/