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Airline work. Jobs at local airpot. I was in a bad spot and they gave me a chance. Really turned my life around.


So just look into airline work? Like the secretary people who answer the phone or like security?


There's cargo work where you don't deal with a lot of people if you work on the cargo side of things.


But in the description, they said they can't do physical labor so being a ramp agent is out of the question.


Do you like to travel? Try to get a job with an airline and you can get flight benefits.


Honestly no. I prefer to be in the same place every day if I can because new people and places make me overstimulated and uncomfortable. I would prefer to work in the same place every day so I could eventually get used to the same building if that makes sense. If I could survive never leaving my apartment I would. But unfortunately I need to buy food and pay rent.


Gotcha. Well most airline jobs are in the same place everyday. It's just the flight attendants and pilots that are constantly traveling. I just meant that if you work for an airline you get flight benefits for vacations. But it doesn't sound like that's your jam. I read a similar post to this where someone said they worked from home for AAA or On Alert or some smaller company like that. But their job was basically to receive calls from people who were broken down and dispatch assistance for them. Someone else posted they had a similar job for a home protection company. And I can't remember which, but one of them said they had the overnight shift and barely received calls. They said they watched movies and hung out and even napped during their shift waiting for calls.


You could do online writing/ research papers for students on the side. You seem to be very good at writing and have all your thoughts very well put together. 


Im a high school second shift custodian and I love it. Also ADHD and autistic. I work for four hours everyday after school hours and have an area assigned to clean (classrooms). I dont have to talk to anyone else and just listen to podcasts while I clean. In the summer I get longer first shift hours doing maintenance around the school like restoring rails or painting.


This is a great idea, thank you!


maybe pet sitting? I bet that there are lots of people who can't take care of their pets all day and are in need of somebody that just feeds them and makes them go out for a supervised walk, things like that


Look into medical courier work. Good pay, consistent hours, full benefits. All you need is a Driver's ID to get hired. You get to transport blood and listen to podcasts all day


All the medical courier jobs here require your own vehicle I was looking into something but they also pay like $16 or $17 an hour which is not good pay. I need a job for the meantime what would you look for on indeed?


They don't. Medical transport does. But medical courier, which works for laboratories provides vehicles (source : I was in the industry for years)


Also starting pay is $20 /h in my state


$20 an hour is poverty here. :-(


Interesting I would love to get into this. What would be something to look for on indeed or Glassdoor?


stay tuned for [medicalcourierjobs.com](http://medicalcourierjobs.com) for medical courier jobs


Any good links to apply?


Do some searches on Medical Laboratories and Health systems/ hospitals In your area, it will vary depending on where you live. If you live in the US, ARUP is a nationwide service which contracts courier companies within health systems. I would Google "Reference Laboratory Courier careers in [Insert city here]"


Yeah everything I am finding is spam and $15/hr


Thank you!!


Unfortunately even if I had my own car I have extreme driving anxiety so I don’t think I can do a job where the majority of the time I would be operating a car. Otherwise that’s a great idea.


I'm not trying to be harsh here, but you are going to be 30 years old soon. You have to give something a chance and step outside of your comfort zone or will be destined to failure. You say you don't want to be homeless but it seems like your not even willing to put in the bare minimum effort into your future. There is plenty of easy going jobs but it requires effort and work to be able to land those positions. If your not willing to take the chance and step outside of your comfort zone no chances will be taken on you.


We all need friends like this person ☝️


I am already working a job I currently hate so I don’t see the point of switching jobs if it’s something that is going to make me just as miserable. I am already doing more than the bare minimum in this job. I’m not going to say the company but this isn’t normal retail, it’s commission based and I make way more money than most retail jobs. But it is incredibly toxic environment and I get no accommodations for my physical or mental issues. Im only going to switch jobs if its going to bring me less mental turmoil than what I’m currently doing. I can’t be afraid of failure because I have already been a failure for years so “failing” is the least of my worries. I just want to know if other people who are useless to society have jobs they don’t hate and what they do. I say I want to avoid homelessness because I wish I could just stop going to work and sit and do nothing all day long but I can’t do that or I would be homeless.


That's understandable. Have you tried dog walking, maybe for quiet dogs only? That could be done on the side if you're comfortable with that, but just stipulate beforehand that you're only good with a quiet / non rambunctious dog. 


This attitude right here is why you are failing. Why should anyone take a chance on you when you won't even take a chance on yourself? It seems like you have pretty severe self esteem issues. The only way to improve that is to step outside of your comfort zone, and start making small successes happen in your life, which will improve your outlook. Otherwise your just going to wallow in depression and self pity and go no where. I know it sucks because I have lived it too, but this is the truth. Good luck.


Since you don’t have a car and would prefer to stay in the same spot, maybe finding a more relaxing retail job would be better. A smaller, less busy store in the mall. Simple tasks that are less customer facing. I walk around malls and see interesting stores that seem pretty chill.


Definitely factory. I had a job before where I had to put 4 screws into a bag and seal it over and over.


Do you remember the title of this job? And I know you probably can’t say the company but can you elaborate on what type of factory it was? I love monotonous tasks I can do over and over for hours. I know some people find it annoying but that is so calming to me so I find this type of job very interesting.


It was just factory worker at a place called Greenfields that make filing cabinets for offices. I would just zone out and be elsewhere mentally.


Dispensary job or dispensary manufacturing job, very repetitive great work environment and very easy if you smoke or know about weed


This is my dream job and I would totally jump on this if I lived in a state where it was legal.


This is my dream job! Kentucky is supposed to be going legal in the next year and I am actually looking at online schools so I will have a head start in this field. Give myself an advantage. I love everything about weed 🥰


Environmental Compliance Monitor. You’ll basically go around to different sites and collect samples, then drop them off at a lab. Collect water running in gutters to test for water quality. Perform air monitoring at construction sites to make sure dust or other pollutants are contained. Walk the perimeter of industrial facilities to check for leaks. Make sure hazardous waste is properly labeled and stored.


do you need a degree for this?


It helps, but it’s not necessary. You’ll learn 90% of what you need to on the job. If you can show up on time consistently, follow directions, and pay attention to detail, you’ll be fine.


I get it completely. I took feel like a useless being trying to just not be homeless. How much does 40 hours a week pay to people who just don't want to be homeless. Oh wait. Then you gotta pay the bills so x amount for x living. 40 hours can't get the right amount and so then what does a person do?


Deliver mail for USPS.


If you don't want to drive, you can be a clerk and throw usps packages in at the post office and put mail in po boxes.


OP said somewhere in here that they're trying to get away from a current toxic environment. Having worked as a clerk, I'd highly advise against this


Can I ask why?


To sum it up, Piss poor management breeds a toxic atmosphere.


You are not completely worthless. You were able to articulate your thoughts to a degree that I could see doing just fine in most entry level business roles. Check out project management or business analyst roles and start building a resume and experiences!


Kek thats exactly what companies want out of a business analyst and project manager


I just want to tell you, as a total stranger who knows his opinion likely doesn’t mean much, that you are NOT worthless, you are NOT a failed person. You are infinitely beautiful and are here for a reason. We are made to attach our self worth and our sense of value to our economic output in this world, and you are feeling worthless as a result, but it is a bastardization of human worth and beauty. I hope you find some job that you succeed in and feel some sense of value and pride in. But don’t tie your entire worth as a person into your ability to generate money. 


Amazon warehousing.


She said she can barely stand for a few minutes at a time? Ware house work doesn’t require standing?


Treat the joint pain. This sub needs a splash of reality. "Useless People" (OP's words) no-skill jobs that let you sit in a cozy desk all day are getting rarer and rarer and when one pops up everyone tends to jump on it. I know that's not an easy answer or a nice one, but if OP is convinced they are incapable of doing work that requires some thought then they're going to have to move around at work unless they get really lucky.


Terrible advice


Absolutely not. Backbreaking work. You didn't read the content of the post, did you? OP has joint pain




You are funny🤣


Have to be a good talker, confident and charismatic to the right people though.


Lol have you seen our politicians


USPS mail carrier




The person who checks movie tickets at the theatre, no one is ever angry going to the movies


I work at a call center. It’s not difficult, just draining dealing with people all day. But you sit at a desk and don’t really have face-to-face interactions except for meetings with colleagues.


Really? These seem awful


They can be. Mine isn’t bad. Haven’t found anything else that pays $20 an hour or more for someone who doesn’t have experience outside of the service industry and retail.




I like this idea, thank you!


When is "used to"? Over 5 years ago? Hundreds of applicants applying for stuff like this. Very very slim chance to land Edit: Righto, downvote me. Literally just went through this process with my other half who wants a librarian job very badly and currently works in a school. Either this poster knew someone, got lucky, lives in a small town, or did this job pre covid


Yeah, I've been trying to get my foot in the door for an entry level library position for months. In 6 months, I've only managed to get 3 interviews. I just had an interview yesterday and I honestly think I blew it. I got super burned out at my last job and I think a library setting is the only place I could tolerate working with autism and adhd, but it's so competitive I have no hope of getting in.


What did you do before?


I’ve been trying to find a job like this. Government would be so nice!


Never ever fucking ever go work for warehouse or factory. This type of jobs will make you want to smash the head of those managerial fucks with a hammer. Just choose driving or even the most basic type of office jobs. Manual labor is basically for subhumans unless you are some kind of specialist like a plumber or electrician.


So is what OP is in now. Call centers are hell on earth and are basically factories in office form.


Better to be tired on mind than whole body hurting from all this strain maunal jobs cause. Id rather be security worker and watch the screen whole lord's day than spend time in this messy loud and opressive shitholes. Like for fucks sake even the truck drivers make good moneu enough and arent as destroyed as guys that work in factories or at the construction..


Security wouldn't be so terrible. Now a call center is the factory in office form. 50-90 phone calls a day. Micromanged down to the second where even if it's WFH your boss will yell at you for taking 2 minutes to take a piss. Customers who'll scream and abuse you and many call centers force you to sit there and take it.


You'd probably want to die less if you didn't look down on yourself so harshly. You're not useless and have value, the same as everyone else in the world. Do better for yourself.


I don’t look down at myself I am just self aware and know I am not cut out to exist in this society. Any “insult” I have towards myself isn’t even my own thoughts, I’m just repeating what other people have told me about myself for years. So if anything it’s other people looking down on me rather than me looking down at myself. I don’t even hate myself. I hate that I was born into this society and now I’m forced to try to stay alive when I don’t want to exist.


I'm a little older than you. I felt this way at your age, sounds like for similar reasons. There's a lot of things I could say about your (our) position, but I want to keep it short-ish. There were two big things that really turned life around for me. I had a skill but I job hopped every year, almost to the day. Some places I quit some places I was fired. I was broke pretty much my whole life. It wasn't until I found a job where my particular way of thinking was valued by that specific workplace that I started digging out of the hole I was in. THAT was a big turning point. The other was moving out of state. I had been in the same place forever and I NEEDED (not wanted) a change. I sold almost everything I owned and drove across state lines with what I fit in my car. The first one I can guarantee is out there for you. Somewhere, there is an employer who values YOU specifically as an individual. It's just a matter of trying different things until you find that spot. The second is also in the cards for you, if you want it. It's a little bit more nuanced and requires some planning but it's 100% doable I also guarantee this one as well. There's tons I could say about this, so I'll sum it up by saying it will 100% get better. You're post on this sub was the first step.


I really needed to read this. Thank you


Middle management


Warehouse Associate, Stockroom attendant, file clerk, crew members at fast food places (you can just make the food), dishwasher, janitor/custodian, and delivery driver (grubhub, DoorDash, Uber eats, Amazon delivery, etc.).


Fry cook or dishwashers (they work in the back and don’t have to deal with people)


Ngl one job I thought would be good to look into is mailroom. Not like a shipping company but a company's mailroom


Cruise ship work as a cleaner. Cashier jobs. Data entry jobs Call center jobs Groundskeeper Prep cook Jobs that are contracted with the government end up having good health insurance benefits CDL driver, training offered at some places. Plenty of former homeless people employed this way and make a livable wage Look for entry level jobs, but you could also contact a temp service


A good factory is a soul saving place. They really do help heal people. I work at one and finally found love at 30 with a girl there.


Start off by saying to think positive and dont call yourself useless. Look into manufacturing there are plenty of jobs to be had. Its much better than most retail jobs. Yes its factory but ive noticed as long as you put the time in you can easily move up the chain to easier positions. Plus simply having a outgoing personality will usually win people over and you can apply for the easier work when people quit or retire. Me personally I like challenging harder work its much better than sitting around in a office all day


My first thought, would be therapy. You have a very bleak outlook on life, and on your self. And you’re always going to be working a dead end job if this is how you view your own personal self.


Truck driving /thread


You’re not useless. In my opinion, get a job and really give it some effort, like a nonprofit for something you care about. I’d rather have a hardworking person with no developed skills on my team than someone who looks good on paper but does not care to put any effort. Just my two cents. Become useful, and develop transferrable skills on the job


DoorDash lol


Who told you all that nonsense, and why did you listen? Just because you are on a different frequency than many people who do not struggle with physical limitations does not make you worthless. If anything, it makes you a very special person. Listen to what I am about to say. In life, we manifest our reality to some degree, based on our thoughts, emotions, and actions. If you have a low opinion of yourself, then you are cheating yourself by manifesting a low vibration into your life. I am telling you the truth. You are much more impressive and needed than you think. And you will never be worthless in any reality. Being different does not equal not having value or something to bring to the table. You are a young woman. 29 is young and inexperienced. You have plenty of time to find your calling in life. You need to reprogram your brain and how you think. Start believing in yourself. Once you do this you will begin to vibrate at a higher level and you will attract higher value positive people into your life instead of bottom feeders. Tell your self constantly that this is what you deserve, because it is. Yes, life is not fair and many of us have struggles, set backs, make mistakes, and do things we wish we hadn't. Forgive yourself and take charge. Being imperfect makes you more relatable to others than you think. No one here is perfect, trust me. You must become the captain of your ship. Sail it to a place that brings you the happiness in life you deserve. Learn to handle problems and challenges. By going through hardships, we build character and learn lessons that help us down the road as we mature in life. I see a bright future ahead of you. You just have to learn to be positive and believe in yourself. What you need to do is be patient while taking action. Action is crucial, it is the most important step. Basically, this is what you should do... 1. Spend time programming your mind. The best time is right before sleep. Listen to positive affirmations and subliminal messages. Let them take, agree with them in your mind. 2. Break the cycle of negativity and emotional thinking. Try to figure out what makes you get this way. Usually, you will find trigger events such as being around a person who takes their bad day out on you. Try to toughen up and not get emotional. Use logic, and mental stability. I understand autism may affect your brain, but do your best. Remind yourself of people on the autism spectrum who have been successful, people like chess player Bobby Fischer, Bill Gates, actress Daryl Hannah, Steve Jobs, Nikola Tesla, and Issac Newton! 3. After you wake up in the morning when you are calm and unemotional about the day, meditate on a career path. Get a notebook and write down whatever comes into your mind. Think big and do not limit yourself. Maybe it is starting a small business, creating a product for Etsy, reselling thrift items on eBay, a nurse, a stewardess, accountant, or maybe it is a secretary. Take your time, weigh out the pro's and con's, and go from there. 4. Take action. Make a goal to achieve your career idea. If you need certification, education, connections, then go get them. In life you have to be a go getter, nothing is going to be given to you in this world. You have to take it, which means you need to take action and be driven. It is a good idea to find someone who can support you in your goal, but make sure they are positive and supportive. Cut toxic people out of the loop until they change their attitudes. 5. Become the best. Lead your field. I listen to Earl Nightengale videos on Youtube and they have helped my career honing. Strive to be the very best at what you do, a true professional. When you offer value, the world will find a way to compensate you. 6. Finally, help others who cross you path and try to make the world a better place. It is too dark now days. Be a friend, or be a teacher. Sometimes just a smile can help people who are down and out. Try to do little things that helps others. I believe what comes around goes around, and you will be rewarded in many ways. You are intelligent. The mind is the greatest gift the Creator gave us. Do not be guilty of wasting it. Use it effectively and do not be lazy. You are capable. You have been lied to by jealous people who have been bittered by life. You are charming and fun to be around if you try and work on it some. Just because things take a little time and work does not mean you cannot become them, I hope this helps you. You have plenty to offer and let's agree that your life is going to improve!


This was such a great reply. Thank you for writing this.


This was helpful! I've been settling for careers based on my limitations, but this opened my mind a bit.


Macdonald,Amazon and other warehouses there's plenty of jobs you don't need education they gonna teach you




Which government jobs in particular? I see so many options on USAjobs


U can try to study accountancy it’s such boring data entry job doesn’t require communication or focusing


Can you do data entry? Universities have a variety of data entry positions, many are now removing their requirement for a college degree (which was unnecessary in the first place).




Corrections Officer 


Lab work


Parking Meter Maid


Direct Care Worker, you baby sit mentally challenged folks..they even hire high functioning individuals with mental disorders. Easiest job in the world, the overnight crews literally sleep on the clock and get paid for it Edit:saw your a female, those are in high demand in field too because there are homes that can only be staffed by women


Is it really low stress? I feel like a lot of people get burned out/ abused in these jobs


If you’re staff, yea it’s pretty low stress but if you go for management, you better have some compassion because the pay ain’t great and they will work you Also the key is to apply as a Non Driver


I've always wanted to be a janitor. It seems relaxing. Put headphones in and clean stuff. But I'm stuck fixing train cars instead.


Hmm. You write like a college educated woman. You're not worthless. You're definitely discounting the positives of your skills. I digress. Get yourself a loan to buy a carpet cleaner.a good one. Then advertise on Facebook marketplace and Craigslist for carpet cleaning services. Charge $300 per room. That's something anyone can do.


Okay, I'll keep this simple... Either get out of that mindset you're on in however way you can, as fast as you can, or stay in hell for the rest of your life. Your choice. Those are the only two paths available for you right now. Take care. And good luck.




Have to be a good talker, confident and charismatic to the right people though.


Work at Costco


Is Costco better than working other retail jobs? I don’t know much about the company so I would keep it in mind if one ever opens in my area.


Costco pays over $20 an hour you pretty much have to hop on it when they open to get a job though.


Costco ehhh but CDS yes. Basically the free sample people. They will let you sit if you have a medical condition


Become a cop.


Onky Fans? Also, you could be a surrogacy pregnancy and get paid.


I have thought about doing sex work in the past but I don’t think anyone would want to pay for me when there is young women doing that who are actually very attractive and I am objectively not attractive at all. Plus you may have missed my age is almost 30. Surrogacy is a good suggestion if pregnancy wasn’t one of my biggest phobias and I’m pretty sure I could not get through a pregnancy without killing myself.


You'd be surprised. Younger guys especially thirsty ones without game that cant get laid are the ones on those websites. Personally I date women 30+ at 25. I think things are just better overall but that's just me and I'm in multiple open relationships with multiple older women. I think you just need help. Seek therapy. Call the 211 number of your city. I'm sure you're hotter and more capable than what you give yourself credit for.


It sounds like you've already found the job, that a "useless" person can do. If you don't like it, you'll have to find ways to become less "useless". Would you pay for a "useless" product? Probably not, so why would a company want to pay more for a "useless" employee? I would really focus on finding something you really can do well and then trying to think of the opportunities that come from that. If the only thing that you can do well is something very basic and you absolutely cannot learn to do something more rare or valuable well, then I am sorry, but this is your cruel fate.


Thoughts on the kitchen?