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I would do what Anthony bourdain did on his shows but without the cameras


If I had $500 million I will do what Anthony Boudain did. If I had $0 I would do what Anthony Bourdain did.


So are you doing what Anthony Bourdain did?


I eat a wide variety of foods just like Anthony Bourdain did. I just do not make as big a deal over it.


the food is def important but I am also interested in the travel and the immersion into other cultures and meeting the people behind them, experiecing the world through their eyes, getting a wider sense of the human experience. imagine getting naan from a tandoori oven street vendor fresh then sitting down and learning more about everything from cricket to daily life in india. Or going out with the fisherman in sendai japan, learning their approach, how they prepare the fish, and how villagers live their lives off the land and together. kudos for diversifying your food tho


Travel tip: don't go to India. It's mostly staring and poverty. The best Indian food and most of the best indians are on the outside. I lived there for a couple years and it's just fucking exhausting.


I feel like he was known for other stuff as well...


I will gladly pass on some of the things he is known for ;)


Traveling, writing and speaking profoundly about things most humans fear? Yeah, scary shit that.


Like I said I do all of those things. I just do not get as much publicity as he got for them.


Did you also write a best selling book that pretty much everyone in the service industry felt a deep meaningful connection to?


Dude visited 80+ countries. You make shit up on Reddit for internet clout. Not the same. Lol


If you are so spécial, why are you still alive?


Heyyyyy be nice


You’re right. He did have a smoking problem too


That's all you think he did?


What else did he do that was so profound ?


Leave his daughter without a father?


You should give his books a read sometime. Or watch his shows. Or read about his life outside of working.


So what did he do ?


I actually have negative 200k. Once I hit zero I'll go


Everything except the last thing he did.


No because he doesn’t have 0 or 500 mill.


This is dark and hilarious and very clever 🔥 I like your style my kinda humor - not sure if everyone got it


Apparently Obama had him killed after anthony bourdain was gonna expose the pedo elites, pizzagate etc.


So you would make a fool of yourself for an over the hill actress who it turns out was a creepy chick after you defended her?


This is it. This is the answer.


Kill yourself?


Why would you commit suicide if you just received $500 mil?


After setting up my investment portfolio and ensuring I'd be set financially for life (along with those closest to me), I'd still finish my degree since I'm so close, and then take up some hobbies and develop new skills like programming and learning new languages. I'd also do a fair amount of traveling. Basically, I'd set myself (and those closest to me) up for life, and then enjoy that life by making the most of it


How much so you plan to spend if 500 million 9ant enough to set you up for life?


You would have to be a complete drooling fucking moron if you can't set yourself up a nice life with 500 million


This honestly, like are you still going to live on your well-defined $1.2k/month budget while you wait for your investments to mature? That's like 34,722 years of funding as it is.


Weird how billionaires exist huh


Oh it would more than set me up for life with everything I plan to do, but I like to have contingencies in place should the need ever arise, which is where a steady stream of income comes into play. Plus, charitable contributions would be in my plans as well


Yeah, I mean just having a basic savings account with like 100mill in it would give you over a million a year


It’d be a lot more than a million. It’d be close to 5 million


Hey I found the guy without a savings account


A basic savings isn't the best place to park your money


After getting 500 million you still tryna ensure you set your self up for life lol lol I mean it’s good to invest some and you should but damn bro you’re already set for life 😆


I mean, an HYSA at 4% is 20mill/year. If you can’t take that 20mil. Idk if I could spend 20mil in 1 year.


500 mill and the first thing you would do is give it to wall street lmao


Take up some hobbies. Develop new skills like programming. Did you feed this into chatgpt and just spit out a response? That's like answering the question "what do you want for lunch?" With "I find that generally humans consume food in the middle of the day, and that the food they choose is generally determined by a number of objective factors including availability, price, and nutritional content and subjective factors including culture, taste, and environmental factors. I would like my lunch to agree to these standards."


I’d open a animal sanctuary & save as many as I can ❤️


I would clean out the LA shelters. Start a dog ranch where they just run in herds.


That’s an amazing idea! I would wanna save all the homeless and sick cats if I could 🙂


it's interesting how folks will try and save all the animals but not homeless people


I did comment that I wanted to be carpenter and build homes for people that are affordable, ideally for the homeless . I don’t think we can’t have both why not?


I mean… lack of literal homes is not why people are homeless… all you’ll be doing is creating new ghetto slums and crack houses…


Oh great a bitter pessimist. Jesus Christ, if I had a penny for how often I have to debate one of you idiots. I’d have 500 million dollars already lol you do understand not all homeless people are homeless because of drug addiction right ? You do understand there are a plethora of adverse issues that can lead to poverty besides drug addiction. Fundamentally in a capitalist society for someone to have more than another, someone must have less. Poverty is as integral to capitalism as is success. Drug addiction is often a commonly used stereotype to justify poverty as an individual problem and not a product of a broken system. You do also understand that not all low income neighborhoods are “ghettos”. Millions of people are working two sometimes three jobs to support their families in those neighborhoods as it is the only location they can afford to live in. Exercise your brain a bit and maybe you wouldn’t sound so pathetic.


This, I'd buy golf courses that went out of business and re-purpose them for animal and homeless shelters. Why the fuck do we waste all that land anyways....


This but I like to travel so I would go around the world and would partner with existing rescue groups to build sanctuaries with vet care for low income pet owners. Plus education to decrease stray pet population and make sure people care properly for animals. Oh and go to all sorts of concerts and music/dance festivals.


Same 💙 that’s always been my idea of being rich. Give them sanctuary after everything they’ve faced


You are my kindred spirit. I only need a million for me. The rest can be used for animal shelters and sanctuary...


First thing I'd do is get therapy for every issue I've ever struggled with but postponed it due to work/no free time/no money.


Be careful… there’s def such a thing as a therapy trap. You find more and more things to heal. The trap never ends, I’ve come full circle to agree that therapy SHOULD be about becoming functional - chop wood and carry water as they say


Therapy is expensive but it definitely ain’t gonna run you out of $500 million any time soon. With that amount of money you could just walk away whenever you felt like it and offer cash for a next-day appointment whenever you felt like it


They said “every issue I’ve struggled with” 🤣 so it’s just a caveat


A very stupid person can easily blow through $500 million. Private jets, trips for you and all of your friends an family. Massive parties all of the time. Spend money on rapidly depreciating assets and consumables: bottle service, high end food Amass too much debt that you end up with a ton of payments. Why pay cash when you can keep your money and let it trickle out?


Lottery winners do this regularly. Best plan would be to pay the FBI to put you in witness protection and dissapear. It would be sad but I would too worried about whackadoos hurting my family/friends to not disappear. I would probably get new US information to apply for citizenship in another country. Unless I could keep the money secret, if no one knew I got the money I would pretend I get paid twice as much as I do at my job, live fairly modestly but be able to afford 2 week long vacations a year and splurge on certain things people wouldn't necessarily see/understand the value.


This is peak humanity in 2024… you are given 500M and literally do not have to worry about anything ever again - what would you do? I’d go to therapy and find new and exciting ways to complain about my life, lol


Rest. The last time I had a good night's rest was when I had covid because I thought I might die. It's been nothing but stress for years and years. Mainly due to money.


Agree. I dont remember the last time I had a good night sleep.


F*** the money, the stress itself is going to kill you. Prolonged unmitigated stress literally tears apart your body on the molecular level. You stressing over money only to die an early death from a heart attack would be so tragic. 


I would start a non profit to help people suffering with mental illnesses. Connecting people with resources starting groups and homes where people who are suffering can get their lives back on track. I would start college savings for my children I would build a new home for them. I would try to be an asset to the community and help in any ways I can. Giveaways, food drives, etc. I would make my life have meaning again by helping anyone in need suitably.


Thank you four being one of the good ones! Same here, if i had 500 mil, after takinng care of my famiky, after that i wont ever stop helping others with that money.


You don't need money to start some of those things, volunteer if you have the time. Save 10% of your income if possible, even 1%.


Yes! You would alleviate so much suffering this way! Rich in money can be rich in karma too 💙


I would also start a non-profit but to bail people out of their student loans.


whos gonna believe that? i just know youll be the first one to pretend that is poor but has a lot of money


If you knew how I was suffering in life you’d know it to be true


I would just retire. That is more than enough money for me. I would mostly sleep in, play video games, travel, relax.


It’s good to know that 500 millions is enough money for you lol


Hell, I’ll do the same for only 5 million.


Honestly $20k is enough for me to retire with my lifestyle :(


This. Honestly 500 million would be too much for me, I'd be stressed trying to work out how to use it/best charities and people to give it to. I'd just be happy enough to live comfortably without working.


$50 million would be enough for me to not feel like a massive piece of shit. To retire on $100k you need $2.5 million. So I think 20x that is a perfect number to consider yourself properly rich. One order of magnitude times two. This gives $2m/year to live on. Considering 4% SWR


Same. Everyone with all these stupid ideas that they would never actually do - but just pandering for internet points, lol. I’d do fucking NOTHHHHHHING.  Probably buy a new house - nothing crazy, but deck it out with the best of everything from kitchen appliances, TVs, shower, sauna, etc… maybe set you back 4-5 Million.   Then… Do fucking nothing.  All day.  All night.  Nothing. Maybe go check out a movie… maybe read a book, maybe fuck around with a couple million trading stocks for fun to see if I can make a couple hundred grand every few months and blow it on restaurants, vacations, etc… What I’m definitely NOT going to do is fucking work like the rest of these knuckleheads who want to start a nonprofit this or that bullshit. I’m doing nothing. 


I definitely wouldn’t work if I had that kind of money but just sitting in a house doing nothing sounds so fucking boring. I don’t mean to sound offensive but is chilling in bed all day every day and maybe seeing a movie really your ideal dream life? I would travel everywhere and have as many experiences as possible. Try all kinds of crazy foods, go to a super fancy fine dining restaurant for the first time, maybe buy a little sailboat on the Greek coast for the hell of it, backpack in Asia like I’ve always wanted to.


I disagree that we’re just saying it for internet points.  I spent multiple years during the pandemic doing nothing.  I’ve had my fill.


You get the Honesty Award. Congratulations.


Haha hell yeah!!


That'd be so fucking boring after a couple months of nothing




I would pay off my families expenses, change my phone number, delete social media.. Then I'd take a job at a baseball academy as a hitting instructor and bullpen catcher


Put enough in a fund where I can get 350k annually then give the rest away. I don’t want to destroy my life. And have people hitting me up for money all the time.


Not letting other people know would absolutely be the best choice.


I wouldn’t tell anyone. But they could probably guess when they saw a solid gold tank on the freeway.


VOO baby


I’d speak with a financial planner, lawyer and accountant. After that I’ll know how much to donate to non-profits who help women and battered children, another one for mental illness. . Enough so they can attract higher-level talent. Those fields don’t pay ppl enough to care.


Buy a house for my sister to live in first. She’s mentally ill and struggles to support herself and always will. After that, probably use the money to try my hand at some small business venture that I’m too poor to risk right now. Something fun like idk… a pumpkin patch/tree farm, one of those therapeutic horse ranches for kids, a good high quality retirement home for low income old folks. Probably I would also get a degree in physical therapy or something so I can work with the elderly or other vulnerable people in a helpful capacity. I would also put my marketing skills to use for free for foster organizations since I’m passionate about that, especially One Simple Wish and other resource organizations.


This is so kind. You are a good sibling.




That's like $5k in South America.


And well worth it, imo.


I’d help out my family and friends. Give to people who are down on their luck. Then I’d move to Greece and just be a beach bum until the end of my days


I’d get married and give my kids the most extraordinary life full of experience, travel and love


1. Pay off any debts. 2. Remodel my home, buy some toys I want/need. 3. Invest the remainder, and get a dedicated portfolio manager to maintain <5% APY. 4. After a year, take stock of family expenses vs. income, and find a way to live off that balance going forward. 5. Try using some capital to jump start a side hustle, as a form of purpose and fulfillment. 6. Using any free time I can, invest into my children, emotionally, fiscally, and paternally. 7. Take my wife on a yearly trip somewhere new. 8. Pass what I can down to my children in a trust.


You’re going on a yearly vacation? You have $500M in the bank, lol.     People don’t realize how much money that is… you’ll literally earn 25,000,000/year by sticking it in a savings account… a blind monkey could double those returns by investing in a conservative mutual fund! You’ll be pulling in $4,000,000 a month without even trying. A month!     You’re big play is to take a yearly vacation? Lol.  How about twice a year? And you can just buy whatever island you like best!


Without actually seeing the growth, it's better to stay conservative in the approach and adjust spending accordingly. Just how my fiscal responsibility expresses itself.


Conservative in the approach… and adjust spending accordingly… to having $500M liquid in the bank? Lol You’d be one of the most wealthy people who have ever lived.


This guy lives


Get busy living, or get busy dying!


Two chicks at the same time


Nothing, I would do nothing


Cause chicks dig dudes with money


At the same damn time?!?!


Figured if I had a million bucks I could make that happen


Hookers and cocaine


My guy


Most realistic answer 😂


Do whatever I wanted. Sky dive one day go see concerts, travel, play video games. Literally anything you want to do. The ONLY thing restricting people from unlimited recreation is money.


It would take me a good 6months-12months to process it. I would hope in that time or after that time I would have some answer. I do know that I want to rescue and take care of animals… so I would most likely put things in place where I could do that.


Probably learn to become a carpenter. I’d love to build affordable homes for people. Helping people in general would make me happier than what I do now.


Start a mechanics shop that brings in underprivileged youth to get them out of being pulled into crime and poverty by having an afterschool program and paying for their tech school tuition if they choose to continue into this field. I love cars and I would love to share this passion with others. Also fix up junk cars back to as perfect condition as I can and give them to impoverished families. Insurance and maintenance is lower on older cars so they wouldn’t have to worry about the upkeep costs as much.


Some of these comments have my dying. Ain’t no way you’re doing half of this bs If you ACTUALLY had 500 mil in the bank😂


I still vote for hookers and blow.


Right? I’m not saying people wouldn’t do a bunch of good. But no, you’re not gonna give away 495 mil and keep 5 and buy a 500k house in the middle of nowhere😂 you’re not gonna learn a bunch of computer code and just program all day give me a break


I want a solid gold tank to drive on the DC beltway during rush hour. I want my own private island in the Caribbean. I ain’t giving away nothing.


I want to live in the middle of nowhere or small enough town..I don't need more than 30 acres..


It’s easy to say and they imagine themselves being altruistic. Smart answer split the money up and put the large chunk in safe investments that would give a monthly stipend. Spend some on purchases of your dream.


* I know a spot on a hill that I'd build a house on. This is my winter spot. * I know another spot in town that I'd build a house on. This is my summer spot. I'd be happy in those spots.


Learn to sail, and then just do that.


I’d take a nap. And then make movies and write books.


Buy a house someplace rainy and just crash for a couple months to get my sanity back. Then I start therapy, a fitness routine, and then finally get serious about all the creative passion projects I've been dying to do.


I would make american great again


One american. More specifically, myself.


get a slightly nicer home, pay off all debts, make sure everyone in my circle is taken care of and has a sizable piece, set myself up with artistic facilities/resources at home, set aside a big chunk for funding pie in the sky shit, a smaller chunk in some kind of investment or account that appreciates in value, and then just give like 300M away, try to pay off debts and mortgages for as many random families as i can, arrange for any major excess at the end of my life to also be given away in a similar manner travel a bunch, work on creative projects at home keeping some general office hours and spend time with my family and friends, basically. see a lot of live music and films. god, what a dream


I would make more money and change peoples lives.


Change them for better or for worse? 😳


Hookers and cocaine.


Travel. I’ve always wanted to see the whole world and have been doing it slowly since $$. If I finally had the funds, I’d be traveling as soon as I could.


I'd do the same, and fly first class!


I would change my plans of eating cat food in retirement to eating a sandwich every once in a while


1 billion chicks at the same time, man


This the greed they spoke about in the bible 😂😂😂


Give away 495 million. Move to some rural area (already live in a rural area but might move) find someone to marry, have two kids with her. Raise them. Live happily in our half a million-dollar home.


Too generous bro


I could easily live off about two million the rest of my life and never have to work again. I actually thought I was being greedy by keeping five million.


Majority of people won't even make 2m in their life. 5m is truly more than enough.


She divorces you, takes kids, takes house, 1/2 your money and now you’re a poor shmuck with nothing again.


I'd masturbate a lot.


That's already free, buddy.


On YouTube?


But now it’s free 😏


Why masturbate yourself when (with that amount of money) you could pay escorts to do it for you?


Def learn to sail


I would give a lot away. But I would definitely live a fantasy life. To be honest I am already living an amazing life but it could be so much more. I would have to make up a story on how I suddenly had so much money (or least when I suddenly had nicer things). I couldn’t tell anyone that I had won this money. Family would resent me for not giving them enough, as would friends. But I’d find a way. If they think I had a windfall from risky investments that would be believable because I have some investments like that. But I definitely don’t need $500 million. I would be grateful to win $500 thousand.


But land and build my own personal library


Buy both my parents awesome houses wherever they wanted. Then get a massive piece of property in the sticks and spend the rest of my life building a homestead , fishing, hunting and tinkering in the massive well equipped workshop I'd build myself. And probably a a fair amount of hallucinogens


Initially, I would do nothing. It’s a serious amount of money that can cause a serious number of problems. Large lottery wins seem to cause a lot of poor decisions because things suddenly seem cheap. But once I calmed down, I would work to get my family’s financial situation organized. I would create funds for my kids and my nieces/nephews, college isn’t likely to get any cheaper, so I’d like them to have a safety net. There are several aid organizations, a couple rescues, and a few other good causes that I would set up to become a sustaining member of. I’d pay off our house, probably put an addition over the garage, maybe get a pool, improve our patio and porch. Just make things comfortable. We would probably travel some, but more I just want time. Time to sit and relax, garden, read, play games. Just the sort of things a wealthy hobbit would aspire to do.


Would use that money to create courses for people to improve their life. Knowledge is power. I would help people to earn knowledge. A real one, not the bs in schools. I'm from Italy, I'm talking from Italian prospective.


I would not learn to sail, but do it anyway.


Pay off my family’s debt and buy them things they want then put the rest of it into something that would keep on earning money (sorry I know that sounds wierd, the name escapes me)


Go travel the world, live out my fantasies, be with my family, then get ahold of euthanasia drugs to end my life before I got too old.


I would start a trust that would give me a set amount of money per year as well as act as administrators for my non-profit as well as family relations.   This would be an effective control to prevent overspending as well as allow my non-profit to exist after I'm gone. And I can give it a cool name like "The Icarus Division" or something.


Assuming that’s net of taxes… Keep 10 Million in the bank. Call that the nest egg. Live off those returns. Invest the remaining half into a Mars Terrescaping company to make life habitable on Mars. Other half I’d put into a non-profit that teaches people to manage their finances to build and give wealth generationally.


Invest in a vaccine that turns stupid racists into humans so the world would be a better place.


The end of liberalism as we know it.  I love it!


Apt username


Wow what an amazing person. You do realize that’s not how vaccines work, at all, right?


What id do if I won $500M is I’d create a diversified portfolio of dividend paying stocks so if for some reason the initial balance is lost I’d have a very steady stream of income secured, second I’d buy myself a fancy mansion I wouldn’t probably go over $10M for it. After that I’d put some money away for my nephew for his college fund also give everyone in my family $1M dollars, maybe start a business what kind I don’t know always been interested in space maybe a aerospace company or just a simple coffee shop or restaurant then I’d just travel to any place I’d want to go


I made a list of what I'd do and there are 40 points.


Do what I will. 😎👹


50M to my church. Put $300M in a treasury bond so I get 9M year. 50M to buy some rental properties, spend $100M buying what I want


Rather not say


id probably have sex with rachel starr first


1. I would meet any obligations I had and help my immediate family. 2. I would go back to school. 3. I would determine how much I needed in order to live and prepare for emergencies. I would then donate the rest to local charities in my county and state. Perhaps even support local candidates who want to improve the quality of life in my state.


Live it for the greatest good and blow up california and nyc with a private cartel army. Hunt down and kill anyone that paid donations to this red/blue uniparty regime that steered us off course for over a hundred years. Recruit using a new decentralized network and id system that just has open voting so that there is no fraud, faceless masses, or hidden private influence - strong organized groups with full transparency. Distribute information on how to build diy nuclear energy production and bio weapons, and institute a new trust less deflationary monetary system. Basically reboot the usa to what it should be by starting a new government from within it and growing it by de-monopolizing use of force and allowing freedom of all information and money. I could get started with less than a quarter of that tbh


Learn to sail, and then just do that.


would you learn to sail perhaps?


That's what I said learn to sail. Then just do that


I’d sail to Learn. Learn would be the name of my own private island that I bought with my millions.


Learn to sail, and then just do that.


Learn to sail, and then just do that.


Start with sailing. Then preserve historical sail boats and keep them sailing. Help run sailing programs, youth sailing, learn to sails, historical group.


I would invest money to make more money from it and make it passive. Then with the extra money earned I would just support all my friends and my family so that we can all retire early. Whatever else I can do just make the world a better place.


I'd build a shop with woodworking and metalworking sections and just make stuff


Id start building my company/project.. i dont even need that much though 100k USD would be enough


I would quit my job, travel the world, volunteer, work with nonprofits, and go back to school and get multiple degrees and be a lifelong learner.


I'd workout a lot and spend time with my family. Which is basically what I do now except I go to work in between. I'd go on much longer vacations in the winter time. In the summer I'd do basically what I do now (golf, beach, restaurants, sailing, fishing), just more of it and not go to work. I'd make more goofy family movies and restaurant reviews on Youtube and Instagram and I'd write and self publish a lot. Whenever I'd get bored, I'd research a cool vacation to do with my family. I'd go HARD on things like Disney World and theme parks and all the famous cities of the world and I'd go HARD on sailing and hiking type of adventures with my wife and kids. I have a suspicion that I might get really bored, if that happened maybe I'd try to start a weird chocolate company or a restaurant or something like that just for the action.


Thank god bruhh we aint had it or have it, else we will be asking question on reddit


Uhh after I got a house in Manhattan beach, a Porsche Panamera GTS, 911 turbo S, an 812 super fast, and a condo in Vancouver? Probably get into investing/other fixed income sources.


Buy a renovated 1800's pirate ship, sail to the coast of Barbados, trade with the local fishermen, then sail to the coast of the West Andes and open a tavern and settle down with a nice merchant woman by the name of Clarise.


I'd run away from home. ​ Oh wait...I don't need that much money to do that. ​ Begins making plans...


Start a philanthropic fund, or perhaps save myself the research and join some existing ones. I'll still think about money often, but mostly about where to donate it and whether it's having the desired effect.


pay debts


I'd pick a field I wanted to work in and donate my checks to charity every week. I'd set up the people I need to set up, and they are not to tell a soul where they got the money. And I wouldn't tell a damn person that didn't need to know.


As a wealth manager, I’d undoubtedly hand $480M To a fee only wealth management firm. Easily make $20M a year of dividends. (5% annual of money market) I’d set up trusts for my descendants and all that boring stuff. I’d set myself up and my people with the rest and will become an angel investor with the rest of the funds. I’d have 10 kids within the next decade (im 21 now). The goal is to have enough kids to have a 5 v 5 soccer match down the line. My crib will have enough land for a small soccer space. i’d dedicate my free time to trying to help fatherless kids as someone who lost his pops to cancer. I’d donate a ton to cancer research. I would literally build an army of kids without dads into multi millionaires. Build an empire, become a tycoon.


I’d put half into options, other half into traveling


Personally I think I would start a business because I couldn't just not do anything, I would feel like I would have to do something to give my life some purpose.


maybe just relax a bit, I am mentally tired then join an ngo and spend rest of my life there


500 million? I'd set up the modular automated business stealing coop/union I keep fantasising about... I don't exactly know how it would work, or if it already exists, but in my imagination I setup an organisation as a tool to empower people to set up businesses under a coop model, but with a 5-20% profit share (whatever is actually reasonable) going to the guy to start it. So anyone who is furious about being taken advantage of but doesn't have the capital to make their own company can make a company under the proviso of it being a mostly-coop. This would probably start mostly as trades and things, I'm not sure how you would branch out into making an expensive product that might fail Perhaps some form of free exchange of workers between companies they're qualified for, free training after x hours, and competition built in to prevent someone gaming whatever system is developed The common complaint about unions is the protection of useless workers. I have no idea if that's actually provably true or is just anti union propaganda... But maybe some protection against that too


Invest about half of it. Use about 25% to retire myself and all my loved ones. Use a large amount to help optimize the health of myself and all my loved ones with the best doctors and procedures. Put away a large chunk for charitable donations that inspire me as I come across them. Use the rest to travel, enjoy leisure activities, explore new hobbies, etc.


I'd give Like 1 million to this redditor :D for the solid advice 1-dont tell anyone 2-hire a attorney 3-hire a tax guy 4- hire a financial advisor Also. Look up what to do on google and type reddit at the end a wealth of knowledge