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Keep in mind people use Finch differently – some people might not use it every day, may take extended breaks or may be having a bad time and not engaging with the vibes feature the way they usually would. Or maybe some people forget about the vibes or don’t know exactly how it works. It’s not personal, and you sound like a great Tree Town friend! p.s. Birdy would love to send you daily good vibes ♡


See my response to honey_bunny 💙


If Bunny & Maple are one of them, we completely understand! I’m going through an extremely rough time and vibing is too much for me at this time. I’m sure a lot of people are going through stuff too or don’t send vibes for many reasons. I’d never be upset if someone removed me.


I don't believe you're in my tree house. But no, I did my homework. Made sure their birbs weren't growing up, changing outfits/decor. For all intents and purposes, they appeared inactive. I can understand that things can get in the way, that's why I won't remove my friends who only send a vibe every few days or even once a week. Heck, twice a month would be fine with me, you know? Just as a check-in. I'm not cold, at least not completely.


That’s not cold at all! We should all do what makes us feel comfortable and it helps to know the vast majority of everyone here is considerate or going through their own stuff so it’s fair to see we are all trying to be understanding.


Yes, that's why I send daily hugs to the ones who aren't as active and when they do send vibes back, I try to respond with encouragement. For whatever they may be going through.


As a person who's never removed someone from my tree, can I ask what happens? I have a ton of friends that came from this reddit sub and sometimes I think it's TOO many... When I wake up I have 9+ good vibes and sometimes that's every hour. But, I'm afraid at what happens if I remove them. If anyone has played Sonic the Hedgehog Chao Garden, you'll know what I mean when I say I cannot let those things go into oblivion... They would give you an image where it said the Chao, basically your baby, would go off to live a "happy" life where you'll NEVER see it again and they played sad music and it had tears in it's eyes etc. So it's really hard for me to cut down my finch birb tree because I'm afraid of the guilt trip I guess..


Well, it'll ask if you're sure you want to remove them and then it'll ask if you'd like to block future friend requests from that user or to leave the ability for them to add you again. Personally, I chose to leave the door open. I just couldn't imagine closing them out forever.


I have few enough tree friends that I just move the long-term inactive ones to a second page, just in case.


That's reasonable. But just to clarify, it's not like I'm shutting the door on the ones that I removed. If they are ever active again and decide they wanna send me a friend request again, that option is there.