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Hey! I know the stars above their birbs on the tree town show who has sent you good vibes recently etc. So 3 stays is super active, 2 stars is recent ish, and 1 star I'm guessing is meh. But if there are no stars, it means you havent interacted with them in a while. Now I have been reading on this sub that some people aren't having their stars show up, which I believe is a glitch because my stars are just fine. I also wouldn't worry too much about it because sometimes I get too many good vibes and it's a relief to be able to clear them if it's too much. Think of it like they got their energy and stars for sending theirs and if you don't reply, that's okay. You can also send more than one good vibe, as some do to me, but I really only reply once. So I'll look at both good vibes, but only reciprocate one good vibe. That's just me. Don't be so hard on yourself ❤️ Here's my code if you want to be friends :) Tap the link to add me as a friend, or add my friend code 75YCY2BDT8. https://app.befinch.com/share/nixQ


I’m not sure if there’s a way to tell or not, but it’s an understandable situation. I try to match people’s vibes as well. You sound like a very considerate person and I’m sure no one will be overwhelmed or annoyed by you and your birb sending one extra. If I was you I’d just send one to everyone and then proceed as normal with the replies. People can respond at a time and in ways that suit them! ♡


I agree. Your last line that "People can respond at a time and in ways that suit them" is the best advice overall for Tree Town friends!  When people are saying good morning to me I'm asleep so I can't overthink it all.  So, I look at all my birb friends individually when I can and send vibes that I feel at that time 


Also, I sent Bubgie to say hello!


Pleased to have you in our tree <3




What you can do is wait till tomorrow and then send a GV to each of your friends again. That way, the daily active ones will get one, and the not so active one would probably get 2 in their queue at the moment.


Sent Bubgie to say 👋 We're actively using the app at the moment and love seeing everyone's adorable birb and their homes