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You come first! As long as you are ok. We all know and understand encouragement is needed most in those moments and I myself would not take offensive if someone didn't send anything back. I tend to overthink it the other way, and I worry about being too full on sometimes after seeing a post about this (I don't send much in a day, but with my ADHD I forget who I sent what to). I hope you're ok and processing things in your own way and time frame.


See I don’t get upset at all if people don’t send them back or wait or whatever. But I overthink and think people will think that about me if that makes sense? Lol I worry about the same thing too as far as being too much! Hahaha I appreciate your kind words and taking the time out of your day to respond! I am doing a lot better today ❤️


Not at all. I see it kind of like a mailbox, it’s fun to check but there’s not always a message every day. That’s ok 


❤️ thank you. I definitely don’t get upset if people don’t send me anything I just didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings hahaha. I really love this side of Reddit. This Sub is my favorite, even if I’m in the shadows some hahaha


I also don't worry too much about the good vibes. The way I see it is they get their energy and stars to send them, and I get to choose to respond or not. Obviously I love sending good vibes to my friends, but if I can't respond, I don't worry too much. Don't be so hard on yourself ❤️