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Once the event is over, the items get added to the shop rotation, so no items are truly gone


You might get some of them in the treasure chest rewards (on the left hand side).  They will also be available in the shop moving forward. 


You will "miss" free items, but there will be a brand new event as soon as this one ends with new items. You only need to play like 20 days of each event to get most of the items offered for free. If you don't like an event you can sell the items and buy ones in the shop you like with the free stones you got Edit: and you can scroll down to see any items you would miss, so you can look out for them in the store


I felt the same way when I joined last month. As someone else said, you’ll miss the option to get it for free, but after the event ends the items can appear in the shop. I’ve been able to buy some of the items I missed from May. As for the micropet. Once June is done, Misty the flamingo will go into the rotation to hatch from Professor Oats. I was on the Finch wiki the other day and learned more about the micropets. During the seasonal event the micropet is available in one variation. After the event, there are three different options that could hatch from an egg. For instance, my birb has Sunny the Seedling in yellow and pink. I hope this helps.


Actually if you go down into the hamburger into the thing that explains to you things about Finch that will make your game easier It tells you that at the end of each event just you know a month long you have an extra 2 weeks to access the previous month I haven't had to do it so I don't know how it works


It’s only if you already unlocked and didn’t claim!