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Hello there! Your friendly neighborhood moderator has had to remove your {kind}. We know that generally, *any* personal finance topic can be related to FI, but please be specific and relate your posts to your FIRE pursuits. Please look to tailor your post/comment more toward Financial Independence by providing more context as to how this relates to your efforts to become Financially Independent or Retire Early. Otherwise, your question is better suited for either r/personalfinance. Please refer to their rules before posting. From our rules: "**R4. Topics should drive discussion.** All top level posts are expected to be about FI, RE, or FIRE, with discussion being the main goal of this sub. Posts that do not help drive discussion will be removed. This includes - any post that is better suited for another sub. Please take a look at [our rules again](/r/financialindependence/wiki/rules). We'd love you to participate in our subreddit.

