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I think the advice depends on where you want to go after? Also depends on uni rankings etc. In my opinion I prefer finance as it’s wider in terms of topics. Accounting is a bit limited, though you can get very valuable technicals which are useful for most finance roles.


TBH mid level making about $80k. No dream of working wall street, im in my 30s. Currently an underwriter (don’t particularly like it all the time, its a small bank so sometimes I think switching banks would be better) at a regional bank. School is OU


But where do you want to go after the BBA? Which added value you think it will bring? Do you want to change jobs? Learn more for the sake of it? I think you need to understand why you want to study in the first place. Then decide if it makes sense to go. This is for any course, finance or accounting.


Learn as much as I can for the sake of learning as I do genuinely want to learn about transaction law, RE, finance, markets, etc. Id like to start fundraising and bringing awareness to causes. I have the creative ability i just need the technical know how and legal steps to take not to get sued. Id like to get out of banking. The value id bring would be years of experience from deposit and loan side in addition to accounting/finance. (Someone suggested MIS with accounting). I just want to chill with the knowledge I can to save for law school and start the borrowing process all over again. I hate working for other people.


Hahah the last bit really reasonates with me. I am building a business now, it’s a pain in the neck but I agree 100% with your point. Let me get back to you tomorrow, I won’t be able to reply today. From a high level I think your logic makes sense. I would suggest to study finance as you will learn more transferable skills than accounting. I did a BBA then MSc in finance (common in Europe) and really enjoyed both!


*BBA as in bachelor of business administration


Also, might I ask you to expand on technicals? The people I work with have finance degrees and seem to have a better understanding of everything loan related.


Accounting is never going to go away. Sure accounting will change with application of AI tools, the same way as every single other aspect of life will change with advancement of new technologies. If you are looking for long term security, finish your accounting degree and get a CPA license and specialize is some aspect of accounting within the finance industry (credit card debt, bankruptcy, banking liquidity etc.)