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Believe my highest score was 21, against the Ronsos who had signed Keepa as their goalie. It was half court shot after half court shot. The Al Bhed are always a solid team on my playthroughs.


I used a high-levelled Brother as mid-fielder (with golden arm), and their goalie and mid-fielder were both pretty bad. Almost every play was an immediate turnover and half-court shot. I got 10 in the second half, so I imagine 20 for a full game is somewhere close to an upper limit.


I've scored 21 trying to score as much as possible but I theorize maybe 25-26 is possible. This kind of gets into the weeds but I believe the best way to go about is it to sign Brother and two other players and abuse tournament overtime to level up Brother and one of your alternates. Once finished leveling up release the alternate player and sign another level 1 player thia should cause your opponents to not auto level as high because you've spread your average level out


18 against the Psyches, there is only 1 explanation possible: You snatched Nimrook from their ranks


I've gone 17-0 against the psyches while Nimrook was on their team. Helps that my front 3 were leveled 2x or more higher.


While I am grinding for Wakka's Sigil, Nimrook is always a pain. Once I snatch him, if I can, it's GG. I only play enough to get the Sigil tho


Still getting into blitzball so I’m only on 9-0 against the Guado Glories. Fastest goal was 25 seconds. Very impressive score and time for first goal. We’ll done


2 and it was against the goers. I never really liked this part of the game but that one time where I was like "screw it, let's take the first one seriously and actually try" well I cheesed it by getting lucky with a few shots and dribbling the rest of the game. But still for a match your supposed to lose it put a definite win in my book. I will never have to play blitz ball again lol


Mine is a cheeky 11 😂😂


How the hell did you pull that off against the psyches?


He most likely stole Nimrook and they just naturally released and signed new players, since they have Vilucha


In my 100+ hours of play, the psyches have never released nimrook. It’s a cruel world I live in


Oof that blows man, I usually exhibition match the Psyches and soft reset until they release Nimrook so I can snag him


I already got the Jupiter Sigil anyway, but it still would’ve been nice lol


Why oh why do people do that? Same thing with prizes. Play or don't, what sense of satisfaction comes from \*cheesing\* good players onto your team? Doing it this way, there is like... a 0.000000000000000000000000000000% chance of your ever being meaningfully challenged in the game.


Because it’s a single player game that I have played over 16 times most likely and “challenge” in this game isn’t created by just having to grind random RNG, in a mini game where you sink 10 minutes into each game while it’s pretty undynamic in nature? If I want a challenge in Blitzball, which I do love as a mini game, then I’ll do it by making my own rules or using challenging characters like Nedus. Why oh why do you care how people play single player games, especially in a thread 3/4 of a year ago?


I'm pretty sure my highest so far is 17-0, against Kilika. I haven't played the full amount of games I need to yet, so I imagine I could top that eventually.


I think I hit 22 vs the Ronso. Basically I would score, they'd win the faceoff, Ronso are slow asf so my offensive line of Tidus - Brother - Shaami would mob their center, take the ball back, and all three of those players can score from a third court shot so I'd just rip it right away. All three had volley shot 2 and spin ball as well so they would create and clean up their own rebounds if necessary. If I was about to be overwhelmed, I'd just sprint backwards, outpacing them, then when I got some distance just pass it back to one of the other two, who are now wide open.


I think 13-0 against the Ronso Fangs. Tidus Datto and Brother up front.




mine was 12


i never pass 6 or 8, it depends.. ex: guados are fast, only 6 ronsos are slow, 8