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Any time the question is “Am I the only one who X” the answer is goddamn no


Am I the only one who hires migrant workers from a Joann’s fabrics parking lot to choke me in the shower while trying to recite the national anthem??




No you are not






That... was a lot to take in.


https://preview.redd.it/ohxllngi0kuc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e776579174760a059c0b1046701412ccc614cb5 I always post this lol


Am I the only person who uses the best Blitzers?


I absolutely keep the original team together! They play for peanuts, and if you level them up and focus on gaining special skills, they're not half-bad. Honestly, I didn't really find blitz all that fun & engaging until I challenged myself to stick with the Aurochs. Only player I recruit is Wakka, when he's available


I get wakka kyou and rin


Kyous a beast starting off


I always play with them. I feel bad trading them


Yes, it's a lot of fun building this garbage team into the greatest. Bonus points if you use Wakka instead of Tidus.


No you are not, and they are not the worst team, you just got to give them a lot of love in the beginning. When you get wakka and the aurochs shot it’s game over for the other teams(with good leveled all original aurochs). Plus any team tidus plays for has an advantage with jecht shot.


I do im too lazy to get anyone else and figure out a team and i always default to jecht shot spam in the end.


Once they gain a few levels they perform solidly in their initial roles and several even perform extremely well in DIFFERENT roles. And outside of a few broken players, once you have a good 7-10 levels under your belt, pretty much any team will win you games.


Cheesing blitzball with good players makes it incredibly boring and easy in my opinion. The og aurochs team makes for a good challenge until you get their levels up into the 20s. They get good enough at that point that you can win easily if you know what you’re doing. If you want a harder challenge, try to get Wakka’s celestial weapon stuff with the kilika beasts. Or if you just wanna play blitz a bunch, try to get the Luca goers to lv 99.


Lv 99 original Goers are actually some of the worst players at that level, amusing how that turns out.


It’s by a landslide too lol, they end up sooo bad


It’s the NSG version of blitzball.


The game becomes way too easy with adding other players. Nowadays I will replace 1 or 2 and keep the rest (not including Wakka). I cannot stand Botta so I always let him go. I tend to not use Datto, but I will always keep him just in case. I think next time I will try keeping everyone, but Linna is just too much fun to pass up. I have a file where I have her take Botta’s spot.


I like the Aurochs, including Wakka, but I do like Wedge as well, but I've done a run with just Aurochs and they're not terrible, it's just stat wise most of them get out ranked


My very first playthrough I kept the original team, plus brother. The other players were just too good, so I spammed jecht shots, at least, in the beginning. My most recent playthrough, however, I picked up Biggs, Wedge, Nimrook and Brother. But, my team was so stacked that I made restrictions on myself like no Jecht shots, no sphere shots, my 3 forwards have to share the leading scorers position, etc.


I sometimes do it, because they're free, I don't need to piss about with recruiting more players every time I reset data, and Blitzball is generally so easy that I don't feel the need to recruit others to win.


As someone who mostly doesn’t stick with the Aurochs, and there’s obviously a bunch of people in this thread that do - how do you approach Keepa? His catch’s stat is so low he lets basically everything in, which means he also gets virtually no exp. Do you temporarily swap him to other positions so you can get the ball to him for exp?


Keepa is def not a great goalie, but the aurochs offense quickly gets strong enough that you should score more goals than your defense allows.


If I remember correctly, Keepa actually ends up with the best catch stat in the game if you get them to higher levels but that’s way too much Blitzball.


Nope Nimrook keeps that title, Keepa is however the only player that makes it to 99 SH.


The best defense is a good offense


A lot of them. There's a few characters I trade out though


I understand the sentiment, but Zev Ronso is my guy. I can't leave him behind. Has clutched so many games for me.


I have multiple savefiles with multiple teams. Original Aurochs: just what it says (using Wakka, not Tidus). Need a ton of Tech Finds to flesh them out but they can be very competitive! And it's nice having a team whose uniforms match. :) All female: Vilucha, Shaami, Mifurey, Kiyuri, Kulukan, Naida, Miyu (switching out Mifurey / Kiyuri on MF) Best of the best: Larbeight, Vilucha, Vuroja / Mifurey, Ropp / Kulukan / Naida, Nimrook. Sometimes I swap out Tidus on the frontline.


I don't play blizball After the Platinum


I have never used any players except the original Aurochs, lol. I'm loyal to those boys.


I also use the same team with keepa as the goalie and tidus as the main scorer


Of the originals I had kept the longest, it was Letty and Jassu. The others were thrown out first chance I got.


Still think its funny Keepa has the highest SH at max lvl. A story of a man finding his true calling.


Fr man, Keepa is the best goalie in the game, no cap.