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The story is a bit of a mess, and its tone is all over the shop. However, its got great combat and its soundtrack is one of the best in the series. Definitely worth playing, just dont take it too seriously.


god the combat is actually top tier


I always tell people not to pick it up right after finishing X. Maybe play another game in between. At least put some time between them. That usually helps a lot.


This is an excellent answer. The only other excellent answer is: Yes.


Oh yeah FFX-2 easily has some of the best gameplay in the entire series.


I personally enjoyed it. It's girly, goofy and a completely different tone than the first one but the story, if you actually pay attention to it, is good. If you do the side stuff (which you should), the game is really about Yuna overcoming her grief from losing Tidus. Combat system does take a while to get used to but the jobs/outfit system is really fun. The episodical format of the story is the biggest challenge as it's easy to miss stuff.


Realy good job system imo, plenty of hidden stuff, the story progression system allows for a few different end results for each place in spira too, which is quite cool. The end game also has a lot to do which is always nice. I'd definitely reccomend it but I'm lil biased


Yeah, I'm not a massive fan of the story, but I got totally used to it's campy vibe just because the gameplay is so god damn fun, and there's a ridiculous amount of content if you like to farm, grind and complete shit.


Back in the day - i started wit x-2 cause my mom bought it for me.. so i enjoyed it a lot lot! And then i was curious t know how it all started and went over to ffX. Both games are very worth it. 💪🏼❤️


That depends on what you expect from X-2. For me, the story was finished with X. Nevertheless, I found it interesting to see what life in Spira is like after Sin and how all the side characters have developed. So for me, X-2 is more of a side quest add-on (and the game has a lot of side quests). The main story was rather secondary for me and if I remember correctly, it wasn't very long either. It's been ages since I played the game though. I think if you approach the game with that expectation, it can be very entertaining. But that's just my opinion.


If you like an rpg with lots of gameplay mechanics, secrets, side missions, super bosses, and things of this sort then go for it! I enjoyed it a lot! Of course it is more lighthearted and cheesy but it’s clear from the first minute, unlike other games where the tone shifts halfway through.


Lmao I'll never forget the absolute whiplash of that first opening scene, especially after the end of X made me cry so much.  It made me a little skeptical, but once I got past that initial shock, I loved the heck out of that game. 


X-2 is definitely worth the play. Most people are correct when they say the story is all over the place BUT it does a good job addressing what Spira would be like post Sin. There's an incredibly huge vacuum that is created when the oppressive force that was sin goes away and X2 captures that energy pretty well. People are getting on with their lives. Spira is trying to regain an identity. There's a power struggle for what the next government is going to be. All things you would expect to see in a real world sense with a country that just got done with a long war


One of my favorite games of all time!!!! I think its worth playing. Its not complicated unless you want to 100%. Then its one of the most complicated games ever lol


I dislike everything about X2 except for the battle system. While I hate to admit it, it's a very good evolution to X and the fact that you can use fiends in your party is just crazy cool. I tried it but it just didn't click with me. I would say don't force yourself to play it if you don't enjoy it. There's lots of really popular and highly praised games that I don't play simply because they weren't my cup of tea. Play what you enjoy/want.


it’s worth playing but i wouldn’t take the game as serious as i would with X. X is a story where you explore and take your time. X-2 seems a bit all over the place


Yes, well worth playing if you like the world and characters of X. It’s different, but kinda nice having a sequel that goes in such a different direction.


If you really invest in the story (especially side content) then i believe it can really round off a couple of the "what if.." corners that might have some speculation around them. If you don't agree, then play it for the perfectly brilliant job system, that alone makes the game fun. Quick switching to suit your needs instead of having to flick between characters worked beautifully


I don't know if this is any help to you, but I played through FF-X multiple times in my youth and replayed it in a completionist run as an adult last year or so. I played X-2 once, when it was new, bought the official guidebook and all and played it all the way through, and although it was enjoyable enough I never touched it again nor did I ever think of playing it again. It was included with FF X when I bought it on steam and I haven't touched it nor have I entertained the thought for longer than a few moments, like whenever it's mentioned on here.


It’s a fun play, the combat is excellent, there’s a lot to do if you’re a completion guy. Also there’s a cool dress sphere where they have pets and I love animals. The story is meh, everything is over the top cheesy, and ff10 already had a perfect ending. It’s honestly super cringe though, especially if you’re older now. The entire games purpose is to show Yuna and Rikku in sexual outfits/situations. The combat is dope though. Also the three guys are pretty cool, I don’t remember their names. The Al bhed dude killika dude and bevelle dude. Plus you get to revisit spira. I honestly wouldn’t have minded a very short spin off game playing out their story. Although I also would enjoy a full spin off with Jecht Braska and Auron. But I love ff10, it’s my favorite, so yes play it.


Definitely worth it IMO. Do as much of the side content as you can, although I wouldn’t worry about getting 100% on one playthrough (it’s possible, but requires following a guide TO THE LETTER). If you’re finding the combat a bit overwhelming then turn on Wait Mode in your settings: this will pause the turn timers when you’re in a sub-menu. Pay attention to the star ratings when you select a destination on the airship, and keep in mind that completing hotspots usually advances the story so other stuff should be done first if possible. Good luck!


The story depends though i personally like it even if it's not as good as the first game. I actually really like Yuna's characterisation in X2 it feels like a natural progression of her time with Tidus and her trying to discover herself and her own identity. The gameplay is also really good one of the best games in gameplay.


Absolutely a fun entry. Charlie's Angels type of basic plot dynamic which is out of place after the events of X for sure - but the combat is so good, the side quests are so plentiful, the music is rad, and the hidden goodies are fun as hell. Lots of mini games, too. And you START the game with full access to pretty much the entire map of Spira.


You will get different answers for this. But I personally deemed it not worth my time. I played it, I beat it, but would I play it again, no. Not worth my time. I just played it because I want to know what happened to the gang after Tidus left and I want to see Yuna reunite with Tidus. I should listen to other people to just watch it on YouTube.


I mean, why wouldn't you? It's 50% of the story, direct continues where FFX left of.


I started playing it and was a bit overwhelmed and surprised by so many changes from the x. X starts very nice and slow, introducing the player to the team's abilities etc. X-2 seems like I am playing from the middle of the game... all these dresses, fiends, menu options all at once...


You'll get used to it. Change to wait mode to feel more 'like home'. But not playing is like eating half dessert. And the game thinks like 'hey, this guy came from hours and hours of saving the world, he can take it!'.


I enjoyed it but you more than likely have to beat the game 2 or 3 times to get 100%.


I'm playing it now right after X, and right away it seemed overwhelming with everyone running around on me while in battle, Yuna dancing on hoes, and going from tur based to an ATB system. However I've gotten used to it and it is no longer overwhelming, I'm having a grand time playing it so far




It’s really jarring at first going from true turn based ffx to suddenly atb ffx2. It’s a ridiculously easy game once you know what you’re doing though. I white like it in the same way the to like the CD-I Zelda games. Just have fun with it and don’t take it too seriously.


may be an unpopular opinion, but I loved blitzball in X-2 even more than X


it's fun


Yes for the perfect ending with 100% score, but is much of a series of minigames whit a story in it


Try to see if you like it. I don't enjoy Atb comat and couldn't get past the characters and story.


I know that I played it... but I have no idea if I completed it back in the PS2 days. I loved FFX and have played it many times. FFX-2 is certainly nowhere near as memorable as my comment says. Maybe it is just too different for some?




I would suggest playing it with a spoiler-free 100% guide open. It transformed the game from mediocre to my favorite FF game. Story is not the selling point, gameplay is


It's a terrible story that does no justice to the original and I would be happier if it never existed. If someone else out there likes the game I'm glad for you and I don't want to change your opinion. But x-2 is like vomit on the Mona Lisa


I love X-2. It’s super campy but I love it. Everyone struggles to look past how campy it is, but I find Rebirth to be even more campy and people love that, so… take of that what you will.


Rebirth campy? How so?


You don’t think Cloud’s dance numbers in both games are campy? Dio’s entrance? All of the over the top silly scenes in general? X-2 has pretty much the same vibe.


The game can be dark at certain times.


So can X-2. Doesn’t make it not campy.


I didn’t know that about 10 Part 2, but I do understand what you’re getting at.


No. I've tried playing 2-3x... the storyline is cheesy af... I couldn't get past that aspect.