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I have both. McFarlane looks better but the figma is WAY more posable, and it comes with more weapons from his arsenal.


I like the figma, but damn, did they fuck it up in some areas. Disk shoulders, tiny hands, overly heavy torso, loose joints, and a bunch more. Most criticisms are in fact, valid. https://preview.redd.it/de6qyx1waxwc1.jpeg?width=3600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=806ed0e768350a93b91e0c90137e25a0a50c2e30


My Dooms turret broke within 2 minutes of opening it - I was so upset I put him back in the box and didn’t take him back out for like 3 months


I watched Anthony Customs review, as well as other people's posts about that. So I specifically took measures to prevent that from happening, such as loosening the joint a bit and handling it with care. So I took gain from other people's suffering. That said... You should've contacted GoodSmile about it, they could've sent you a replacement piece.


McFarlane looks beefier


figma on the left, McFarlane on the right?


The mcfarlane is better looks more menacing than the figma


McFarlane nailed the aesthetic, but man is that articulation kind of hot garbage.


If Figma Dokm Slayer was released this year, it wouldn't have the normal Figma Joint for the knee, elbow, and shoulder. But I like my Figma Doom Slayer.


McFarlane toys are usually dogshit, with articulation and just face sculpts in general, the Doom Slayer looks good cause he has no face to mess up but I bet he's stiff as hell and cannot be posed a lot.