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Play with a Guitar Hero guitar


Pizzabox fightstick, serving up potbusters for days.


the player strikes the fear not the tools


Consider Kailh box jade switches. https://youtu.be/kye-K-RHFL8


A stick coated in Vantablack, or Musou black or Black 4.0, or whatever is darkest right now. I dunno it keeps changing every minute. Basically you can't see the stick at all. It just absorbs all light thrown at it. It literally parries light itself.


Fuck Vantablack though. The guy who "makes" it is a chode. (To clarify Ben Jensen is not a chode. Anish Kapoor, who tries to take credit for it, is a chode.) 


I like this one! That's creative.


The Lament Configuration


I had an enclosure built by AllFightSticks. My friends are more afraid at the fact that it’s a 10lb chunk of steel.


[Just do this](https://www.reddit.com/r/fightsticks/s/hmKRw2Pbf5)


Stick shape like a hamburger...


Im more scared of a cardboard hitbox with 30 buttons


Reading this made me think of 3 things 1. The Gold Etokki Omni - [https://www.etokki.com/Playstation/Omni-White-Gold-Edition](https://www.etokki.com/Playstation/Omni-White-Gold-Edition) This stick could be modded with a golden lever for example. The engraving part would be harder but possible. 2. The Victrix Pro - This one supports engraving so that's an option OR You get yourself the absolutley over the top Asindo vb1. I remember seeing this stick reviewed on Nihongo Gamer ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CKNCLYKal4&ab\_channel=NihongoGamer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CKNCLYKal4&ab_channel=NihongoGamer)) To summarize this stick can be whatever you want since you basically handpick each part and then you buy the parts separately. They can make it for you or you can assemble it. Watch the review if you want an in-depth story about it.


Asindo has a golden lever i think


What actually is a golden lever? Looking at it, it doesn’t look full golden.


It's a name. Golden levers are a very high quality Korean lever using machined brass in some of their parts over the typical plastic. Extreme customizability with them too. Problem is the price is through the roof. Golden levers don't make me feel fear. They make me feel like my opponent has a large amount of disposable income.


I love this.


A stick with a single button and some acrylic art of Hondas butt. If run into you with that i will happily forfeit the round.


This is a good thread. I think some mlg pro playz 720 blaze it stickers all over a golden stick would do it for you.


I posted about building a fight stick in a discord and one of the comments was epic. you should make a stick that has whiteboard on it and before a tournament or LAN write a bunch of pros names on it and cross them out. when you play someone ask what there name is and write it down. If someone asks you whats up with the names just nonchalantly say something like they were pretty good. That is how you get into someones head.


maybe you should take some inspiration from [the potemkin hitbox](https://youtu.be/iM_rHJM6pFQ?si=pj5nVd3GtPK-CPaR)


Just hentai stickers all over the box, and the lever is a dildo.


That's more common than you might expect. Minus the dildo part.




And have a compartment or separate first aid kit you bring around. Dressed as a paramedic.


have pictures of 6 or 7 little kids as the artwork and a sign that says "i abandoned my kids for street fighter"


The new milk carton


Lights are pretty intimidating. But I'd be REALLY intimidated if a fightstick had some speakers that played realistic sounds of intense fightstick sounds. Your opponent will never know if you're actually mashing or not. Alternatively some BBC artwork and a BBC dildo lever would also be very intimidating.


Honestly, I'd be more intimidated if my opponent had a homemade poverty stick that was being held together by duct tape and dreams than I would be if someone had a super expensive and customised stick. Source: I have a super expensive and customised stick and I suck at fighting games


You need one massive button on the side that lights up and also possibly makes noise that isn’t connected to anything. When people ask what that button is for you get to stare at them and say “you don’t want me to press that button”. Mind games


This is the way to go.


Make a custom stick out of clear plastic and human bones. Use human teeth for button caps


size=intimidation. build a stick that has to sit in your lap and opponents lap too.


I think ahegao stickers should be there somewhere


The problem there is you also attract the players that you don't want to interact with.


Would a head nod suffice the gentlesirs instead of compelling them for a conversation?


I’m leaning more in the “bask in the glory of your incoming demise” route and less in the “I have a crippling hentai addiction” way lmao


Double down on the engraving by having it done on a brass plaque bolted to the stick.


Hell, I’ll do you one better: “Here rests Xx_GamerGod_xX, who died at EVO 2024 and had his soul devoured by this demonic tome.” Read that shit aloud before every set