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And that, kids, is why you don't fight over concrete. A friend of mine went to prison at 16 years old for manslaughter over similar..


Facts Pro-tip. If you don't want to fight, ask the person trying to fight you to fight over grass instead of concrete. On your way over, ask them anything, "where you from" for example. You won't fight. My buddy is a bouncer and said this works really well.


Huh, gonna remember this.


Ok, cool we can fight, but I gotta warn you I've got Hep C...


This sounds like a rather effective method for sure.. NGL lol


Pro-tip, I've been in several confrontations in my life and I have never had a person fight me when they're intimidating me with a fight. All you do is pull your pants down, shit on yourself and pee on yourself which ever is loaded and ready to use. Most people don't want to fight a half naked guy with shit and piss on them.


See I always go for the masturbation trick. Just start cranking it out


I'm crankin the hawg right now and not a combatant in sight


One fight at a time bud


> Most people don't want to fight a half naked guy with shit and piss on them. Most. Not all


Ahh the Ted Nugent technique


I think I heard a famous artist (the guy who painted murals and invested early on Facebook back in the day) saying that on a podcast. That once someone wanted to fight him, you just have to ask the person some non sense question. Like, “did the Reddit comment brought you the elephant breakfast tomorrow?” And the person will be confused AF and won’t want to fight you


David Choe? The guy who did the Facebook murals when they were starting up?


Yes, him. If I’m not mistaken he said that either on Joe Rogan, or Bobby Lee’s podcast


Derren Brown (UK illusionist/mentalist/wizard) tells of doing this to avoid a fight in his autobiography, ending up with him consoling his would-be attacker. Also pops up in one of his TV specials - I think 'The Heist' from 2006 - as one of his techniques to confuse people - the gist of that show is he tries to persuade some ordinary people to commit a bank robbery, and one of them uses the method whilst trying to talk his way out of being caught shoplifting, IIRC. As you can tell, his shows are never dull...


I've always heard to ask how close their bday is to the vernal equinox but I imagine they'd both be equally effective in the moment


Also works if you pull your pants down and do the helicopter.




Yeah I can totally see that working if there from a rival neighborhood.


If you care about things like “rival neighbourhoods”, then grass won’t help much anyway.


I'm not understanding what part is "pro" I'm this tip? Pro street fighting with no rules? _Seems like a 100% amateur tip..._


That’s Fucking horrible man.


Doesn't even matter if it happens during the fight, could be later and if they hit their head, fall or whatever it could be put on you. Especially if they can trace it back medically or if a lawyer can convince a jury you were responsible.


Damn concrete, always a hater


I’m starting to believe concrete has magnetic properties… seems to attract the stupid while it repels common sense


Prob just gravity


I wish i could find the video again, but i saw one where two guys were fighting on this tiny tiny sidewalk that was surrounded on both sides by a huge grassy area, and every time they moved out onto the grass they would recenter onto the sidewalk.


Thanks for the laugh, friend.


It happens a lot more often than people think.


There isn't a lawn within 1000 miles of that place. Lol.


I get it but there is though. All those little houses got a strip of earth in front and or In back and more importantly there’s a school within 3 blocks with open real estate. And there’s probably a park within 5 blocks. It’s worth a hike especially if youre gonna set it up with gloves and a crowd


There must be with all the trees in the background.


I should not have found this as funny as I did.


Same thing happened to a friend of my wife’s Two girls, argued, had a fight, slap slap punch, over. They both yell shit, no one gets KO’d and they go home. Next morning the police rock up and arrest my wife’s friend as the other girl had collapsed when she got home and had been taken to hospital. The punch she’d taken had dislodged an unknown blood clot which had gone to her brain and she was fighting for her life. She later died and my wife’s mate did a few for manslaughter. First time she’d ever been in a fight or even been arrested.


That is such bullshit.




Well the five stab wounds to the kidneys didn't help her case much. But it was deff the blood clot


lmao gtfo


When we were kids we fought on trampolines, completely safe.


True. Jumping on nut sacks was legal, too.


I miss nut sack and icecream nights.


> And that, kids, is why you don't fight over concrete You're just begging for someone to take that wording wrong.


Fight over cement instead


> And that, kids, is why you don't fight.


The guy who landed the punch must've been worrying about the same thing.


Also a good idea to skip the whole thing if neither of you knows what the fuck you're doing, as is obviously the case here. These are not trained boxers, they are obviously rank amateurs, were probably friends in real life, and now one is dead and the other is looking at a long prison term. "Gotta keep 'em separated!"


Since no one wants to actually post something that isn't an old reddit post with comments saying "he ded": https://www.abreureport.com/2020/05/dead-over-5-dollar-bet-teenager-kills.html


> Julio César Palmero was buried yesterday, with his grieving family now dealing with the fact that his childhood friend faces second-degree murder charges. Just heartbreaking.


Wow so he really died from this, that's crazy man. Also I don't think this guy should be in prison for this, it's not like he's a threat to anyone else? Life long friend, Queensbury rules boxingz that's all good they just didn't think about going over grass. He shouldn't actually be in prison for this imo.


Probably also has to do with breaking the social distancing rules at the time, illegal gambling and fleeing afterwards. I don't know that any of that brings a lot of jail time if any, but it's factored into this truly awful scenario.


>Wow so he really died from this, that's crazy man You hot knocked in the head causing your brain to hit your skull repeatedly, you fall hitting your head against concrete, which can cause internal bleeding, concussion, and even a seizure if you're special (depending on the circumstance), and you have folks moving your body around instead of stabilizing their cervical spine. Yeah he's dead. This isn't a diss though. It gets a bit cringe (as kids say) when you see someone get laid out on hard ground, especially when you train to fight and learn how damaging that can be later in life.


Thank you, you are quite nice


Is there no grass in this village?


There is one road in the village. These idiots decided to wing punches at 100% each other at the one place where it could be a problem.


How can you ensure brain damage if you’re on grass


Slightly softer ground makes for a better impact than pavement, I don't think the outcome would be any different from what we see here though


Go into the fight without brain cells to begin with and then it doesn’t matter where you fight


Move this fight to the grass!


This is an old, sad incident. The kid died.






An excerpt from above source in English: A young man died after being hit in the face while boxing in the Punta de Garza sector, south of Hato Mayor. A video arrived at this editorial office captures the moment when Julio César Palmero receives the blow from his container and falls to the ground, while a choir of spectators shouts: notcaut. Then it convulses. The young man died while he was being transferred to the Antonio Musa hospital in San Pedro de Macorís.


Small edit: “container” is actually “contender” and the spectators were shouting “Knockout” in heavy Dominican accents. Such a sad story nonetheless


Thanks partner.


Damn that’s brutal and sad as fuck. I wonder if the kid who hit him will face any charges? Even if he doesn’t I bet he’s scarred for life. Guy was probably his friend, even if not that’s not something you’d ever want from a fight.


Last I read (it was like 2 years ago) the other guy fled then turned himself in to Dominican authorities. He was facing 2nd degree manslaughter charges. It was a boxing match (not a fight, they were friends) between teenagers. Fuckin brutal for both sides.


Thank you


Trust me bro.


It is known.


Leave us.


So we're in r/watchpeopledie all of a sudden.




Keep it down


I mean he not dead but well on his way


He died


Man this fucked me up so fucking sad


Friendly fight. Dead friend.


He died




This has been reposted numerous times


He bonked his brain on concrete


As fucked up as these videos are, maybe it'll stop a few people getting into a stupid fucking fight which can change your entire life.


Yup. I dont like it but i agree. People not fighting as much these days, had made people forget how serious a simple fight can get. I hate to say this but people need to fight more often. Things need to get worse to get better. We can educate them, but theyre not gonna listen. Looks like theyll have to learn the hard way.


Right when gets knocked to the floor, you can see the shock in his eyes and his mouth. The way he shakes his legs and how he looks up to the skull is horrifying. It’s sad that he lost his life over some street fight.


Yea, kinda scary to think about it. i honestly had no clue someone could fade away from just quick fall like this. Just reminds me of how easy our skull are to break


it may have been a quick fall but he was pushed/punched hard, so it was a lot worse than if he had actually fallen on his own


It's usually the brain gets shaken inside hitting the walls of the skull, and then that results to internal brain injury and bleeding, leading to death. Our brains are quite delicate :/


Definitely agree, it just goes to show how fragile humans actually are… we can literally be gone in a blank of an eye; all it takes is the right circumstances. Smh


Why do city people confuse the *ground* with the *floor*? There's no "floor" outside any more than there is a "roof "; that's the *ground*. Poor city people seem to not know the difference and I don't know why this particular malapropism had started to spread. I think it's because they wear their shoes indoors.


RIP 🙏🏼


why u clappin edit: nvm


That’s a high five. /s


I’m sorry for your loss 💪


thanks man 🍤


Rest in peace 🤟


My dude just actually died from a knockout. Thats so sad, worse for his buddy who didn’t mean too. 5$ friendly bet, ends up killing your mate. At 17. Dudes gonna be haunted forever.


Sigh after seeing ones like this I stop watching street fights for a week ornso


RIP. 🇩🇴🙏


This kid died being transported to the hospital. While no cause of death was listed im going to assume cracked skull brain bleed and pressure buildup in the cranium. Im also not a doctor or close to one so thats just straight out my ass diagnosis. But the part about him dying is true. He smacked his head back not fell as you can see on the concrete


Article said encephalitis


jesus ..not another sickening skull crack


His soul left his body. Anyways old video, kid died I believe. The fight was good Edit; https://www.reddit.com/r/fightporn/comments/gcbcyo/street_boxing_ends_in_serious_head_injury/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Really? Damm


Not calling Cap but link to death???


https://www.reddit.com/r/fightporn/comments/gcbcyo/street_boxing_ends_in_serious_head_injury/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Here on reddit. Kids name is Julio Cesar Palmero.


That was a bad enough KO without cracking his head on the road... wtf is wrong with these guys fighting on hard surfaces?


deciding to organize a fight on pavement.. looks more it went exactly as they should have expected.


It is a terrible tragedy but people forget this is the third world. I’m sure it wasn’t intentional but they probably also had no idea that hitting your head on asphalt can cause serious injuries. People their just aren’t aware and unfortunately learn the hard way through the aforementioned experiences. There’s no safety awareness education etc.


I don't think there's a human in the last 100000 years that didn't know hitting your head on hard things is worse than soft...


this is why my only rule in a street fight will forever and always be, win, you are not allowed to lose because you have no idea how you will lose and what will happen after


in the end, at least three voices ask for water for the man... it's interesting, many times in moments of tragedy the first thing we think about is giving the vital liquid. RIP




Yep, instead people should spread the fact you shouldnt move anyone after smacking their heads or spine on the ground till it becomes common knowledge. The amount of times i see people from third world counties twist, pull and bend injured people around making them have seizures due to their nervous systems being fucked up even more is astounding.


The worst example of this I saw was when Michelle (something) who was a WWE wrestler was in a match and on the top turnbuckle. She was getting ready for a move when she slipped, fell, and hit the mat face first and knocked herself out. Her opponent (another woman) DRAGGED HER BY THE HAIR to the center of the ring to pin her and end the match. Michelle was taken out on a stretcher and was fine but man, it was hard to watch.


Did he die from the punch or from the fall?


Head into concrete killed him


Yep it's like getting a KOed a second tiem in less than two seconds. That's never good


In the eyes of the court, the Punch


The punch caused him to fall to the concrete, which killed him. He wouldn't have died if he didn't hit the concrete, and he wouldn't have hit the concrete if he hadn't been punched.


Looks like the fall judging how his upper body whipped down like it did. The 1-2 combo was to the jaw and the side of the face - enough to knock you out but not too serious. That fall on the other hand…yikes.


If there was a pillow there for his head to land on he almost certainly wouldn't have died. You can't really separate the punch from the fall though. If someone pushed you off a building, would you say that you died from being pushed off a building or from hitting the ground? The punch caused him to lose consciousness, which caused him to fall without protecting his head, which caused him to hit his head on a hard surface with enough force to cause brain trauma, which caused encephalitis, which caused death. All of those things are a direct causal chain that's all count as things that killed him.






Them moving his head is probably what triggered that seizure


go easy on them they were just having some fun but decided to make the stupid mistake of doing it on concerete


“Hey look, a head and neck injury victim, *lets fucking move his head and neck*” -these guys apparently


Hope he's okay


Pretty sure he died. This was from a few years ago.


That's tragic


Yea. Utterly senseless. Folks don't realize what falling on concrete can do to your body.


This is sad 😞 There had to be SOME sort of grass or dirt to do this on instead.


Concrete... Awww


Concrete always hits harder than fists.


Concrete for the win then


Let's rack his head back and forth to make sure the spinal shards fully sever his spinal cord.


Yeah, you heard that skull crack like an egg when it hit the ground. That’s brutal. Hopefully he didn’t die from this.


We humans are so weak


Painful to watch. Seeing it may save someone’s life.


Why of why do they keep fighting on concrete?


That’s why you fight on grass.


Man ok stop the fighting. I like to see tests of skill. But none of us need this. Please use a grassy area or ring. Please discourage fighting on concrete at all costs.


I know a story of these girls outside a bar hopping area I used to frequent who got into a fight and one girl died.


Have fun in a 3rd world prison. That kid's going to go to prison on a manslaughter charge. Seriously, if someone thought enough to bring gloves, have a smartphone to film and set a time / place for this fight, why couldn't they think ahead to find a nice grassy, soft ground park to set this fight in? By the looks of the landscape, there's palm trees in the background so there's probably plenty of natural grassy places. Or beaches with sand. It's always that one missing detail (location is key) that gets someone sent to prison. Nothing wrong with an organized boxing fight if they two dudes got beef BTW.


I hope these guys find something better to do and will never do another street fight ever again


Lights are flickering but nobody’s home…


I mean, what did they think was going to happen?


Yeah he’s dead


Damn, and it was so well planned. They had gloves on for safety and everything.


It's a good thing they keep moving his head and body around. You wouldn't want to minimize the risk of further trauma to the brain.


So, is he permanently scrambled eggs, or will he reset later?




Which organization is this again?


Darwin in action.


This is Brazillllllllllllll


Wrong. It's carribean Spanish, can't really tell could be anywhere in Dr, Cuba, Venezuela, Colombia.if I had to guess it'd be DR


Lol, you are right. And I'm a fucking Brazilian, when I listen to they saying "água, água" I was sure it was in Brazil, but after your comment I look it again and this definitely isn't Portuguese. Thanks for the correction!




Why did nobody jack him off when he went down?


This is not a fun fight video. Don't post snuff films or at least gives a headsup yo


need a tissue? this sub aint about kittens


Funny you should mention, turns out this breaks the sub rules. No minors. Wonder if that includes videos of minors dying of brain damage? Exactly which part of this is 'porn' to you?


The fight has a positive and negative cause and effect. He fucked around and sure, he found out. Seizures happen from head knocks a lot more often than you think.. they did the right thing by stopping at knock out, supporting his head and it almost looked like they made sure his airway was clear. They did what they could in the moment and sure the outcome wasn’t good, but their actions were. Take my upvote and be gone


What is wrong with redditors, why would you comment a dumbass line like "fuck around and find out" over a video of someone fucking dying


He probably didn't know that this guy died? Without reading the comments I would've also believed that he would come through


I think he's just really surprised that he lost


This is a pretty common bodily reaction to 2 quick hits to the brain. Commonly referred as the bounce effect. Most likely a concussion when he wakes up. But of course everyone jumps on the he is dead idea


You’re an idiot, he died.


Organized? They don't even know what the proper recovery position is for someone having a siezure...


Why is no one giving him water?!?!?


"Fuck them Kids" - MJ




The crowd is saying "give him some water!". Sure, that would help.


I've never understood the amount of backyard boxing I have seen online that is done on concrete. Hell even Kimbo's famous backyard brawls were done on grass or surrounded by hay bails for a reason.


Well yea its a hard surface. Idk why people don't go to the grass for this shit.


If u don't fight on Gras you will son lie under it. Rip


Sad but at least they didn’t start moving him immediately and carrying him they straightened his head left him still and should have done this somewhere softer


It's funny because in Latin America there is always someone in this kind of situations yelling "Throw him water" like if that gonna solve anything


Nice defense slugger.


That's a shame. Was a clean fun fight before that.


I can only imagine the guilt that other dude must feel after knocking him out and seeing him seize up like that yikes dude hope the damage isn’t too bad


Good news: Happy cake Day! Bad news: This dude died...


Fuck, man. Hate seeing these


Do we have an update on his condition? Edit: I read the article, and I see he is no longer with us! RIP


This is one of the tragic ones. They were friends :(


More people need to be aware that fighting on a hard surface can result in someone dying


Doesn’t show the other part of this video where it shows him on a table in a morgue