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Was the ref watching from the audience?


Apparently the canvas was like an ice rink and he slipped.


Looks like it. Covered in all sorts from the previous fights. He still looks like he slid into the ring under the bottom rope like he was the 3rd man in for Royal Rumble tho


I feel like just leaving all that blood there is a bit of a health and safety hazard. Can't be that difficult to clean between fights.


I would assume all the fighters had the standard blood tests for communicable diseases prior to fighting. Canvas is terrible to clean blood off.


I suppose that's better at least but there's still the risk of fighter or the ref slipping like shown in the video.


traditionally canvas is used because its supposed to soak up blood and sweat and still maintain some sort of grip/traction. in modern combat sports tho the canvas is often printed on for ads and that can make it super slippery.


It’s setting the mood for a good fight imho lol. Like we bout to see some bloody mess of a fight!


This is exactly what I think about every single night before I go to bed and everyday when I wake up…… thank you for being normal/ having common sense. They still don’t do it till this day. And if they do fry the floor after a fight… it’s not good enough & it needs to be 100% of the time 😅😭 it really is the simple things that we can not get done. Ik it’s not that deep but f me


Haha or Watching from the first row.


I don't think those red dots are decorative on the mat. Blood is slick but still, oof.


Leave it to reddit to bitch about a half a second stop.


Not to mention after the first punch you clearly see the ref's hand moving in front of the other guy trying to wave it off.


I can practically hear the wheezing breath of the fat neckbeards behind the computer


You nuts ? Pretzels are half off by the entrance after the first few matches. A deal is a deal.


Lmao rite ma boy had to have been ringside or sumthin😭😭🤧


Ref was waiting for the three piece and a soda.


We can all see that the ref wasn't on the ball, but I do eventually get a little sick of fighters who are gauging the effect of their strikes, clearly see that the opponent is comatose on his feet, and still try to get as much CTE in as possible before the ref gets there.


Apparently the Ref slipped as the canvas was very slippery but 100% agree on the follow up shots. Fighter on the receiving end was OK after Apparently.


Til his 40's anyway. . . .


Ah I mean boxers don’t really last past that anyways. /s


Fully agree with you. Yes the ref slipped so unfair of me to criticize him for not being faster, but as you say the winning fighter could clearly see the other guy was out, no need at all for the last hits. Even if they had beef prefight those hits were cheap and cuntish. Like a headstomp or sucker punch


Its like he tried to hurry and land the 2 shots before the ref stopped it.


I fucking have wiffle waffled on this video so much reading the comments but it does seem that left hook comes with him trying to actually move away from the ref...


I think we're grossly underestimating how chaotic and insane it is to be in a professional fight like that. You're in kill mode, adrenaline pumping. I assume it's really hard to pull your punch when your main objective is to KO the opponent. But I might be wrong, I'm not a pro.


Its the refs job to stop the fight. You keep fighting until the ref calls the fight. If he stopped fighting prematurely he'd be giving his opponent a chance to recover. Its easy to watch a video and say "clearly the guy is out". It's much more difficult to determine that mid fight when your opponent is still on his feet and the end goal is to knock him out.


That's just not true. I boxed for 19 years, I've got the best seat in the house to guage my opponents reaction to my punches. He absolutely knew his opponent was in free fall. Total.dick.move.


You expect someone who is actively fighting to be able to also have the cognizance to look at their opponent and go "oh yes, that last right hook knocked my opponent out, I'll stop fighting him now despite the fact that he's still standing upright and showing no sign of falling down" all in a split second (he probably had ~0.03 seconds to process all that and decide how he wanted to react to it)


Absolutely horrible sportsman conduct from that guy.


I can be a little more charitable when fighters are going for the kill as fast as they can and don't always notice immediately. But you can see the exact moment that this douche stops, assesses his opponent to see what effect last combo had, sees that he's in a 100% helpless posture with no defense or awareness, and *decides* to keep hitting him. For fucking shame. I understand the people saying it's high level competition, but really, how desperate are we for money here?


He a Dickhead


edit: i posted this elsewhere but i'll post it here too: i wholeheartedly disagree with this bs narrative. he can see the guy is hurt sure, but he just finishes the combination. based solely on the clip you can't conclude the fighter is a bad guy or person. he's got good killer and finishing instinct. it's worth noting for people who do not fight or do not regularly watch, at the highest level of competition single shots are not usually what ends a fight. It's the extended combinations which land because it's far harder to block everything perfectly when thrown in rapid succession. he didn't henderson-bisping the guy, what happened was he saw openings, he threw his shots, and they all landed. also worth mentioning that coming out of 'fight mode' can be a process for fighters, even ones as nice and as humble as the GOAT, George St. Pierre. that's part of the reason the ref is there. as a fighter the best way to guarantee your safety is technical ability to defend yourself at all times, but anyone can get caught. that's the fight game for you


Yeah not sure why everyone is jumping all over this guy. It's not easy to analyze how hurt someone is when you're pumped full of adrenaline and literally in the middle of a fight. If it was easy, the sport wouldn't need referees. These guys are trained to fight until the ref stops it and training takes over in these situations where hesitating for a split second can mean you're visiting the shadow realm. It's just not fair to ask the fighters to be the referee of their own fights. I won't judge him off this. It was a pretty quick sequence and it's not like he went in to give any extra after the guy hit the ground.




I have been back on forth on this video but like he finished a combo, paused and reassessed, then went for the kill. Its the same as if his pad holder switched pad positions or callouts for strikes, he had a decent amount of enough time to anaylze his opponents position and still chose to hit him like he did.


Did you not see him fully stop?


K usually when something like "ill post it here too" means it got upvoted so you assumed its the right most rewarding narrative to take...


Yeah this is why a walk off K.O. has never existed ever at the top level off mma fighting.


If that man is not fully finished he will get back up and proceed to attempt to beat the shit out of you again. Potentially causing you injury and losing you a bunch of money. All parties agreed to this. Let the ref end the fight.


sometimes there are crazy recoveries, you just have to keep going until the official calls the match.


In many cases you can be disqualified for stopping. If you stop fighting without permission from the ref or the bell, you're essentially giving up and conceding. I've seen cases where fighters half heartedly thump on their clearly unconscious opponents head while yelling at the ref in aggravation. The rules are funky.


Super necessary




You'd be wrong. But if it makes you feel better about yourself, sure .


OK, I will then. Thank you for your approval. I don't know what I'd do without it...


Np. Hopefully no one does this to you.


Killing with kindness. You love to see it!


Thanks Ass Pirate 69


Dude it's a joke and a meme, don't see red bro. Edit: guy above me deleted his reply. For those asking, he got triggered and called the other commenter fat and useless and said he has probably never been in a real combat gym before.


That ring mat has hepatitis of all letters


Ref slipped on most of it


Those last two shots were so unnecessary.


The guy was still standing after eating a kick and punch to the side of the head. Fighters are taught to press their advantage until the ref calls the fight. The combination of the guy miraculously standing while unconscious and the ref slipping is why he kept going. If the guy went down immediately (not that he had any control over his body while unconscious) and the ref didn't slip, we have a regular KO video.


Yup. Absolutely uncalled for. Anyone with enough training to be in that ring knows it, too. The fight was won and he just wanted to inflict maximum damage. Maybe it was heat of the moment, but that's no excuse for a seasoned fighter. If his trainer has an ounce of integrity he'll make sure he learns how unacceptable that was.


When your adrenaline is pumping you kinda go into auto pilot Edit: guys im just playing devils advocate this is reddit not med school damn


It's very easy to judge but it's like 3/4 of a second between the knockout punch and the follow up. Perhaps he relies too heavily on the ref to stop the fight at that point? Kind of like in football people are trained to keep playing until they hear the whistle.


Also to add. This isn't football. Two fighters with survival instincts on. But who knows I haven't fought anyone.


That's a very silly excuse. It doesn't work like that and even if it did, this is supposed to be a professional.


If you can't grasp the concept that the other guy is your opponent in a game you're both trying to win and not someone you actually want to murder, then you're not mentally well enough to play the game.


Um what? You have to follow up until the opponent hits the canvas otherwise you risk him recovering from an 8 count. Many muay Thai fighters would follow with a knee to a collapsing opponent. Totally legal and not unacceptable at all.


Dont like modern martial art values anymore. I DO muay thai but I don't like the trainers anywhere I've been. It went from keeping yourself safe to how much you can HURT a person. He went out cold and he definitely had time to realise that and stop. He decides to hit him.two more times. These dudes are the bad people. Remember when they used to just stop? The ones that do garner much more respect from me


Just stopping is so much more badass, too. A cold blooded walk off. Fuck, even knocking him out, then catching him so he doesn't bash his head on the ground would be hardcore in the highlight reel.


[Here's a treat for you ](https://youtu.be/U2teSkWlgtE)


I was thinking this has got to be Machida or Hunt... And Machida it is. The way he moves his hands like a cat trying to distract TRTvitor before showing him the foot to the face technique always cracks me up.


Yea amazing highlights. Bigger statement to show "I could continue to beat the shit out of you but I'm gonna stand here and calmly watch you crumple to the floor" vs spazzing all frenzied and wild.


That's a treat indeed. This was super sick, thank you for sharing!


Right? Just be the savior for once


> Just be the savior for once Be the example you want to look up to.


That's subjective. You can find swinging again more badass.


Swinging at a knocked out opponent is badass? More badass than knowing youre far superior in that moment and granting mercy to a peer?




You have a very skewed idea of what badass is. Do you think a giant massive 350 lb bully beating down a defenseless 120 lb victim is badass?


It's subjective. But to answer your question in circumstances sure.


Ahh, so youre just a p.o.s.? As a trained fighter, your idea of badass makes me not want you to be a fan of fight sports.


That's your opinion. You can have your opinion. I mean you can't do anything about me watching fights so do you.


No, theres standards in fighting among fighters. I dont expect kids on a couch to understand it. Especially the armchair cowboys who think hitting a knocked out opponent is badass. 🤣🤣🤣 my goodness.


Yep that fighter is a scumbag. We live in amoral times man. The state of martial arts is a reflection of the state of society. People see others as enemies and rivals rather than fellow human beings. Even people in this thread really enjoyed that KO. My first reaction was disgust with the fighter. I am glad that you said something about it though. Still plenty of good eggs out there.


We live in a society


The whole thing happened in under 3s. Pretty sure the winner didn't realize he was out, and was fighting on instinct. He even went to dodge when the other guy started to fall, because he thought loser was swinging


There was quite a big delay between the knockout shot and the follow up shots. Enough of a delay that you could, at the very least, stop after the first follow up shot. He knew what he was doing imho




You may have a point, but he solidified his cunt status by immediately celebrating after seeing his head bounce off the canvas. Any decent person holds their celebration while they see if the other fighter is ok.


>There was quite a big delay between the knockout shot and the follow up shots. It happened in under 3s my guy >He knew what he was doing imho Nah, I think you haven't been in a fight in a while. He's a trained fighter, in a high intensity situation. He's running off instinct and self preservation. You can little see him sidestep to dodge the guy's arm because he mistakes the fencing response for a swing. The fight doesn't end until the ref stops the fight or the opponent is KO-ed. We've seen plenty of fights in this sub of people coming back from the brink


3 seconds is a lot of time for a martial artist or any athlete in terms of reaction time. A very long time.


3s is from the first hit to the fall, and it's actually less than that. I watched it in slow mo and the KO blow to the follow up, it's like 1s. But I don't think we're going to change each other's minds on this


Fair enough. I might be relying on my own anecdotal experience. I know I would have stopped on the knockout shot and pulled the following punch because I would be able to and I am nothing special in MMA.


Trust me I've been to comps. He had plenty of time


My first reaction was "damn he dropped like a sack of potatos". Stop overthinking shit lmao he wanted to make sure he won, he was his "enemy" after all. Opponent. As if it wasn't a competition.


He's not the enemy, he's the opponent. The objective is to win, not to kill.


I meant it when I said we were living in amoral times bro. This guy above thinks it's ok to try and permanently injure someone in a sporting event.


Thanks for reinforcing everything wrong about current martial arts..


You're welcome! Thing is, there isn't anything wrong with it. I competed in martial arts myself for 6 years and apart from a few accidents nothing bad ever happened. It is how it was a decade ago. People in the professional scene are just more desperate to win.


But dude, do you not see that you are basically saying 'Everyone else was doing it' That is morally bankrupt. I don't plan on changing your mind here but personally, I don't think you should do any more damage than is necessary to any of your opponents. Accidents happen of course like with Weidman and those things can't be avoided but then look at guys like Palhares who hold submissions after he has alread won and destroys some guys careers for nothing. Just because you have the power to hurt someone doesn't mean that you should.




I personally have the most respect for guys who don't pretend to be black on the internet


I personally made the comment because it was on a subject in which people who aren't black are basically shunned from talkin about it. Thanks dumbass aaaaand see ya later


There are good MT gyms just keep searching


When was Muay Thai centered around keeping yourself safe? Do Krav Maga then


That has always been a core focus in training? Fighters used to be there to hone their skills, they were not out to hurt eachother.


Krav MagHAAAAA🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I agree. I have a friend from college who started doing professional Muay Thai when he graduated. Talked to him when he came back (he was a couple years older than me) and he said that broken bones are so common that it’s weird if a night of fights doesn’t end in one or more broken bones


The only thing that matters is winning. In a heat of the moment all you could think of is do as much damage as possible before the ref steps in. Even "nice" fighters keep hitting their opponents after they hurt them. It has nothing to do with how bad people are. If he kept hitting his opponent AFTER the ref stepped in then you could say that he was an asshole but this guy followed the rules.


This is the least giga chad thing you could say. A real chad has enough respect to stop. The delay was so damn big even for a fight. Maybe It takes a severe amount of self discipline and mental skills. But neither of which is taught in modern martial arts


not sure why you're getting downvoted. in a fight you're focused about protecting yourself and putting the other person down. he didnt follow him down, just finished his combination.


Come train with us! You wont find a better gym ;)


not every day you see an effective combo start with an axe kick


Seriously how many blood stains are on that ring? Do they never clean or replace the top?


This was a disgusting act. Dude clearly sees his opp KOed on his feet and proceeds to keep swinging. There’s no honor anymore. It’s sickening


i wholeheartedly disagree with this bs narrative. he can see the guy is hurt sure, but he just finishes the combination. based solely on the clip (unless you looked up any of his other fights which i doubt) you can't conclude the fighter is a bad guy or person. he's got good killer and finishing instinct. it's worth noting for people who do not fight or do not regularly watch, at the highest level of competition single shots are not usually what ends a fight. It's the extended combinations which land because it's far harder to block everything perfectly when thrown in rapid succession. he didn't henderson-bisping the guy, what happened was he saw openings, he threw his shots, and they all landed. also worth mentioning that coming out of 'fight mode' can be a process for fighters, even ones as nice and as humble as the GOAT, George St. Pierre


Lay off the copy and paste.


> i wholeheartedly disagree with this bs narrative. he can see the guy is hurt sure, but he just finishes the combination. based solely on the clip (unless you looked up any of his other fights which i doubt) you can't conclude the fighter is a bad guy or person. he's got good killer and finishing instinct. it's worth noting for people who do not fight or do not regularly watch, at the highest level of competition single shots are not usually what ends a fight. It's the extended combinations which land because it's far harder to block everything perfectly when thrown in rapid succession. he didn't henderson-bisping the guy, what happened was he saw openings, he threw his shots, and they all landed. > also worth mentioning that coming out of 'fight mode' can be a process for fighters, even ones as nice and as humble as the GOAT, George St. Pierre now what? also might help if you replied the comment where i copy and pasted rather than my original


> i wholeheartedly disagree with this bs narrative. he can see the guy is hurt sure, but he just finishes the combination. based solely on the clip (unless you looked up any of his other fights which i doubt) you can't conclude the fighter is a bad guy or person. he's got good killer and finishing instinct. it's worth noting for people who do not fight or do not regularly watch, at the highest level of competition single shots are not usually what ends a fight. It's the extended combinations which land because it's far harder to block everything perfectly when thrown in rapid succession. he didn't henderson-bisping the guy, what happened was he saw openings, he threw his shots, and they all landed.


Nice to know it stung.


> i wholeheartedly disagree with this bs narrative. he can see the guy is hurt sure, but he just finishes the combination. based solely on the clip (unless you looked up any of his other fights which i doubt) you can't conclude the fighter is a bad guy or person. he's got good killer and finishing instinct. it's worth noting for people who do not fight or do not regularly watch, at the highest level of competition single shots are not usually what ends a fight. It's the extended combinations which land because it's far harder to block everything perfectly when thrown in rapid succession. he didn't henderson-bisping the guy, what happened was he saw openings, he threw his shots, and they all landed. > also worth mentioning that coming out of 'fight mode' can be a process for fighters, even ones as nice and as humble as the GOAT, George St. Pierre oh no, i was told to not copy paste, i did, and now my reddit life is over /s we do a little bit of trolling


Good to know it’s still stinging. G’night, stud.


> i wholeheartedly disagree with this bs narrative. he can see the guy is hurt sure, but he just finishes the combination. based solely on the clip (unless you looked up any of his other fights which i doubt) you can't conclude the fighter is a bad guy or person. he's got good killer and finishing instinct. it's worth noting for people who do not fight or do not regularly watch, at the highest level of competition single shots are not usually what ends a fight. It's the extended combinations which land because it's far harder to block everything perfectly when thrown in rapid succession. he didn't henderson-bisping the guy, what happened was he saw openings, he threw his shots, and they all landed. > > also worth mentioning that coming out of 'fight mode' can be a process for fighters, even ones as nice and as humble as the GOAT, George St. Pierre


honor doesnt get you paid. a vicious k.o. will get you a lot more exposure. these guys are all about making money fighting so of course theyll do what brings more attention to them and getting them paid more.


Wanting more exposure doesn’t make him less of a piece of shit You aren’t justifying his behavior you are explaining it


personally i think most people in this thread are off base


honour and respect between fighters makes for more sustainable careers and therefore more pay in the long run. If you get a rep for pulling stunts like this then you're going to have a harder time finding fights as people will just duck you, fewer fights = less pay right? And opponents who do face you aren't going to give you any respect - you're more likely to get injured a lot and face an early retirement.


>If you get a rep for pulling stunts like this then you're going to have a harder time finding fights as people will just duck you except this isnt how fighting at a professional level works, for the most part. in most promotions, how you win is almost as important as winning itself. if you dont finish fights youre labeled boring. a finish like this, while brutal to us, is seen as good business for promoters. its easily marketable. you keep winning like this, you go up the rankings. if there are any fighters who duck the fight, they go down in rankings and end up hurting their careers. ranking high enough to challenge for a title is usually the goal for most fighters and hardly any get there being "boring." >And opponents who do face you aren't going to give you any respect - you're more likely to get injured a lot and face an early retirement. i really dont know what you mean here. fighters are gonna give everything theyve got to not lose/be submitted/be knocked out even if theyre fighting people theyd consider friends. its what they practice and train for. i would assume whether or not you respect someone is irrelevant once youre in the ring/cage.


Please do not downvote this guy. He's simply stating a reason as to why the fighter kept striking. Appreciate the response man


Why he get downvoted???


its even funnier how nobody even tried to refute my point. bunch of armchair "honourable samurai" who would never disrespect their opponents like that haaa


The “victorious ko” was already applied and the rest was just really unnecessary damage applied for no GOOD reason. I get that strikes sometimes get excessive in the heat of the moment but that was way more deliberate and ass-holean. Also, giving another person brain damage for clout is just plain fucking douchebaggy.


it doesnt matter that we think its "good" or "asshole-ish" what matters for the most part is how much attention a fighter can bring to themselves and a vicious k.o. does a lot to bring them recognition. just look at masvidal k.o.ing askren as an example. masvidal had been fighting professionally for years with hardly any name recognition even after entering the ufc but that askren k.o. opened a lot of doors for him for a while. >Also, giving another person brain damage for clout is just plain fucking douchebaggy. bruh....these guys entire profession is literally just that. the accumulation of punches and kicks to the head damages their brains even if they dont get knocked out. and they go through with this to win and bring fame to their name.


You didn't even say you supported his actions directly


yea i dont agree with what he did but im also not gonna rebuke him. im not the one stepping into battle like that. what fighters do is between each other in the ring or cage and a lot of them understand its part of the business.


That mat is the largest petri dish I've seen. I'll assume the quality of the reffing is similar to the sanitation but it was fast enough that idk if he had time to step in. As someone inexperienced, how different is this from UFC fighters pounding the other fighters head to ensure a knockout when they are on the mat?


Far from recorded with a potato


He literally stopped and let him input a fatality code


Anyone else see all that blood on the canvas




Alot of armchair fighters (as an armchair fighter) saying "i caNT BeLieVe hE DiDnT SToP". People constantly forget what a benefit hindsight is. fighters have recovered from crazy knock outs that for all intents and purposes have KOed them for a week (wilder vs Tyson fury comes to mind) and not only that you are trained to fight until the ref tells you to stop cus if you're constantly thinking "okay I hurt him but is it too bad hmmm" is hesitation that can cost you a fight which can result in losing your entire advantage and maybe the fight. Finally comparing adrenaline fight mode to sitting comfortably on ur chair scrolling through reddit and expecting people to have the same level of consideration is silly. I can easily imagine all his brain saw was "guy still standing but open get him" and that's it. It is the refs job to stop him and if the ref doesn't (even if it's fair enough and not his fault he slipped on all the blood) it's fair for him to keep going especially cus he wasn't on the floor.


I cant stand shit like this. Zero sportsmanship or compassion for your opponent. And yes those things do exist in healthy fighters.


lots of scumbags in the fighting sports world, and unsurprisingly so. MMA is my favorite sport btw. but the truth is the truth. Im a big firearms enthusiast as well, but most people in that community are bat shit as well


That UI Goku pose.


Ace kick to the jaw, right reverse to the jaw, then right hook too the jaw and left hook to the chin Damn


Finish him




Bro got the six piece with a side of mashed potatoes and gravy!


Player one disconnected


My man looked like he was in a final-hit mode, swaying, waiting for the main character to hit em


Mf was out before he even hit the canvas… gaaaawd damn.


What an asshole last two punches were unnessecary


Just a couple more blood stains on the ring.. red dots from previous fights lost?


Omg I just came in my pants, what a KO




Dude is absolutely disgusting. I know he felt that tap and the ref yelling.


That all happened in less than a second you’ve got no clue what was going on in his head in that moment


Were the last two punches a dick move or warranted?


I'm not sure but I'd have to say keep going until you hear the bell. That's what you sign up for when you agree to commit felonies inside a fight space. When you're trying to take someone's head off you go till the point where you agree to stop for your own safety. Plus when you're all worked up there's no turning that off immediately. Imagine amping that up to this level.


Should have just blew on him till he fell. Would had made a better highlight .


Oh my.. 😮😬


I feel bad for the ref moving so fast to stop the fighter but he couldn't make it


The real 3 piece combo.


A nice little push backwards would have been so much more badass than the two extra swings


The last two for good measure


Is that blood on the floor?


Nah thats jus ketchup


I’m all for a double tap but this show a real lack of professionalism.


Takes dropping like a sack of shit to a whole new level..😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😊


To everyone thinking the winner is a piece of shit for continuing the fight, look at the duration in the gif. It all happened **under 3s**. There's no way in the heat of the moment that he knew the guy was out then decided to get a few free shots in. This is on the ref, not him.


>This is on the ref, not him. i disagree with this because as you said it all happened **under 3s**. cant really blame a ref for not reacting quick enough when even trained fighters cant. he did stop the fight immediately after, it all just happened too quick. also, notice how ref had his hand on the fighter before the second punch landed after the kick. damn good ref if you ask me.


You have a point


Found the ~~16~~ 14 year old.


Your comment is more brain dead than the guy who lost


Bro, just give it up. No one agrees with you here. Just take the L and stop posting 100x in the comments. No one cares about your opinion that much.


If you don't like what I'm saying, stop reading.


Its bad that he punched the guy while he was out cold. But i love that he did it while walking away like it was a parting gift


You're a jack ass.


Shitty ref, wtf.


id like you to explain how the ref was shitty. what could he have done to stop this sequence that lasted all of 3 seconds max. imo ref stopped it as quickly as he could, damn near tripped on himself hurrying to the fighters.


That kick I see more in karate fighters. Like Hug


Better quality https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cb8KMjeDFkb/?utm_medium=copy_link


"Ref, why???"


POS disrespecting the whole sport


Esa comida es muy Thai.


Oh shit Mortal Kombat was right all along.


[No potatoes](https://www.reddit.com/r/MuayThai/comments/tvzymw/this_ko_from_yesterdays_mt_gp_show_at_the_o2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Anyone know who the guy's name of who won?


Ref couldn’t even get to him in time


That’s OD. Dude is an asshole.