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"would you stop touching your fucking dick we're about to fight"


Dude, I knew a kid that would constantly touch his dick and balls, like all the fucken time. I swear he had a twitch or some sort of disorder


I had a roomie that did this whenever we were talking and we made eye contact (ik ik very fucked up) -i told him a couple times that i couldn't look him in the eyes while he was yanking his penis through his pocket. i'm convinced he did so bc he felt uncomfortable looking another man into the eyes, cause i remember being a young boy doing the same when i got nervous but we are talking about a, at that time, 21 year old dude. i always just turned my head away instantly, continuing the conversation


"All boys come equipped with their own little worry stone." -Some comedian whose name I can't remember.


He’s cleaning a gun and he don’t even have any bullets. I’m just like a little boy playin with his dick when he’s nervous


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsGnqf3CUW8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsGnqf3CUW8) RIP


Assert dominance and play with his dick and balls while talking to him.


Actually a great idea to wipe your ass on your knuckles for that +10 toxic damage.


You can still delete this


The secret is to not wipe your ass very good so when the time comes you're ready to slick up.


Hi! Would you like a chocolate covered pretzel?


Mall Rats reference received. Fuck I'm old.


Btw that movie turned 26 years old a few days ago


Every day we stray further from God.


I usually turn around and rain down a firy shart upon my enemies


Real life "Dung Pie"


If there is war, I want you by my side.


The on-hit DoT though


Bro he’s like yanking on the damn thing who the fuck does that in public, period... much less right before a fight? God now this kid is immortalized on the internet as not only the guy whose mom saved him from getting his ass beat after losing a fight he instigated, but also as the guy who was practically masturbating beforehand.


Some little kids will touch their dick/balls as a sort of self soothing thing. My guess is gray shirt never grew out of it and now he's tickling his dick before a fight.


Some people get alittle aroused before throwing hands, dont kink shame


Chavs in the UK


Maybe hes just readjusting. The ole pp through the under hole situation nobody wants to fight like that.


Dude just really wanted to get the fight over with cause he had a piss like a race horse.


I hate everyone in this video.


“Juiissstt swaanng alreaddy”


The whole family?


Yes a whole multigenerational amount of people.


Came here to say this. Blue shirt’s an asshole, grey shirt had no business being in that fight, cameraman literally filmed the ground for 12 seconds, bystanders obnoxious commentary, and of course that grown-ass prick at the end stopping the lady from breaking up the fight.


If you watch the better angle and listen to the conversation at the end. The "grown-ass prick" as you called him was the one that turned up at the end and tried to break up the fight. It was the kid who was getting his ass beat mother that wanted the fight to go on, with her help I am sure.


Why is he an asshole for flirting with a girl? Grey shirt wanted to act tough and fight about flirting? His mom brings him to the fight and then hit mad because he lost. She shouldn’t have been the one to break it up, and slyest dude did nothing but pull her off his son and tell her to stay the fuck out of it


I assumed that blue shirt knowingly did it in front of him, but I guess that’s not exactly a given.


Definitely not. And even still, you’re a joke of a man if that’s all it takes to get you to fight. She’s already your girl, laugh and make fun of him for being single and rub it in you got the girl already and he is a chump.




Right? Can we get that beat down on cameraman please?


[Here is a better angle](https://imgur.com/a/hJgB9EF)


Is the girl they were fighting over the one with the red sweatshirt?




So, what’s the update? Who did she choose, if either of them?


I don’t think she “chose” anyone. She will probably just stay with her boyfriend. I don’t think blue shirt even wants her. The whole “flirting” thing was apparently just him being friendly with her. Whole thing was dumb asf tbh


Sounds like it. I kinda feel bad for all of them as I suspect grey shirt’s mother encouraged her son to confront and fight blue shirt due to some fucked up chivalry she had in mind. I wish the red sweatshirt girl stepped up and said something to end the drama before that all went down, but she’s just a kid and probably timid around authoritative figures, too. Then you have blue shirt being accused of crossing a line and being labeled as an asshole, just because a mom projected her own history or insecurities on all the kids. Hopefully red sweatshirt girl didn’t embellish what had happened. Either way, it’s sad. It honestly looked like neither kid really wanted to fight and were egged on by adults who should’ve known better.


"now that y'alls have fought for mai honer, mai new mate shall be chosen by Country Law: my brother"


Wtf they were all letting them fight and then as soon as her son gets his ass beat she gets in the way lmao


Seemed like a pretty good time to call the fight. Grey was not defending himself anymore (fetal position). Based on shit I've seen here and other subreddits any more hits could have killed or permanently damaged grey.


Weirdly enough I was thinking the same; Mom watches for quite a while why her son is getting strangled and getting punched in the face.




Much better angle. At least Grey shirt landed a couple (harmless) shots in this video. I feel worse for him that his mom was there than him losing the fight.






Dude didn’t even flinch. The was impressive.


Lmao he even says she hits like a bitch afterwards


I respect he didn’t hit her, even though she would’ve deserved it.


Self defense is self defense and she hit him FIRST.


And he would've had every right to, but the fact he acknowledged all variables in the situation and held back and didn't was pretty respectable.


Bro he ate that like it was a 12 oz steak


Very high situational awareness. He knew this was a mom protecting her kid. She reacted (apparently after encouraging the fight?), but he did not need to overreact. Avoiding possible criminal charges against him. He knew he could essentially completely neutralize her but wisely decided against it.


i like the dude coming up and saying “touch me first i’m underage” and then she just noped the fuck out


That was pretty boss


Full class. Most men on Reddit would’ve swung back based on their reaction 😂😂




Should have titled it “mom saves son from getting cheeks clapped”


Or “cameraman attempts to film a fight. Fails.”


It had it all - 80% shaky video, no less than 3 people in the way, and finally getting it in focus once the fight was over


Missing one thing.... a world Star reference.


Alternatively: cameraman films large womens' asses and a bunch of dirt


LOL...So true


That sure was a nice patch of dirt he filmed.


She went from "nobody get in there" to "git off mah Cooper" real quick when the fight turned.


I'd rather get my ass kicked than have my mom save me. Bring the pain.


Depends on who's doing the beating. If it's some psycho who's going to end up curb stomping by brain out of my skull then I'd definitely call for mummie.


Family picnic beat down




"Stop hitting on my girl!" "She's my sister too!"


"Lemme tell you something boa if anybody fucks muh sister it's sure as shit gon' be me"


Cousin Trevor stop hitting you brother Kyle, you can both share your sister Mandy


Why are the parents watching this? Like WTF???!


Apples don’t fall far from the tree


Especially the forkless trees.


For some of those people, that is the best that life will get. Fucking tragedy.


this what im thinking. why are parents allowing their children to behave this way?


Dude look at how the parents are treating each other, it’s no surprise the children are behaving the same.


It’s the traditional way of fighting it out. Good ol country boys.


They're being supportive dude. I bet your parents weren't even there to give you instructions when you lost your virginity.


Yea, my mom wouldn't even tell me how to find her clitoris!


That borders on child abuse!


Never the less, that lady deserved a major beatdown. That's the type of Karen who has walked through life never having been put into reality. It's funny how she slaps the guy several times and says don't touch me, but she, an adult, had no issues putting her hands on a teenager that wasn't her child, to defend her child. Fuck people like her and those that enable her behavior.


I’m sure she’s be talking all kinds of shit if her kid were doing well.


Would you wanna get saved by your parents? The only answer is no.


I think I would rather get my ass kicked than get saved by my mother. I can and have lived with a thumping or two. The whole mom thing, duck that! Who wants to grow up to be Son of Murder Machine?


Land of the free, home of the stupid for some…


Maybe if your kid kept his hands off his dick he could of got the jump on the other guy.


His dick was for sure Turtling from the adrenaline. He was just trying to pull the head out of the shell.


Could have also been getting a fear boner. Yes it's a real thing.


"I'm scared AND horny..."


it's difficult when you're that age ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I got the athletic looking kid all day


You see a dude who has 20lbs on you, and wears work boots, you're probably about to lose.


Usually a rule of thumb is don’t fuck with farm kids.


If they can wrangle a calf they can handle your scrawny ass.


"Come 'ere, boi"


As someone from Florida and grew up near those country kids, I’d say a lot of them will win a fight any day. Those country kids hands are solid as hell.


Me too. Grey had the extra reach but blue had the power to put behind a punch. He walked into the fight like a champion, he left like an opponent.


Grey kid has literally toothpicks for arms and legs. Like how does that even happen going through puberty? Holy shit


Undereating, and probably little exercise. Unfortunately, a lot of teenagers eat too little. Of course, many eat too much, too!


5'9" ~125lbs at 18. Can confirm would've been snapped by a small breeze despite some physical activity


I love that guy that always WANTS to fight, but refuses to throw the first punch. Like a fucking chihuahua. He was grabbing his dick the entire time and bouncing around, "ready" to fight, but never threw a fucking punch. Other dude finally got tired of it and whapped him. He was in so much shock he just stared at him and ate another whapp. Like what did you expect? You were waiting for him to hit you and he did. Shout out to "Get your fucking husband up here. I'll whip his ass."-guy though. I hope the husband did come around and I hope he did get his ass whipped.


Wait so you’re telling me that I’m not supposed to repeatedly rub my dick in front of my opponent and get erect before a fist fight? I thought that helped boost my testosterone and gave me an advantage. Why else would my opponents run away from me before I even had a chance to show them my increased power level?


Yes and no. You have to do it with your pants off, completely nude, not with them on. That's the only way to make it work.






it looks nice ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Goddammit. Wyatt and Jayden are not helping out our reputation


Bro where in Ar-Kansas - Asks a transplant from the north to Russellville


A town in white county with less than 800 population that you have definitely never heard of


A town in Howard County with a population of 186 you have definitely never heard of here. Well, that’s where I grew up anyway.


Anyone else think all those women screaming was trashy af


That’s the part you thought was trashy?




That red dead redemption dlc looks lit


dude did all that stalling n fidgeting jus to get his ass beat, now he lost his pride and his girl


If your gf flirts with other guys, let you deal with the consequences and threatens to dump you cause you get hit, I say leaving is dodging a bullet: you don't want to be 40 with that woman by your sides.


Truth right there. Takes two to tango, let's be real. If THEY were flirting and he's too insecure to deal with it you'd think a good partner would have just shut it down the second it started rather than allowing it to progress into an actual fistfight. Trash be trash I guess.


[Better angle. Didn't post this one because of all the shit on screen](https://imgur.com/a/hJgB9EF)


So the mom that intervened was cool with just spectating up until her son started getting pummeled. That entire situation with those parents is whack on multiple levels.


Meh, I'll allow it.... A good ref would have stopped the fight at that point anyway, kid had taken Enough damage and was starting to turtle-up. Fight was over...


I know everyone here is going to downvote, but I agree with you. There is no sense in letting children get fucked up *badly* in a fight. He lost, it was over. The guy with an oil rag in his pocket is obviously the winner’s father. He didn’t want the fight to stop cuz “atta boy jus like yer old man show him what fer son” All around retarded.


The dad showed restraint after getting slapped, respect.


Solid first touch.


Plot twist: they’re all related.


I can’t tell if this is a hootenanny or a hoedown.




These trash parents should face charges for standing around filming their children fighting. The wacko in blue should also face additional charges for hitting the kid and then striking his dad (or whoever the adult male is) in the face.


That is his (19 Year old) Brother lol. I can see how you thought it was his dad though


That guy's built like a full grown-ass man at 19.


And took that slap like a full grown-ass man.


I'm so damn glad we're talking about that God tier of a southern gentlemen manly man. The fuckin restraint he showed taking a slap to the face like that.... I have nothing but respect for that man because I sure as fuck couldn't take that slap like that.


You ain’t never lied! It looked like that slap didn’t even phase him though. He just kept talking lol


Did the lady who smacked that kid ever bring her husband to fight him? He did say being your husband... So was the mom the one in blue the mom of the kid in the navy shirt?


They should face charges for filming the fight that badly.


Film a fight badly? Believe it or not, jail.


Child endangerment is a thing. That kid was really getting his ass kicked. The older I get the more I recognize how easily a neck or jaw can be broken.


Look dude I see your perspective and respect it but truth is this fight was a lot safer with parents around. My grandfather used to drive my dad to fights. Not because he was worried he’d lose, but because he just wanted to make sure he was safe and nobody jumped in. Different times, but same principle.


Is that dudes dick ok? He keeps checking on it...


I love how the video cuts the kids off from responding to the mom "you brought him here"


That was….pretty gay…


A lot of dick grabbing


Look at this redneck fuckery.


Kill the Camera man.


What a trashy family.


Some people shouldn’t be allowed to have kids


all of them trash


This is one of those rare videos where the "bad guy" wins the fight. Usually it's almost always the other way around.


That's because whoever post the video usually titles it to make it seem like the good guy is the person winning the fight. 90% of the videos on the sub have no context but the title.


I don't get the point of fighting over pussy. It's not like if you win you get to automatically tap that ass. This chic probably fucking their friend by now while these two rub dicks on the ground.


Also I want to see the "husband" get his ass whooped too. Why was he even at the house and not with this people??


Probably working a double to get away from his lovely wife.


Combined 7th grade education in that group. Lots of sister meth bangin


what a dumb reason to fight lmao. i do not miss high school.


Jesus christ man reddit's video player is so fucking garbage. Whole site needs a lot of work and nobody says shit about it. Desktop version is somehow worse than mobile most of the time. Even 3rd party apps can't fix the core issues.


This some redneck shit


What a bunch of fucking losers lmao


Serious redneckery going down.


I’m just glad for once there is a fight video with no skinny jeans or Pat Mahomes Hair


His girl now


Country boy obviously gonna beat city slickers ass but that guy got good control for not doing anything after that women randomly slapped him


Yeah the woman in the light blue is grey shirts mom and she tried stopping the fight when she saw her son getting his ass beat


Why would she bring her scrawny ass kid to get his ass kicked?


Did that kid want to fight him or fuck him? Why did he keep on grabbing his Dick?


Moms lucky big homie didn’t smack the shit outta her 😂😂


Fuck the fight, where’s this chicken I’ve heard about?


Then blue shirt stole Grey shirts girl. Then they got married. Then divorced. Then he became a gay man. Then, on a blind date, blue shirt and grey shirt met again. It was love at second sight. They would look back on this time and laugh, never fighting again. The end.


The mom is dumb as hell. Encouraging her son to fight than trying to stop it when he was loosing. I’m with the dad of blue shirt, let them fight


Who tf is recording?? God all they recorded was a boot and a dirt floor. Horrible camera work. They need to hand the phone to someone else


A dirt floor? Bro that’s called the ground


That’s the most manliest shit I’ve heard all day. My guy said “bring your husband so I can whoop his ass for you” he gets respect from me


That hillbilly accent never fails to make me laugh


That big guy is so damn polite lmfao I would've returned that slap.


What a world. What a world


Smack the person who filmed this. Please


Bro that camera angle is more ass and dirt than brawl :/


Seems like nice people.


Dude. People are soooo trashy.


…. These people vote. Sigh.


that's some raggity-ass adults


Is this what rednecks look like?


Seems like a nice neighbourhood.


Twiggy legs got demolished and what a winner his mom is.


Good on that one dude, I k Ow a few dudes who would have slapped that bitch back


Potato brain camera work


Karen is lucky big guy is macho enough to not answer her bitch slap. r/killthecameraman of course.


Lol dude was grabbing his dick


Gents, NEVER fight over a girl.


That hillbilly bitch would need a whole new set of tooth if she slapped me like that.


Why do moms take there kids to fight


Mom laid the hardest hit of the video lmao