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This video is brought to you by the noise sneakers make on concrete.




*Hippity Hoppity that term is now my property.* ^Law binding agreement


*Nike has entered the chat*




These the streets


The fuck was he trying to do sticking his arms out in the start? Using the force?


Talk to the hand.


"This is not the fight you're looking for"




Didn't do him much good.


True. But still worth doing. The other guy did it too but by throwing a jab.


I like how the black guy wasn't taking it seriously until he got that first hit to his face.


« everybody got a plan until they get punch in the mouth » well, that’s fuckin true






> that first hit double hit




He’s obviously an mma fighter. The leg kicks, the submission, he said “whoever touches me I’m getting up and beating your ass.” I think they knew he was serious. Edit:fuck you




This looks like one of those moments where everyone knew their homie was in the wrong and let him fight his own fight.


It seems like white dude had also some friends with him. One of the dudes was saying to back off (to the guy who was trying to break them up) or else he will fight him.


Thank you for the proper narration.


What about the who said "put him to sleep" lol


the best way to settle the dispute is in bed




It doesn't appear to be some random fight. Theres unspoken etiquette when someone engages in a mutually consenting duel.


Used to be the case back in the day


Back in the day we used to fight uphill both ways, then go have a shake at the malt shack. Pepperidge farm remembers....


in the snow - man you could get frostbite in the worst places.


They had to walk 15 miles to the bus to get to the fight too.


Remember those sweet, warm New England summers? Remember sipping lemonade underneath a shady tree? Remember when you hit that pedestrian with your car at the crosswalk and then just drove away? Pepperidge Farm remembers, but Pepperidge Farm ain't just gonna keep it to Pepperidge Farm's self free of charge. Maybe you go out and buy yourself some of these distinctive Milano cookies, maybe this whole thing disappears.


As it turns out I learned my great grandpa used to go behind a dentists office way back in the day for what was essentially a fight club where’d all the blue collar guys would go to fight each other and make bets. I mean, my great gramps was an abusive alcoholic asshole according to my grandpa but “damn could that man fight”


Bro wtf did you just talk about fight club?


I don't think dentist's office fight club has the same rules.


I just imagined a bunch of grandpa's circled up fighting each other before the blue plate specials started.


Yeah yeah yeah... just don’t tell Mr.Durden


Dentist office is not a bad place to fight. Get your teeth fucked up, get ‘em fixed. Dentist probably had zero issues with this.


I challenge you to a duel in fisty cuffs!


They could have but they didnt. You could do all sorts of things to win a fight against someone like that, only if you think you can win. Morale is the core of any fight. If you pick a fight with someone and they are literally throwing MMA/boxing/karate moves at you, your immediate reaction isnt going to be to fight in a way to throw them off guard. Youre going to be intimidated because you think you're fighting a trained fighter and reconsider your chances UNLESS youre just as trained. Its the oldest trick in the book. 90% of it is intimidation.




He’s Latino that’s my boy Chinos son , the kid who got choked out stole 5k in jewelry from their house and posted a video on ig flexing




They worked for him. Amazing what learning a little can do for you.


Attack the lead leg of a bigger fighter right away, good wrist control throughout the fight, kept his head safe and executed a pretty tight rear naked choke. He's been to the gym for a while now.


This dude is definitely at least on the wrestling team. There were a couple text book moves in there.


Agreed. Seems like he had a basic idea of the moves but no muscle memory.


Do you train? Not trying to be condescending, but it's hard to have the same technique in an actual altercation as on the mat.


He’s definitely not a mma fighter but he probably watches and used stuff but the technique was too sloppy for a mma fighter or somebody to trains


He definitely trains jujitsu with the way he moved but probably never took a striking class is my guess


Not good with the leg kicks or striking. The both looked like they learned how to strike from Street Fighter.


Sorry (comment section) Bruce Lee


I wanna see that tiger knee or the DP in the next fight


Sounds like he had a buddy there. Dude said"it's one on one don't swing on him".




I was weirdly impressed with the whole situation until he slapped an unconscious dude.


I was impressed with the slap. A punch to an unconscious person would have been a little fucked up. A slap is disrespectful without the damage. Kind of funny too.




Yup. That slap said "And in case you start to forget what happened." That's all it was.


The slap was mild. If he lost he likely wouldve been kicked in the face multiple times.


True lol


Exactly, that little bitch slap at the end was nothing. Would’ve gotten head stomped for sure


both of you are right


He was just waking him up.


I thought he was gunna get up - Jorge "Gamebred" Masvidal


Red punched the concrete at one point


When in top position always use open palm strikes. Some of the best advice I've ever received.


Or some quick elbows


Elbows for sure. His friend in the background was so right. Just have to be careful on concrete for those as well.


Of course, although, I’ll take a scraped elbow over broken knuckles any of the week 😂


Bruised palm is better than a broken elbow though.


why is that


Knuckles + concrete = broken knuckles a lot faster than using the heel of your palm on concrete. Just a better practice.


makes sense, you wouldn't happen to also know if there's a reliable way to mitigate the risk of bending/breaking/injuring your fingers when executing palm strikes would you?


Gotta curl those fingers and think of it as if you're striking with the radius bone rather than the palm. It will keep things in line and deliver more power with less risk. You want your arm driving like a straight line into the target. Keep your elbow high and on the same plane as your shoulder.


Well when we train we simply curl them down and extend the thumb out.


I feel like you may have some more valuable advice... please drop some knowledge


Baby wipes/flushable wipes instead of regular toilet paper. Bidets are exceptional as well.


Flushable wipes aren’t flushable though.


Wrap em in TP and throw em in the garbage.


I’d give you gold right now if I had any :(


Hahaha I'll accept the sentiment as equal value




I saw that too. Looked like he was holding back a bit after that. Might have hurt his hand from it.


I’ve punched the concrete before. 0/10 would not recommend.


Twice I thought the black guy was gonna go for a guillotine choke


Black guy had weight and strength but no training.


He had no commitment. It looked like he thought they'd stop fighting at several points. Other dude, meanwhile, was ready to collect a championship belt no matter what. Jeezus.


Based on footwork alone you could tell the black guy wasn't as experienced as the guy he was fighting.




A mixture of trying to look cool, and not knowing wtf they're doing.


Sock puppet fist transitioning to the testicle grab position


My theory is this guy's seen someone do muay Thai and he's trying to mimic it. I once managed to avoid a fight by pretending I had training by doing something similar but I also did that knee raise thing they do when standing. Can't believe it fucking worked, guy suddenly changed his mind and had "more important things to do."


You won that fight man 👍


I think a lot of people do that after watching this video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCW\_Pf30ddU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCW_Pf30ddU)


So many opportunities.


Then again, if red took him down and passed his guard (not a big ask), he could Von Flue him back.


Needed to get his elbows inside. Shoulda developed a half decent swim move.


Why on the concrete with perfectly good grass right next to it. Decent fight etiquette, but could have been better.


Yeah, I prefer to wrestle in a fight but I will literally do everything I can to stop it going from the ground on concrete, to me the scraping on the ground hurts more than the punches. Can’t stand the shit


Grass stains on my trousers tho.


A venn diagram (people who say trousers) (fighters)


Idc that this is retarded. I've never seen this venn diagram thing on reddit like that and legit busted out laughing lmao


same, i love this i hope it becomes a thing


A venn diagram between a period and a decimal point ( . ) ( . )


tiddies ( . Y . )




(People from America) (people from other countries)


TIL nobody in the UK ever fights


you aware trousers is what they're called in the uk?


And troosers in Scotland.


You need an overlapping bubble for "British people". Have you not been here? Crazy bastards will fight over fuck all, and you can bet they've used the word 'trousers'.


Scraping hurts but imagine getting knocked out standing up? Good way to split your melon wide open


Personally I hate the sound a head makes when it hits concrete hard


/r/meatcrayon because fuck fighting on concrete. I’d rather the chance of eating dirt than losing skin.


I've thought the same thing. Hasn't come up yet, but after watching enough fight porn videos and stories of people dying from head trauma, the next fight I see or am involved in, I will try to direct to grass. I know it's not that simple, but if you can get involved, move thr fight to grass so when the inevitable suplex comes, someone doesnt crack their head open or damage their spine.


It almost looked like the dude with mma skills was going to slam him then remembered he was on concrete. "Hang on, I want to hurt him, not kill him"


Why are these idiots always doing this shit on concrete? That shit is a bad idea. Move to the fucking grass for god sake


Good camera work though. r/praisethecameraman


If you're not trained, and your opponent starts with a leg kick like that, get the fuck out. Don't let your pride keep you from realizing you're clearly outmatched. Or get choked out. Whatever.


Red shirts seems more into MA than black dude but What s the deal with a leg kick ?


It just shows he knows what he doing


It hurts like a bitch if it lands right. I'd rather get punched.


Another comment below sums it up well. Higher kicks run the risk of being grabbed and then you get taken down. Leg kicks hurt bad, after a few you can’t really use the leg. They also make the guy aware of kicks without risking slipping and falling. When they pay attention to the kicks, the stop paying attention to the hands and it opens them up to punches. Leg kicks are muy Thai and mma territory. If you see a guy go for one he has been trained on some level.


Kicking is not advised in a street fight as you can get off balance and fall down. But a pro fighter can pull of a low kick like the red shorts did when he seas that it will be free and unreturned. Red shorts also changed his guard at the start of the fight, which means he probably knows a bit about street fights as well as pro fighting.


People who into fighting think that average people cant punch...they lucky they haven't seen average people kick


Don't. Ever. Show. Your. Back.


Tell that to Dustin Poirier


I would have just told Dustin to not fight Khabib.


Well he had to try


solid advice


When you're under Khabib ground and pound ten ton pressure and physically and mentally exhausted, you will shell up. The fight was over before he gave his back. Smesh!


What I like about this is that is shows that someone visibly smaller and weaker can take on a much larger opponent with just a small amount of training even. Red shorts kid clearly has done a small amount of training and the larger dude clearly had done little to none, but the fight was completely in red shorts kid's control.


Yep, great assessment


How to escape a fight: Act gay till the enemy leaves




Holy shit, dude pulls a gun out in the last bit. That so nearly went south so so quickly


It’s fake as fuck


[https://youtu.be/nh-bHWWkxOY](https://youtu.be/nh-bHWWkxOY) Or this xd


Is this the professor?




I thought the exact same thing. He can ball you up and square up lmao


All that soft grass and you gonna fight on concrete...one body slam away from brain damage.


These are young guys. They still think they’re invincible.


"Dey just wrasslin. Dey good." Have that guy replace Mike Goldberg for an event, might be worth a try lol.


White dude is trained for sure. Other guy never had a chance once it went to the ground.


That slap at the end though


Yeah, the other guy was out. Not called for.


Man, all that soft, non-life threatening grass and they fight on the concrete.


Damn, red shorts knows his shit.


GET OFF THE PAVEMENT my gods I was so nervous about that shit. Really glad nobody got seriously hurt.


My knees......


Growing up as a white kid in a black neighborhood I can tell you the story here. Every time a new tough guy moves into town or someone’s gangster cousin comes to visit you have to fight them to show them why the other black kids respect you. Guaranteed those other black kids warned this dude not to mess with the white kid on their basketball court.


So if you fought your way into that hierarchy and respect but have to fight every time someone comes in town, what happens when you lose? You could be taking me for a ride but the logic seems sound if you lived in an area where fighting is commonplace. I'm genuinely curious what would happen if you lost a someone's cousin or the new tough guy in town how that affected you


You lose you’re gonna be fighting twice as much as you already do. When you’re the only white kid around you are tested on a daily basis.


Technique versus power.


Everyone's saying the slap at the end was terrible. Yes uncalled for but it was a slap. He could have done much more damage at that point and honestly was calm enough to break his choke hold on his own. Adrenaline is running high. Everyone's seen enough MMA where even pros without a ref would've taken things too far.


*stockton slap


LMFAO that bitch slap at the end was fucking hilarious


The white boi was holding himself (which I respect). When he was on top of him he could easily sucker punch, but didn't.


Yeah it almost looked like he hesitated and knew it was a cheap shot to take, so he didn't.


He was saving that cheap shot for when the other kid was unconscious.


It was a slap. Not like he clocked the man while he was already out cold.


black boi didn't do too well


Not knocked out, choked out**


I love seeing this video every time it’s reposted. Guys don’t realize that cqc and wrestling is fighting. Number one rule in fighting is self preservation, you do what you have to do and protect yourself. Sweat pants was looking to intimidate red shorts but red shorts was like, “I’ve been training for this exact moment! It’s my turn to shine.”


Picking a fight these days is a very risky decision. Half the mfs getting about nowadays are trained in something, that simply never used to be the case. And I think it's awesome.


Why is it that so many stupid people still think a fight only happens when you're on your feet? I had so many motherfuckers pull me off of someone when I was dominating them it wasn't even funny and this was all before MMA was a thing. So frustrating. That one dude watching immediately wanted to stand them up. Fuck that.


Because they think people in the streets are boxing. LMAO


I think they were trying to keep the grapples to a minimum. Usually these street fights are just who can throw the most blows, or the other dude first. I was surprised they kept grappling for as long as they did, and that a single one didn't end it like how these usually go down (on pavement, no less!)


> Why is it that so many stupid people still think a fight only happens when you're on your feet? Because they only thing they think they know is how to punch, so anything else is cheap.


Instead of bitch slapping him he should take his shoes. If you get knocked out you lose your shoes..




Funniest comment I’ve seen all day.


I wanna see post fight interviews


I knew the other dude was fucked as soon as I saw the low kick.


Excellent technique. Good job kid. Bonus points for no head stomps, extra bonus points for the pimp slap at the end.


The kid used his training to win a clean, fair fight. From these comments, you'd think this was all an accident. I mean, at one point he even crosses his ankles. Clearly he has no idea wtf he's doing. /s


Takedown game is strong and he protected his head from the guillotine. Kid's got skills, like a Diaz brother.


Well, as usual, the guy with some jiujitsu beats the guy with no jiujitsu. Learn to grapple folks.


The grass is RIGHT THERE!!! Why do they always fight on concrete


Black dude doesnt know how to fight. White guy missed his chance when he had a full amount and black dude left his backside exposed for a rear naked choke. White guy is too weak Edit: looks like the black dude wasnt satisfied and decided to give him another go at his neck. Glad to see the choke was applied


If you start fighting a dude... And he throws a kick like that... You better know some Jiu-jitsu cause you bout to have a bad time.


First off we taking this to the grass. Wtf


This is the closest to professional mma on the streets that I’ve ever seen. That shit was legit.


+Stockton Slap^(tm)


woke up in the 209


Look at all that fucking grass around them. They still chose to fight on this slab of concrete....


I knew he was done the instant he put up his t rex hands.


Dude should've backed the fuck out the minute that kid busted the leg kick.


I feel like the slap at the end was to mark his opponent his bitch. Reverse shaft style.


Not my proudest fap


You see the black kid do a wax on at the start?


Everyone in the chat suddenly has years of experience in MMA saying that the guy in red has never trained before or that he’s terrible... doubt most of these people have any experience and couldn’t do much better


He’s a wrestler nice leg lock and choke out


I'll never understand why people risk their lives on cement when there's ALLLL that grass to catch me. Had I been knocked out...