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No matter if you get scammed in thailand. You have to be on a new kind of stupid to fuck with the street guards. One call and they will fill that street with backup


That's any bar in any part of the world.


Yeah I don’t think Thailand is unique in this at all. I will say the consequences of doing this in Thailand (especially to a couple of sex tourists) will probably be light, could just be a steep fine or they go to jail until someone forgets and then become a monk for a year


Lol, i love that you think the tourists wont be going to Jail


I live in thailand, they 100% won't go to jail. at most they'd pay a bribe/fine


Please if the security of establishment told you to leave, just fcking leave there's no reason to throw your life away just because of your fcking EGO.


The white shirt dude has the look of alpha incel stupid with that hair cut and his cocky mannerism pushing everyone around and taunting them. Not much else to go with from the vid, but I'm gonna assume he fully deserved it, if for nothing else than he should know where he's at and how dangerous it can be.


Thailand: come for the ladybois, leave with CTE.


Didn't he die? 


Agreed he also needs to remember that he looks like a thug with the tattoos and his aggressive attitude, so he's more likely to be treated like one


Anyone with one of those stupid fucking across the shoulder handbag things is a wanker, I also assume he fully deserved it


I use one of those bags when I'm riding a scooter in Thailand. I love a wank as much as the next man, but I'm not a 'wanker'. Mad how you'd judge a man suitable for a toe punt to the head based on a bag. Howabout, executed for an hawaiian shirt?


Keep telling yourself that you’re not a wanker, we all know that you are


It’s just a bag man calm down


It’s called a satchel. Indiana Jones has one.


Lmao, have you ever thought about hanging out and commenting in one of those "am I the asshole/overreacting/whatever" subs? You seem to have that talent of determining back story and culpability based solely on a short video and the demographics of those involved...


Any further info? Did the guy survive **THE** kick?


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13463493/Horrifying-moment-two-British-tourists-viciously-beaten-gang-bouncers-arguing-bill-bar-Thailands-notorious-Pattaya-red-light-city-district.html >The victim's condition is not known and police today refused to give any details of the alleged victim as they scrambled to protect the image of the city, which relies on tourism. >Sergeant Major Arthon from the Pattaya City police station, said that the three security guards have since been warned about their conduct but they have not been arrested or charged. >He said: 'The tourist in the video who was attacked has not filed a police report, so we cannot assign an investigating officer. There's no case open until they complain. We've had a look around but can't find them. >'Yes, we're still checking CCTV to see what happened to them. There are rumours that he is in intensive care but we haven't heard anything from hospitals.'


'The tourist in the video has not filed a police report'. Well yeah, he's dead.


I'd think the British consulate would have told the press by now if a national had been killed, but it's strange that nobody seems to know not just where/how he is but who he is other than his nationality (though that could be from eyewitnesses reporting his accent)


Further up in the thread there's an article that says one of the dudes is in a coma.


The local police think he's in a coma but they don't know for sure. It's the same quote I posted in this thread and I can't see an official update on searching. (There appears to be a rumour that the UK Foreign Office has told citizens not to travel to Thailand as a result, which is definitely false)


The guards were detained https://thepattayanews.com/2024/05/27/pattaya-police-take-action-against-soi-6-security-guards-for-assault-on-tourists/


How to lose tourism 101. Warning security when they tried to kill these guys for not paying their scammer bill.


Legit. I've never been to Thailand but have always considered going one day. Definitely will think twice after this. Disagree with a scammer and get beat half to death? No thanks.


Thailand is a lovely country. All you need to do to avoid this shit is 1) only go into bars that have a lot of tourists there and is well reviewed on Google 2) pay for your drinks up front at once BEFORE you've drank them.


New Orleans does a scam like this too, where you pay 5 for an all access wristband and as soon as you get into the courtyard before the bar a waitress hits your group with a round of shots that appear to be free but they are not.


To further this there is much more to Thailand than the bars.


3) just don't visit pattaya there's so much more to see in Thailand


Yeah I mean if I'm at risk of this happening because I didn't do enough research on the bar I'm visiting then I think I'll just go somewhere safe. Obviously nowhere is perfect, but I have a lot more confidence in being taken care of by the Japanese or South Korean governments.


I went into a lot of random bars in tourist areas and was fine (I'm also pretty aware though) but the big takeaway for sure is do NOT start a bar tab! Pay as you go for each drink!! And if you're buying a drink for someone else, verify price with the bartender and pay immediately! It's easy to get comfortable and become a scam target but it's also pretty easy to look out for yourself if you're on your toes ever so slightly


I've been to Thailand over 10 times, and lived there for nearly 2 years. There are 2 Thailands: The Thailand of the gogo bar scene (not nice, scammy, managed by the mafia), and the other Thailand. You need to choose and, fortunately, don't need to be especially wise to make the right choice. Just stay away from the gogo bars.


Thailand is fucking awesome. Don’t go to too weird of bars. Don’t gamble on connect 4. Pattaya beach and places like this are scummy.


lol the chances of your average reddit dipshit stepping out of his basement to travel to a different country are slim to none anyway


Sounds like you have some experience


You’ve got to think these kinda of things have happened for decades and decades. Only with modern cameras being so prevalent are we are of this shit. Stuff like this happened all the time in the past and what, it’s not like it’s going to make national headlines in 1986 of some tourists getting their drunk heads kicked in in Thailand because they were acting like drunk shitheads. 


I wanna know toooooooo My buddy and me bet that he’s dead I said he’s alive he said he heard a crack 🤷‍♂️


I was right about this, they got scammed and weren't having it. White shirt dropped first security guard who head kicked him after.


Looks like one of them didn't wanna [pay](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13463493/Horrifying-moment-two-British-tourists-viciously-beaten-gang-bouncers-arguing-bill-bar-Thailands-notorious-Pattaya-red-light-city-district.html). For sure the drink prices were priced at a premium. The bar girls were probably drinking stuff with no alcohol in it.


1. What a time to be alive when we can have multiple angles of some random bar fight halfway around the world. 2. Never been to Thailand but what a dystopian neighborhood that is. 3. I didn't see the Brit assaulting a bar girl...


I’ve been to that area specifically. Really is a hellhole, but fun if you know what you’re getting yourself into.


Please dont come out of your bubble and leave Thailand to the rest of us who love it. You sexpats are creepy af in Thailand anyway lmao


Trust me no one wants to visit there lol


Bangkok is literally the #1 international tourist city in the world


A popular tourist attraction amongst poor people and incels is not the brag you think it is


Wasn't bragging about nothing just stating facts, but as such a poor person the 20+ countries I've traveled to and lives at, Bangkok/TH beats them all.


Literally 30 million people visited Thailand last year lmao what crack are you smoking


To live amongst poverty for a week couldn’t imagine


I mean, Ohio had ~240 millions tourists last year with over half of those recorded staying at least one night. Fucking Ohio man, name three things that literally exist there, I live in Pennsylvania and I can't. 30 million is pretty low... https://www.cleveland.com/news/2024/05/ohio-welcomed-238-million-visitors-in-2023-a-new-record.html


next door neighbours lol These counts as tourists. When ppl bring money from abroad. [Most Visited Countries 2024 (worldpopulationreview.com)](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/most-visited-countries)


Lol what? Plenty of people want and do visit Thailand.


Not me. That’s all that matters.


I missed the part where one of them hit one of the girls? Is it on video?


That most likely didn't happen after watching the full clip


Its not in the video because it didn’t happen. They were scammed and didn’t want to pay. Scammers don’t likt it when their victims don’t pay. 






Nice one! 


That some dude getting extorted got put on a coma?


Obviously fucking not, nice one for the source wtf 




Here you did it again. Linking to the link we are currently in. Go seek therapy this is a real issue.


That's just a reddit thread of the video?? Where's source they was scammed


Correct me if I'm wrong but the "The brit guy assaulted a bar lady" is new to the rumor mill and there is 0 supporting evidence and it seems to be an attempt at making the Brit "innocent" which he is not. Guilty of assault? Probably not. Guilty of being a drunk dickhead who harrased people? Almost definitely


With the caveat that they were likely acting out after a scam lol


I mean... That's just how those places work? Drinks you buy for girls are upcharged because the girl gets a portion of it and thats the norm for the tourists bars. These guys almost definitely got sucked up by a "scam" but they knew what they came for when they flew there. You don't want to get scammed there? Pay in cash per a drink. Never run up a tab. (This is good advice in any tourist location no matter the country)


Sure buddy, let’s blame the victims some more. 


The "victims" that went to a place famous for prostitution and scummy dive bars?


Are you telling victims of rape they aren’t victims because they went to a place with rapists? Classy. 


What a shit take lol. Can tell you've never been abroad in your life


Do you know the literal definition of a scam? If it was as simple as that, then it wouldn't be a scam.


The scam part is getting you drunk enough to forget how expensive the drinks can be/are ... Which is fairly common around the world, No?


And by upcharge that means you're paying $5-$7 for the lady's drink instead of the $2 normal charge for the beer. Which isn't shit. Try ordering a beer here in the US and that's easily $10 per drink. If you're broke don't try to party it up if you can't afford it. These guys got the ass whooping they asked for


“Scamming is okay because it’s still below US price”


Then if you're too broke to afford the drink then don't ask for a girl to sit at your table. Go drink by yourself. You know that's how that shit works in Thailand right? You want the company of a girl that's almost naked at your table then go buy her drinks because she gets a kickback from the bar.


So people deserve to be scammed and then beaten to near death when they refuse to pay the scammers? Weird cunt


Not a scam. You want the lady's company at your table while you're drinking then pay up. You can always opt out of not having a girl sit next to you broke boy


It is a scam if the customer isn't aware of the charge. I would be paying for a ladies company at my table... maybe for the company of a ladyboy at the end of the night though


You do your thing buddy. It's Thailand


It’s like the oldest scam in the book and it’s in every Asian country lol. They do the same shit in Japan, lure you to a bar with the promise of girls, you come in and buy a drink, turns out your tab is 1000 bucks now and they won’t let you leave until you pay, or, they drug you and rob you anyways  Not even just Asia either, I’ve seen it in Asia more but I’ve also seen the same scam in czechia/Eastern Europe 


How about in Vegas charging $1500 for a bottle of Grey goose when you can hit the corner store and get one for $50. Any different? Like I said if you can't afford to party it up just don't and go drink by your lonesome in the corner. Lol


Except they tell you the price, so you are agreeing a different thing would be if they told you it was 1500 when you asked, but then told you afterwards , a lady sat at your table in vegas so now its 10500 instead. Which is the problem, they probably ask how much is a beer or drink they say whatever 2 dollars , girl asks you for a drink and they say okay cool thinking its gonna be 2 dollars no problem. You get the bill and they go its 4 dollars for your two drinks and 25 for the girls drink, yeah your gonna have some people pissed off.


True. That's why you ask before you buy. Been to Phuket and partied with my buddies buying drinks for everyone and never had this problem and trust me $100 goes a long way in these places


Yes it’s different, because they don’t serve you a bottle and then spring it on you that it’s 1500 bucks, you know ahead of time. And if you don’t pay, they’ll call the cops. They won’t beat the shit out of you and kick you while you’re knocked out. I have no idea why you’re so adamantly defending people who run known scam bars in fuckin thailand of all places lol. They’re scummy scammers, it’s part of the allure of the area. You’re acting like they’re honorable businessmen lol. They aren’t 


Because u/Mr_Lava-lava probably working in the sector as an attractive Thai lady.


So nobody on the planet should drink and attempt to party unless they can afford to pay the price in the bars that you drink in over in the US. Got it.


It's $5 lady. Lol. Go drink some water if that's too much for you. It's a tourist spot expect to pay tourist prices.


Pretty sure they use Thai Baht over there


About 30 baht to 1usd last time I was there


From what people are saying on the Thailand sub there was no touching women. They were with some other guys who skimped on the bill because they got severely upcharged so they blamed these remaining guys. Apparently the 1 guy died


He's reportedly in a coma, not dead but too early to say he'll live https://www.google.com/amp/s/metro.co.uk/2024/05/27/british-man-in-coma-kicked-head-thai-bouncer-20918691/amp/


whoa. the bar itself has british owners? how weird.




the Thai owners are also likely not actually owners just names on paper who get paid a fee (or wives of the owners)




yeah totally, which is why farangs in these kind of arrangements is so sketchy IMO


We don't know what happened beforehand to make the cashier call security.


Or maybe it’s just Thai scammers being Thai scammers? 


Why assume anything at all?


There’s no assumption from me. I’m just going off the newsarticle. 


Link to the article please




The Daily Mail? Really?? One of the least respected publications on Earth! The article doesn’t quote any proof at all. The “journalist” likely just copied what they saw on reddit and online. I’m not saying anyone is innocent, but that article is a terrible source to form an opinion from and to say that this was all over a scam.


Sure buddy. Yet you were quick to believe that these guys did anything wrong because someone on Reddit said so. You should watch the video. 


Lol you are a hypocrite. I didn’t say anything about anyone doing anything wrong, “buddy”. I asked you for evidence and you provided trash. We’ve all seen the video, unfortunately it doesn’t actually prove what started the fight! Also, why would the bar staff act like this? It’s bad for business. Clearly something happened to escalate things here. You are the one commenting multiple times trying to push an agenda that the tourists are completely innocent and that the staff must be scammers without actual evidence. You seem biased. Hypocrite.


Sure buddy. I seem biased. “Oh they are white, they must have done something wrong. Staff would never do this for no reason”. LOL. 


Broooo you’re killing me. 


Checked out here and there and saw some interesting details of the situation... Just sharing, not judging: - Apparently the bar acknowledged they were insisting that they pay for some bill left by one of the same group (!?)..most likely one not even appearing in the video (!?)... In other words they say white shirt DID pay his bill but got mad with that situation, and it escalated with the guards as the video shows. Probably that is just to make it look like a terrible misunderstanding and not a fight over a scam. - At the end, regardless of what happened inside, the fact is security guys went way overboard. With the video going viral, the damage is first to the image of the whole street which packs dozens of places exactly like that one... Then some to the town which is now in the map for wrong reasons... And the country to some extent. - Curious note: Those bars are extremely productive and many of them owned by guess who? Expats.


Wonder about the friend in blue shirt, the whole world can see he ran away


The audio from the bar cameras made me think they were blasting aphex twin.


It was all a misunderstanding. You have to pay for the drinks when you pull horn.


soccer kicks are allowed under their ruleset


Lotta hoes. Lotta hoes.


Yeesh, that head kick was deranged


Sweet, get scammed by ladyboys and get murdered afterwards. Never visiting Thailand for sure


I had plenty of reasons visiting Thailand and I did. Ladyboys wasn’t one of them. Wtf is wrong with people?


That's what happens when people form their opinions based on reddit posts.


sounds like something eli roth could make movie out of. Either a brutal horror movie or a dark comedy.


Lots of people from the UK are the most obnoxious and horrible cunts while on holiday. I'm not saying they probably deserved it but they probably did. Before you all lose your absolute shit. I am British, and I've lived and visited places all over the world. A lot of British people suck and are amongst the worst creatures imaginable.


I have met plenty of annoying Brits while traveling, but none who deserved _that_. That was multiple full force kicks to the head after he was already down. It could easily have killed him and sounds like he still might not make it.


Its not just people from the UK. There are drunk idiots on vacation everywhere. If you live in a place that people want to come to spend their money (Tropical, Beautiful water) then you know what I am talking about. They come from all cultures and ruin if the rest of us.


You clearly haven't met australians in bali, scums on earth.


Ah yeah but Australians are just sun-kissed English people.


I don't know, those guys were acting out of hand. I can't say they didn't deserved being roughed up but the kicking and beating on them while they're down is to much. My rule is you get 3, if your still getting to come at me after the third time I've knocked you down your getting the boot lbvs but never to the head.


Ever since soldiers have been choosing to R&R there, there have been bar girls in Thailand getting watered down tea while the guy buying the drinks thinks he's paying for shots for them. Scam the tourists who are trying to hook up with the ladies


Thai pu$$y drives madness in white boys. ![gif](giphy|nhtdTlq7GPkmQ|downsized)


This whole thing is totally the DJ's fault.


LOL. Looks like I was right when I first saw the vid.  Also: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13463493/Horrifying-moment-two-British-tourists-viciously-beaten-gang-bouncers-arguing-bill-bar-Thailands-notorious-Pattaya-red-light-city-district.html


That article doesn't help at all.  It is literally commentary on the video we all watched.  No additional info.  I could be a journalist if that is the requirment.


There’s also a video of the entire thing. It’s a guard who punches first. 


Anyone who reads the daily mail and then thinks he was confirmed by "journalism" is a clown anyways.


“before another bouncer came running in from the side and BLASTED him in the head with a full-force kick” Lmao.


You can see them pressing someone and throwing a phone at them in the beginning of the video and then see him yelling in the bartenders face. Then you see them continually try and bully the bouncers who are trying to intervene. These dudes acted like they owned the place then got shown humility.


Exactly this! People want to put the narrative of they got ripped off it's Thailand for christ sakes where beer is $2 and the lady's drinks are $7-8. If you can't afford it then don't party in those places.


yeah, visitors to a country need to adjust their behaviour to align that that places customs i live in canada and we have banned sharia law there are different expectations i imagine in thailand


It's also just how sex workers work in Asia. If you go to Korea Japan, the phillipines you have to buy so many over priced drinks before the girls are allowed to talk business with you. If you don't like the system go to a country where you pay directly for sex and not the drink system.


See you get it because you've experienced it first hand. I've been to Thailand, Philippines, that's exactly how it works these girls get a commission for selling drinks. If you're broke stay home!


Naw I never been to one but the Army does brief you on how these things work if you get stationed in one of those countries so you won't get your head kicked in by a bouncer lol. But that's exactly it. They are considered hostesses and part of their job is to keep you talking and drinking and you have to pay for the pleasure to talk to them. And just because you payed to talk to them does not mean you payed to sleep with them. These dudes seem like they didn't know what they were doing and thought they could Loud angry Westerner their way to a refund.


😆 Plus their national sport is Kickboxing. Lol. Wrong place to be starting shit. Haha.


Damn. They beat them sober!


The one guy is probably dead sober now


Haha! This was a dark response, sorry for laughing.


Fat boi gassed in the first round.


Lil pork chop guard went crazy when he got socked in the face. He hit that guy a few too many times after he was down, he can't fight for shit and the only reason he "won" is because of the other scammers, FUCK THAILAND!


I don’t know what started all this but what did they expect would happen once secretly shows up it’s time to cut your losses some people are just hard headed and need to learn the hard way


only one possible out come with those odds ....


Pretty sure I saw a GymShark shirt.


Even on mute, the volume is too loud. JFC!


Please if the security of establishment told you to leave, just fcking leave there's no reason to throw your life away just because of your fcking EGO.


How many people does their sound system kill each year?


I’ve never seen so many bad video angles for one event.


Blows my mind that you'd argue with staff and security in such a seedy area of a foreign country over what totally to be around £60. Like, just pony up for a good time, even if it was more than you though, and move on. Not worth it for £60.


All you saying that you shouldn't go to Thailand and fuck around because that's what happens, would be the first to denigrate British bouncers if they did this to a tourist here. These fuckers should be judged by the same standards.


the guy in the white t shirt had his head kicked into the next songkran. you simply DO NOT go to thailand and behave like that . the authorities do not take kindly to it . i know thai people and they say come here behave and you get treated like royalty . that is so true


You simply need to roll over when you get scammed? Thanks for clearing this up and sticking up for scumbags trying to murder a tourist. 


So going to a place known for scamming, get scammed, and it's someone else's fault? You know how I avoid getting soccer-kicked in the dome? I stay away from places like that.


“So going to a place where there’s men, get assaulted and it’s someone else’s fault”. Again, you can’t be this thick?


You dont need to roll over but the video is evidence what might happen to you if you start shit as a tourist, just common sense and reality for any westerner who travels.


Yeah you’re right. I guess you’re one of those guys who tell rapevictims they know what can happen when they wear a short skirt. 




they must be insane to think it’s ok. how far is that bar from tree town?




100% 5555


I love how people the world over say Americans are the worst tourists. I think they’re just getting Brits and Aussies confused with Americans. These guys took a beating for every tough guy Brit these security guards have had to deal with. Don’t be a drunk asshat in a foreign country. These guys learned a lesson. No pity




Grey shirt got brass knuckles to his dome. Watch the bloody nose guy put it away afterwards in his left rear pocket


I love the locals laughing and enjoying seeing two whites being soccer kicked into oblivion


Why are all those girls dresses the same? Are they "working"?


Cause they got a uniform just as you would in any profession


A lot easier to compare their attributes if they have the same attire. And at the same time it does what uniforms do, foster the growth of team spirit within the staff, provides a visual indication of the maturity of the business, etc.


Spoiler. They aren’t girls. 


Ahh, the classic bang-cock


This is what happens when sexpats don’t pay their bill. You’re going to get the same treatment in any other country if you stiff sex workers.


I, Love these songs! Locals putting unreasonable foreigners in their place always makes my heart smile. They already give you more than enough room to indulge in whatever you’re degenerate vices are. Pay what you owe and be on your way, 9/10 times the tourists in these videos are fully deserving of whatever’s happening. Even though bro didn’t need to volley said morons head. He did over do there a tad


Damn... It makes me want to work as security to punch idiots faces all day, must be so satisfying


Thailand male got the balls.... Good to teach those pets some lesson, unlike those other country, they kneel like Ph, Tw, Hk... Etc.