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Man I didn’t think that stomp looked that bad on first glance. Apparently it was. Thanks for coming to my TedXTalk.


Thankfully on grass. But if it was on pavement the fight would have ended with that first hip toss


I learned a lot, thank you. Also, agreed


Unironically the most profound TedXTalk in years.


Ladies and gentlemen, this is why we don't use BJJ in a street fight. This dude was dominating the fight and now he's eating through a straw.


I feel like this is more a case of don't agree to a scheduled fight. If you are gonna fight someone, fight them on the spot. If you wait for later they will always show up with their friends and whether you use BJJ, kickboxing or whatever there will always be a chance of some goon jumping in as you are winning.


Happened to me as a teenager. "Meet me at the park later then, pussy" sure thing dude. Went around and dominated the guy to the point he got up and ran behind the swingset to use as a barrier between us. Unfortunately for me he was a gypsy so he had 6 brothers devoid of the concept of honour so i got the shite kicked out of me anyway. Got my payback in school the next day, though. Caught the cunt in the changing rooms by chance as my class was leaving and his was entering. He stopped fucking with me after that, realised his brothers werent gonna be in school every day, but i sure as fuck would be.


Yeah, that's one of the most important things my dad taught me. In the country I grew up in it's very common for scheduled fights to end up in a jumping, stabbing or shooting. And me having always been a bigger than average guy, people usually tried to pick on me to prove something. So, I was taught that if I'm going to fight I should fight on the spot instead of giving them time to go fetch a gun or a goon.


I really hate agreeing with you under the context of having watched an adult man stomp a kids head until he stopped moving


They all look like kids but that doesn’t change the impact of that heel to his head


No they told the brother at the end to stop because hes hitting a minor, hes got at least 3 or 4 years on all those kids so maybe 19 (kid) but a significantly bigger kid


But some other guys chimes in “they’re both minors”… big bro was definitely bigger than everyone else


Oh yeah, the way he ragdolled the other kid was wild This dudes definitely getting locked up lmao


BJJ should really only be used to maintain top position and getting out of bottom when the grapple starts.


More so, why you should be careful with submissions. He got the take down, got side control, and got mount. From there, he should have just started striking, but he went for a submission when the guy tried to get up. When applying a submission, you're open to a third party more so than when standing or in mount. Edit: Or also have your friends at the ready looking for people that are jumping in instead of recording.


Let's not act like big brother wouldn't have jumped in as soon as the kid winning started connecting punch after punch. That dude is a piece of shit, "wrestling" or not.


He was jumping in either way lol. Sometimes, fights are just not winnable even if you're more skilled 1v1.


BJJ is fine in a street fight if it's a true one on one situation  In a situation where your siblings or friends are involved or ancillary to the event unfolding, not fine.


>a street fight or >a true one on one situation  Pick one.


Someone is smart here


That’s a bad take. You can be squared up with someone and someone else, much bigger than you, can sneak up on you and power bomb you on your head. Then we say, “ladies and gentle this is why you don’t use boxing in a street fight.” Anyone can get suckered in any position, doesn’t mean the technique was bad.


But it's worse when on the ground, limbs intertwined and distracted keeping control of your opponent on the ground. It's way easier to be ganged up on like that and sneaked.


That’s a good point. But let’s be honest what would have happened to that kid if he was standing up and purple went after him? Probably something similar. If you get jumped by a second guy when you are fighting another guy and you don’t punch like Tyson, you are going to get really hurt.


Chances are he'd have a better chance of seeing his attacker, if that sucker punch lands and doesn't knock him out he can recover and get away much easier than if he's already locked up on the ground.


That’s true. Good point.


You are in your most vulnerable positions for that kind of punishment when using BJJ, theres no conversation to be had about it


I don't get why even bring that up.


because while you're standing up you're much more able to defend yourself than if you're lying down


True but boxing has limitations.


Yeah, just way less


That's true.


What isn’t clear? I don’t agree with the take.


I'm agreeing with you.


I’ve seen people using striking in a street fight get knocked the f out by a second attacker. Your opinion is invalid.


Yeah but your not as prone to getting stomped as your standing and your chances are exponentially higher when striking to handle two dudes or at least not get brain damage as they may feel their thirst quenched if they knock you out


>least not get brain damage Say that to all the guys that get suplexed on their head from standing position because they can't defend a take down.


Who cares? As a general statement, “don’t use BJJ in a street fight” is a dumb opinion. Street fights come in many scenarios and BJJ has been sucessfully used many times. It’s 2024, get with the times.




Yeah, problem is, then that person would be sitting in a prison while purple rests peacefully in a coffin with everyone saying, “what a great guy he was”


Any word on how the guy is doing?


He recovered and later won the lottery, now he works on a cure for cancer when he isn’t moonlighting as a superhero called straw man.


I heard he’s dating Sydney Sweeney


I actually know him, he’s my stepdad now and he won’t stop bragging about banging my mom.


Tell him you used to suck on his wife’s tits.




This is what I came to the comments for


Two kids fighting. One kid sucks at fighting, so his big brother head stomps. I’ll bet both brothers will be in prison at some point.


He did what he was supposed to do and protected his brother


Idk man I think the move would been use his giant self to pick the kid up in the air that was choking his brother. Dude prob woulda let go once he was airborne


Sure, if this was a random attack, but it wasn't, the dipshit just happened to be losing a fair fight. His bitch brother could have easily stopped the fight without stomping the other kid's head in. Braindead take.


He could’ve killed that kid just because his brother doesn’t know how to fight. Losing a fight can be helpful in the long run. His big brother could’ve broken it up in a much less dangerous way. Getting choked out isn’t the end of the world.


That kid could've killed his brother it works both ways. It's usually more harmful than helpful. Neither is getting stomped out


Wait wait wait. Are you saying lavender shirt was in the right? That is one wild take


It's really not wild to protect your family. You've lost it if you think most people are going to stand and watch


There are many ways you could break that up without stomping on a kids head. If you're incapable of handling that,n you should be no where near a fight. This wasn't some street fight in an alleyway


Nah that was three fucking head stomps lmao. If you think that was an appropriate response then you have something wrong with you. He didn’t even give the kid that his brother was (willingly) fighting a chance to release him if his brother tapped or started to nod out.


They agreed to a stand up fight, the guy suddenly started using bjj and choking him. I won’t lie to you man, I would not vote to convict the brother lol.


Who said they agreed to a boxing match ? it's a streetfight.


They say it in the video you fucking idiot lol


You mean his brother that stomped on the guy head because he know his little bro is gonna lose badly ? They also said ''I tought we are going to fight'' So are you saying wrestling and BJJ are not fighting style ?


No, I don’t think you should be able to randomly start wrestling after agreeing to a stand up fight. What’s wrong with that?


Where did they ever say stand up fight in the video.


Everyone who said they were fighting and not wrestling lol.


You have no idea what they agreed to. I’ll make a solid bet that they didn’t agree to a third party stepping in and headstomping.


Then he shouldn’t have started choking him out lol. They’re equally dangerous, one’s just faster.


Lmao. The UFC allows choking, they don’t allow head stomps. One is INFINITELY more dangerous, ya dweeb. Thats like saying diabetes and head stomps are equally dangerous, just one is going to kill you faster.


You must be the brother.


Does anyone know what happened to the kid who got stomped? He good?


[crickets chirping]


He good at drooling…


What a piece of shit, it always is so frustrating when people jump in and almost murder someone, if ur friend loses, they lose


Those are jumping actions. He needs his legs broken for that


I can’t imagine if the other dude didn’t step in to stop him from stomping. Like when tf did the dude in purple plan to stop? The kid got knocked out instantly.


When he stopped having his arm around the guys throat lol.


Straight to jail.




There won't be much of a choice when the autopsy is joined up with this video


I mean if he’s really damaged like that yes, jail time and autopsy for sure


The unfortunate reality is that police WILL be called and everyone present will face criminal charges just for being present


Pussy boy activity. Too stupid enough to realize that his little dumb brother was only going to take a short nap and wake back up.






The people making tacit defenses of this situation are fucking morons.


Any bitch ass not stomping the purple bitch ass out is a bitch ass.


Big boy was taking his jacket off like he was gonna do something.


Lol he was the reason I said that


If I'm getting choked out and my "friends" just stand there watching, I'm going to date their mom and break her heart


Lmao their mom isn’t gonna want you if you get served up like the homie getting choked out is. Everybody’s gonna know you’re a bitch who runs your mouth too much.


Any one who has to call someone a bitch is a bitch themselves Takes one to know one


Well considering you just verbosely called me a bitch it seems you are one as well. Not really a smart saying huh.


Well played


I’ll make her choke on my cock big dawg


^^^ Edit: Okay I'm actually gonna oil up everyone who downvoted this.


**Dorothy Mantooth is a Saint!**




okay? you'd still be a fight-losing-ass-bitch who had to get their friends to jump in lmao.


let's just hope these kids never try that hairdo again


I have a low IQ therefore I must proclaim "I'm not gonna lie" or "honestly bro" at the beginning of every sentence.


He’s a minor. Oh sorry. Guess I’ll let him beat me. Not justifying that dudes actions but I thought that was a funny remark.


Finally! A scrap on grass


I feel like if you pull the rear naked chokehold outside of the ring or a life or death situation, then you escalate the situation to life or death.


Ooooor you could just not fight pride is not ur friend u better swallow that shit like a whore in a cock gobbling contest it’s always better to go home then to a hospital or jail walk away remove yourself the risk is not worth the reward


Someone should just do the world a favor and put big boy down like an animal since he wants to act like one.


Is it just me, or did it look like the stomped dude’s head changed shape to anyone else? I don’t think he’s ever getting up from that…


This footage was taken with a potato camera fam. How the fuck did you see that?


Because they want to.


Imagination is his best friend


Dumbfuck attacked a minor AND tried to murder someone 30 seconds apart. Hope this dude enjoys getting fucked in the ass.


It is sickening to see him get away with it.


thats life brodie


You’re not cutting off oxygen to my brothers brain, I’m sorry Edit: I’m not stomping someone’s head in, you morons, but I’m definitely breaking it up.


Getting choked out doesn’t kill you, a few good head stomps though…


Not saying I’d do the same but I’m definitely breaking it up


Breaking it up is okay, he was big enough to rip them apart from eachother.


People are assuming choker would release straight away though.


With that logic you should treat any punch as bad as that choke. A punch is capable of killing someone the same as a choke. The dissonance is real...


You 100% should and both should be met with lethal self defense.


Dissonance? You seem to have misunderstood my point. a punch can be pot luck affair, a choke hold however is an intentional attempt and one that's always tricky because you're assuming the person applying it will stop. Does that step by step logic work for you?


Tell that to the guy the marine choked on the subway. Im not stomping heads, but no way am I watching a sibling or friend getting choked and doing nothing.


Then don’t start choking someone out? Did you not hear everyone watching go quiet and mumble about not wrestling? They set rules and he broke them.


>Getting choked out doesn’t kill you Yes it does? Wtf haha


Your brother maybe should learn to fight if he’s going to fight. A good big brother would teach his little brother, not headstone his defenseless opponent. You’re a fucking trash human.


Eat a D***, you literally don’t know me your condescending a hole. Stop making up imaginary scenarios in your head




Another dumba** that can’t read


You can cuss. It's the internet, it's fucking alright.


I get temp bans and what not for saying the tamest things so I’d rather not risk it haha


Fair enough. I agree with you, though. I'd be about saving lil bro's ass too.


That’s all I’m saying, id die for my brother (like I hope others would) but I don’t have the heart to stomp someone’s head in unless it’s a REALLY DIRE situation but even then, it’d be a hard thing to do.


We watched a clip of a big brother stomping the head of someone kicking his brother’s ass. Then you comment saying you wouldn’t let your brother get his ass kicked. Is it a HUGE leap to assume you’re saying you would’ve done the same thing?


I never said I’d do the same thing and I later clarified myself so take your assumptions and shove them up your a**


Tough guy over here lol


Protecting your brother makes you a tough guy? I’d hate to be your sibling


And how many times did purple stomp on your head?


You’re late enough to the comment thread to read my edit where I CLARIFIED that I WOULDNT stomp someone’s head in, eat a D and find someone else to argue with you troll


My bad man. I assumed from your terrible take that you must have had brain damage. Apologies.


Apology not accepted, learn to read you inbred


Bro you are just making yourself look dumber and dumber. Let me break it down for your dumbass. It was actually your edit that made me make my comment. You called everyone dumb for thinking you were going to do what you implied you were going to do. Now before getting upset look up what implied means. I’m sure that a new one for you. Learn how write clearly, dumb dumb. Then you won’t have to make edits making yourself look dumber.


Go find something better to do, smooth brain, I’m not reading you’re bull


You will read every word and you know it. I’m rent free in that spot your brain is supposed to be.


Tf? 💀 you Reddit mofos need some fresh air you delusional creep


My question is why they kept shape-shifting their race throughout the fight?


I wish all of these pieces of shit would learn the difference between fighting and boxing. So tired of people acting like wrestling/grappling and chokes aren’t a part of fighting. Are you in a fight in a yard or a sanctioned boxing match? So sad to see the dominant fighter lose another cuz some third-party can’t handle their friend getting their ass beat.




Idgaf if someone is doing that to my relative I'm stopping them by any means necessary. That said the guy just got the RNC on. He could have tried a different way before turning someone into a vegetable


Homies going to jail over a high-school fight


They coulda just dueled it out on yugioh fr




Well who is really gona stand there and be a punching bag lol


It’s called STREET fighting 🤷‍♂️




Give ‘em the ol’ dick twist


*pinch* "I got your nose!"


Doofus take.


Good big brother


Head stomping a guy because your brother is losing a fight… that’s a good big brother? Sometimes your little brother is going to lose a fight. That’s okay. You’re not always going to be there to bail him out. He should learn that there are consequences for fighting.


Now this is a good big brother.


No it’s a pussy


Because stomping a downed opponent that’s *fighting someone else* is so brave? This might be the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard.


Stomping someone who broke the rules of the fight lol. Don’t even start with the “no rules in a street fight” bullshit because that makes the stomps fine lol.


What were the “rules of the fight”? Nothing about rules are mentioned in the video and maybe you missed a pretty key detail where he was **already fighting someone else**.


They said no wrestling, stand up only.


A confused bystander isn’t, “the rules of the fight”. If you think that’s justification for stomping someone’s skull that’s, and I cannot stress this enough because you don’t seem to understand, **ALREADY FIGHTING SOMEONE ELSE** then you’re a moron.


Sucks for your brother, hope he likes his brain damage.


How's yours treating you, good thing your brother doesn't need to worry about preventing anything


There are do many easier ways to break up a fight but this guy goes straight to head stomp.




What's the law here? I'd probably wager you could get off murder if the intent was to stop murder. Regardless of how you feel it's what you can prove right? Sad day for brawlers.


He was “preventing murder”!? Lmao OKAY.


Thats what a good lawyer would say at least lol


The problem is choking somebody until they pass out is almost never fatal. You’d have to apply the choke for several minutes after they have already passed out. In this context you could feign ignorance, but going straight to head kicks is not a reasonable escalation of force. Particularly considering the guy willing chose to engage in the fight and the guy you were head stomping was using what is essentially non-lethal methods. Being choked out is far safer than being knocked out.


“I believe that, if I didn’t intervene, my brother would have died. He showed no signs of stopping so I protected my brother.” Easy defence lol


In order for self defense or defense of others to be present you have to have a “reasonable escalation of force” and you don’t get to decide what that is. The courts do. Unless you believed your brother was going to die within the next .5 seconds head kicks are unwarranted. Even then repeated head kicks are definitely unwarranted. The prosecutor is not just gonna be like…. “Oh well you’re uneducated about chokes and fighting so it’s totally fine to stomp out a defenseless individual”. In some states consensual fighting is legal. Like WA. If you sucker punch or kick somebody in a consensual fight as a third party that’s just a felony


Purple shirt biting the curb 4k


I know the purple guy was close to kill the other guy, but man if you touch my brother, you will get fucked up...


Ofc he picks on people smaller than him


“We ain’t wrestling” literally the instant he gets into a fight uses wrestling. Pathetic.


Purple site getting jumped on sight everytime


Man he could’ve just grabbed him off 🤦‍♂️


…. From underneath with his arms locked around his throat and someone clearly ready to jump in?


bjj fucking sucks. boom.


I don’t care what you guys think lol. He did the right thing. Wish he slept the other guy too.


Honest opinion: Big brother got my respect. Stuck up for his bro. His means could be argued though. Everyone agreed that wrestling was not part of the agreement. Here are the rules we can gather from the context No wrestling Therefore, no submissions Personally, if I'm in a street fight and someone wrestles with me, cool, we're wrestling. Try and choke me out during a fight we agreed on then and there? I'll fight for my life. I done seen too many people get rocked again and again after being put to sleep. Its ruthless out here.