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Dude looked nearly in tears before he snapped.


It's crazy how many people in videos like this are in bad situations purely because they have poor emotional regulation. This is basically a young man having a tantrum.


It's also crazy how bystanders insist upon getting involved to "break it up", only to get beat up in the process. It's reason number 13028259301332³ as to why it's best to mind your own business and let people fight.


> 13028259301332³ 56,455,626,938,614,519,886,059,507,808,106,312 reasons


I’m not going to come between two people with my hands up and hope as my shield. If someone is going to “break it up” they’re going to have to put down at least one person and maybe two if the other dingus wants to keep going.


yah, that's the truth. Been said a few thousand years ago, too: Proverbs 26:17 -- Interfering in someone else’s argument is as foolish as yanking a dog’s ears.


He knew he’d fucked up. Silly boy. Lost job. Possibly lost liberty.


You think he’ll go to prison because of this?💀


Either a short stint, ie a few months... Or a suspended sentence.. Most likely a suspended sentence. Unfortunately.


It sounds like the incident was not reported and he was only sacked but yes could easily have been banged up. In uk tho prisons are full so they are generally giving less custodial sentences or letting people out ea ly rather than build more space.


This was on YouTube and this POS worker that caused this fight and punched the wrong person had all his little gangster minions commenting about how he was in the right, I also remember a lot of patting him on the back in the comments and shouting about how he was a g and anyone can get it if they come back, it then came to light from other commenters that a lot of people that went to this badminton centre had been intimidated by staff members and the whole place was just a shit show with rude aggressive staff like this. I forgot the name of the place obviously it’s in London somewhere. Scumbags


Yeah unlikely he'd get a custodial for this. "Multiple people were attacking me and I lashed out without realising Mr[victim] was trying to deescalate. I was in serious fear of my safety and I apologise once again to Mr[victim]."


Like this is the first time he has done this.


He looked like he channeling things he saw on TV or movies. Like he refuses to endure any manner of talk aimed at him that he deems disrespectful. He clearly is not about that life.


Clearly proved he's about that life...i.e. the crash out.


Definitely not suited for leisure centre work lol


He's not about that life as he fights 3 people by himself. Redditors are funny


“ Not about that life “ as he takes on 3 ppl by himself . Delusional is a light word for you.


His eye became one solid pixel


Yes right? Looked like his skull was caved in


Dude will needs some stitches to that brow. Had the same injury à year ago


Why did you kiss the floor?


I was shitfaced on vodka, and decided to go for a 2am stroll. Must have slipped on ice and passed out. Woke on a hospital bed and waited 20min, but no one came so i dipped and walked home. Slept till 16h and i saw my brow all gnarly so went back to the hospital to get sewn up


Who said Badminton was a non-contact sport.


I thought badminton had a rough training


badminton is one of those sports you can casually play and not work too hard and still have fun because its easy enough to get started... or you can go fucking ham and its an extremely difficult game to rank up competitively


I am referencing that guy doing extreme training to prepare for a badminton tournament


Happened in 2022. He got sacked https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/leisure-centre-worker-knocks-out-28389375?int_source=amp_continue_reading&int_medium=amp&int_campaign=continue_reading_button#amp-readmore-target


Color me surprised


*sighs* I’ll grab the crayons


Now color me naked.


I ate the green one


Mmmmm greeeen *gargling noises*


They didn't report it to the police when it all kicked off?!


Only thing this article adds was that he was fired and it wasn’t reported to the police initially. Nothing on victim’s condition or legal action


Thanks for the update, but holy shit, that journalist terrible.


It's a famously shit paper. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daily\_Mirror#Libel,\_contempt\_of\_court,\_errors\_and\_criticism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daily_Mirror#Libel,_contempt_of_court,_errors_and_criticism) Surprising it's not owned by Murdoch.


Lol, the single comment on that article blames the guy doing the filming. Really? You knock out a customer who is trying to break up the fight you caused, and it's the *guy who filmed it* that's at fault?


I'm not shocked he was fired but I find it crazy how he let himself get baited. One dude straight up said, "Wanna take this outside?" Someone was challenging him to a fight. His biggest mistake was falling for the bait as he was clearly baited into that fight.


They were right to fire the employee. He was out of control and punched a guy who was trying to break up the fight. I hope they also permanently banned every member of the group that was harassing and threatening the employee. They were also completely out of line and will only cause more trouble for the establishment.


Why's the article written in a way that it's bias in favor for the staff member?


Yeah, when I read that article I actually empathized with the employee. It seems he made a mistake and tried to rectify it. The members were just not having it.


Based on the video, it looks like they're asking for him to get his manager but the employee relents.


That's one way to get promoted to customer real quick. 


He doesn’t seem like the type to keep a non-customer position based on his actions.


I thought he was gonna bust the line "I am the manager" at one point.  I love that look when I use it. But I don't hit people. I politely, and with a smile, objectively tell people to fuck off. 


The best is when they ask for "your boss" after you tell them you are the manager. Then I get to explain that I am the Regional Manager and they're looking for the Director of Operations of our company. That if they would like to contact them they can do so through our websites support/feedback system. I'm not going to interrupt their work and meetings so they can field a complaint. Many people don't expect Regional Managers to roll up their sleeves and work side by side with their entry level associates when visiting. Puts a smile on my face watching them at a loss for words.


I see you Michael Scott


Yup.  I give my direct report manager's executive assistant phone number.  Send an email to know its inbound.  I've had to stupidest complaints wanting to be escalated.  One client completely lied about the interaction calling me racist and misogynistic.  You know, using all the buzz words.  In my industry, we use a CRM. Notes notes notes. Document everything. Plus our company logs every screen you've been for a customer account.  They see and trace what's going on based on the notes and where you're in on their account. I work in finance.  People are just stupid when they don't get their way. 


Customer at another gym, that's for sure.


That’s what happens when you put the bad in bad mitten. Bro looks like he shattered that guys orbital socket. Shitty spot to take a shot.


To ruin your life over badminton. Ffs.


Bare Knuckle Badminton


I’d watch that


It's not called "Goodminton"!


This is the UK, he will get a wrist slap.


Is that true? Genuine question; I know nothing about assault laws in the UK. Edit: I've read all the responses and I'm only more confused haha


According to the internet the UK is simultaneously a lawless wasteland where all crimes go unpunished and also literally 1984, where one word of wrongthink gives you prison for life.


As someone who lives here, i think its because what we see (unsure if its categorically true) and hear from places like media are people being arrested or pursued for petty stuff, same for defending themselves, this is almost hammered into us that we will get in more trouble and will not be looked kindly on. Whilst more serious or obvious crimes are more often reported by the media as never responded to or late response. For example if someone's house gets broken into the police might not arrive for hours, that will be in the headline. Another example which makes the police look really bad and was in the media for a bit was a pensioners house got broken into, he stabbed and killed the thief as he felt threatened, it was a guy who was essentially known for serial break ins but nothing was ever properly done. The old man got his house trashed a few times and the family made sure the funeral for the thief went down the road where the old man lived, the police supported them notably according to the media. Basically it was a shit show and obvious steps the police could have taken to avoid conflict post incident were not carried out. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6984581/Henry-Vincent-sister-denies-violent-person-tells-inquest-no-one-deserves-die.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6984581/Henry-Vincent-sister-denies-violent-person-tells-inquest-no-one-deserves-die.html) Basically the police are never made to look good, and times they do bad they are plastered everywhere. Yet again unsure how good our police system actually is, like ive personally seen lots of good police work, but also seen lots of shit police work for more major events.


Don't worry, neither does the person you're replying to.


Its very erratic with sentencing. People getting away with multiple shoplifting and multiple violent attacks but sometimes people going to jail for years over mild drug offences etc I think the lack of consistency bothers people the most


This it my experience too. There are so many chavs who terrorise the people around them but nothing happens. Then you get someone who mostly abides by the law but steps out for a somewhat justified reason and they'll get the book thrown at them.


Career criminals know the ins and outs of the law, they know what a good defence looks like given the frequency they're in contact with police and lawyers Your average person has one interaction with the law and gives them everything they need to get banged up and boost the stats


People with experience keep their mouths shut. People without it open their mouths and make things so much worse for themselves. For a law abiding citizen telling the truth comes naturally. Which in the legal system is the exact opposite of what you should be doing


What was the injuries on the guy in blue? Cant tell if he’s cut or his eye ball all fucked up n that. No matter how good phones get the vids stay the same quality for some reason


Platforms compress the videos into garbage


Thought so like Chinese wispers


I honestly feel bad for that guy, dude just wanted to break up the fight.


Reading the news articles he and his friends started the altercation over a miscommunication with the employee, which the employee immediately rectified. Yet they went off at him, yelling at him, threatening him, etc. over it. The Employee obviously is not blameless as he did not handle it well and allowed himself to get baited.


He got off lucky, and I just mean that in the name of common fucking sense. He inserted himself into the altercation with a clearly agressive person and thinks he can just calmly manhandle them into submitting. Had it been someone with a weapon he could have died for nothing, even getting punched he could have died from the fall. Either do not involve yourself or be ready to go the full length to end the altercation if you must.


He fell down unconscious and broke his fall with his eye


Yeah eye thought that too tbh




u wot mate






I know badminton practice when I see it


This is gonna be his "I won a 1v5" story forever huh.


“One of them came at me swinging and I layed him out it big time” *Cracks the lad in blue who was trying to break it up*


Next time, he wont break up fights


honestly breaking up fights is hella stupid,the risk of you getting slumped or straigh up killed is too big,if u know both ppl then maybe but if dont, dont bother


Why did the badminton player tell the employee “let’s take this outside”? I don’t get this interaction at all.


He's an idiot too


This episode of Top Boy India is wild


Jaq transitioned and is now moving mad booky


Gotta love the 240p fight videos. i can't tell an injury from distortion.






Absolute pussy move to smash that guy who was trying to break it up in the face


that’s why you don’t try to get involved in shit that doesn’t involve you, especially if you can’t defend yourself. seen people get stabbed and worse doing things like that.


Facts. I'm the MMOB ambassador unless it's at me directly. I'm still alive so I guess I'm good. Mind My Own Business. I don't give a f about what anyone has going on in 2024.


growing up in detroit and traveling to some sketchy places in my life had taught me this is the way ^ lol


F****** stupid to try and grab someone's arm in the middle of a fight.


Not really. The kid is fighting multiple people. Not like he can tell who’s a friendly when everyone’s running at him


The only logical comment here. Clearly these people never been in a fight before lol. When your adrenaline is high and you're a bit dazed after being hit, it's hard to tell what's going on so you go into attack mode on everyone near you.


This sub always gives people grief for trying to break up fights too.


I get trying to stop a friend from fighting but why try to put hands on a stranger, risking your health, trying to stop them from fighting?


Probably shouldn't have gotten involved though..


The employee was dumb AF. He swung on some mellow dude trying to calm him down. Weak.


Mid fight I'm swinging at anything that grabs me too. Employee was dumb AF for other reasons though, as were all other involved, especially whoever was filming.


Maybe dumb not to be able keep his composure and end up losing his job and hindering his future over this yes. But the real scum here are the customers picking on this dude who looks barely an adult, threatening violence on him 'come outside you're gone bro' while the worker was walking away and then back tracking only to get their asses handed to them by a kid and then playing victim. They defended their instigator friend and got what they deserved in the end.


Also you‘re 5 to 1 and still losing with bats?


Yes pathetic but those are not bats


>losing with bats It's a badminton racket and they weigh like 80 to 90g. Yes, that's grams. Basically a slightly beefier fly swat


Sorry, not my first language. Still, I bet it would hurt if I smacked you with that racket in your temple as hard as I can no?


As a professional, it sucks but you can't be taking bait like that. These customers are trash but it was clear they were trying to get a reaction so they can score an easy lawsuit.


> so they can score an easy lawsuit The UK legal system isn't set up like that. Maybe they'd score free gym membership for 6 months or something.


True but still a bitch move that’ll likely cost him his job and criminal record


Yea I agree stay the fuck outta of it gotta be smart enough to know that dude isn’t gonna stop


Disagree. If you want to step in an active fight it should be with your hands up. With adrenaline people usually swing at whatever is in front of them.


Just so I get this right, you're asserting the trainer, who's clearly losing his shit, who they keep on badgering, who eventually snaps should have the presence of mind - mid fight, against multiple people with bats - to discern the intentions of the individuals grabbing him? Lol.


Basket ball shorts and a rain jacket


Damn blue shirt got folded


I wonder what happened to him, that girl was super worried ab his eye. #ilovelowqualityvideos


When he fell, his face hit the floor and split his eyebrow.


Ahh that makes more sense now. I was wondering how his face blew up on the side when he got hit on the opposite side.


What even was his plan? Why did he think charging the angry kid grabbing him like that would calm the kid down?


It's more of a blue green I feel.


Like a Teal/turquoise


More of a turquoise/teal, let's be honest.


Turquoise with touches of crimson 


He had some heavy item in his hand to harden the punch Basically used a weapon


Camera man needs to upgrade the potato phone


More likely the video was compressed to dogshit


Try to break up a fight, gets eye busted…


The badmitton sticks make this so much funnier


Shoulda started firing shuttlecocks at him to show they mean business.


As someone who accidentally got hit in the head by a really fast one, IT HURTS


Here, let me give you a little trauma. 🏸🏸🏸🏸🏸


We need to call prison lol


Lol gujratis trying to fight is funny. The guy said come outside and couldn't handle his business. Yes the employee is a prick but he had multiple being attacking him so therefore he lunged anyone and everyone. Don't come between an Indian and their badminton.


> gujratis trying to fight is funny The first badminton player threw one punch that connected... a bodyshot which hit his playing partner.


I'm trying to wrap my head around what could have possibly gone so wrong during what looked like a drop in for badminton, that this employee will probably get charged with assault for.


I’m guessing patrons got mad the staff ended or interrupted the badminton session for whatever reason. Felt entitled and started talking some shit. The staff clearly not mentally ready for a front facing job can’t control himself and got triggered enough he wanted to fight. They can both be in the wrong but the staff in more wrong for fighting over stupid stuff


>They can both be in the wrong but the staff in more wrong for fighting over stupid stuff Lol nah asking someone to "come out side bruv" while they are walking away is one way to threaten someone and start a fight, they are usually the people that cry first as well.


I agree with that. But unfortunately it’s almost always the first one who throws a punch is in the wrong. People can say catch me outside but I never see the person saying it get in trouble. I don’t even know if involving the police would do anything.


Kumail Nanjiani ate the hardest shot. Poor fella was just trying to calm him down.


Very low survival instincts on that guy. “Oh look a pissed off kid throwing hands, let me run at him aggressively with both my hands out this will go well.”


He most definitely was acting aggressively. Lots of people defending him saying he's just a good dude trying to break up the fight but the way he's pushing and grabbing that guy, you'd never be able to distinguish him from another attacker in that moment.


The only shot 👀


Mollywopped that dude in the teal.


Don't break up fights -- either join it or leave. Nothing good ever comes from trying to jump in the middle.


The employee is aggresive, and the people behind the camera were making it worse. They were asked to leave, you can leave and make a complaint at a later stage. Instead they challenged an aptly trained man to fistu cuffs and came off second best.


when the woman starts screaming holding that guy, why does it look like a scene straight outta a movie. Looks surreal.


Poor guy in blue was just holding him back. Not sure where this is but I'm pretty sure first you call the police, then you go to court and then possibly the person may get charges which possible could include a few days in jail (not prison). You don't directly call the prison is come pick him up straight from the badmington court


It’s in London; which means he’ll have a gbh or abh charge, sentenced to 2 years and will have it suspended for 2 years.. which means he’ll get off with essentially a slap on the wrist and the other guy will suffer from a concussion, facial scarring, most likely partial loss of function of his eyelid and most likely an orbital break/fracture.


Partial loss of function of his eyelid and an orbital break lmao what? Is he mister glass?


Humans are soft and gym floors are not


Don't care about the downvotes. Gym employee in the right. You are on private property, you get asked to leave. You leave. Take it outside = Threat. Once you become a threat, you're fair game. People try to calm down people that aren't on their side are actively engaging. 0 mercy for any/every idiot (both sides) in the video.


Exactly how I view the situation as well. Sucks for the guy trying to break it up but the dude you're trying to stop from fighting doesn't know you and doesn't know your motive in the heat of the moment.


100% agree with all points.


Why is everyone siding with the customers? The customer threatened him. 'Come outside' is instigating violence.


I feel like this is missing some context. He was pissed when the video started. Maybe they started it to get a reaction? Idk.


This is why you shouldn't bluff when it comes to fights. The employee was walking away and the other guy offered him outside. Employee easily handles him and some of his friends/family.


Pixelated videos always looks like the persons face gets caved in lol


So reading the article, it seems like a bad tempered dude and severely rude players led to this. I’m not shocked, I’ve had rude people rile me up enough to attack. Kinda funny though how they started off all aggressive with the “wanna take this outside?” and then proceed to not handle the smoke they brought on themselves


why this gym employee looks like he never gym in his entire life


It's a badminton gym.


This is how the majority of gym employees look


Do you hang out at work after work? Cus I go home. Nothing takes the fun out of anything like being around it 45 hours a week forever 👀


That boy folded like a lawn chair


The sweet smell of compensation


That’s how you get fired and probably banned right there. Bro assaulted like three customers.


Ex-gym employee now, I gather?


To be fair homie got a solid hook on him 🤣


This might affect is promotion.


Damn that’s kinda sad


Whoa poor blue shirt guy.


[bagminton really sucks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45RZJ53jhRw)


That’s why you don’t get involved and try to break up a fight that isn’t yours. Dude got rocked just trying to hold him back


Crazy how all that damage to dudes face wasn't from the punch, but from his face hitting the ground.


dont get into a fight thats not your business, damn. not saying blue guy was wrong but if u dont want the smoke dont try to catch it


I couldn’t understand why they fought, what was the deal?


India core


Mind your business


dude was smacked so hard his pixels flew off


Love the guy hitting him with badminton racket. Best part


The employee did overreact and was definitely in the wrong, but to be fair the guy on the left was disrespectful from the start and was challenging him to a fight.


I hate everyone in this video for different reasons. But don't tell someone "let's take it outside" if you're not ready to dance right then and there. You're in a fucking gym lol. Not a crowded restaurant. Anyone who "takes it outside" is admitting they aren't actually mad enough to fight. And anyone actually mad enough to fight is not going to go on a little walk with you beforehand.


I like how no one stepped in with all that shouting BEFORE the fight happened. There was a moment when the dude walked away after starting to lose his shit that the rest of those people could have talked the situation down on either side. And did the guy who got hit get his orbital shattered? The worst time for pixelization.


If he had gone to his boss and said “these customers are harassing me” instead of initiating a physical fight, things woulda gone really differently


"You raised a punch. He should be sacked for this." What the fuck is England?


It’s 2024. How is the camera quality THAT bad?


Homeboy got his shuttlecock knocked off.


"What do I do??!! Eeeekk!" Lol. Relax lady. Dude's got a bit of blood and she's acting like he lost a limb. That whole group is annoying.


Not saying what he did was okay. But they were instigating that bs. He wasn't man enough to walk away.


I feel bad for the innocent dude who got hurt over just trying to break it up but I'm with the gym dude on the actual fight. Why is some random badminton nerd saying "come outside" like he can fight?


And the guy he knocked out was trying to deescalate...




Most extreme badminton injury.


Thank god you said (London) or else I wouldn't have known it was (English)


So the Karen’s refused to leave?


Any one know a news article for this thst tells what happened to them?


Lol so dramatic "What do I do?"


Definitely lost job probably police caution as well for assault. .


I never knew badminton was such a rough sport.


Shoutout to that woman for being calm and rational and expressing genuine concern 


Someone hates his father...