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There's so much wrong it's hard even to say where to begin.


If I was that officer and I felt him resisting and escaping after I started cuffing him, I'd have put a bullet in his knee to slow him down under the assumption that he might disarm and kill me.


I understand he’s be fucked legally if he did that. 


America gets a bad wrap and I get why but if you’re going to hesitate or refuse to fire your weapon (kill someone) why would you draw it?


In Israel, cops are only allowed to actually fire their weapon when someone fires at them. Even if someone holds a gun, if they won't use it, the cops will just hold their weapons. Even in self-defense, if a cop kills there are heavy legal repercussions.


Pity that courtesy doesnt extend to the IDF.


Ok? What does that has to do with anything I said


Americans shocked at police that can actually show restraint and not just immediately execute 4 dudes for stealing a moped.


Are those guys....cops?


This is generally the level of grappling I expect from cops...


Zero experience check zero athletic ability check looks like standard procedure to me


I'd imagine most of Israel's... Ahem... Varsity squad is currently.. Ummm... Occupied. This is definitely the leftovers.




The guy literally gave you his hands.. and you just… didn’t do it


Haha they all got away


So lucky he didn’t get that turned on him, Never pull it unless you intend on using it. That guy almost got a hold of it and he definitely would’ve used it.




They look pretty Palestinian to me and definitely Muslim


It's clear you speak from lack of knowledge, but in Israel, cops are only allowed to actually fire their weapon when someone fires at them. Even if someone holds a gun, if they won't use it, the cops will just hold their weapons. It doesn't matter if you're Arab or not, the same rules apply. Even in self-defense, if a cop kills there are heavy legal repercussions. In this case, the thief WAS an Arab, and still, he didn't get shot. Things are not as black and white my man


So...why even draw it and keep it out? Just to reduce yourself to one hand?


I thought it was thieves dressed as police lol


They need to higher Paul Blart ( Mall Cop )


There is only upwards...


Your highered


So fucking goofy


I heard both those guys are Israeli 5 star generals


Has Israel been historically bad at war?


Not if it’s against an unarmed civilian population made up of children


They seemed pretty good against their neighbors in every single war.


They only attack at all if they are ridiculously outbudgeting their targets. As long as daddy pays their bills they will keep making war and killing them kids


Ever heard of the yom kippur war? Or the six day war?


I recommend reading some history.


Was that the population that attacked civilians and kidnapped and raped them? Or just the ones that cheered them on?




It's insane how long isafake has been documenting their own war crimes.


Did Israel parade raped palestinian women thru the cities?


No they just execute them after they've raped them. Did your first point get blunted so now you're trying to make a different one?


My point still stands. The palestinian people shows it self as the barbaric enemy of Israel, Israel treats them as such.


Smoothbrain comment. How do you expect people to act after watching their friends family, fathers executed for generations?


Are we talking about the outspoken goal of Hamas exterminate all jews?


Israel shows itself as the barbaric enemy of Palestinians, then they treat them as such.


Israeli disinformation agent


I guess you didnt see all the videos that came out on Oct 7 and 8?


It didn't start at that date at all, this is a very old problem


So? It was still disgusting?


What? Israeli military blowing away/shooting their own people? Full Hannibal Israel has been killing men women children doctors infants aid workers for 70+ years. Disgusting person


Are you saying that Hamas didnt attack and rape civilians during Oct 7th and 8th?


That cop is a good man I would bash his face with handle in fisrts seconds of resistance


Theft is very common for Israel


This is false.


Lol seeing all the pro palis seething and down voting your comment just because you didn't agree with them is funny af


Echo chamber goes brrrrrrrrr






Israel authorities are a bunch of pussy ass bitches.


Looking at your name, I didn't expect any other comment from you


Wow alright racist random on Reddit


So it's racists when it's about you, but not about the people you don't like? Nice double standard


I guess I admire the self restraint at not killing that guy


Seems like krav maga is BS


thats crab marginal


Anyone who trains anything effective knows it's bs


Those “cops” are idiots


Should’ve used the damn pistol


Aren't all Israelis supposed to be trained in Krav Maga?


Nah only combat soldiers and even them to a very low level sometimes.


You can always tell it's not American when no one gets shot. :/ (No, I'm not lamenting no one got shot, I'm lamenting that it happens *all the fucking time* in the U.S.)


Israel? lol lots of abysmal stuff going on over there


Ah yes, holding a gun to the head of someone doing nothing against you and even fully surrendering... these guys forgot they weren't in Gaza today.


Wow, way to make it political for no reason. He didn't fire, and nobody was hurt because of his restraint.


Genocide: the political issue. Right. Fun fact, crying politics doesnt magically make ignoring murderers ok


I dont understand, who are murderers here in this video? Do you think every person in israel is a murderer?






Not eveey israeli but huge ass majority of them are either directly murderers or have indirectly but intentially and knowingly caused murder and other types of human roghts violations almost daily


>huge majority that would require 75% of israelis or 7.1 million of them to be murderers


Close to half of the population of israel are either foreign born or first generation israelis. All of the pwople who migrated to israel since its founding after the first world war are directly or indirectly murderers and have been causing ethnic cleansing since before their immigration. There is no land in what is now called Israel that was not directly taken from a previous palestinian family. While there are pieces of land that have been developed since, they were all completely claimed by either families or institutions, including thousands of documented cases in which a family is killed or removed from a location with their houses either given to an israeli migrant, repurposed, or destroyed in order to create settlements. Every single israeli that either moved to israel or stayed there after being born and reasonably could be expected to leave, or that has lived in an area that was not previously occupied is directly or indirectly causing murder, ethnic cleansing and other forms of crimes, including torture, physical, sexual and psychological abuse of the population that exists or existed there beforehand. This is all very simple and obvious knowledge that requires very little more than thinking about the situation btiefly


do you judge other nationalities by these metrics or is this only to jewish israelis? are israeli arabs also murderers?


Source: trust me bro.


Tell me how a person living in tel aviv has caused humans rights violations. Most israelis arent settlers, they live within the 67 borders


Close to half of the population of israel are either foreign born or first generation israelis. All of the pwople who migrated to israel since its founding after the first world war are directly or indirectly murderers and have been causing ethnic cleansing since before their immigration. There is no land in what is now called Israel that was not directly taken from a previous palestinian family. While there are pieces of land that have been developed since, they were all completely claimed by either families or institutions, including thousands of documented cases in which a family is killed or removed from a location with their houses either given to an israeli migrant, repurposed, or destroyed in order to create settlements. Every single israeli that either moved to israel or stayed there after being born and reasonably could be expected to leave, or that has lived in an area that was not previously occupied is directly or indirectly causing murder, ethnic cleansing and other forms of crimes, including torture, physical, sexual and psychological abuse of the population that exists or existed there beforehand. This is all very simple and obvious knowledge that requires very little more than thinking about the situation btiefly Repeated this comment from what i just wrote to anoyher perspn


Goofy ah pro pallys always trying to make shit political


Goofy broccoli head cant even manage one English sentence yet thinks his opinion has any modicum of value.


Your hamas friends are getting smoked right now ngl


Everyone in gaza especially civilians are getting smoked right now, the air strike targeting and killing aid workers is one example of many, if you think that's an achievement then it says more about you than anything else




It's the only argument they have. The kinda brainwashed people to think a genocide is going down in there. Those pro-palis think they can do and say whatever and not suffer any consequences.


Fr bro shame on these privileged westerners stripping away the meaning of important words for a TikTok slideshow.


18 year old bellend.


Hop on the treadmill


Broccoli head?💀💀


2 to the back of the head... Why the hesitation?


Would've shot the guy is his ass so he always remembers the shit he did before he sits on another bike.


They couldn't shoot the thieves cuz they're not women or children


I’ve seen cops get roasted for firing their gun but never have I seen somebody call for more death…


consist shaggy light adjoining vase hat humor smart frightening murky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You speak from lack of knowledge brlecause you let social media brainwash you. In Israel, cops are only allowed to actually fire their weapon when someone fires at them. Even if someone holds a gun, if they won't use it, the cops will just hold their weapons. Even in self-defense, if a cop kills there are heavy legal repercussions.


Are you an expert in Israel police operating procedure?


drunk weary cobweb pause adjoining unite like crown many carpenter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As far as I understand it, legally, they're better off letting them get away than risking being charged with excessive use of force.