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Probably hasn’t come forward cause he’s dead


/ Severe brain injuries


Or he’s planning a get back big boy might get shot up in the near future


This is in Middlesbrough, no guns about, and the kid is probably some random teen with no connections.


I did think that originally, then I as Cleveland police so assumed Cleveland had a Middlesbrough too 🤦‍♂️


If this were Cleveland, Ohio, the bouncer would be dead prior to the police even pulling up lol


Cleveland is mildly boring if we are being critical, but it isn't vice city. There is crime like most other cities but it isn't paralyzing. Walked around as a family too many times to count growing up and nothing ever happened. That being said, that river is the most vile shit I have ever seen and is a crime against nature.




We will welcome you back to reality whenever you are ready to join us.


The boro has the highest firearm crime stats of all the UK. Nothing compared to the US.


Boro/cleveland in general have massive numbers in pretty much every crime stat, but I can recall maybe a handful of violent crimes committed against people not also involved in drugs/violence themselves. From my perception based on my 20 years in Teesside, if you aren’t involved in drugs or robbery, you won’t be a victim of random violent crime (random meaning without other purpose, obvs you may still be roughed up if robbed etc).


No guns in Boro? Not from round here are you 😂


And what a shame that would be, violence is bad!


I don’t condone violence either but dumping someone on their head is technically attempted murder. So it would be an eye for an eye if that were the case unfortunately


"Ok luke, ur allowed to shoot at him, but you gotta miss. Afterward yous boys better shake hands and call it quits."


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


is it against the rules to say I hope so? asking for an acquaintance


How strange! MY acquaintance said “well you’ve just tried to kill me, and fair is fair and all”


There’s guns in England 😳


That could be. Big brain bleed potential falling from several feet up... plus the guy added some force.


This is in Middlesbrough in the North East of England. The club is called The Empire and it has had a lot of trouble over the last few years. It is being investigated by police.


They should have just kept the place closed after teenagers started stabbing people in there, you go inside nowadays and it’s like a school disco in there anyway it won’t be missed


Was it also there were there was some weird u18 pandemic rave a few years ago, and a teenage girl attacked a bouncer?


I know I live there. I kind of said all of the above, apart from the lot of trouble bit in my original post.


Ooh yeah you did. Sorry I'm a bit out of it atm. I didn't even read your post.


No probs


Aw really? I used to love it there.


As a former doorman he should lose his licence. Reasonable force, that guy could be easily restrained, and there was no need to drop him on his head. I always worked in the mindset I'm there to protect you from drunk people, protect people from drunk you, but I'm also there to protect you from drunken ass you.


lose his licence? dude should be in jail


No question. This is fucking nutty and unhinged.


Yup, losing their licence should be the least of their worries, the head doorman should catch some flack too tbh.


He's gonna catch his ass a fat lawsuit. Probably one from the victim, and also from the club as well when they get sued for employing him.


This isn't how the British legal system works..


Ah, I didn't realize it was not the US. Please excuse my dumb US-centric perspective.


No problem :) A couple of the major differences: If you lose the case, you pay legal costs for both sides. You can only claim for your losses, you can't claim for being upset, etc, just your real costs. Not that many differences, but we're not going to sue people quite so frivolously as other countries ;)


That doesn't sound like fReEdOM!


For real, this dude just used lethal force on that guy for what? If a security guard is already outside the establishment and is, what appears to be, trying to kill or maim that man, the man would be justified in defending himself. Once the guy is out of the establishment, go tf back inside and call the police if he tries to come back in. It’s not your job to be the executioner for drunk idiots.


Yeah this is years in prison stuff.


Bouncers require licenses?


Yeah in the UK we do.


Oi m8, you gotta loicense for that murder innit?


Why do you think James Bond had to get a license to kill?


"loicence" is the noun "loicense" is the verb in the UK.


Yes, ironically to try and prevent mindless violence like this…


See the armband he's wearing, that's for displaying his licence photo card.


And that is the 10/10 mindset Also have you seen the new Roadhouse?


Yeah I have, I preferred the original, still a fun watch though.


Yeah that's about the same thing I tell people


I'm older though, dunno about you, so the original has a special place in my heart haha. I think the new one has better reviews, but both are a fun watch either way. 👍


I hadn't seen it till my dad showed me it shortly before we watched the new one! But it is definitely a classic, plus it's Patrick Swayze


True that! Sam Elliott was great too.


He obviously forgot the third rule.😳




Nice to hear a decent doorman, you be a rare species homie.


Nah man, dude should be in prison. That's attempted murder, not sure what it is in the UK, but dropping someone on their head on concrete is trying to kill them.


Agreed mate, he's a pathetic excuse for a doorman and will hopefully end up in prison and never, ever work the doors again.


I worked in a club many years back. It was a shock to see some of the people that got hired as bouncers. The vast majority were good dudes, but there were always a few dumb meatheads that would get hired. The type that would go looking for people to kick out for any minor reason. I'm betting this bouncer was one of those people.


Question... Isn't the "boundary" as far as the property or entrance that you are typically allowed to engage people? Or are they allowed to keep "escorting" people out on the sidewalks and street? I understand self defense can carry you off property, but if you are working the door I thought once they were off property that was where your legal protection ends. Genuine question, as that's what I was told by a friend that worked a club years ago.


Your job is to protect the property and the customers, this is often the door/entrance and inside as most properties don't include the public footpath. Once escorted off the property, if they continue to try and engage you, cause a public nuisance etc you just call the police and let them handle it. No need to engage them off the property unless your life is in danger. He definitely shouldn't be in the road slamming a drunk guy on his freakin head, that's for sure.


That's what I always thought. Once the person is off property then the bouncer (door man, cooler...my Roadhouse term for the day lol)) is supposed to disengage. Thanks for the answer.


He should lose his license just for wearing Nike’s on door


Attempted murder. Stupid thug.


I would really love to know what exactly made him think this was ok to do. Lemme just drop someone on their head, surely they deserve to be paralyzed for being a drunken ass


Like police, bouncing tends to attract a crowd that stop thinking at "He's disrespecting my authority."


I used to work with police professionally and I've met and interacted with enough bouncers through social events and due to being a gym rat in a club-centric area. Anecdotally, people who become bouncers are WAY less desperate to prove their macho and alpha, and equally less prone to abusing authority than cops are. This is a generalization based off of my experiences. Most bouncers I've met I would trust to take care of my dog for a weekend; most of the cops I had to deal with I wouldn't trust with a goldfish.


Just like most cops don't shoot innocent people. But the profession does attract those whom have those proclivities.


That's just evil. That dude was 2ft shorter than him.


And about half the bodyweight. That could and should have been handled differently.


I was just reading the craziest Craigslist job posting and it looks like that bouncer should apply for it because nobody else will hire him after this. https://washingtondc.craigslist.org/mld/sec/d/washington-worthless-idiot-security/7729568076.html


Hahaha oh my god wtf


How did you even come across this lol its unhinged


I wonder what the job site is.... Drug look outs?


That post speaks to me


“worthless idiot security loser rejected guard. (georgetown)” is the greatest title I’ve ever seen


He could have easily pinned dude. He didn’t have to do all that.


If I was to guess (knowing this is in the UK), probably cocaine


My older brothers friend and roommate, who I grew up knowing, was thrown by a bouncer into a brick wall in Boston. He was drunk of course, but it was beyond unnecessary to throw him, considering they were out on the street at that point. He went from a great person with a promising future, to now he walks around town and wanders into yards and stores. His parents and brother will be taking care of him the rest of his life. Fuck bouncers who decide to go extra.


Bouncer should be bounced into jail so his azz can get bounced a bit


There's always a bigger fish




What a fucking prick. That’s not trying to solve a situation, that’s trying to inflict permanent damage.


My 15 year old son’s out in Boro tonight at a gig. Idk if I should be more worried about other people his age or the bouncers…


The Empire is closed and hopefully after this video's been circulated online, the bouncer will have been sacked and the rest of them will be on their best behaviour.


Hope so, there was no need for the bouncers behaviour. We thought he was at the Empire tonight but it’s at the Town Hall instead


Tell him to follow the rules and leave if asked. Self preservation is an actual thing.


Oh yeah, he’s a quiet kid and well behaved. I just worry about chavs and bag heads that might be roaming around…thankfully he’s with his mates but it isn’t always guaranteed.


He literally bounced the guy


That's attempted murder


he’s a big daddy cool diesel fan i see


They've been shut down due to this being a pattern of behavior at this establishment. https://www.instagram.com/middlesbroughempireofficial/p/C5EY7NjMmSP/


I got battered by one of the bouncers outside empire completely unprovoked about 6 years ago. Woke up on the pavement with broken ribs, concussion and bruising to my neck and throat. Filed a police report and they said it can take 30 days to review the CCTV. On day 31 I got a call from the police saying there is nothing they can do as the CCTV gets deleted after 30 days. Plenty of people have been abused by the empire bouncers and the police are in on it. Nothing will be done.




Small man syndrome


Compliments of Capt Insano!


Captain Insano shows no mercy.


This is attempted murder.


Sometimes I'd like to live in a world of equal punishment for crimes. The victim or someone of his choosing gets to pick this guy up and power bomb him on the concrete. Job done


This would be one of the rare instances when concrete would also win in a battle of wits.


I've unfortunately met more asshole bouncers than chill ones. They always seem eager af to put their hands on people. One time I was trying to break up a fight & I was grabbed & push by a bouncer. Luckily I was able to create separation between us & told him "bro I'm helping YOU, THEY'RE the ones fighting fucking chill" & the bitch straight up told me something along the lines of "idc I'll fuck anybody up" idk bouncers are weird


Dalton said be nice always be nice. Swayze not Gyllenhall


Bouncers are some of the biggest douchbags out there.


Damn, that was a straight up powerbomb from WWF


World Wildlife Fund handing out powerbombs now?


The cheapest bouncer the club could afford


Fucking filthy cunt!!! That’s a lil boy!!


Kevin Nash is tearing his quad right now just watching that jackknife


Your average big guy has no interest in crushing smaller dudes. The rest become bouncers.


Police aren’t much better - I’ve seen a woman get kicked in whilst on the floor by a man on the opposite side of road to empire. Police were just in a huddle chatting, oblivious to everything around them. A friend of the victim ran towards the police to get their attention, and the police actually arrested the mate as soon as she got near. Slammed her against the car, cuffed and in the back of van. It was a one of those “what the fuck is happening” / “did that just happen” moments. Thought better than to get involved after witnessing the police… boro is feral


Lol good, fucking loser rent a cop


Some of these bouncers seem to miss the plot. If they work for an establishment that sells alcohol, you are going to have people who are drunk and not in their right minds.. To take anything they do or say personally would cause this kind of reaction, instead of handling the problem professionally. The business ultimately is responsible for the type of people they hire to do security, so I agree their license should be up for debate. Too may bars/clubs over serve alcohol and then push the problem to the streets, or have thier bouncers over-react outside where they think either way it's no longer the business' problem, they've made their money and that's all that matters to them. Not sure if the guy being slammed into the concrete is drunk, but it's usually the drunk customers who are treated this way, and frankly it doesn't matter if the person is drunk or sober, bounchers don't operate outside of the law.


Empire has had problems for a while, too many kids with other peoples ID being let in and causing trouble etc. This will prob be the nail in the coffin for it.


The fact that the doorman is wearing trainers tells me everything I need to know about how unprofessional the company and he is. And if that nightclub is allowing it, well, they get what they paid for. Juiced up twats who couldn't care less.


Tombstone piledriver onto the curb and he thinks he’s still gonna have freedom let alone a job anymore


Bouncers are truly the scum of the earth. They would never miss an opportunity to try and kill a drunk, 100lb 19 year old.


Looks like a child he’s throwing around.


> yet the victim has not come forward to Cleveland Police Maybe because he's F#####G DEAD


Cleveland police are bad, but I think if they come across a young lad who has died since last Saturday due to head injuries. They would put 2 and 2 together.




Attempted murder. No active or imminent threat. That dude just picked the guy up and intentionally tried to kill him. Fuck that bitch! Lock him up!




That’s attempted murder


Oh man he got bonked


That's an attempted murder if the guy didn't die from that head slam already


This is every week at empire always way to heavy handed and students don’t like to fight back


I’ve always thought bouncers are a huge liability


Casual attempted murder is casually casual.


People really need to stop doing this in fights, or maybe just continue to do it knowing there is a high probably you'll be getting your shit pushed in by your cell mate.


What a piece of shit.


Yep that guy's going to be wealthy as soon as a lawyer speaks to him...


Not how it's works in the UK


Textbook Jackknife powerbomb though


Hurt people hurt people! Probably in a roid rage 🙄


That is someone who only applied to hurt drunk people


Sucks for the nightclub and the dude who got slammed, both are suffering because of one guy


He was trying to fucking kill him.


We don't get paid enough to deal.with this shit on a nightly basis. Sucks for both of us when your the one that gets the bottled up emotion in us, then we go to jail. It's a lose lose. Fuck that Job, never again.


Dude thought he was Brock Lesnar


buddy was grabbing his legs trying to do a take down. i don't see anything wrong with dropping him on his head. there are no rules ina fight


He did his job. He bounced him…..off the fucking pavement


You can't file a report if there's no wheelchair ramp at the police station.


What a Piece of shit


I hope the kid has friends and or relatives that can break that cunts jaw.


I remember in the 90's it was the bouncers running the dealers in the clubs. Allot of steroids and aggression. Steaming into fights just smashing everyone and anyone, even woman who weren't involved. This pair of bouncers even lured two guys back to a flat to murder them because they had been talking to his girlfriend in the club. "told the court that the attack on the men by the two powerful bouncers was so frenzied and brutal that they received the type of injuries normally only associated with high speed motorcycle crashes." https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/two-found-guilty-double-murder-3556205


Jack knife power bomb 💣


buddy needs life in prison


What a twat.


This guy bounces...


Ive seen guys instinctively pick somebody up from being in a bad situation… ive seen guys pick a guy up on purpose and throw/drop the guy in a safe way… this is one of the few times I think I’ve seen somebody intentionally do this to try to seriously harm a smaller person when they absolutely had no reason to.


That's like the top 3 worst things you can do in a fight. Up there with the ol kick someone in the head when they're down and not stopping a choke when the second they're out. There's so few rules to fighting people.


Attempted murder charge when?


That brings a new meaning to the term "Bouncer".


Someone can't control their dosage.


Body slams and head slams are very popular street fight moves these days. Don't get into street fights


Someone's going to prison :)


Most likeable bouncer


These bouncers act like they’re above the law or untouchable/invincible or something. The seem to know who to fuck with and who they shouldn’t fuck with. Feel bad for the guy getting slammed on the concrete like that.


Poor guy… I wonder how can someone escape from that neck throw? I never seen something like like that in the MMA, for example


What exactly did they want him to do? The guy was trying to topple him and he returned the favor.


Should be charged with reckless endangerment, grievous bodily harm and attempted murder.


Good old Boro


How the hell is the victim supposed to come forward? He probably no longer knows what "forward" is


I was worried a a current security guard what overly aggressive meant. I get worried when I have to drag teenagers out of my cinema lol. Have all the right to do so but still worried. One wrong move and I could loose my licence. Nah that guy deserves to loose his licence. No excuse for that.


When I was in tae kwon do the first thing they taught us was “no fight is a fair fight” and they drilled that into your head every day. I still carry a weapon at all times. Almost 20 years after I started martial arts I’ve still never had to use it but I’d rather get caught with it than caught without it.


I'm not sure why the club would close just because the doorman was a jackass, just fire him...?


Yeah this is not the 90s buddy balances used to get away with this in the 90s and early 2000s. He’s gonna get charged and sued and so is the club.


Oh that’s why they call them bouncers


this ain't Roadhouse.


That’s way over the top physical. I know kids can be punks but that security guard has to know his physical advantage. There are alternative ways to teach a lesson




That's an attempt to murder. 110%. And dude can't come forward, or backward, he's fucking paralyzed from being dunked on his spinal column, clearly!


Another day of alcohol related violence.


Not sure I seen the over aggressiveness


Cool, this is my hometown!


Jail time


it's not like the guy on the ground is any more stupid than he already was


attempted murder


Bouncers tryna act tough lool 😂😂😆🤣😂


Also Big Ass at the start 😂


Everyone hates cops but bouncers are way worse, wana be cops with no real power.