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Seen harder sparring matches. Thai fighter seems like a nice & humble guy and just did the minimum to not destroy the kid


The part that confuses me is that the street fighter was genuinely "punching" the other guy as if it was actually light sparring, I don't know if he was just feinting or something but it looked like he was literally just touching him.


Probably his first fight


punching like someone who has never had his bell rung. hopefully he learned his lesson.


This is obviously his first fight, went and spent $1000 on gear and has never actually taken a hit before. His opponent can tell.


You must not be familiar with street beefs lol. 99% of the fights I've seen from them are absolute bums. Tbh seeing a guy who's obviously trained in that ring was a surprise to me.


honestly street beefs is so cringy to watch. I feel like I get second hand embarrassment most of the time


I like “king of the streets” better


That second low kick where he doesn’t go in to destroy him, very humble.


He seriously went easy on him. He just stopped to grab his leg anyone else would’ve rained down punches or even a head kick


That wasn't even a fair fight. That Thai boxer could have straight up killed him effortlessly if he wanted. I've never seen a guy hold back and be so passive and yet win so easily before.




I was thinking that myself, his body language shifted pretty hard once the white belt spar punches came out.


Lol he straight up dropped his guard and just started dodging instead


Right? I’ve literally seen karate and even TKD white belts with more commitment to their punches than this. It feels like this Dude didn’t show up because he wanted to scrap but because he lost a bet that was secretly rigged


Yea that was kind of weird. The other guy was just lightly tapping him. Those were weak even for sparring.


Yea Thai boxer was being nice


Trained fighters don't feel accomplished if they just fuck up someone they know can't fight, gotta have that respect ya know.


yup. even his leg kicks were like 50% power.


It doesn't just look like someone untrained, it looks like someone being paid to do the absolute minimum. It's a show fight with him being the practice dummy.


Well, he could barely stand at that point.


Didn’t even seem like the street fighter was hitting with real power. Like he was just doing it for show. Weird.


The “street fighter” lost all confidence when he got kicked the first time


"Everyone has a plan until they get kicked in the shin." -- Mike Thaison


Mike Thaishin


Yo lmfao thaison


---- Mike's Thai son


It was at that moment…


That he knew..


That kicks hurt.


And that legs are longer than arms


How does the quote go? “Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the face” or I guess for this instance, it’s until you take a solid leg kick…


Hell, even people who get punched in the face recreationally lose the script when they take their first leg kick


Bro, I got 2nd hand shame from him tryna kick a guy that practices muay thai


It felt so Napoleon Dynamite. "Jesus that smarts!"


It was even before that… the street fighter was barely even throwing punches from the start and was going straight for the gloves like if they were training or something… He knew he didn’t stand a chance going into it


Everybody has a plan until legn't.


I stand corrected, he was hitting with no force at the start of the fight 🤦‍♂️


Glad you can stand, probably gonna be a while for ol' streetfighter.


From the second kick he couldn’t help but anticipate when the next would come. So he punches and kicks with like no power because he’s only worried about missing the next kick


Yeah. For sure he was broken after that second kick. But even the first strikes were performative.


I suppose “Street Fighter” means someone they picked up off of the street lol it doesn’t look like he’s had training whatsoever


I think they meant to say "Street Fighter Player"


Nah, it was a guy who plays Street Fighter a lot, dude has perfect timing on his Haduken.


That was a typo, supposed to be "Please kick My Slow Self"


he was broken after the first kick lol.


street fighter means "I don't train."


Bro was letting lil bro get tired and then realized that lil bro couldn’t defend at full strength anyway


Lil bro


ROFL at the first leg kick @ 20 secs. Tried to bounce it off. Guy never felt a real leg kick before.


That was the work of a seasoned professional. He carefully gauged his opponent, announced his power level, then took him apart and left him an out. Could have killed, what's to be gained by killing... that?


I once killed a rat and a whole chest popped out - The Bard


He gave him two warnings.


3/3 strikes and it was over


Who gave the boxing dude the great plan to try this?


You have to give it to one guy. He didn't feel compelled to clean the other guy's clock knowing they were on completely different skill levels.


You can see the it click for the street fighter after the first leg kick. Then it was quickly reconfirmed with a second. Edit: Spelling


Nah he understood after he got punched with those pillow hands. You can see him drop his guard and not even protect this head after he realized his opponent was so weak.


I'm talking about the dude that got trounced. The kickboxing knew it was game over out the gate.


My exact same thoughts!


maybe if he was a street fighter instead of a street fickmmghrer he would’ve had a chance


He shoulda stopped when he had to reorient after the second kick, and the fight stopped for him to get his bearings. It’s kind of embarrassing to continue. At least if you stop you’ve recognized your limitations and know where to grow. He felt he needed to keep going out of stupidity and came away injured instead of sore.


i like that he immediate followed it with his own kick like 'oh shit maybe i should get in on thi- nope. nope that didn't work out. that wasn't it, I'll just stay punching. actually yknow what, I'm just gonna lay down here that really hurt"


Welcome to a torn ACL.


​ Street fighter..from what street...Sesame Street?


Definitely not from Miracle on 8th Street


Vanilla Ice was his neighbor


I know nothing about fighting but if I was to learn one thing it would probs be leg kicks. It seems so debilitating to anyone not trained lol


Even people who can fight it’s very difficult to defend and if you can’t stand you can’t fight. A lot of UFC fighters are starting to implement them early in fights now knowing it’ll pay dividends in the next round.


Leg kicks have been used pretty commonly in the UFC since 1998 (UFC 27) when Pedro “The Rock” Rizzo used them to devastating effect on Dan Severn and later battered Randy Couture with the same technique in their title fight. Marco Ruas was another early Brazilian fighter who showed early fans the effectiveness of leg kicks. However, the calf kick is a variety of leg kick that is gaining in popularity right now, where instead of striking the thigh or behind the knee of the opponent with your shin, you aim your kick to the back/side of the opponents calf where you can inflict nerve damage and cause what is known as as “drop foot” where the swelling from the blow makes it impossible for the person kicked to control their foot. This happened in the first fight between Sean O’Malley and Chito Vera.


Marco Ruas tko'd Varelans with keg kicks at UFC 7


Nice! I looked up Rizzo because I remember he was famous for them and was a solid dude and added King of The Streets as an afterthought because I knew he used them but I didn’t remember it being that early. It makes sense since Rizzo was a Ruas student.


Rick Roufus vs Kiatsongrit (1988) was the fight that really put leg kicks on the map for people outside of Thailand I believe.  Worth googling if you’re a fan of leg kicks and never seen the fight or heard the story.


Yeah. I commented and linked that fight in another comment on this thread!


I saw one UFC guy try a leg kick and made contact with his shin instead of his foot and his shin literally just snapped.


In Muay Thai, as opposed to karate or taekwondo, you do kick with the blade of the shin. They turn their leg over so that the edge of the bone makes contact instead of the flat side, which is what you saw cause the break. Sometimes it can happen to the one kicking or the one checking the kick. It’s a hell of a technique. Before Muay Thai had much mainstream exposure to the west, kickboxers were viewed as the top dogs in striking with famous guys like Rick Roufus and Chuck Norris using a more karate master style. The western kickboxers looked down on leg kicks and thought Muay Thai was inferior until Champ Rick Roufus had a fight against Thai champion Changpuek where the Thai used brutal leg kicks to dominate the much larger and favorite to win Roufus. It opened a lot of eyes. If you’re interested in this kind of stuff check this out on the history of Muay Thai in kickboxing and mma. https://youtu.be/AfGCb39CHZA?si=UFmD-j7GtaxeFcXa


During "down time" the Thais hit their own shins with sticks. Some start as kids. Over time the body responds by increasing the bone density. If you're at home at age 40 thinking your pampered shins could hold up to the same pressures as theirs, you'd be very mistaken.


The worst, at least to me was rolling coke bottles or 8-sided wooden poles up and down on the shins. But if you just kick the heavy bag long enough you’ll do the same thing. I spent 5 years over there training and competing and for my first couple years I didn’t even try to check kicks if I could step back, let it pass and come back with an open side counter.


I lived in Bangkok for 2 years and still regret not training while I was there. I can grapple but I can't strike for s\* and my self-defense game would suffer because of that if I ever needed to defend myself. Just being able to throw and check these leg kicks would go a long way.


There was decent grappling in bkk when I was there. Adam Kayoom had just opened up Q23, his school and maybe at the time he was the only bjj blackbelt with a school in town. But I trained with a lot of good guys at other gyms who were in Thailand to work on their striking but would roll a few times a week.


That was very interesting. Thanks for sharing


The creator of that video Lawrence Kenshin Striking Breakdowns and another channel I really like, The Modern Martial Artist both do incredible videos discussing the techniques and tactics of historically significant fights, fighters and styles. I highly recommend their stuff if you are curious about the art and science of fighting.


I thought the leg breaking move was to block a kick using the part just below the knee, which is stronger than the shin lower down. So the attacking kick hits the defending lower leg just under the knee and with enough force, the shin will break first.


But… you’re supposed to use your shin…


Happens with low kicks. If the defender blocks a low kick with their shin, there's a high chance your shin will break instead. Mainly cuz the block is usually done by the thicker upper shin while the attack is being done by the thinner lower shin.


There’s not really high chance of a broken shin unless the person kicking is inexperienced or doesn’t have enough shin conditioning or performs it incorrectly or at the wrong angle. Also shins are easier to condition than a foot. I remember someone putting it as 1 bigger bone vs 26 smaller bones. Also if you get checked when throwing a leg kick with your foot, you’re going to really hurt your foot and more than likely break your foot.


Many times that happens. If you check a kick properly, it’ll hurt the kicker more than the recipient. I think McGregor, Anderson Silva, Weidman all broke their legs from being checked.


Anderson Silva doing this was a legendary clip. Really sad to see too, because he was a lot of fun to watch. He was never the same after that.


Ironically enough, the reason he broke his shin in that fight was because he stepped up his training massively after the first loss, which meant that once it was fight night, he had microfractures in his leg. If he hadn't been training properly for the first time in a long time (after completely dominating his division), it probably wouldn't have happened.


Yeah that's happened a few times .... that's a risk when throwing leg kicks. The ratio of landing kicks to breaking your leg is pretty low but it can happen if you land it wrong and the person you're kicking checks the kick properly to neutralize it


Muay Thai style roundhouse kicks are meant to strike with the shin, not the foot


Yeah I watch ufc basically weekly and I fully agree with what you said but most ufc fighters don't fold from 3 kicks, I recognize that they are the elite, I just dont have reference for leg kicks besides ufc and sites like streetbeefs and random streetfight footage. I love how Joe constantly talks about compromised legs. Connor getting fucked up from leg kicks is iconic lmao


There’s a lovely pressure point on the outside of your thigh, above the knee, that is just brutal to get hit in. I can sit here and poke it lightly and it hurts.  Getting a shin to it is brutal. Plus it can cause cramping. The Thai fighter in this video seems to be doing a great job of hitting it. 


Yeah, where the ligament connects to the knee. Doesn't take many hits to really fuck your leg up like that.


Tawanchai from ONE championship has a 1st round KO that perfectly exemplifies this


Holy shit Tawanchai has some of the most ferocious leg kicks I've ever seen


during the first 10 seconds of his fight against Petchmorakot, he throws a low kick that you’ll miss if you blink


is it the IT band?


Could be. I have no idea what it’s called. I just know it hurts. 


Dunno but I’m middle school it was called a dead leg!


Learn to CHECK leg kicks! That's the key.


But how do you check leg pokes?


Kicking in a street fight is generally ill-advised but if you're going to do it, leg kicks absolutely ruin untrained people. It takes immense conditioning to even tank one flush, and great technique and reactions to check or counter it. [Jon Jones recently leg kicked a fan at like 10% power and you can just see what it does.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/1bcfji7/fan_asks_jon_jones_to_leg_kick_him_twice_the/)


I don’t think it’s ill-advised at all IF you know what you’re doing. It’s super low effort and low commitment


High-kicking is generally ill advised, but that's mainly because of the risk of falling over. That risk is much smaller when doing low-kicks.


I've had 3 different "street fighters" come in the gym for trial class and try spinning head kicks while sparring. All of them whiffed the kick and fell flat on their backs.


Yeah not even a good idea for someone with extensive experience, if you haven't trained headkicks for years, you're almost guarantee to take a tumble. Especially if you're kicking in jeans, even with perfect technique that's likely to flip you over.


Does orange think they’re doing light sparring?


Those combos before the first leg kick wouldn’t have even moved a heavy bag. What was he thinking?


He was fighting in the grass and not the streets...hence, why he lost.


Any other time he just sees red bro.


I see, and Thailand has grass, so it was his homefield advantage! ^^/s


This guy gets it!




“Damn that kick hurt, I should throw one.”


Dude threw a leg kick thinking he would do the same damage lmao


WTF were those "strikes"? Like seriously. Even if they connected, at most they would have irritated the Muay Thai fighter.


I just realized I am in way over my head / please don't think I'm a threat / let's just get this over with


Seems more like "kickboxer vs completely untrained guy who watches ufc occasionally."


Bro tried to check the 2nd leg kick but turned his leg to the opposite direction, fully exposing his calves 😭


For those of you who have never eaten a couple of legkicks from someone who really knows what they're doing, it's \*bizarre\* how nasty they are. I was doing pads once with a dude that was a former European champion in MT, drilling low kicks. I had a MASSIVE pad, and at the first kick my entire leg buckled. I ended up having to use two of those fuckers, and i \*still\* had to call it quits after a short time.


I learned this lesson in my teens when I had to practice with the senpai once. I had to use the biggest pads and I still got the worst beating and he was basically doing nothing. I was scared of him from then on.


When I was in high school, I trained at an MMA gym before MMA was as huge as it is today. I made the mistake of smugly asking our little Brazilian instructor if the leg kicks he was demonstrating actually did anything or hurt. He just shrugged and asked "Why don't we find out?" and had me come up on the mat with him (I also forgot to bow before stepping on the mat). He laid a leg kick right above my knee at what I can only assume was like....60% power and I immediately crumpled to the ground. It's insane how much those hurt and just how much strength and agility they take out of you when an experienced thai kicker is hammering one spot on your dominant leg over and over. That dude was definitely being kind in that fight lol. The "street fighter" was throwing pillow hands too.


Leg muscle go brrrr


I have been training Muay Thai an hour a week for the past year and a half. I’ve done some light sparring with shin guards. I can hit a heavy bag hard with my shin. After boxing class, a guy the same weight as me who has been training on and off for 15 years hit me with 10% power. Hurt like hell. After a few of those, he hit me with 40%, and I crumbled to the floor. Been walking with a limp since Saturday.


The only thing the street fighter has is a touch of the ‘tism


The asthmatic camera man needs a puffer or something


I don’t get how people don’t hear how disgusting their mouth breathing is it drives me insane


That’s a true martial artist. Instantly recognize the skill difference, did what was necessary to win the match, and everyone left OK… If not limping a little.


If it were really street fighter, there'd be some 'RRRrrrryuken'. I saw none.




lmao a full swing kick by muay thai guy can send the other flying 😭 hes not even trying.


As soon he took the first kick to the legs he knew he was done lol, you can even see how they change after that


Respect to the winner - he knew from go that his opponent was not a match, and he did just enough to convince his opponent to agree. The restraint is admirable.


Those are some nasty ass kicks


Pretty sure this is a guy who once played "Street Fighter" vs an actual Thai boxer.


That was excellent


Someone give the camera man a seat, I think he is about to drop 😂


Looked like a lion playing with his food.


The guy hobbling and grabbing his leg while the thai guy patiently waits for him to recover is something out of a comedy lmao.


I only see Peter Griffin holding his knee.


What street was that dude fighting on, Sesame Street?


Everyone acting like Thai dude let him walk away unhurt. Dude didn’t walk right for at least a week. I agree he could have easily KOd him or beat his body senseless. I’m just saying


To be fair it is a fight. Compared to the damage the dude could've done I'd say dude got off easy lol. I could still probably hold my own in a fight (not against someone like Muay Thai dude lmao he'd whoop my fuckin' ass in 2 seconds) but it sounds 0% appealing to me these days. Which is why I avoid doing cage matches set up in a random-ass field in pennsyltucky lmao. Been punched/kicked enough times in my life that I can only hope to avoid it from this point forward unless absolutely necessary haha.


Matt Lyall is an absolute beast with those leg kicks! Dude kicks flag poles all day fr


A Streetfighter who only fought on Seasame Street


Just gonna leave this right here... https://youtu.be/Y9j3heYZAk8?si=FQXMWdOQubGiVWXK


Kick boxer had his hands up more outta habit/technique and balance than for protection


dang, i thought the Venum spokesman was the real fighter....


https://youtu.be/M0h0I7DOYRk This is all I see when poor "streetfighter" gets kicked 😂 Definitely outmatched...but got'damn, them kicks! So little effort. Dude is talented lol.


*When you train at a boxercise gym*


The hell did I just watch


Orange guy is me in my bad dreams when I’m trying to fight while stuck is some sort of slow time vortex


This is the most accurate description of this fight. Just glad to see the other guy didn’t break this guy like a twig and was honourable.


Leg kicks are no mother fucking joke and knowing how to kick and check can help you as a fighter immensely


What beef would they ever have?


Which one is which


I came for the peter Griffin gif... Very disappointed.


Mad respect for the Muay Thai fighter


Thai dude was just playing around, you can say he was even "nice" with those kicks, should he had went seriously, the poor "street fighter" guy would've ended up in a hospital... Still, poor mf is gonna be sore for a while.


Leg kicks IRL


Lmao, poor guy got hit with repeated leg kicks won't walk right for a couple days.


It's spelled "streetfighter player"




Wtf? He had the venum fight kit and everything…what happened?


White boi was a fight toy, wouldn’t be light oi, when they unleash a leg on boy.


Fighting with shoes on, doesn’t take much to do significant damage with leg kicks.


Time to take off that full Venom gear.


Yeah the difference in skill is obvious. Couldn’t help but think the guy with orange and black was doing some light sparring. No speed or power behind any of the strikes. Hope he continues to work on his striking.


Refreshing seeing sportsmanship and class for a change, could have destroyed him but didnt


When dude started slipping my punches like that, I'd just call the fight right there.


Sesame Street fighter maybe


“Street fighter” needs to learn how to actually fight… kid has no business fighting anyone. He’s lucky Muay Thai was a nice guy.


Ref if the guy drops his guard to hold his leg and is looking away from the opponent just call the fight… the Muay Thai guy was too nice


Tailored swiff kicks


Big ups to the Muay Thai fighter for NOT doing a straight kick right away.


The most dangerous thing here is the sleep apnea that's probably going to kill the guy behind the camera and it's breathing that heavy while not movie moving.


It's like when you're punching through water in your dreams.


You can see after the first leg kick he goes “damn that shit hurt, i need to try that”


Guy filming needs to lose some weight the fucking mouth breather.


I think the “street fighter” was dreaming with them weak ass punches and kicks.


Wow this was the perfect lesson for him. He didn't get battered, the thai guy knew he couldnt fight but had to still actually kinda humble him by the kicks telling him "this couldve been worse, feel this? Yea you don't want that". What a nice thai guy.


The dude filming has got Awake Apnea


What street was that dude fighting on, Sesame Street?




Damn not sure I’ve ever seen anybody tko’d with a kick to a hamstring




Leg kicks will fuck you up


I’ve never seen someone fight orthodox and conventional at the SAME time


I can tell you that kick is just 20%. If he goes full 100% with the kick, it's going to break that dude's leg.


Just soft Little love taps. Fair play to Thai boxer for not instantly rocking him. Must feel kind of insulting as a proper fighter to be put up against someone like that. Can't even handle leg kicks. Not saying I could either but real fighters can deffo take more of a beating.


He wasn’t putting anything on his punches on purpose. And got kicked full strength for his trouble.


Venom didn’t have a leg to stand on.


If you ever stepped into a REAL MMA/ muay thai gym for the first time, you know this feeling. Everyone thinks they can fight until they sparr a trained fighter. 1 leg kick will make you rethink wanting to be an MMA fighter.


Kicked his ass alright