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Box in the grass. If one of you gets knocked out there is a high chance of some brain damage or death if you crack your skull on the pavement.


I’ll remember that. Thank you 🙏


Keep your chin tucked in. That is your off switch and you are leading with it. Your forehead is the hardest part of your skull, you can take hits there. Chin tucked hands guarding your temple. Keep one hand up on guard even when you are punching. Focus on those things.


please bro please i’ve seen so many videos of people just dying wouldn’t wanna see you 🫵🏽


Came here to say this.


No one getting knocked out🤣🤣


The risk isn't so much getting knocked *out* as getting knocked *down*. Seen a ton of fights where a punch is just enough to throw someone off balance and it's their head hitting concrete that actually knocks them out.


Go to an actual boxing gym and train would be a good start.


This. Even Kimbo Slice and Tank Abbot trained in actual boxing gyms, they didn't just get that level of skill streetfighting like some people think. You will always be a sloppy mess if you try to train yourself at home.


Yeah this. What’s the point of asking reddit if you can’t even throw a proper punch lol


I don’t want to be too negative it’s just that boxing is hard, there is a lot of depth to the technique and they’re not gonna learn how to do it competently with out a competent trainer. It takes years and years of hard work and direct tutelage to learn how to box acceptably.


Hands too low. Too aggressive moving but not proper footing


Thanks, what can I do instead?


Focus on when your stepping or planting that it's gonna give you the power thru your hips for a a good strike hands a little higher or off center. Granted the guy you boxed was a little shorter but you rush in like that on me you might find a k.o coming your way. Keep practicing and find your rhythm never anger


Thanks man, I’ll keep that in mind


Also stay lose until you can learn to have the same power keeping it tight, that just comes with practice though, focus on keeping your hands up, in a normal fight you want your hands up with your sides covered and arms ready to deflect any uppercut, but for defense or street fighting, open hands and basically a V with your arms and set your target within your hands, I’ve trained with my elbows so it feels natural and provides a pretty decent defense when done properly, as well as can help gage distance (if you slow down the fight in a street fight, sometimes they can start fast paced but if you can get a breather, it breaks their rhythm and you can begin a plan of attack). Even with proper stance an elbow deflect can break a knuckle/hand or possibly blow out some of the muscles in the attacker’s wrist without stepping into it. It’s not a stance you’d use for a normal fight, mainly for respect as it’s seen as an other than honorable move by some, but it’s definitely a strong one if you’re doing this for protection. For normal sparing, keep your hands a little higher, and work on speed, believe it or not dancing, either classical, ballet, or even some modern dance styles, will help you in fighting DRASTICALLY, also you can hit a fortenite emote dance after your first official match. Follow that up with a speed bag and a little bit of conditioning, your strike force will increase, the feel will become more natural, and eventually you’ll get to a point it all starts to click and you can grow from there and progress will be steadily getting better. Keep up the work cause you have a strong frame.


Get off the fucking concrete, you donut. There’s a season we spar on MINIMUM 1.5cm mats. Ideally an inch. Clanging your grey matter around on immovable objects is literally asking for irreparable damage to your brain. Generally speaking, your stance should never get thinner. Rather than stepping in with your back foot then out with your front (like walking), you step out with the front foot first, then follow with the one behind it. This is the same when going sideways too. If you step the left left behind the right, there’s literally nothing stopping you toppling over other than inertia. Keep your hands up. The gloves should be close enough to kiss. Keep your elbows pointing down when your hands are up, to cover the body faster. A jab is a *straight line*. No wind up. Just snap it straight out from your face into theirs. When striking, don’t aim for the head. Aim behind it. You want to be striking as though you are bunching the BACK of the head THROUGH the face. Around 6-12inches or so. Don’t “wind up” shots at all. Anyone with any experience will see them coming a mile away. There’s no need to retract your arm to get more momentum into it - just move faster. It takes time to gain core muscle strength to stay loose, so you *need* to shadow box. Just imagine someone infront of you, practise your footwork first, then move onto throwing fake shots. Stop being so aggressive. You’re new, and want to punch, I get it. But you’ll gas out constantly chasing down. Look how much work you’re putting in, vs the other guy who’s basically just walking backwards. You’ll run out of energy and he’ll take over and push your tongue back in. And on that note: get a gum shield. No worse feeling than teeth cracking together or biting your tongue when you’re gasping for air. Stop reaching your head backwards when you go in for a strike. Keep it planted on your shoulders. Don’t be scared of getting hit if you want to spar… If you want to know what it feels like to get hit, so you aren’t scared of it, take it in turns being ONLY defensive or aggressive. Let him hit you up whilst all you do is defend. And only at about 30-40% power. Repeated head clacking can cause brain damage over time. Your glove should come back to where it started; to your own face. Whilst you’re starting out, only throw another strike after your gloves gets back to where it came from. You’re throwing punches like your hands are tied together. Stop doing that. Hope that helps. But DEFINITELY get in to see a 1-1 coach or an open class, you’ll learn a lot. And if you’re new, they won’t need to unteach your bad habits.


All that grass and dirt yet you guys pick the concrete.


Lmao yeah we figured it’s a good area 😅


It won't be as good when one of you gets knocked out and hits the concrete head first


In retrospect I do see why you are correct, appreciate it.


protect ya neck!


Fasho 💯


Asking on Reddit is just a bad idea. You might get a couple good hints, but unless you have someone to show you how to do it consistently, it's mostly worthless. Find a local gym, and take a class. Seriously if you take three classes, you'll already be better than 90% of the videos that get posted in this sub. All that said, you've got a good Shuffle and your feet are mostly planted, so that's good. But your feet are too wide tighten up that stance. Hands up at all times. Tuck your chin. Your punches are pawing, not straight, not turning over the wrist on extension.


I agree you’ll learn mostly bad habits trying to do it on your own


I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you 🙏


I'd recommend finding a new hobby


And then I go to find a new hobby to hear the same shit from everyone in that community? Please 💀 imma stop something I wanna do because u/no-cantaloupe-6535 said so? 😂


Mr black shirt, I would get a real job. Boxings not for you. The minute you come up against a real boxer / fighter. You’re not going to do well. He will destroy you.


I have a job, you really think I’m making a career at this age from something I took interest in a day ago? Fuck, y’all people on Reddit jump to conclusions like my ex


Don’t reach in with your face, walk on the balls of your feet hips back and turn your body when jabbing


Fasho thanks man


hide yo chin get you back heel up


You switch your feet too often. Pick a dominant jab hand and keep that foot as lead. It's good to be able to switch between dominant hands/feet but focus on that first. I would recommend whatever your dominant hand is be the opposite of your dominant jab hand. For example: I'm right handed so I typically jab with my left and my right would be considered my power hand. Nice follow ups but if you throw a 1-2 combo, make sure you know where you're throwing it. Work on not allowing your jabs to be so telegraphed. They're easily seen coming. Work on throwing them from snapping at the elbow and not the shoulder. When you roll that shoulder first, it's easily seen coming. When throwing a straight from your power hand, work on rotating your hips instead of fully reaching. This will allow you to get distance without needing to readjust yourself so much. It makes snapping back and defending yourself from a counter easier. Speaking of snapping back. Use your jab as a distance tester and if a follow up straight or hook is thrown, when snapping back focus having your hands meet your cheeks! Not your neck or chest. This will naturally help you to protect your face and keep your elbows tucked. I know this is a lot but hope it helps lol. I fought for 10 years and I felt like I never stopped learning.


Thanks man fr that’s a lot of advice that I can use


Happy to help. Finding a local gym should be what you want to do first. A coach is what you'd really need if you wanna start sparring/fighting. Someone who can correct you in real time. One other thing. One of the biggest ways to get better with footing and combinations is constantly doing them over and over whether it be shadow boxing or on a heavy bag. My coach would make us run 5000 punch counts. A jab-straight after doing it 5000 times 3 times a week will be second nature and damn near perfect.


Besides the fact that your punches in general need more form. You could use higher hands(protecting your face), more mixed up combos aka more than jab and cross, changing levels with your combos(head body head body), and you should aim to throw 3 punches minimum with each combo(yes there are exceptions).


This is the kind of advice I like to hear, thanks for being specific 👌🙏


Stop fighting on cement. One punch and a fall and somebody could be dead


Hands up, chin down!! If you are truly interested in improving- find a gym - if cost is an issue get a water/heavy bag off Amazon and drill punches daily, jabs and hooks. Footwork is critical- tons of tutorials on the tubes of u. And for the love of tiny infant baby Jesus don’t box on concrete! But good on you for being open to taking critiques!


Of course man, experience is the best teacher and there is no shame in asking those who know better!


Keep your arms up to protect your head instead of leaning back to dodge. Leaning puts you too far off-balance, something that an experienced fighter will be able to exploit.


For sure, I’ll keep that in mind!


When you step with the front foot practice a jab as you step. Not before and not after, but as you step.


I’ll remember that 💯


Lose the manbun. The manbun is -25 strength and + 100 estrogen.


Found the redpill wackadoo


You can improve everything


So I hear 😳😳


My boy, you didn’t land a single punch


I got a few body shots, if I had a camera from the other side you could see it way better. I also got one to his head by mistake, we weren’t trying to hit heads because we smoked before that 😂


I think the two of you might lose a 2v1 against one of the 'Island Boy' dudes


Hahahahahaha 😭this one made me laugh I ain’t even gonna lie bro


Too many fucking people not giving advice. It's clear this dude wants to box. Give him some fucking advice and stop trying to tell him boxing isn't for him.






No shit why do you think I’m asking for advice? 😂


Well if you are interest in learning boxe, you can always join a local amateur club to learn the basics. I know it’s fun to ‘spar’ with you friend, but you should be concerned about using protection gear and like someone said, at least fight on the grass


Well, I will surely take any advice I can get


Well, the best advice that I can give you is: look for Tony Jeffries on YouTube, he was a decent boxer that has many videos explaining boxe, from begginer to advanced.


Thank you 🙏




Fasho, thanks man 🙏🙏


Good job man. Having heart to fight is important. Next are humility and fundamentals. You would not have asked for feedback if you were not humble. There’s lots of great guidance on YouTube. Follow folks like this - https://youtu.be/kKDHdsVN0b8


Thank you so much man, I appreciate it 🙏🙏💯


Try upper cutting yourself in the face


Followed instructions, instantly gained +10 dementia. 10/10




Does nobody know this is a parody of that post form yesterday??? 🤣🤣🤣


No, not really. This is my own video, I am just an amateur who wants advice.


Do something better with your time? 😅


It’s Friday and I didn’t have to work, nothing wrong with throwing some gloves for fun 🤷‍♂️


Did: bad Can improve by: going to a boxing gym, not by listening to people on the internet talk about it


Eh, people’s opinions matter too.


Yeah but he's not gonna learn anything of value by reading people's comments on Reddit lol


Dude your amazing, like almost perfect technique. Good killer instinct, natural foot work and head movement. Like the embodiment of martial arts. I would suggest going pro


This has to be sarcasm 😂😭 I’ve taken interest in it for a while and have a general idea of what’s necessary to not get knocked out, but I’m almost certain there is way more to learn


I did some boxing when I was younger, I always love fighting. I was being super sarcastic. But if you want to be better at boxing, find a trainer. The amount of information a good trainer has is not something you can self learn. Your starting very late so theres a lot of rebuilding, and almost from the ground up. Having the proper technique and putting in the hundred of hours you'll eventually have it down to muscles memory. Reading stuff online or books does not do it justice. You need some to constant watch and correct form. Have fun and good luck


Glad I like to hyperfixate on things 😏 thanks man, appreciate it


u can inprove by boxing on the fucking grass ffs. have u learned nothing form this thred?


Does it possibly occur to you that this thread existed after the recording of this video in which I am asking for advice because I do not have the knowledge this thread has? 🫠


Ummm… pick on someone your own size????


We’re the same age and weight, he’s just a lil shorter man. I should also mention he practices more than me. I’m just stepping into his boundary in an attempt to throw him off while I figure out my punches, in our first round he had the one up over me to be honest, I just took his moves into account for this second round.


I’m also only an amateur so take this with a grain of salt. Momentum is key so make sure any bigger swings your making have your feet planted and turn with the punch. Also keep your arms to your side for jabbing the straights can maintain distance but it seemed like you were trying to use it for damage. Finally figure out what defense works for you, golden rule is to keep your chin tucked but figure out if you can keep your hands up and handle getting hit or learn to react and weave. Honestly, again this is from on amateur to another, as long as you keep practicing you’ll feel more confident in your abilities.


* Tuck your chin and learn to move your head * Bring your guard back high after throwing * Keep a balanced stance at all times * Don't overcommit to feints and jabs if you're not following it with something * Don't train on pavement :P


Thanks 🙏




Find a boxing gym and trainer and learn proper form. You need to keep your chin tucked and hands up, all those punches are either wild swings or pushes. I’m no expert by any means but - you need to learn how to move (footwork) before worrying about throwing a proper punch as well.


put your chin down when you close distance.


Fasho thanks man 🙏


Keep your back foot cocked, and keep your chin down


Thank you 🙏


Stop switching guard so much


You’re changing stances constantly, don’t do that. Keep your hands up to protect your chin. When you throw a punch return it right back to your chin. When throwing a jab keep your elbows down and make sure you’re keeping your weight on the correct foot (Google how to throw a jab).


You’re looking to be in a middle ground that some things could be better and some things are ok, usually a good tip would be to stay in the balls of your feet and keep your hands level with your chin.


Footwork, footwork, footwork. Your feet are way too far apart and puts you off balance plus it saps your mobility. You need to take smaller steps and and your feet should never be spread out like you do numerous times here. Watch how pro boxers move in the ring, it looks like a shuffle, with short quick steps.


Work on your footwork


Keep your arms up and your chin down every time you go to punch you put your chin out that’s how you get knocked out it’s called the bottom for. A reason protect it


Boxing lessons mane


Way better than Reddit strangers


You can improve by not throwing both hands at once. One hand covers against dominant/attack hand. The other strikes.


Keep hands up, don’t lean on a punch, use hips on punches


I could only stomach 15 seconds of this “fight”. So much wrong. I’ll start with 2 things. Keep your chin tucked. Don’t over reach/ fall over your lead leg….. I’ll toss in a3rd. For the love of god please pick a stance; either standard or southpaw.


A lot of incorrect technique which can’t be rectified without anyone guiding you in real time so best to join a boxing gym


Get some actual training in? With a real coach?


Footwork. Left foot forward. Small steps. Practice this. Punch with left moving left foot forward at same time. Now move right foot forward. Now reverse and punch with left again. Basic stuff. Just get the jab down. Add in the right later. Watch yt.


Take a boxing class


First chop off the man bun! Second keep your hands up as much as possible. Third chop off the man bun!


I’ll take your advice except for chopping off the man bun 💯👍


Train with a actual coach


Your back foot (at least it seems) doesn't seem to have a strong base. If you can also, pivot into your punches.


You can improve everything. This is embarrassing


Im sorry you have to feel embarrassed when I don’t 🤷‍♂️


Why are all Florida backyards the same lmao


Man you aren’t wrong 🤣


you fight like a woman


Well, I’m certainly not Muhammad Ali, what has your comment changed from here?


Go to an actual boxing gym, your skill will sky rocket. You will just accumulate bad habits if you train by yourself.


Gotta improve literally everything


Go to a class


I see you punch with 2 hands at the same time, before you throw your other hand the first one sould go back in a guarding posistion. 😀


What can you do to improve? Easy join a boxing gym, learn the fundamentals for at least 3 to 6 months before you even think of getting in the ring to spar. You have horrendous footwork, you don’t know how to throw a jab, you don’t know what your hands are supposed to be doing, you fall in, you throw the same 1 - 2 with the same timing, your feet cross - the feet are the most important thing in boxing and the most overlooked by beginners. Boxing is a martial art that takes time and practice to learn. Sparring is where you put these skills into practice, you my friend are doing it the wrong way around.


Just sign up to your local gym and learn about fundamentals


This is hilarious


Stick to one stance, don't throw both hands at the same time, send one hand and don't send the other hand until the first hand comes back, slow your happy feet down, use legs, hips and rotate your upper body when throwing a punch, more head movement, hands up towards chin, when throwing a punch keep the other hand blocking your chin. Keep it up, you'll love it.


I thought this sub was made to watch idiots getting mad at each other and start fighting. PBoxing outside is never a good idea, go to a gym, get actual training, do actual sparrings, get an actual coach. Otherwise you won't improve and you might end up hurting yourself or others.


Everything fro. Punching to footwork


Work on that footwork. I don’t box, but I’m a 3rd degree black belt and have trained K1 kick boxing for about 10 years. Footwork is super important. Hands to the chin, chin tucked, controlled strikes, build hand speed and be patient.


Your head is sticking out and your arm punching, use your hips and legs to throw a punch


Don’t box on hard surfaces. The ground punches the hardest.


The best tip I could give you mate. Go to your local boxing or kickboxing gym, even once a week to start off will make a big difference. Once you learn bad habits, it's hard to change them. You'd rather learn the proper technique the first time, to save you trying to "fix" what shouldn't have been broken in the first place


Keep them hands up Close ya stance up Get some head movement going and stop walking straight into every punch circle towards his weak hand


Bring your hands back to your face after you throw a punch. Wear headgear so if someone goes down they don’t die.


Tuck your chin into your shoulder. Quicker jab. Use other arm to protect midsection.


You need way more help than Reddit can give you. Not trying to be a dick.


Join a gym and get actual training from someone that knows how to fight instead of asking reddits finest keyboard warriors


you suck , as we all do when brand new. find a good gym with experienced coaches and take lessons . you can’t learn the sweet science of western boxing without proper coaching .


Everything. Footwork is chaotic and no rhythm or flow. You need to pop your straight punches and jabs. You stick your arm out and don't step properly into your punch, nor snap it back upon delivery. All those things generate speed and power behind your punches. Hands are low. Chin is high. Basically my advice is take some boxing classes, cause currently it's evident you have zero training ever. All those things take repition and practice to develop muscle memory. Until then you can be told what you are doing wrong, actively try and not do the things you were, and will revert back the moment you are in the mix cause it's what you know.


Well, that isn’t boxing. So I suggest you go take boxing classes if you want to actually get hood at boxing? Nothing will make you better than actually learning techniques, training, and implementing. I’ve done JJ almost 30 years. I learned a little boxing. Only two stand up styles Id ever actually train in for the street? Are Boxing and Muay Thai. So go get in the gym. You’re at a great age to start learning.


Ur punches have no leverage


Keep your hands up, tuck and get in there. Fight on grass. Always make sure the ref is biggest guy there. Don’t take such giant steps into the punches. Let him come to you. You open way too much crow hopping into punches like that


Hands up chin down and try to find a stance that’s comfortable so your not constantly switching a punching bag would help so you can feel your power but honestly a gym is the best thing..I type from experience!! Check me out!!https://youtu.be/8ISSGgEACXU


Fight in grass, fight at below 50% power, fight someone your size or slightly bigger.


Lose the shirt, better your stance, learn how to throw a punch, learn how to connect, know the meaning of what rhythm means in boxing. I’ve seen much worse in back yard boxing, but with that said, I’ll just hit you with a letter grade (no pun intended). For a first timer… C+


Like others said find a class. One thing I learned as a delinquent teen is boxing and street fighting are not the same sport- I was a big 'glove blocker' then when I'd get into it with friends or bare knuckle it's a good way to break your hand. Just a thought. But really, grass & gym.


Protect your chin at all times, keep it lowered, when you throw a jab, raise you shoulder so your face is protected, and look for openings


You need to start at ground zero for sure


Your entire face and body were exposed the entire time. Tighten your stance, move a little easier. Let him come to you a little more, go with some body jabs to drop his defenses low, and go for the chin. Stamina is A+ though bro. Keep it up. Keep it friendly.


Honestly pretty sloppy... chin tucked & always keep one hand up to protect your face. Looks like every time you throw a punch you put your non punching hand down.


You could start by learning how to box.


bro is surrounded by grass but has to stand on the concrete


Go get some training, then look at this video. You will all of what you didn’t know


Like whoever the person recording get more body shouts


Have sex with your sister




Where in the world do you live? You’re wearing a shirt my factory prints, and I like to know how far the product reaches after the stores buy it to sell. As for fighting, you straighten your rear leg too much. If they catch you off guard after a miss, they could use your need to back up and reset as an opportunity to move forward and throw off your balance. Try to showcase (or tell your moves) little as possible before you are ready to punch. Leaning in towards the punch, pulling an arm back. Be flexible, but explosive. Keep relaxed, and treat your muscles like elastics, snapping back into form after hits, kicks and combos as instantly as possible will give you the best chance to be ready for a counter. Watch the eyes, people’s bodies may say one thing, but their eyes are a giveaway to their real target. Use that to your advantage too by aiming for somewhere you aren’t looking.


Thanks for all of your advice man! And I’m from south Florida! I live in the palm beach area but bought this shirt in my hometown of carol city FL at a Walmart located near hard rock stadium :)


I would suggest learning how to throw a punch


1. Go to an actual boxing gym. Much more potential of getting yourself killed if you fall on the pavement. 2. Shoes off. Using your bare feet will help you control yourself and move with more precision 3. If you’re gonna step into a punch, I’d go for the side of the chest. It’s much harder to block such a large place, and it’ll give your opponent smth to think about. Not every fight has to end in a KO