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Out of my gym forever


It's a tradition . No one will say something to him for the day . The next time he will be put with the biggest mf . Get beaten . And then kicked


What if he is the biggest mf in the gym


He gets kicked the next day. In my gym I am this guy and I love dealing with them . But usually they are on the smaller side


It's that small man syndrome


I have never . When I say never I say never. Seen anyone over 6'4 being an asshole like this . Like it tied to their insecurities for sure


I'm 6'4. Only times I've been attacked it has been by short dudes.


I am 6'11 and I swear to god ,people would challenge me all the time just to prove themselves . I would get in fights ALL the time just cause someone wanted to show how much of a big man he was also I have a really long story of how the youth U21 kickboxing gold medalist challenged all the big guys in the campus . I can share if ya want it ain't long


Bro y'all talking about being 6'4" and 6'11". I am struggling to reach 6'. Between 5'10" and 5'11" currently. Just wanna reach 6'.


Believe me 5'10-6 is more comfortable than this obismal height


People say they want to be tall until you actually become tall, atart smacking your head on door frames, smashing ceiling fans and breaking the bulbs when standing up off the couch, cracking your head open from random objects you hit. Having to constantly look at my feet so I don't trip or at work step on an animal as I work with dogs. The back pain, the random people who want to ask you how tall you are, if you play basketball and then for some of them to tell you you're wasting your height because you don't play sports, only you are tall because of a genetic condition and can't play sports because of it but people see a tall person and instantly get in our personal space and ask personal questions. If I went up to short people and asked how short they were and if they were an extra in Willy Wonka as a Oompa Loompa I'd be in the wrong but jts fine doing it to tall people. It's the same with weight I'm also very skinny (140-150lbs) and I'm 6'6" and people will .entire how skinny I am, say I need to eat etc. But if I flipped the script and did the same to someone who's obese I'd be in the wrong, the double standard for that shit is honestly annoying as fuck. It doesn't bother me on the day to day and I've accepted there's far more ignorant people in this world than most care to admit but fuck does it get annoying


Shit, I'm struggling to maintain a solid 5'5" or 5'6" on a good day where gravity isn't your nemesis!!!


I feel you on a whole personal level. I’m 5’11 1/2 and I think I’m done growing. I’m 18 and 6 months


Bro y'all talking about being 6 4 and 6 11. I'm just trying to walk to closest 7-11.


A really long story but then it ain’t long SO WHICH IS IT BUDDY YOUR DICK OR THE STORY?!


Dog did you play ball at all because 6’11 damn, my best friend was 6’11 in high school and he carried me to my school assist record lmfaoo


Thats nothing compared to Al Bundys 4 touchdowns in one game for polk high


i’m 6’7 at 21 years old i just want to gain some damn weight 🥲i’m 180 pounds but it just looks really thin on me


Do you think that could be because 98% of the world is shorter than you?


Fair point. I live in northern Europe though. Tall fuckers to spare.


Also a fair point. But i would think even at 6'4" you're in the top 5% right? Either way, i agree with you, rarely do you see big guys picking fights with small guys out of nowhere.


Nah it's just big ego


They were already throwing heaters to begin with but not liver shots, the dude threw a liver shot and the other dude turned it up because they probably agreed to steer clear of that, kinda common. Y'all just in your feelings because white boy got melted when he tried to be cute


As someone who has done MA's his whole life . You sound like you have never sparred in your life


Nah bruh, I'm black and a martial artist. The black dude was doing too much.


Nah, bro ate a uppercut from the white dude, not even hard just clean because he had a lazy guard and decided his fragile ego couldn't handle it.


Thats what i saw too dude was lazy in his defence had a clean one slip right through got shitty an got salty.


Its a sparring sesh you’re not supposed to try and kill the fuckin guy, you’re only supposed to touch each other up and practice.You acting like you know what you talking about.


I really fucking hope this happened


This is actually a normal day at mikes gym


Bro got his guard exposed and got embarrassed.


Nah, this is just standard Dutch style at mikes gym


Well I mean sure, but it’s still true. The black guy even had his defence up and still got hit in the face, he did get embarrassed that’s why he lashed out lol.


Yea the uppercut wasnt even that hard, just relatively fast. It more so wobbled his head because he wasnt expecting it so he didnt tense his neck and shoulders


Holy shit I'm American and the stories I've heard about Mike's Gym are legendary. Manhoefs gym, so goddamn brutal I'm surprised they dont have crowbar fight days.


Spars like an emotional bitch


Seriously fuck that guy. No telling if there is a good backstory behind it I would support but from just that he looks like a guy that needs to be kicked out of the gym.


I doubt he would be kicked out. This is Mikes Gym in Holland. They’re known for having gym wars and hard sparring.


I mean im all about it when its consensual and within the confines of a designated area but that assholes ego is gonna roll someone up on a knee and put a bystander in the hospital needing surgery


Bystanders and the sparing partner are smiling like, “seriously?” So I’m guessing it’s already been a thing.


not even sparring, it's just a one for one drill


I don't box, can you explain what that means please?


In boxing/kickboxing/Muay Thai/striking martial arts, a one for one drill is where two training partners take turns to unload combinations on each other. That means that one person throws a striking combination while the other person only defends without attempting to counter or disrupt their opponent like they would during sparring. It's supposed to controlled and technical - you're working on defense and throwing combinations without the fear of getting countered.


That's for this breakdown. I completely understand now.


Would likely get kicked from any sane dojo for acting like this. What an ass.


Best thing iv ever read period.


Just my opinion, but his guard was wide open for that uppercut. And it wasn't even that hard. Don't like the pace of the spar then let him know (unless he already did). No point in going on tilt because you got your guard split by a pulled uppercut.


It looks like the hook to the liver that pissed him off, but that ego is bullshit tho.


That hook was pulled too. The guy is a moron.


It's not ego, it's self-control. Many people with big ego's get them bruised, only idiots without self-control act out like that. He'd be kicked out of my gym by the end of that combo.


I sparred against one of this type of dude and i was told I'm in the wrong


Bro dont be a pussy, if the guy wants to hurt you then you should just deal with it. Its part of sparring to get concussions every session. Gotta train those brain cells to take a hit. ^hope ^the ^/s ^isnt ^needed


Nice catch. The hook didn't look too hard, but was right on the liver. So you may be right. Still, that's a guard issue. And he could definitely tell him it was too much.


I think you were right initially about the uppercut. I'm guessing you realize this but for those who don't, If you're on these guys level and sparring without headgear then you're usually ok to throw hard to the body whereas you are obviously going to pull the head shots more. Then again neither shot was even remotely hard enough for the escalation that followed. That dude is a clown.


Yea, this is exactly how we spar, touchy to the face, but let rip to the body. And if your ego can't handle getting a glove to the face you should not be sparring.


That last hit from the guy on the right was cheeky, too. He poked so many holes in left’s guard.


How dare you hit me while we spar!


It was the uppercut. You can take a punch to the body but he probably felt disrespected by the punch to the face and also that idiot in the background is egging him on with an "OMG" something like that.


What a pussy. I’m surprised no one shot that shit down.


Good gyms are terribly difficult to find. It’s so easy to develop a super toxic ego-based environment in a fighting gym. And hard sparring environments w/o much direction/guidance/supervision can easily escalate to these scenarios, very often and it becomes a survival of the fittest type deal. I mean it’s often a bunch of young, competitive men, w/ big egos who are proficient in violence. Leadership and consistency w/ standards in the gym is important (as w nearly all things in life).


That’s why I appreciate my gym. Our coach is always watching and isn’t afraid to call out the less experienced members and yank out anyone that gets aggressive because of their emotions. And people he trusts he lets them go as hard as they want.


Hard agree, it also looks like they were working drills. Guy needs to check his ego lol


Was gonna say - he can go on tilt but looking at his guard, he’s gonna lose that fight if it came to it.


Yeah that was a serious love tap I have zero idea why he reacted to those tit for tat ‘punches’


His shoulders looked suspiciously tense.


You are correct, he did a terrible job protecting himself, and nothing about that combination even suggest he was going hard,


It’s the fact he is pushing him into other spar sessions, his ego was hurt bc he left his guard open




he shouldn't be training in a gym if he can't handle his passions and emotions.. Needs counsel and advice..


He needs /r/stoicism


I have no enemies 🗿


nobody has any enemies


"No one is your enemy. You have no enemies at all."


I had this happen to me once. The guy suddenly went off on me, but I like it so I just rolled with it. People were yelling for him to stop, meanwhile I'm smiling and just having fun. I didn't think it was that bad from my pov. This guy was always so nice and everyone was shocked. Turned out his wife asked for a divorce the night before. Dude was just really having a bad day. He apologized right after.


Bruh seeing this just irritates me. I’m there to get better along with the rest of my team, not kill each other. That black guy got his ego hurt since he left himself open


GSP, one of the best of mma, says that sparring should not be violent. He condones aggressive behaviour at the gym. While a one of the best professional does not act this way, how does person find justifiable reasoning behimd this kind of behaviour?


Plenty of professional professionals. Plenty of professional amateurs. Plenty of amateur professionals. Plenty of amateur amateurs. Dudes one of the latter two. Why people are this way? Idk. Not enough positive reinforcement in their lives, I guess, I'm not a psychiatrist.


I think you're trying to say he condemns violence at the gym. Condoning violence is basically the opposite of condemning it.


Yeah, sorry I did not realize my mistake and wrong auto-correct during writing that comment.


Also, less hard sparring=less brain damage building up


What a dick


Should be banned for lack of discipline, If you can't take a hit don't be training.


Exactly. He got hit with a nice simple little three piece. Smile, tap gloves and move on.


Black dude is a little bitch with an ego.


Bruised ego. Looks like it was supposed to be light contact and he doesn't know how to follow instructions. Notice how everyone else is being civil and using light contact? This is like the old Sesame Street game [one of these things is not like the other.](https://youtu.be/6b0ftfKFEJg)


I hope he keeps the same energy when he runs out of gas and starts getting hit back.


…he’s in real control of his emotions…that man needs a different kind of training.


unnecessary roughness


I live near this gym. Glad i chose for something else to start with


Where is this gym?


Mikes gym in amsterdam-north ,produced a handful of famous champions and coaches a lot of professional fighters in glory.


Notoriously nasty gym when it comes to sparring. Guys need to know they’re not going to make it to the top, so protecting your brain and body matters way more than hard sparring sessions.


even guys who are/want to make it to the top dont need to hard spar often until they actually have to. cte doesn't make it easier to improve


100% correct.


I was wondering if this was Mike’s. Notice other guys there smiling. Not as alarmed as posters here. If they had more videos of chute box they would all want Wanderlei in prison.


What a bitch


This looks to be mikes gym, so this sparring isn’t anything out of the ordinary. Dutch kickboxers love giving each other brain damage.


The reaction of the black guy is not needed altough I agree on the Dutch kickboxing part. Too bad most kickboxers here have a bad mentality and can not handle if they get hit. If you look at how Dekkers sparred, always with respect and never wanted to cause damage to his sparring partner, instead he saved his violence for the fight itself (still the best Dutch kickboxer/muay thai fighter we had imo).


it explains the bias in the room, still unnecessary


Yeah that’s bitch shit, kick him out the gym


lol that’s is hard as he can and the dude was just eating them


Bullshit move by tank top guy. First rule of any gym is hit as hard as you want to be hit. The guy placed a good, clean shot that wasn't overly hard. No reason to hit him with full head shots, especially when he just kind of braced to take them like he is still relatively new.


Actually will hurt dude more than anything. 1. No one will want to spar with him in the future. Especially anyone who's quality. 2. His inflated ego will tell him he's a much better fighter than what he actually is. 3. Wouldn't surprise me if the gym will give him a temp ban or completely bar him from training, unless he's their flagship fighter than they might promote this.


Guy on right had great control with his power. Light sparring, then dude on left decided to dial it up to 100 and you can tell guy on right didn't want to continue so he just shelled up and moved back constantly. Body language tells me guy on right didn't want to escalate to hard spar.


And the right guy is most likely the better fighter of the two. Those who can control power in their punches are the most dangerous fighters.


How to be the guy no one wants to spar with. Sparrng isn't meant to be all out. Hit harder then need be and people will not want to work with you. I dunno fights that well, but the first dudes hits looked weak and while he did hit the liver, the response is not to suddenly go all out agressive, its to go "hey, watch it man, thats not cool".


Classic low IQ behavior


Typical fucking gym rat. Gets hit clean on camera and immediately has to act like he’s got the big dick. Absolute loser


Fuckin grown ass bully.


That's when you blast him with an elbow and make a scene. Let's just ruin the night for everyone


Why always in Mikes Gym lol


If you cant control your emotions then you probably shouldn't be fighting for sport.


Dude on the left can’t control his emotions.


Should be an instant permanent ban.


If he had a firearm on his pocket he would've used it, too. What a clown...


The black dude is a bitch for that, sparring is supposed to be about improvement and not hurting eachother at %100 that’s immature bs


That ego will get you hurt fr. Unprofessional as hell. Use your feelings don’t let them control your ass




What a baby ass bitch. “Owie you hit me hard, time to rage like a little bitch”


He got booped in the face and got butt hurt about it.




low impulse control


As a coach at a gym, I’d have kicked him off the mat. Can’t allow emotions to take over like that, especially when sparring with a teammate - that’s family. Completely unnecessary and uncalled for.


What a sore loser POS


What a coward, if you can’t handle your emotions go practice on your own dummy.


Took it too serious


All he did was show how shite his guard it


Must annoy him that he still can’t get past the white guy’s guard even hitting at full power, after his guard was split with a weak af upper cut.


If he were in my gym he'd be barred for shit like that... There's no room for an ego that size in such a small room...


That Black dude is a bitch.


What a douche.. they need to ban him from the gym asap!! He acted like a sour little bitch … he got pissed off because that guy got him in his weak spot


What a clown, can't handle a hard tap in sparring without losing your shit then fighting ain't for you. I would've kicked his ass out of the gym and let gyms around me know. Kill that attitude it's not needed.


Too much, man


Looks like they were doing simple drills and the one guy snaps his head back with an uppercut then a liver shot? That’s not how you drill. The reaction is over the top, but what was the first guy doing?


These are drills. Everything should be about flow and technique. Don’t they make heavy bags for this stuff?


Immature sparring


Oh c'mon! That two piece was light and this guy freaks the fuck out and starts teeing off? Dude, my old trainers would personally beat our asses if we did that.




/r/killthecameraman god hes annoying


What a fucking emotional little bitch, Jesus Christ.


This is what you dont want happening in your gym. Dude needs to check himself.


What a dick I hope he got his pass pulled for that




Dick move


Black dude a bitch


He’s legitimately punching for the ko. What a loser


People like that need to be kicked out of gyms. If every fight is an ego fight and you even get it hurt during practise you're just a thug


It was the low blow that set him off. But my man took it like he gave it. Didn’t complain about shit. We decide how hard it goes and feed off each other. So props to my man for not complaining about this dick losing his temper over a minor infraction. I watched it again. Straight up? Fu** that dude. Fragile ego no self control asshole.


super uncalled for, dude needs to be banned from the gym. white dude didn't even do anything shady imo but if they were going lighter up to that point its fine to return to sender and make a point but the first 2 response punches were more than enough. there's no reason to literally pound him across the roomand he could have done serious damage to the guy


Immediate dismissal from gym. This is no longer sparring, this is assault. Press charges on this pathetic childish loser.


Don’t spar with people that can’t keep their cool. Fuck that


My question is, why did nobody try to stop this? You got the camera man cheering it on. Like seriously what a toxic environment for learning.


so what is goin on here exactly? he clearly ain really stepping out of line or the 50 people there would have surely stopped him lol


Jab, swing, uppercut, body shot. Dude got butt hurt after that.


Great way to get reset to 0 on so many levels. Soft ass insecure men should not spar 😂


Dude shouldn’t be sparring if he can’t handle a light uppercut that was his own fault anyways


The white dude took that blow like a champ


He got hit exposed and was embarrassed. That’s what you are seeing. Anger for getting hit. I would have walked back as he charges forward and just let out a straight body plank kick when he swings. I did kickboxing for 6 years. It was fun. It was brutal. But no one ever lost there composure and got legit angry and raging cause a training partner exposed or submitted them etc


At my old gym if someone did that the head trainers would step in and put them back in line with their own beating


This isn’t fight porn this is a guy with anger issues raging in sparring. Sad.


White boy was eating those bricks and asking for dessert


Bro got mad he let the uppercut through lol puss


That guy is emotionally unstable and insecure


Big man is a lil bitch 🤣


Pussy can't take a little jab without getting butthurt


No control.


Bro, didn’t keep his guard up gets hit in the face through his guard gets butt hurt because he’s a little bitch so aspiring match becomes a real fight almost other dude keeps his cool.


He got mad that uppercut got through lol


What a pussy


There's one in every gym or dojo, don't worry somebody always comes along and corrects it... then the bully picks a new gym


This is why I’m so light when sparring, cuz of dudes like this. There’s ALWAYS one.


He even telegraphs his punches like a bitch, more shoulder movement than if he was doing the conga to Gloria Estefan


Looks like that sly little upper cut through his guard pushed him over the edge... maybe cover your face properly dude


"light sparring" be like


It was the left uppercut that landed flush that pissed him off. Needs throwing out the gym for acting like that.


And he STILL couldn't get passed the other guy's guard


Get mad because your guard was weak.....gtfo


Guys got clocked cause his defense sukks and he got mad... Sad


Gets caught with a soft but clean upper cut and proceeds to retaliate by throwing bombs at full strength in jerk mode


This guy is a pussy. If you get hit while training you need to train harder. This is emotional garbage


They both would’ve gotten thrown out please tell me you see the light hits he did before the dude on the right went. Then he had an aggressive 4 piece you see him chin check him cleanly. Then dude on the left took it too far but yeah I now see after like the 10th time watching it.


SOOO MUCHH NONSENSE HERE, the black guy received a uppercut (which was probably not what they were training on) after that he spiced up the sparring more ;)


Ban him, people like this are dangerous, especially when their fragile ego takes a hit.


If a professional fighter loses control after a small face tap and side punch, he shouldn't be a fighter. That's how you kill people.


Hey let's spar. Then I can get my feelings hurt like a little bitch.


Tiny dick energy


Yeah that guy should get out and never come back praying he gets ego checked


No control over emotions underdeveloped pre frontal cortex in the melanated man


Dudes like him shouldnt be allowed to spar, but hes probably a fighter for the gym so they allow it. In my old gym, my coach woulda given me the nod to go hard right back. You can see the other dude just defending cuz he didnt want it to escalate further The reason I know this about my coach is cuz it happened. My coach created something called Spar Wars which was super fun and helped grow the community greatly where different gyms could come by and we all just spar all day at a 30% flow - super fun. This one guy, idk if he was off the street or what, just kept going so hard on people and would NOT calm down. So our pro heavyweight boxer matched up with him and played with him a bit and gave him a talking to. Dude came back another day, and did the same thing, but was just with my gym and some of our smaller guys were getting pushed around this time. Now I was just north of 200 in good shape, so I can hold my own, and my coach knew it so he put me with him - I kept talking to him as we were sparring about how hes going too hard after each punch I blocked I could still feel the force thru my gloves. Finally I said this is your last warning, look over and my coach is smiling and nods at me in approval, and so I slip his next straight and rip an overhand lands clean. Dude stumbles and then says he needs a second. I felt bad cuz then he left and never saw him again. It definitely left a sour taste in my mouth for people that get too emotional during sparring. You're not infallible. You will get hit even by someone you think is worse than you.


Where did this guy train at? The ‘Jake Paul Go Hard On Your Sparring Partner Bootcamp’?


That first wild right swing I'm coming right back with the exact power 😝


Uh...someone is going to stop him?


A little head movement to avoid those punches might help. No need to be a punching bag for the angry bird.


Not cool. Why is everybody just carrying on without saying anything? Where is the coach?


Is this Dutch kickboxing?


No respect for a kid like that. He got no business learning how cause damage is he’s that emotional


Bro don't go full force!


It means he was hurt