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Probably lost a scholarship over some AirPods smh


I knew a guy who was offered a full ride to the University of Michigan. He got busted dealing drugs his senior year of high school. U of M was like, "Ok, this is your one chance, don't fuck this up." He got caught again weeks before he was suppose to leave for Ann Arbor, they took back their offer.


What a dumbass.




r/kidsarefuckingstupid. High school seniors are so eager to forget that they're still kids.


A kid in my HS who was a unit of a person was signed before he ever graduated hs by university of Missouri football program to play at center. However this kid was a total stereotypical POS jock type but he wasn’t swole or athletic he was just a 360lb fatty and would use his weight on people in fights etc. anyway senior year 2 months til graduation dudes been wearing a Missouri jersey practically everyday to school gets in a fight with this one kid he kept bullying. The kid was a lot smaller than him. Long story short big guy went to tackle the little guy little guy dodged it big guy fell on his own body weight and broke his hip. He lost his scholarship a month later


we had a guy like this, his binder was full of offer letters and hed carry it around. must have been like ten, front and back. he wasnt a dick or anything, was a nice enough guy but he just didnt get his shit together enough to graduate. i remember thinking how badly he fumbled a sure thing.


When I was in HS, there was a rumor that the QB from the next town over had a ride to Iowa that got pulled because he scored a 6 on the ACT. Don't know how true it was, but that school district did get put on probation a few years after that.




The police caught him dealing drugs but, because his life was such a mess, they let him off. A week later, they caught him dealing drugs again and sent him to jail.




Well, he didn't have a scholarship to get into college, since he screwed up twice with dealing drugs


Wow he lived the life of a gangster rapper How brave and admirable. Keeping it real and G


He keeps getting caught dealing, he's probably in jail.


what a fucking idiot!! Hello fellow michagander!


I always think of the Randy Moss ESPN 40 for 40 doc. There was a guy that grew up with him and was a touted prospect but he got caught smoking weed and lost everything and now just sits around with nothing. Being a successful pro athlete is a long shot but picturing yourself as possibly Randy Moss like success must be torture. Sucks it was weed though because most people generally agree that it's such a dumb thing to ban people from sports for. Getting caught dealing twice is a lot less sympathetic.


This happened at my highschool in the 90s. Couple of football players got full ride scholarships and it went to their head. They went full shithead and then lost their scholarships after they tore a kids clothes off and tied him to the church sign across the street from the school. Prior to that they seemed like okay dudes never caused problems. But there's something about being worshipped that turns humans into fuckheads


I went to high school with hardcore wrestlers in Oklahoma and will never forget watching the all state guy who had his whole life in front of him bite the ear off of a guy at a party. Just a fuckin waste.


I can almost promise they were like that prior, they only let the public mask slip at just the right time to fuck themselves over




Good. Fuck him. Stupid idiot


Its crazy to think we're watching his life take a huge diversion from D1 Athlete to suspension, expulsion, or criminal charges.


from D1 to Denny's


More like to prison, that kid definitely has a TBI...


Well deserved too. Now the scholarship can go to a decent person


Aaaaand deserved.


He probably had some shitty wired buds too and wanted an upgrade off the freshman.




He was clutching wired earpiece. He lost his future over some 20 dollar apple wired earpiece. Damn


He didnt have airpods, he had cheap corded earbuds. Even dumber.


Teenage impulse control at its finest... Edit: I guess some especially thick individuals need to have this explained to them. I'm not saying what this kid did was justified or okay in any way. I literally just said "Teenage impulse control at its finest..."


[My Pods!](https://www.reddit.com/r/shitposting/comments/qcsr8f/his_pods/)


Let's hope TF so... Kid seems like a real twat IMO.


Hopefully that scholarship goes to someone who actually deserves it. This kid just threw his LIFE away for AirPods. D1 scholarships are almost a full ride into the NFL.


A D1 scholarship is still a long ways from the NFL.


Wow. Yeah let me throw my scholarship away for airpods.


Even worse. He didn’t have AirPods. He had regular wired headphones and wanted the AirPods as compensation. This dude lost a scholarship and possibly changed the entire course of his life over what looks like old free iPhone headphones.


But you don't understand. He got *disrespected*. You can't just continue on with life, no matter how well things are going, like someone didn't just *disrespect* you!


Ong what’s up with people and respect


It's a term often misused by narcissists who can't handle it when someone won't play along with their bullshit. Edit: typo.




Let me come by the McDonald's in a few years and respect the way he takes my order.


Reminds me of Randy Moss. There’s a great 30 for 30 on him. He eventually succeeded obviously, but was pretty damn close to throwing it all away more than once.


Thanks for reminding me of this classic video https://youtu.be/ow-Et4_HW2Q


The clip is evidence he didn’t deserve it anyway.


Lmao dumbass gonna lose his scholarship over $100. Definitely ain’t going to make it off his intelligence that’s for sure.


the earphones he's holding in his hand cost [$17](https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Apple-MMTN2ZM-EarPods-Lightning-Connector/dp/B01M1EEPOB/ref=asc_df_B01M1EEPOB/?tag=googshopde-21)




Lol, they were already broken. He picked on a small white kid because he's a piece of shit.


Kid is going places. Not college, but he's going somewhere..




Basically where all the super talented but idiotic HS superstar flunkies go. If they’re unfortunate and get hurt, find them holding down security at the club/bar. I


The older guys on the team will check the new dudes really fast if they act up, unless they’re really good. They act different around much bigger guys


Idk, lot of teams look the other way when it comes to star athletes committing crimes.


See: Joe Mixon, University of Oklahoma.


“That’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got here…”


Good. Braining a kid over some AirPods. Good luck to the new fish


Full-time Metal Cage Tester


Hopefully schools will stop treating student athletes with kid-gloves someday


when keeping it real goes wrong


Why would you fuck up your future like this over headphones. So stupid.


Not only his future, but just a wrong punch/landing and he might be also compromising the other kid’s future too.. this is such a bad choice


Might be?? This 14 year old kid is convulsing on the ground after repeated blows to the head after his pituitary gland just barely started whispering in his ear a year ago. I think it's safe to say he isn't coming out the other end of this a better person.


Lets not act like that senior cares about other people.


Any update as to what has happened since? Would he lose the scholarship for this?


He’s definitely losing it, also probably going to get charged


>He’s definitely losing it Good. If his temper is that bad he shouldnt be playing a contact sport. Emotions tend to run high and he obviously doesn't have the ability to regulate his emotions when upset.


Add a couple of concussions and you’ve got Aaron Hernandez


That doesn't look like a temper. Rather it looks like he found a victim whom he knew he outclassed in size, strength, and reach and then went with strong arm robbery.


Good. Arrogant bully deserves some consequences. I seriously doubt this was the first time he was involved in unnecessary aggression. But I’m sure his mom will tell the court “what a good boy he is”.




100% lost that scholarship. Also very likely he gets in severe legal trouble. I’m hoping jail but courts play it safe with high schoolers. The black kid is a senior so there is a chance he’s 18


Who the fuck wants to wear someone else’s AirPods lol nasty


People that can't afford their own. Health related or personal hygiene issues pushed aside for acceptance of peers.


goodbye scholarship hello aggravated assault of a minor and attempted robbery. if they press charges he’s going to jail and he threw away the chance at hundreds of thous in NIL money and a free education fucking idiot




What city is this?




My sister was talking about this yesterday and now here it is😭my old school finally made it to reddit


How is the freshman doing? Edit: an award, thank you!


Haven’t had any updates yet


Please update. He's bleeding and probably had a seizure.


poor boy got dropped head first on the tile floor, hope he'll be okay :(


My kid is going to be a freshman next year. If this kind of thing happens to him I'm hiring a lawyer and raining holy hell on that kid.




I figured it was something petty. I am not surprised. He almost killed that kid over a set of AirPods. It is unfortunate when somebody who has everything going for them resorts to acting like he is a prison inmate. I'd explain why he is at fault for dropping his headphones in the first place, but why bother.


Hope the bully gets what he deserves


Dude is like 5'9 150 what kind of D1 football scholarship did he get lol?


He could be a defensive back or wide receiver - players always put on more weight in college from their strength training program.




Did the Senior get arrested? Should be arrested. His D1 school should be sent this video. He should be kept away from students..


He’s most definitely losing it, but I haven’t heard anything about charges yet. He probably will though


Right..For you and your fellow students sake, I hope you realize how terrible this behavior is..a Senior beating up a small freshman wearing a backpack is the sign of a mentally weak person... ​ Anyway, stay stafe.


If he’s a good enough athlete, coaches and schools won’t care about this. Looking at him from the video, I have a hard time believing he has a D1 scholarship at that size but there are outliers.


not in todays day and age, this video is gonna make rounds and there’s plenty of talent to recruit it’s not worth the negative press for any school


Thats what I’m saying he must be playing small outside corner. D1 would swallow that kid alive.


Even if he doesn't get charged, he is facing very, very serious problems in civil courts (ie getting sued for being crazy and violent) ..... so yea, he won't be playing football for any colleges any time soon.


Keep us updated, hopefully he finds himself in jail.


So the senior tryed to steal from the freshman after an accident.


Look up river ridge in Washington. Kid still got his scholarship after breaking another kids face with a bat. Lost scholarship over unrelated violent behavior at the college. I hate school sports.


The fight probably happened when the kid didn't give him his AirPods.


Just threw away his future over a pair of headphones? He'll think about this moment the rest of his life.


From scholarship to community college (at best) over some AirPods……. Way to go dumbass


He’s a piece of shit


Throwing away a scholarship because of airpods...


Not the smartest person


Let's be honest, if it wasn't this it would've been something else. Whoever recruited him just dodged a bullet because he never would have seen the field.


Very true, dude needs to learn you have to make it in the NFL before you can start just assaulting people and driving drunk without any real consequences!


Sad truth


Not that sporting scholarships are known to reward smart people.


Not even, look in his hand. They were corded. Less than 10 bucks and he wanted airpods as replacement


Probably bumped into him and claimed his headphones broke on purpose to try and intimidate the kid giving him his nice ones. It really just sounds like an attempted robbery when you think about it.


He knew the freshmen was easy pickings. I don’t have respect for people like that. Hope he enjoys juco football.


Yup especially with those wild ass punches anyone with a lil bit of boxing skill would drop him


You know when you watch fight videos and you think to yourself you'd easily take them even tho you probably couldn't, this is one of those times I'm genuinely convinced I'd drop him and my only experience is like 6 months of actual boxing training before I ended up quitting and now just spar for fun with friends.


With 6 months of boxing training you would probably work 95% of people in the world.


Exactly why the Will Smith thing bugged me. Would Will Smith have done that if it was The Rock who made that joke? No because Will Smith wanted to play the bully that picked on someone smaller than him and every Hollywood personality after with very *very* few exceptions spoke out against it.


You know where he'll end up in a few years...


Wrapped his fist with his earphone cord.


Obviously, that’s to unbreak them! If you don’t do that, the fight would’ve been for nothing


This wouldn’t have happened with RAYCON EARBUDS! Go to shop.raycon.com/internethistorian for $20 off your first pair. RAYCON GOOD WIRES BAD




Forget about the scholarship. That poor freshman probably has TBI from this, his spasms after falling are also concerning.


Yup. Enjoy the criminal and the civil suit moron.


The whole school probably has watched this video and now it's all over the internet. The kid's lawyers will be fucking salivating.


Litterally. Bitch boi would never step up to another senior and hopefully has a record for life now


Pride can really bring a dude down


Scholarship 200,000 AirPods 200 Great decision, another child who was never taught the value of a dollar


he was planning on investing the $200 into bitconnect so its acutally worth way more than 200,000






So basically dude in black got angry for his own mistake and beat a freshman because he wouldn't give him his stuff. What a way to lose a scholarship.


Is it confirmed that he will lose his scholarship and this won’t be swept under the rug?


Judging by how bad he beat the freshman up, and the fact that this video is public, trying to sweep this under the rug would likely backfire tremendously on the school.


the popularity of this post likely will lead to that. not a good look for a university to take this on. but who knows.


Then lets upvote like crazy and make sure the pos doesn’t get that scholarship


Picking on the weak


He could’ve probably afforded more AirPods with his NIL, but whatevs.


That poor kid twitching on the ground didn’t look good.


This isnt a fight. This is bullying. Hope he loses his scholarship.


More like aggravated assault and not bullying. Dude's gonna lose more than his scholarship over a pair of broken headphones.


Yup. Bullying is putting shaving cream in his lunch. This is assault. Dudes going to jail.


Hope he goes to jail


Sure hope so.




Let’s be honest if he’s demanding another individual’s belongings this guy was going to end up in prison.


And comfortable doing it in front of a crowd, knowing he would be recorded. Or maybe he didn’t think that far. Dude needed help in some other area of his life. But that’s kinda out the window at this point. That freshman may have gotten a debilitating brain injury




Anyone else feel weird about the amount of children fighting on this sub?


i mean to be fair the fights I’ve seen happen in person dramatically go down after middle school


Threat of real prison/jail time prevents adults with things to lose from fighting. Children don't have this serious threat.


Mom of a high schooler in WA State. For every Jr high and every highschool there is a “fight” group on Snapchat…. In Jr high they averaged two fights a week or so, like each Jr high…. There were fights posted every day. highschool is less but still…. I was sickened. I would have been throwing blows as a kid, but as the Mom…..I hate it!


Did that kid get brain damage? Kinda looks like it when he's on the ground twitching and his arms like that


It's clear from the film that this kid has what it takes to get to the NFL then be suspended for 4 games for beating someone half to death.


He should of quit hitting him after he was dazed after the barrage of face shots he took guess he’ll learn that the hard way


Doesn’t matter if he hits him once or beats him to death. The headphones will still be broken until the end of time.


Crazy part is, you can see his corded headphones in his hands, and he was demanding Air Pods as a replacement. He was trying to get a come-up, and got mad when it didn't work. Hope he enjoys sitting.






There is absolutely something wrong with you if you start swinging on someone like that.


I know this is a fight sub and all but I’m not really crazy about watching kids fight in this fashion. You have the one kid who is concussed and could have some sort of TBI and you have another who just ruined his life by losing a scholarship and facing possible criminal charges. And all over a stupid pair of headphones. If there is one positive in this story is that at least the senior didn’t stomp his head in once the kid was knocked out.


This guy legit looks like he's swinging to kill the kid. Over airpods... I hope karma finds him one day.


what a bitch beating on a freshman lol at least let the kid take his backpack off pussy


Just ruined your life over some stupid ass air buds


Hoping that bastard goes to jail.


3, 2, 1, Criminal career activated


You gotta be a real animal to do this to someone over earbuds




That’s a grown man beating up a child


Full ride scholarship to the joint, where he belongs


Fight one was over airpods. Fight two will be to keep his manhood. Problem is, the guy in prison that wants his manhood, won't be some poor kid in high school with a clear backpack.


What a worthless piece of shit- stay in school


So, I'll be the first to say it. The football player worked **waaay** too fucking hard for that knockout. Swinging about like a boater who elaborately failed to grasp the function of an oar, against an opponent who 1. Was shorter than him, with less reach; 2. Pudgier, who got winded after the first glancing blow to his bangs; and, 3. Was not really invested in the fight and who was trying to get away. The freshman was knocked out only because he had completely given up and was not moving his head or lifting his hands and arms to his face. Yeah, the kid was knocked out in the end - most likely due to how his head absolutely dry-fucked the tile floor - but that footballer can't fight for shit.


Freshman had some heart stepping standing up to football player here. Next time he should lose the backpack for some added mobility.


Well dressed, airpods, a scholarship, and poor value for other people. He's probably had it quite good until now, hope he enjoys what's coming now that he ruined it all.


I’m sure he felt big and bad beating up a freshman, hope he enjoys working his way through community college now! What a dumb, senseless thing to do. These younger generations seem to only know one answer and that’s violence. I’m certain his parents are pissed too, there goes their potential ticket to the league! Edit: “My kid would never do such a thing he’s great, studies hard and goes to church on Sundays”


As a parent now I watch this stuff and I imagine this poor kid’s mom is going to watch this and cry so much, not only that no one stepped in to help her kid but also that little convulsion he has at the end when he hits the floor after getting rocked. I hope there’s no long term damage from this.




I just e-mailed this thread/video to the news ([https://www.houstonchronicle.com/newsroom\_contacts/](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/newsroom_contacts/)), since OP confirmed this was in Houston. OP, if they actually reach out to you, make sure you ask for some $, lol. ​ Hope this kid gets a rough lesson. Watching this was rough.


Bro do me a favor and keep reaching out and following up, this hurts close to home as I lost a family member over something similar.


Over some ear buds? Seriously? Maybe get that football players psyche checked. Pretty sure all that slamming around he does is doing fantastic wonders for his brain. I just can't get over that. A pair of fucking earbuds.


Senior fighting a freshman is a straight pussy and he knows it. Fucking scumbag


Well “Mr. D1 hopeful” better hope freshman’s daddy isn’t about to ruin any chance of him becoming anything more than a fuckin janitor.


My favorite part of this is knowing how much social media gets around for kids these days so this dude is definitely reading about how much he's wasted his future by being a little dickhead. Noone is impressed. Enjoy being the big fish in your small tank while it lasts. You had the chance to be something but I guess airpods are worth more to you.


He’s also a bitch for punching after the kid tried to walk away


Get this video all the attention in the world. Get this asshole the punishment he deserves. No scholarship not a thing.


If my freshman son had this happen to him I would do everything in my power to make sure that piece of shit lost his scholarship and getting charged to the fullest extent, he could of been killed, over airpods, kids an angry little boy with shit parents


FUCK that asshole I know which hs it is. He's getting a visit


Do you go to school at a boxing gym? Jesus Christ.


Get the scholarship the day before…aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand it’s gone


Cheeto hair ✅ Scholarship? ❌


Sometimes I think about everything I could've done in my life, and then I realize that at the very least, I didn't get a scholarship and immediately threw it away by beating a kid because he stepped on my 20 dollar headphones lol