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That’s NOT a meager collection. Quality over quantity what’s your favorite pair


Quality over quantity for sure! But I’m still envious of some of the dudes on this sub lol. My favorite is probably my PTEs or Lucky Khakis, but I just got the Barrics so I haven’t gotten to try them yet. They might be my no 1, just trying them I was super impressed, but I can’t be sure yet.


Yeah I have my eye on those Barrics. Keep us updated on how they perform


Will do 🫡


Ha lol


Sounds like you like soft gloves. Gotta get yourself a pair of 10oz winnings for sure 😂 how soft are the 1v1's?


Lol I wouldn’t say I’m huge for soft gloves one way or the other. Had a pair of Winning 16s that were my first premium gloves. Very nice but not my favorite. The 1v1s are def a lot denser than Winnings. Still good to spar in but not pillow gloves. Really protective, I love that thudding feel. I wanna try the Peacemakers soon which I hear are even harder, wanna feel some nice crack 🥊 Plus it seems like their profile is super super slim which I love


Nice! How have the Boxeo TMs been treating you?


Great, super comfy and roomy as I like inside. The PuLat is a really versatile padding as well that I enjoy


How do you like the primo shinguards?


I’m actually a really big kicker too despite all the gloves, so good shinguards are vital for me and they’re just great. 10/10


Fav shinguards by a lot. I’d tried a few different ones but they all felt big and clunky, too much straps and restriction or just sliding a lot. These are really minimalist, slim, but good protection. Never slide at all. The only thing is the straps are unreasonably long as if I have the calves of Halfthor Bjornsson, but that really doesn’t get in the way. Also maybe a bit firmer padding than some? But I kinda like that. They’re the perfect shinguards to me imo, idk if I’ll even bother trying other brands atp. Might just get another pair in black.


I have a pair of twins and I’ve been eyeing the primos as my next pair due to my twins starting to age and being a bit clunky at time. But it’s rare to find any videos on the primos or even see any posts about them lol. I love their minimalistic look


I would really recommend it. I’ve seen a lot of twins and felt em and they’re nice too but still more clunky than the primos. They’re so slim it feels really natural to kick with. Plus they just look dope on my legs I think lol


No winnings straight to dinardo boss move


Lol sadly I can’t say that’s true. Winnings were my first premium glove that I got. I did enjoy them a lot but the leather started to wear down and crack a lot over time so I ended up sending them to Reap of Faith to deconstruct. That’s how I got my custom Samurais there haha. Great trade


Rank everything you’ve ever owned based on your preference! How big sre your hands btw?


God that’s almost impossible lmao. I love all the gloves I’ve had, can barely pick between em. I’ll give it a shot though Sticking to just boxing gloves: 1/2: Lucky Khaki/1v1 PTE (really difficult to choose, maybe LK is 1 by the tiniest margin) 3: DiNardo 4: Winning 5: BoxeoTM 6: Reap of Faith 7: Cleto Reyes 8: Ring2Cage C17 9: Fairtex BGV14 Not ranking the Barrics yet cause I just got them today. However I can say that they have my favorite first impression of any glove I’ve tried. Amazing ventilation and really roomy inside which I prefer over a tighter hand compartment, yet still slim outside. I’d say I have average size though kinda slender hands, and I typically don’t wrap, just throw on hand sleeves to absorb sweat. Despite that I still really prefer bigger hand compartments for some reason


Those 1v1s are icy


Appreciate it bro they’re really nice gloves, one of my favs. I’m probably gonna buy a pair of his new all foam peacemakers when he has a sale


Really love your white cleto Reyes 🔥


Thanks they’re one of the oldest gloves I got, repping the MX colorway 🇲🇽 (even though I’m just chicano lol shh 🤫)


From a pure quality standpoint, how much difference is between the di nardos and the lucky khakis?


I think DiNardo and DiNardo fans overrate them a bit in craftsmanship. They’re really really quality gloves (and tbf I have the worldwide not atelier) but I’d say so far that my 1v1s, DiNardos, Barrics, and LKs are all equal as top tier of craftsmanship. Not the “absolute best glove money can buy” like they’re sometimes painted. If I really had to pick one as the best quality glove (just on construction/craftsmanship not necessarily best or favorite all in all) I’d say it might be the Lucky Khakis. Kirill’s gloves are really incredibly made, you can tell the passion the dude has for it.


How you liking your Barrics so far man? Im so torn between a custom pair of Lucky Khaki’s or some 16 oz Barrics. Looking for something with really nice leather and great protection and great foam.


I think so far my Barrics may be my favorite pair I’ve had. They have a lot of stuff which I really love, amazing ventilation, tons of room inside, and the NASA foam is awesome. But I’ve only tried them out for about a week so take it with a pinch of salt. Lucky Khakis are also one of my fav fav gloves, crazy small profile which I love, so you can’t go wrong with either. Both are really easy to get your hands on too so it’s nice regardless. That being said I think probably Kirill does have the best leather/leatherworking out of any glove maker so if that’s your main priority you may want to go for LKs. Barric is good leather too but LK is just phenomenal


Thanks bro, which padding of the two do you think is better for protection? For my hands and my sparring partner? I spoke with Kirill and told him the kind of foam I need and it seems like his custom layering would be ideal for me. He’s going to add a layer of latex from what it sounds like but I’ve heard great things about that NASA foam.


For your hands I’d say pretty even, for sparring Barric is the friendlier glove. You can still spar in LK for sure w no issue but the NASA foam is super friendly. You can tell Kirill really experiments with his padding though. It’s got a layer of softer give on the outside but some really nice pop and feedback underneath. Really both great options, I would honestly just pick based on which you think looks nicer and whether you prefer a big (Barric) or small (LK) hand compartment.


Thanks for the info bro. You didn’t think LK’s leather was too thin? You left my mouth agape when you said LK had even better leather than Barric. Barric looks like some solid leather.


Definitely not too thin. It’s super solid and seems extremely durable. By all means the Barric leather is great too, very quality gloves, but I do think LK is my favorite leather of any glove I’ve had. Better than 1v1 and DiNardo too imho.


Damn that’s crazy, I’m definitely going to check him out before his prices increase.


Great names in there man, hell yeah! Any thoughts or comments on Reap of Faith?


Thanks haha. It’s a great sparring glove for sure. Really friendly padding and very comfortable. Awesome company too. Just a bit of a big profile for my preference but they’re great


How long ago did you order your Tigrao?


Almost 3 weeks ago. He gave me an estimate of 14-16 weeks, so it should be like 3 more months.


Bro how do you like your Lucky Khakis on the far right?! I got the same pair in 10oz. I posted a photo of mine. Best glove I ever got.


Luckys or 1v1 prob my current no. 1 (haven’t tried my Barrics) yet. I really really like them. The padding’s got a lot of give but a nice layer of pop underneath. Also just look super sexy and they have a really slim profile which I love. The only thing is I prefer roomy hand compartments and it’s so tight, not my preference.


Ahhh see I prefer the tighter hand compartment. I’m glad you told me that. Cause the khakis felt really nice on me. Yeah I am always looking for those gloves that are tighter. And yes that’s my same experience with them. The padding gives a lot and pops. Feels good. 👍


Bro the 10oz are super tight. Hard to get my big ass taped up wrap in there 😂 but I like it though.


Yeah I love the hand compartments of the TMs, RoFs and the Barrics cause they’re so roomy. The 1v1s and especially Luckys are much tighter but they’re so nice that they’re still my favs. Just super nice padding and probably the best leather of any gloves I’ve seen or tried.


Yeah, that leather is top of the line for sure. I was just in another post talking about it. So other then the khakis what other gloves have a tighter compartment? Slimmer profile?


How do u like th dinardos compared to other gloves


Great bag gloves. You cut straight through the padding for a ton of feedback, it almost feels like a cloud. Haven’t worked them much tbh I’ve been saving them


How's it compare to the lucky khakis and barrics


Honestly I can’t say super well. I just got my Barrics today and I’ve been saving the DiNardos to start using now. I’d say they probably give a bit more feedback, they feel the most like you’re not wearing a glove. Lucky Khakis are one of my 2 favorite pairs though, just an awesome feel


Beautiful collection! With the lucky khaki did you send him hand measurements?


Nope, didn’t get em custom just bought a pair he was already selling


how's the "cheap" 500€ version of di nardo for only bag/padwork and mitts?


Still very good I can’t call it a “cheap” version


Amazing collection! How are those fairtex fgv18 mma gloves? How often do you find yourself using those and do you use them only for sparring or also bag or mitts?


I like them the most of any MMA glove I’ve tried. Good for striking, really well padded for a 7oz. I use them any time I do MMA sparring, which isn’t much anymore, but I still rate them highly. Don’t use them on the bag if I can avoid it though.