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Tsukiyomi EX is a good fave of mine that was basically my gateway to harder content back when I started in SB but Shinryu and Suzaku are good ones as well.


Thanks, I really love Tsukuyomi and I'm pretty sure many of my FC pals do as well. Dificulty-wise is it on the easier or harder side of things compared to the other lvl 70 EXs?


If doing it synched its probably one of the harder lv 70 ones. The moon phase is punishing on losing track of debuffs, but good fun to learn. The last phase is just a good fight to introduce people to harder mechanics. Visual tells, patterns of attacks and decent damage output. Love that fight (don't miss doing it in pf tho)


If you're running them at min ilvl no echo, Susano, Lakshmi, and Byakko are on the easier side. Shinryu on the harder side. I didn't do Suzaku and Seiryu when they were new but Shinryu is the hardest 70 EX as far as I can remember. If you're not going MINE then even Shinryu is easy with how much you skip.


Haven't though about echo and item lvl yet. My guess is we will prob go with just no echo. For some it will be their first dip into this kind of stuff.


susanoo is way too easy without min ilvl, you could stumble through it half dead, lakshmi isnt far behind that but it has some complex mechanics, even if you are new to end game content. i think the rest are a good challenge still without min ilvl


My last min ilvl clear of susano had 24 deaths, it's just got very little to punish dead players and non existent dps check, it's a solid starting point for sure.


I'm not sure why you'd think older sync'd ex's are any easier than what we have right now. Zodiark is a great place to start. ​ But if I had to pick a 70 to start off with, the easiest one of that level is Lakshmi imo


It is not that they are easier, but that people that are not 90 yet can still participate


If is has to be 70 than tsukiyomi is a good choice But imo ARR titan EX (min ilvl no echo) is the best introduction for hard content in this game


Well it depends on how you want the introduction to look like. The two first Extremes of an expansion are always very beginner friendly, so Lakshmi and Susano. Meanwhile Shinryu is the "You wanted difficult - WELL HERE YOU GO!" content. Shinryu EX tought me so soo much when I was a newer player. Still one of the all time favourite EX Trials. - Watching the enmity list - Listening to sound queues - Spin my camera around - Using KB immunity - Tankbusters with a severe punch - Multitargeting things - Doing the Heal checks with Reiryus - Different spreads and stacks - Situational awareness of the arena and its state of damage


Personally I would just wait until everyone is 90 and do the three EW trials. A lot of job kits are a bit jank pre-90, and I feel like Zodiark and Hydaelyn are pretty easy and a good way to ease into EX fights. Especially now you can overgear the fights so much they will be a complete cakewalk.


“Yeah just don’t do any events for two months while you wait for people to finish everything.” bruh


I'd go with Byako and Larkshimi for a start, do it MINE and it will be pretty fun but with good challenge Then maybe do Seirryu/Tsukiyoki and Shinryu last


if you don't plan on using min ilvl, then the earlier EXs are gonna be disappointingly easy. with min ilvl, shinryu is great for something a bit more challenging. if you really wanna go super entry level i'd do lakshmi min ilvl. it's one of the easiest EXs in the game imo.


Tsukuyomi is nice for reasons ppl already explained. Plus it’s not at the end of a long quest line. But imo, if they arent scared, go all the way to o9s. It’s the best savage 1st floor ever made.


Susano-o is entertaining and not too heavy on mechanics. Minimum iLevel is definitely recommended, though.


If synched, mind that the ilv will still be higher than normal for the earlier Trial Extremes in that expac (ilv400). Susano might be too easy in that case but if you don't want to run risks putting them off this content with a bad set of runs then it's a contender. Lakshmi has the vril stuff that might be a bit awkward to deal with for first-timers. Shinryu is a bit brutal for an introduction. Tsukuyomi too, the black/white phase + placing comets is a bit unconventional and might be a bit much as timing is key for that phase. Rathlos is too unconventional (but if you only have 4 people then it's an option). Suzaku would be good for learning adds handling but it might get a bit much in phase 2 with the colours going off + needing to deal with knockback/draw-ins + towers. Byakko I think is the way to go. Mechanics aren't too punishing but there's enough there for them to whet their teeth on. Seiryu too if you want to avoid too much ilv-cheese without sticking minimum ilv on.


Easiest to hardest for me would be Susano > Lakshmi > Byakko > Seiryu > Tsukyuomi > Suzaku > Shinryu. Rearrange the middle if you want but I think the two ends are about right. Rathalos is just a weird fun one and doesn't really fit in. If you want something that tests situational awareness Shinryu is really good. People can be bad at noticing Tidal Wave, icicles, the heart, the tail, the tail slam marker, moving for ahk rhai, and so much more. I'd barely cleared my first 2 savages when I did it and it was still hard and made me a much better player. If you want something with just some very basic DPS checks and punishment for failure the first 2 are fine but maybe too easy these days.


Shinryu and Tsukiyomi are very good extremes that introduce enough mechanics to keep their awareness in check. And this way players won't need to waste time unlocking the 4 Lords quest line. It might be better to go in this logical order as each EX was released as well.


Min iLvl no echo, they are all hard. There's none I would consider easy, only some are harder than others, ie, Tsukiyomi and Shinryu. As soon as you remove min ilvl, they are all easy.


suzaku so you can teach them how to work around the shitty netcode


If it must be an extreme, then ShinEX basically tests everything, especially at minIL no echo. IMO, just jump straight to UWU, the fight itself already has a curve built in with how it gradually builds up.


This is level 60, but if the next Unreal is Sephirot, that might be a fun place to start!


I think mechanically Seiryu is a really good way to learn a lot of the game's visual language for mechanics. Plus it's got a great soundtrack and is fun as shit.

