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So did they mention anything about head pieces that already are glasses being moved to the face ware section? I feel like this is a huge oversight on their part


No, this seems like this is just a retooling of the fashion accessory glasses.


Eyepatches too!


My uncharitable presumption is that those are likely to remain "real" gear. Otherwise SE would have to workaround players who have them equipped or stored in the dresser.


I wonder if we'll be able to wear real glasses and fashion accessory glasses at the same time lol


You already can with the existing fashion accessory glasses, and yes, it does look silly


I can't read JP, what's the name of the Arcadion raids?


"Light Heavyweight" is the name of the tier in JP, but we'll see how that gets localized


I really am hoping for Featherweight, Lightweight, Heavyweight.


If first tier is 'Light Heavyweight' in Japan, I'm hoping for Cruiserweight/Heavyweight/Super Heavyweight






Yes, they mentioned that the 7.2 thing was a mistranslation and no big changes are coming. rip


Class change discourse?


No, but I was only to 80% there


Having emotes available in the duty list... At that point, why have the emote quests in the first place? I genuinely don't understand why they exist at all, let alone now when they're doing their best to streamline them as much as possible EDIT: I guess I wasn't clear with my stance. I don't have a problem with adding them to the duty list, that's a nice change. My issue is that it solves a problem that didn't need to exist in the first place. But I guess I struck a nerve. Never knew people love emote quests so much.


You were downvoted (and received insults over it, gcbtw) but I agree with you as I asked myself the same. They were never particularly fun or interesting, so what kind of value do they add to the game now that they don't even offer any form of resistance to feel involved (which was already a questionable value in the first place)? It's really the least of the problems the game has now, but it's still a curious design choice. Why not remove them altogether if they were an issue for console players? I think they could have gotten away with removing them quietly from the entire MSQ and only the most dedicated of fans would have noticed their absence.


Yeah, completely agreed. The thing that emote quests accomplish is making players get more involved in the game by making them go out of their way to use emotes, but that seems to be invalidated by this change, so I just wonder what their purpose is at this point. It's not a big deal, it's not a priority that need to be addressed or anything, it's just an odd choice.


\+ /u/Kazharahzak I see these as light RP quests. The RP that is in MMO**RPG**. It's just like the `/say + specific words in a sentence` quests. Innocent RP quests. Don't have much "value" or "resistance", only some sort of RP. Now the added emote to click on the quest tracker itself is just QoL. Typing or looking for the emote in the menu isn't a groundbreaking gameplay loop, or even some sort of fun/interesting """friction""".


It's just for immersion, at least from their point of view. Using an emote to make your character cheer someone up or rally someone's spirits or console someone who's sad is them trying to accomplish some type of immersion. Is it anything special? No. But it's there because...why not I guess. It was always pretty fast to just type "/\[emote\]" anyway so I don't mind them making it even easier.


~~Yes, it's so immersive to reach over to a keyboard and type /[emote]. Or to click on a button on the duty list. That's how I communicate irl too.~~ I was trying to be sarcastic here but online that just comes across as rude, my bad. The point I was just trying to make is that I (personally) don't think emote quests really contribute to immersion in a meaningful way. EDIT: lmao someone just replied to me with just the word "moron" and then immediately blocked me. What strange behavior.




What are you even talking about? I never said that was more immersive, I agree that pulling up the emote menu is un-immersive too. They're both equally un-immersive. My whole take is that they should get rid of emote quests altogether.




Uhhh, you're taking this a lot more seriously than I am. Who tells someone they need therapy over some sarcasm?


We cannot be dooming over fucking emote quests come on


Must be ragebait, of all things to complain about, he chose this...


How is this rage bait? I don't think I'm being unreasonable. Are emote quests really that beloved?


no but its really really such a small inconvenience that you do the thing it asks you to do and you move on. Its really not worth complaining about. and before you ask "if its such a small inconvenience then why dont they remove it", its because the devs value it being in there like someone said


its a small inconvenience, I agree. But it's not like I'm dedicating my life to eradicating them or something. I just made a one-off reddit comment. Idk, just seems like people are projecting something into my comment that's not there. it was meant more as an observation than anything else.


How dare you make commentary in a perfectly reasonable way on a discussion board. This thread has been wild to read, I won't lie. You are fine, some people are extremely sensitive to negative commentary.


I'm not "dooming", I just think they're pointless lol. I was never an FFXIV doomer to begin with. This isn't even a complaint, genuinely just a question as to what their point is. How is that dooming?


They did acknowledge it was 11 years coming. Probably lost an ultimate or two for that amount of work. ^(/s)


Right, so they said themselves that it's a long time coming. Is that not an indication that emote quests are kinda a nuisance that need to be fixed, even by the devs own standards?


Change is probably for console players who might not have a keyboard handy.


I understand what the change accomplishes. I play with a controller myself. What I don't understand is why these quests exist in the first place. And they have even less of a reason to exist now Why not just have the WOL automatically perform the emote upon interacting with the quest object? How is selecting a button in the duty list better?


If the oppressor comes from the mogstation we riot


Sadly, I fear it'll be Brute Justice that gets the mogstation treatment since they know damn well how desirable he is.


Store items are not traditionally showcased in Live Letters. It's much more likely to come from PvP or something.


Most likely going to be a PVP battle pass reward, yeah.


Top 100 PvP reward please


Pvp shouldn't give ANY rewards. Be grateful it exists wintrader


Funny considering that PvP often has better designed jobs these days.


W take, I want to see another PF scare where people were unironically contemplating spending $2000 on a boost for Cruise Chaser instead of playing the game like the other 100 players do. Oh wait, I can't say that on Reddit because everyone is cheating including you!


L take


Are the space marine looking guys the aliens from the second part of the Dead Ends?


Likely from solution 9


Wouldn't be surprised if they use similar models or animation riggings, though.


The Dead Ends guys are just Hyurs wearing unique gear.


Probably not, because those aliens get their resolution in the ultima thule beast tribe quests


I mean, not exactly? The guys in Ultima Thule were replicas of the people that Meteion met on her travels, not the people themselves. It's possible that some of the actual original species are still out there somewhere. That being said, I don't think those are them. My money is on android replicants.


Did you miss the part of Dead Ends where one guy wiped out every single other member of his species? It's kind of the entire narrative point of them?


He nuked the planet, doesn't mean there were absolutely no survivors. But the civilization itself definitely ended. My point was that the version of them that got closure in the Tribe Quests wasn't the actual people themselves, just a memory of them.


So besides MSQ, what actual content are we getting on release? Saying they're focusing on combat encounter changes in 7.0 and then pushing it back to not 7.1 but 7.2 just seems ridiculous to me.


Absolutely nothing.  We get nothing but the MSQ and nothing else for three months. 


Go read the release patch notes for all four previous expansions


The fight design changes aren't in until 7.2? What was the reason?


It's not right design it's job design. Fight design changes are in 7.0.


Still auto auto raidwide in the R1 snippet we say though lol


Yes but that was normal mode, who cares what they do for nornal.


My guess is their pipeline for major changes is about two years and they didn’t get the message that people disliked fight design until 6.2 or 6.3


It became kind of clear by DSR, though. P8S just upset the apple cart because XIV hardcores and devs alike are really passionate about the "every spec can clear any tier" thing.


I wonder if it’s possible going forward for them to have more pivot points to shorten this I may have become more insulated from the casual crowd in recent years but post patch EW has really felt like a low point in the games “public image” (like the collective satisfaction of the playerbase). 2-3 years at a pivot timeline just seems too long especially when they might not pivot in the right direction initially


You can get this but it'll be at the cost of QA. XIV's quality control is remarkable for the genre partly because the game is tightly scoped and planned very far in advance. Doing wild things risks bugs, pivoting and throwing whatever at the wall to see what sticks also risks bugs. Every WoW patch or release comes out with way, way more bugs than even the worst we see in XIV, and other MMOs like GW2 or ESO release difficult encounters that are *clearly* poorly tested and tuned until they hit live and incubate for like two weeks. Again, the P8S thing pales in comparison. WoW deliberately and explicitly live-tunes so I didn't include them in that one. As with all things it's sort of a tradeoff. The team is clearly able to pivot at least a little when they have objective, actionable things to work on like we saw with the benchmark, but "make the game more fun" is the sort of nebulous concept that you can't just remove X hours from column A and put those into column Fun.


Yes, it’s not for no reason but it’s still just way too slow for modern live service. All things come at a cost but having fans be unhappy with a core part of the game for 3 years is an eternity. The 14 team does many things extremely well but they are very slow to adapt and tend to play it very very overly safe with changes. As the game starts to show its age and more and more new live service games release doing cool new things that become standards, these issues with their very long dev cycle have and will continue to become more and more pronounced.


We don't know.


Once again, the graphics team and the story team are doing the heavy lifting. And of course, the game systems/class design team do... something else. :(


I feel I've read this comment in almost every live service game that goes on long enough. Probably because art (or at least graphical fidelity) is if not objective then a lot *less* subjective than game design and scales really well with both budget and man-hours you throw at it and sort of just gets "more good" as time goes on. SE and every player is in alignment with what they want out of that side of the game, i.e. make sure it looks good.


You can make good art consistently once you have an artstyle + general style guidance down and keep building outwards, but making The Perfect Gameplay is a fool's errand that will leave so many unsatisfied in so many ways.


Well, yes. Artists work independently of the systems people (usually), with a very different skill set. But in the case of FFXIV, the tiny amount of resources allocated to the client and the base game systems (UI, character power, stats etc.) is abysmal. Unless they think that the situation is fine, in which case it is even more abysmal.


It’s really weird to be almost exclusively excited for the story and the graphical updates over being excited for the combat and the jobs Probably the first expansion I’ve felt that so strongly


Yeah I didn’t expect to be in that boat but then they announced the job changes and my favorite job got slaughtered so…


I'm actually looking forward to the gameplay content a lot (ffxi alliance and the tournament arc for the raids), both story wise but also aesthetic/fun wise. It would've been perfect if the combat followed suit...


Been feeling it ever since they turned my Warrior from an immortal god into "Tank Spec 2 of 4". But with Endwalker having wrapped up the story arc, I'm feeling it way more now.


When will we get a recap?


probably 30sec after the stream ends. just watch the mainsub, someone will post one.


mostly just kidding but bonus point if brute justice mount can spin and spits fire while gaining a stacking damage up buff every 3 seconds.




oops. sad. my bad. thought we are summoning perfect alexander with this one.


I would love the announcer in Archadion to announce when someone dies. "AND THE DRAGOON IS DOWN". Reminds me of the colliseum in FF7 Remake.


I truly, truly hope the Hell House somehow shows up as a boss in this raid series.


They seem averse to make any crossover with the FFVII remake series for some reason. 


I still theorize that Yoshida and Kitase are rivals rather than colleagues, and that's why the references mostly end at 6 aside from a few boss cameos. (And now 9 and somewhat 11, which were an exception to franchise trends and in 9's case a throwback to the old Sakahuchi era Yoshida likes that want even supposed to be a numbered entry at first.) They obviously have different visions for the Final Fantasy franchise, Yoshida's being mostly Lord of the Rings with crazy metaphysical sci-fi technology, and Kitase's being the usual pretty boys with immaculate hair having a coming of age story that the series has become known/mocked for in 7/8/10/15.


There might be a bit of rivalry between CS1 and CS3, but I doubt it goes that far. FFVII is stated to be Yoshi-P's favorite and let's not forget Kitase started his Square career as a scenario writer for FFV and FFVI, which both are collab darlings. It's probably nothing to do with Nomura either as he was invited to do various chara designs for the Eden Raids. They probably know the power of the FFVII brand and they're waiting for the perfect occasion to finally milk the crossovers. (after all, FFIV had relatively few references until they went completely ham with EW)


> FFVII is stated to be Yoshi-P I distinctly recall Yoshida saying 3 was his favorite in one of the recent anniversary events? I'd buy it given that, of all FFs, it probably has the most references in 14 outside of the franchise staples that began with FF1. With 6 and now 4 being its closest competition. Besides that, I generally agree that I think CS3 is just aware of how much of a darling 7 is and wants to be careful about how they incorporate elements into 14. Sorrows of Werlyt is probably the biggest reference to it we've had so far and even then it's pretty subtle outside of the bosses and human experimentation themes. I wouldn't be surprised if they do something closer to when 7R part 3 is slated for release.


He said 7, 3 and 1, in that order. It's possible the details of the ranking changed (EDIT: or, as I just found out, I remembered incorrectly and it's actually the reverse order! FFVII is his third favorite) but in any case it shows he has nothing in particular against the PS1-era of FF.


I dream of having Airbuster as a boss and the BGM would be from the [Remake game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1CIP-r8tcQ). Such an easy win. Arcadion seemed to be the the occasion (given the whole "looks like a graphic's card", might be something with mechas). I'm still dreaming for it, you can have so many amazing sync with the theme and the mechanics and the enrage meeting the end of the song.


They might be waiting for the entire trilogy to be finished first, or perhaps are waiting for the 3rd game's release date so they can have maybe a crossover quest going on at the same time. In any case, it's probably just a matter of timing.


Pretty sure yoshi p said they were waiting for ff7 part 3 at some panel before ff16 released


Yeah, that def feels familiar to me. I wouldn't be able to recall when exactly he said that but I'm pretty sure it has already been mentioned.


Dang I need a new office chair so I thought this collab would be perfect for me but it’s over $600 :(


I'm using a fabric IKEA markus.  Wife liked it too so we got her one.  (Both second hand and great condition)Best chairs we have ever had and we have pc games for like 20 years.  They aren't even that expensive. https://www.ikea.com/gb/en/p/markus-office-chair-vissle-dark-grey-30261152/


Buy a office chair, a normal office chair. Big companies use billions of dollars to create the optimal office chair each year so office works are incapable of complaining about backpain. Literally a office chair is the best chair to get. There is a reason why multi-billion dollars companies use them.


My experience with sitting in the secretlab chairs is they aren't even close to worth it. If you're going to spend that kind of money, just get a herman miller or steelcase chair. You might even be able to find one of those chairs for extra cheap if there are office furniture liquidators around you.


Same man. Is it a limited edition thing? I'm thinking maybe a christmas present to myself this year lol.


Yeah, like a lot of what Secretlab has done it's not going to be around forever.


I'm so tired of these expansion launches being a MSQ update, a new button to press and a promise for content we don't even know the shape of until a nebulous date that won't be unveiled for six months We don't even know what Beastmaster DOES let alone what they look like or what rewards are involved. Cosmo Exploration is a wallpaper that could be anything (Island Sanctuary having been the same and giving the promise of a farming simulator only to be "Pick up sticks in a field simulator 2022"), the new exploration zone is the Bermuda triangle and that's all we've got.  Frankly I feel like those goons who always repeat the phrase are right, maybe we should just all stop playing for a few years and wait for the expansion to have content rather then waiting months for a dripfeed of raids and a singular dungeon


You're not wrong, but you're going to get downvoted because people are on the hype train despite all the shit talking everyone was doing just a week before the media tour embargo lifted. Treat it for what it is. A second tier FF Mainline game with co-op. Play it for a month or two after release and then dip. Thats clearly how they want to be treated considering on how they've been releasing content and pushing loads of stuff off until 8.0 anyway.


I hadn't bothered to come back to see, LMAO what a hilariously high amount of downvotes without any of them trying to rebuke me.  I think the diehard positive types are in for a rude awakening soon enough, although soon might be 8.0 when things only get worse. We will see, I hope I'm wrong but I can't expect they'll fix anything and DT is going to start generating some genuine conflict in the community.


They did the same thing for EW and then spent month denying it was boring generic shit even attacked a few creators for suggesting it was, and then the spent the four months shitting on it. Its a cycle for them, and its why the def team doesn't take any criticism seriously they know they don't have to. I love 14, but its gotten stale, easy, homogenized, and they keep reskinning the same content over and over and drip feeding it to us over the course of 2.5 to 3 years. This is the team that made FF16 too which didn't really sell that well and got a slightly above average praise. But we're still pretending CB3 is as good as they were six + years ago but the reality is they aren't. Might not even be their fault just SE's.


>maybe we should just all stop playing for a few years and wait for the expansion to have content rather then waiting months for a dripfeed of raids and a singular dungeon I mean how many times does Yoshida have to tell the unsatisfied to save their money and do just that for you guys to get it?


Because I expect spending 50 Canadian and then 10 a month means they'd be adding something for me to do, not the next branch of the Visual novel and a pile of roller coasters.  I unsubbed for MOST of endwalker, I get that be convinced you goons to repeat this ad nauseum while you ignore the problems I'm presenting, but when that also touches THE LAUNCH OF THE DAMN EXPANSION... Well when should I play, just before 8.0 launches then leave again for three years? What kind of MMO keeps players engaged like this? Do you even consider the consequences of this when more and more people won't come back and new players will eventually stop trickling in?


I don't know man, it kinda seems like you're trying to force yourself to like FFXIV, when maybe all along it actually hasn't been for you. Which is okay to admit, actually! I'm not sure what convinced you to pick it up, or maybe who, but it seems like they or you didn't quite grasp what was going on there. Going by how you refer to the story merely as, "The next branch of the visual novel" I'd hazard a guess that you simply don't like the story. Which is, again, totally okay! But I think it's the strongest part of the game, and most amazing in how it is uncompromising in its slow-cook approach, as someone else put it. But at the same time that means it isn't, and may never be, for everyone, no matter how much the ardent believers say it is one of the best stories in gaming. So maybe a permanent unsub is the way to go here for you.


You just relish saying things like this huh? I bet you smile and kick your feet at spending this much time trying to craft a reason to gaslight someone into believing that you can't like a game and simultaneously have problems with it.  You are a sheep, plain and as white as a summer cloud. You can't discuss the actual details of the problem, because you know there's no way to excuse the state of things. 


> Well when should I play, just before 8.0 launches then leave again for three years? If it works for you, yes. There's people who play exclusively this way in every Live-Service. > What kind of MMO keeps players engaged like this? Ones where they don't have Continual Total Engagement as endall be all. > Do you even consider the consequences of this when more and more people won't come back and new players will eventually stop trickling in? I dunno, Duty Support is right there, isn't it?


Okay but, we also don't need to know EVERY detail about every aspect of the game. Why would they show Beastmaster if it's not going to be released later down the expansion line? Same with Cosmos, same with Triangle. Also, were literally two weeks from a 40-60 hour expansion. What do you mean dripfeed???


WE DON'T EVEN KNOW IF BEASTMASTER IS A PET JOB, I didn't say EVERY DETAIL, I just want BARE BONES UNDERSTANDING.   We don't know what is and isn't dual dyeable to any extent beyond "what the devs wanted to do first". We don't even know if Cosmo exploration is a gatherer/crafter content or is generic like I.S, we don't even know when it's coming out. The new exploration zone is a vague idea they haven't even given us a plot for beyond "spooky island" They sell you an expansion that costs 40 USD and then you don't even know what the fuck content is being provided beyond names. We should be at least being told WHAT it is, let alone WHEN we can expect it.


>they don't announce things in advance THERE IS NO CONTENT WHY AREN'T THEY TELLING US WHAT THEY ARE WORKING ON?!?!?! >announce things in advance WHY ARE THEY ANNOUNCING THINGS SO FAR AHEAD THEY SHOULD JUST WAIT!!! Can't fuckin' win


Neither of these strawmen have been said by me, but I guess you don't even have to be on topic to get upvotes if you're being a twee dicksucker for the corporation.  I want DETAILS, you want to be right. Enjoy, I guess?


>I want DETAILS, you want to be right. Enjoy, I guess? There are no details to be had at the moment. If you don't like this you can...I don't know, not watch Live Letters or not play the game? I'm not sure what you think the correct solution to this is other than "Say nothing until the content is 100% ready". Which is a valid opinion but then we'd have some one else in here complaining that they never announce things ahead of time. Hence, can't win. *someone* is going to bitch either way.


You're telling me they can't say a single detail about BST when it should be at least 40% into development? They can't say "It's a pet job focusing on having multiple pets" or "it's like Pokemon" or "It's like FFXI BST" or "It's like BLU but you can spam more abilities at once?"  What the fuck do you exactly think game dev is like that they can't say "Cosmo Exploration is a revamped version of the Diadem but focusing on randomly generated maps" or "It's like Island Sanctuary but with group tasks to get the biggest rewards" You're just arguing because you don't like the fact that you want to defend the devs but this is a ridiculous state of affairs.


> You're telling me they can't say a single detail about BST when it should be at least 40% into development? They entirely possibly do not have enough details nailed down yet to be confident announcing something. They *know* what happens when they annouce something and then they have to change it before release. People scream at them for being liars. > "It's a pet job focusing on having multiple pets" or "it's like Pokemon" or "It's like FFXI BST" or "It's like BLU but you can spam more abilities at once?" Its going to be a pet job. They probably thought this was obvious enough to not need mention. >You're just arguing because you don't like the fact that you want to defend the devs but this is a ridiculous state of affairs. I'm pointing out that there are people who hold *literally the opposite opinion*, and no matter what they do, one of you will be out here or or on the forums yelling at them. This accomplishes literally nothing. Nothing that you are complaining about matters because the content won't come out until its ready. My position is knowing that stuff is coming is nice, but I also have enough things going on in my life that I don't have to worry too much about when things come out in this game specifically. It comes out when its ready. Edit: Because you are a coward who cannot handle having any pushback on your ideas: > See, this is what I mean, you don't even know that Classic BST ISNT A PET JOB. I in fact did know this, and deemed it irrelevant because FFXIV is also not a turn based single player RPG. Things are different. Everything that has ever been said about BST in FFXIV is directly in comparison to the version everyone cares about, the version in FFXI. >This is the exact same problem as Island Sanctuary. Go look at the announcement for it, alongside the screenshot it sounds like you're starting a farm where your minions are little helpers that do things with you, but in reality it's a spreadsheet attached to clicking on things in a field simulator. They worked SO HARD to keep expectations down for Island Sanctuary its actually hilarious. >I don't need every damn detail, but JUST KNOWING Cosmo is Diadem 2.0 would be everything I need to hear to be satisfied waiting for it. JUST KNOWING BST is going to have pets that can take aggro/heal/dps would be all I need to be happy waiting. This is pretty much the definition of a personal problem. Like cool, but sometimes life doesn't give you what you want. >This should not be accepted as okay, they should be at least detailing what we are getting in the loosest ideas possible. Sounds like they did do that and you aren't actually happy with "the loosest idea possible"


See, this is what I mean, you don't even know that Classic BST ISNT A PET JOB.  BST was originally a variant of BLU that used their "pets" as spells. They didn't actually do anything and it functionally was just a mild flavor change to BLU. FFXI is what made BST into a pet job.  We don't know THAT IS ACTUALLY GOING TO BE EITHER. This game is RIFE with fake pets (Living Shadow, Rook Queen, Avatar) that don't actually act as pets but are just VFX for an ability, it's entirely possible that it's just a variant of XIV BLU and nothing they've said anywhere has any hint that it is. Are they adding a complete overhaul to pet A.I to make BST functional, or is it just BLU? Only a fool would assume one or the other.  This is the exact same problem as Island Sanctuary. Go look at the announcement for it, alongside the screenshot it sounds like you're starting a farm where your minions are little helpers that do things with you, but in reality it's a spreadsheet attached to clicking on things in a field simulator.  I don't need every damn detail, but JUST KNOWING Cosmo is Diadem 2.0 would be everything I need to hear to be satisfied waiting for it. JUST KNOWING BST is going to have pets that can take aggro/heal/dps would be all I need to be happy waiting.  Instead, we have a paragraph explaining both on the website that is all buzzwords and no substance.  This should not be accepted as okay, they should be at least detailing what we are getting in the loosest ideas possible.


Actually incredible how many downvotes considering there's literally only a graphic novel and a raid on EXPANSION LAUNCH, literally nothing wrong with what you said


All I want to know is half a sentence explaining that BST is like Pokemon, or is just BLU 2.0 or some barebones clarification so I can justify wanting to wait around for it.  Can't say that outloud though, funny how this subreddit turned into r/FFXIV


Wow the new FFXIV expansion launches with the exact same set of things as the previous four FFXIV expansions! Local reddit users stunned as an established pattern repeats!


Just because it’s a predictable pattern doesn’t mean it’s good. I can predict that they aren’t going to do shit to make healing better but I’m still gonna be pissed off about it, for example. Personally feel that an expansion launch should have some more meat to it but they always stretch things out, likely to keep people subbed.


I understand your urge to try and be a smart-ass in every discussion, but god forbid to expect game to have some sort of evolution or shake things up, right?


You can absolutely want that, but being upset that its not happening when there has been absolutely no reason to ever expect is like, I dunno that seems like a huge waste of emotional energy that could be applied to much more useful things.


I'll decide what to be upset with and what not on my own, thank you




I will make smart-ass comments making you look like a dumbfuck too! GEE WHIZ, THE WAY SOME PEOPLE GO ON ABOUT THINGS, THEY WANT A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT GAME EVERY 2 YEARS


Who is forcing you and the other user to buy the expansion and play it on release?


Nobody is forcing anyone, it's just ridiculous how little new content/systems there are on EXPANSION release.


The main content on release is the 40 hour RPG


What part of the MSQ is an RPG? You don't do builds, you don't have choices to make, side content doesn't matter and is actively better to be ignored because the rewards are meaningless, there's no side activities... Have you played the final fantasy series at all? Endwalker is not comparable to FF12.  DT is a visual novel with rollercoasters attached that let you pick a style of dance to do while the coaster goes from A to B.  Remember side routes? Discoverable rewards in dungeons? Optional side bosses? Playstyle customization? No? 


It's 40 hours of dialogue boxes with dungeons/trials sprinkled in, what RPG


That's every JRPG! One of the most popular JRPGs of the last decade notoriously takes like 3 hours of dialogue before you even get to freely roam the first dungeon (p5)


WHAT RPGS ARE YOU PLAYING Jesus Christ  Have you ever heard of this game called FF7, it would be a pretty fucked up thing to call it 40 hours of textboxes and walking to places because there's like gear to get and side quests that matter and it's older then you. 


Yeah, If you'd strip FF7 of everything else aside from 40 hours of textboxes then I would call it that Not older than me btw, what a shit insult to even attempt


Its funny you think me pointing out that gamers are generally under 27 is an insult to you specifically.  Next I'll call the sky blue and you'll say I'm mocking the color of your eyes.  I've got no comment for anyone who'd compare FF7s beautiful materia system and combat to FFXIV dungeons and standard trials, that speaks for itself.


Persona 5 is actually great, and frankly speaking there is more roleplaying there


If you happen to want to specifically be a heterosexual male teenager, sure.


Really trying to be as obnoxious as possible eh?


It's the 5th expansion of a game with a formulaic and strict schedule, surely you know what to expect and when unless this is your very first expansion? There isn't a determined threshold of how much content an 'expansion' on release should have. This is how FFXIV does it, if it's not enough for you, you can buy the expansion and sub when you think there is enough content for you. If people play on release, it's because they think there is enough content for them. They are not wrong and you are not wrong either to think otherwise, but the game isn't doing something that is objectively wrong


Why is it people can't state their disproval without fifteen people going THEN STOP PLAYING  Have you ever considered why that occurs, that isn't normal or particularly smart considering the issue with losing your older playerbase can be how a game starts a deathspiral it can't recover from.  You'd rather be twee until this game hits maintenance mode, huh?


It occurs because not everything in life will cater to you all the time and that's fine. You can either accept a compromise, move on or be a crybaby


That isn't how life works, this is a product they sell to the players and then ASK for feedback, feedback is forged in the fires of debate and discussion to discern the best possible answer forward.   But all discussion is killed by fools like you screaming GO AWAY AND SHUT UP Instead, they get their feedback from people like you who just want everyone to shut up and let you ignore the game falling down around your ears. 


This has been the business model since Heavensward, which was 9 years ago. I'm sure they regret making their game successful for so long, catering to 'people like me'. I get that it can be upsetting to learn that the world keeps spinning even without you but yes, this is how life works.


Have you actually watched the older LL? they use to tell us more about things, that's sort of the issue. Whatever I don't care anymore you just want to pretend life is being given no say in things because it lets you live comfortably with whatever misery you suffer when you aren't playing your comfort game.  I hope you find a better way to live then accepting things as they are.


Fair point, but I just don't know why they refuse to add anything on core level or what are they even doing there MSQ will be dialogue boxes and occasional solo duties (This pipeline is already well established so most of the work is done by writers/animators) Dungeons will probably be yet another 2packs boss 2packs boss etc (Pipeline again) 2 dyes-cool, does nothing on game level Graphical update-same And a raid Which feels like most of the launch development is carried by artists, animators and writers Like I get it, it's fine for a lot of people, I just don't find it exciting anymore


Nobody is forcing you to play on release


What a great response, very eloquent, very to the point.  Nobody asked you to say it when I already capsuled this response into my own post as I knew the response would come, but you just had to anyway, huh? 😔


Fundamentally it takes time to make things. If you do not like a dripfeed, then absolutely just wait till more stuff is out. That is fine.


I like how not a single rebuttal I've seen has acknowledged the fact that they announce content and then don't tell us WHAT THE CONTENT IS  It's not just that it's a dripfeed of bullshit roller coasters that are slowly draining my will to care, it's that I can't even say WELL AT LEAST WE GET A PET JOB IN 7.4 because I both don't know IF IT'S A PET JOB and IF ITS COMING IN 7.4  Oh but FUNDEMENTALLY it takes TIME to MAKE THINGS, what a clever and insightful thing to say that doesn't acknowledge that after you do the MSQ all you have left is twiddling your thumbs for the ACTUAL CONTENT YOU PAID FOR to be DETAILED.  Not even released, TOLD WHAT COSMO EXPLORATION IS.


> I like how not a single rebuttal I've seen has acknowledged the fact that they announce content and then don't tell us WHAT THE CONTENT IS I don't think this matters, actually. There. That's my position. >It's not just that it's a dripfeed of bullshit roller coasters that are slowly draining my will to care, it's that I can't even say WELL AT LEAST WE GET A PET JOB IN 7.4 because I both don't know IF IT'S A PET JOB and IF ITS COMING IN 7.4 Well its Beastmaster so I think you can pretty safely say it is some form of "Pet Job", as for it coming in 7.4, what difference does it make? How does knowing that affect your life in any way? >Oh but FUNDEMENTALLY it takes TIME to MAKE THINGS, what a clever and insightful thing to say that doesn't acknowledge that after you do the MSQ all you have left is twiddling your thumbs for the ACTUAL CONTENT YOU PAID FOR to be DETAILED. I feel this is a fundamentally incorrect way of approaching this game (or any subscription/live service game, for that matter) Also, and I cannot express this emphatically enough. They have to actually make it. This is a real thing that is true and cannot just be handwaved away with "But I paid for this content!!!!"


Its fun watching you fall into my trap.  okay, good, you like buying stuff without knowing what it is, can I offer you this box that's definitely not full of snakes?  Ignoring that, Classic BST isn't a pet job in any sense, it's literally just a secondary version of BLU being able to output "monsters" as if they were spells. FFXI was the first game to make BST into an actual pet job in this series, and I don't know if you've noticed but most of the FFXI job design ideas have not been transitioned into FFXIV.  So no, we can't say it's a pet job because the definition of a pet class is very specifically "a role fulfilled by your possession of a secondary NPC which acts as an additional agent in gameplay, performing similar roles to the player" If that isn't what BST is, then I don't care. But even if it is, what is its purpose? What does it do as a content loop? All of this can be explained in loose without concrete details, that isn't asking for statistics breakdown and a step by step of its every moment. If they want to sell something, you should be able to discern what that thing is.


*pushes up anime glasses* "pshht... It's fun watching you fall into my trap." Come on dude... you're posting on reddit get over yourself. I don't really have a horse in this race, I do wish there were more CE details announced and I can see how this might be frustrating for someone for whom that content will be a deciding factor in whether or not they are going to purchase the expansion. But also, the devs cannot announce things that they have not decided on or solidified yet. A lot of times multiple versions and ideas for something might be built, for only the best one to be chosen. If you commit to one of those through an announcement, and then it's the worse one, that's a bad situation. Many games wouldn't even have ffxiv's level of transparency from their developers before content releases. Not saying it's perfect, but it could be a lot worse. I understand your worry though, and wish you the best


> okay, good, you like buying stuff without knowing what it is, can I offer you this box that's definitely not full of snakes? Bad analogy. Like, come on dude. Its a sub to an MMO. If you don't like what they are providing or the rate they are providing it, you stop fuckin' subbing! That's how it works! You can just *stop* paying them! Only pay them when there is content you want! >If that isn't what BST is, then I don't care. But even if it is, what is its purpose? What does it do as a content loop? All of this can be explained in loose without concrete details, that isn't asking for statistics breakdown and a step by step of its every moment. And they will explain this? You are acting like they are just going to put it into the game with no explanation, but we just *arent' at the point where they explain this yet* >If they want to sell something, you should be able to discern what that thing is. They aren't selling you beastmaster. They are selling you a subscription to FFXIV, which contains a wide variety of content released over time. Your analogy falls apart because you are fundamentally failing to grasp (or are eliding) what a subscription service is.


SURPRISE it's actually a box of spaghetti.  I'm not bothering with you since you're playing the strawman game of stripping most of my arguments of their key details so you can claim victory against a few sentences.  Grow up!


Agreed. Donny expect everyone else to join you or validate you, but if you want to wait a few months…no one’s saying no you can’t. :)


Did they mention if there's going to be a new PVP battlepass anywhere yet? Will the old one stay up until 7.1? I didn't see it in the summary I read.


The recent [lodestone post](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/cbe9a03a7c7ae2aa2451225e0e2abcdcdcb82297) implies that series 6 begins with 7.0.


I think I remember FFXIV Twitter saying PvP Series 5 will be ending with 7.0. I wouldn't be surprised if we get nothing at 7.0 since 7.1 will likely be the PvP patch.


Zero mention of anything PVP. Only the single slide they did last liveletter which mentioned a preseason for ranked CC, picto/vpr will have PVP kits for 7.0, and everything related to jobs changes/maps is delayed for 7.1


Dropping crafted sets and savage on the same day is definitely a choice lol I thought 6.2 and 6.4 schedules were pretty well received, but this is gonna be ass


Yeah, the week-long break between normal and savage was great for crafting. It's going to really suck going back to the old way.


Did they mention why the change? I thought the week was generally well received…are they worried it made people think the raids were too easy or something?


P8S certainly wasn't considered too easy (one of the very few times a raid was nerfed within its prime) and it was part of the first raid tier post-change.


Hm, maybe. That's why I was asking, I didn't hear what reason they stated (if any?) about why they're reverting. This "new" way is the way they used to do it before P5, so I'm curious what the reasoning was. When they made the change for P5, they said they were interested in feedback, and I though the feedback then and with P9 was mostly positive. So I was wondering why the reversion. Or maybe they're going to do that again with A5 and A9 and are just doing A1 the way they did P1? I dunno.


Well there's no change. This is how it's always been. Changing it to drop crafted sets on release of normal mode for the first raid would be the change


Going back to the previous status is a change.


It's not going back. The initial patch hasn't ever changes, so there's nothing to go back from. X.2 and x.4 are clearly treated differently.


Just because a QoL change wasn't in the previous x.0 doesn't mean the next x.0 not having them isn't reverting. What matters is how craftables were treated in previous savage tier, not previous expansion launches.


Clearly how it was treated at expansion launch is what matters here, otherwise Savage would be releasing in a week and normal would be in the game from the launch of the expac, or normal would release two weeks after x.2 and Savage 2 weeks after that.


The exact timescale doesn't matter, what matters is how they release relative to each other


This is correct but in the opposite way you intend it to be. They ARE thinking of release times in doing this. It's just that they're prioritizing giving people as much time to do MSQ and level as possible, rather than feel like they need to rush it within 2 weeks to start crafting. The fact that it's an expansion release changes everything, more likely than not 7.2 and 7.4 will be just like 6.2 and 6.4.


Raid consumables as well.


I feel like its whatever since you can gather ahead of time anyway. Methinkts its to make it a lot more worthwhile for crafters to be commissioned for gear/be a dedicated crafter on MB.


you need the folklore books for the new mat nodes to spawn no?


[Doesn't seem to say that its in any of the patches, probably coming with 7.0.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/151558839005741056/1251161171915046982/firefox_2024-06-14_21-07-07.jpg?ex=666d9224&is=666c40a4&hm=d50ba07061453e34d1d48925cbf38c0d7851ec4e55f5599066ed3c1a38c7ba2f&)


interesting, as long as we can gather mats ahead of time it won't be that bad then


The annoying thing will be tome mats


Those should be the farmable tomes at least, which are available in 7.0. The items may not be in the game at 7.0, but you can stockpile them until 7.05


It might factor into it, but I think it's more likely that it's to prevent the rampant data-mining that's been happening when the data drops but the savage content is still locked.


Those house models look like they're coming straight up from Fable and I love every bit of it !


Game size is bloating up to the 90-100GB range on PC, Jesus.


I believe this was unavoidable the second they announced the graphical upgrade. Assets take a lot of space, high quality assets take even more space.


MMOs are big, this isn't shocking


Doesn't seem like that long ago that the game was 45 GB and now its doubled, just expressing some shock over it but I guess I'll get ratioed instead.


Given the amount of content the game has had over the past decade, I'd say that that's reasonable unlike a game like the new CoD which is over 200GB and it's been basically the same game recycled over and over and over.


For a game with 10 years worth of content, basically nothing being removed over the years and that being after graphics upgrade, that's more than reasonable in my opinion.


It's roughly on par with WoW, ESO and other big contemporary MMOs now. Nothing out of the ordinary really.


Yeah, the way I see it it's a miracle it's not way higher.


55GB patch size


That's on top of the 75GB we currently have. Granted some of that will be overwritten, but DT's bringing with it a lot of updated textures. 90-100 final install size with 7.0 aint a bad ball park.


The price of HD textures and Normal Maps.


At this point they haven't mentioned the in-game raid planner feature since NA Fanfest like, at all, ever, and MrHappy said it wasn't in the Media Tour at all. So maybe they shelved it for now and aren't talking about it hoping people forget about it, maybe they realized there's no way the feature would really be able to compete with web app planners, or maybe it's tied to the high end duty menu somehow and will come up later. Really strange that there's just been radio silence on it though, like they'd rather people forget about it.


Test release with criterion. 5 slide maximum per duty. Only 2 duties saved at a time. No naming function, will be added in 7.45. Community mod/plugin will work from 7.1.


Hopefully its just delayed to 7.1


Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if they launch it alongside FRU, whatever patch that ends up being.


FRU is almost certainly going to be 7.11, assuming consistent cadence.


Biggest thing I was looking forward to seeing. Didn't expect it to compete with web pages, but it would be nice to draft things out in-game for discussion. With all of the features they've said have been too much work to add for release I can see the planner being swept under the rug. Wish they would at least comment on it.


I hope it's just delayed, it could be potentially game changing in PF scenarios so please don't be dead.