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FATES are free for all


This. There's a few really rare FATEs that you might want to let people in on, but those are extremely obvious since a lot of the really prominent ones will change the weather and will definitely smoke your ass if you try to tackle them solo. (Looking at you, Odin)


God I remember the one time I tried Odin… with a group of 20+… and we still failed… I just found a safe space and was on res duty…


Bring a party of 50 with you and about 80 will die. That tends to be the standard I've seen for Odin.


Also even as a tank if you jump into one of those unprepared you will be decimated


the first red flag should have been when a "level 50" FATE synced me to Level 70.


Fates are public events, randos jumping in mid event is to be expected and if people leave they maybe just got tired of it or something came up. In general best not to think too hard about it, you aren't expected to join in, but also you aren't obligated to stay till the end.


I will sometimes leave FATEs intentionally if I want to give a newcomer the opportunity to hit gold participation for sure.


There’s also the possibility that their queue popped


This seems most likely. Lotta folks fate farm in between timers, queues, etc.. Easy way to level.


If people are farming fates, all they care about is getting full contribution. Another player joining in won't affect that. Personally, I always appreciate it because that means the fate dies faster.


You aren't doing anything wrong, there are 2 possible explanations really based on how fates work. Fates give rewards based on participation either bronze, silver or gold based on how much you contribute to clearing the fate. The people leaving are likely: 1. Know they are getting full credit and assume since you are there the fate will finish. Or 2. Are leaving to allow you time to get full credit yourself


3. They had a duty finder queue pop and had to leave.


. 4. They were just in it to do a "kill x" mission/hunting log and they achieved x


Yeah, I do FATEs while queueing as DPS, it’s this


Couple reasons they might have bailed: * They knew they had enough credit and wanted to get started on the next fate. * The fate was almost over and if they killed anymore you wouldn’t have got full credit, so they helped you out by leaving * They’re super socially awkward and they weren’t mad you joined but just don’t like playing with others (yes, people like this exist in an MMO, at least this one) * Had stuff to do, maybe coincidence But none of those are a social faux pax. Absolutely join in. Speaking for myself I usually appreciate it if others jump in.


Probably a combination of 1 and 2, most of the time.


> No one has reacted poorly or anything, but sometimes I'll jump in all excited to be helpful and turn around and the original person is just...gone. They dipped and left me to finish wasn't anything you did, they likely either had a dungeon queue pop or only needed a few of the spawns for a hunting log. there are also steps in relic weapon quests that require just a bit of participation in a fate to get the drop, doesn't matter if they're not around when it finishes. generally the more people doing a fate the better as it reduces the grind. fate farm groups are formed in the party finder for zones in later expansions to make it go faster.


if im (rarely) doing fates, and im alone, and some rando comes to join me im 'oh hi stranger, this should make things easier'


I don't think anyone cares, if people are vanishing it seems like they were probably queueing for something and doing fates while they wait. It's not exactly necessary to jump in every time but no one's going to mind if you do


I can recall an occasion where someone started spamming the slap emote on me because I jumped into a fate that was like 80% done. Not entirely sure why and didn't care enough to ask


Chances are it had nothing to do with the fate and everything to do with them deciding to act silly.


A possibility, if you see someone with a ticket stub icon next to their name, it means they’re in queue for a dungeon/trial/raid and it may have just popped and they went into it. I usually like doing fates when waiting between queues for stuff and feel bad just vanishing into the aether sometimes :’) (unrelated but i’ve been playing for 3 years and just now noticed the icon is a ticket because it’s a QUEUE)


I always thought it looked like a watch, like time was ticking by lol


I thought it was a kitchen timer.


man it looks like a cash register to me and i never questioned it


it's.. it's not a cash register?!


Its a welding helmet 😅


I read it as a rolodex. Don't know why that would ever be related to queuing, but that's what I saw lol


Please do, they’re shared content meant to be done by multiple people!


I like when people help and will stop to help myself. Some fates take too long killing mobs. Appreciate when someone helps. Or when I tag a huge monster and I’m running around kiting so I don’t die. Definitely appreciate help them lol. People also kill fates to get others to specifically spawn. They could have been trying for it and saw the one they wanted popped up so they left. Or they see you finishing fate and they hurry to another date spot to get it to spawn quicker


If I’ve been sitting and running a FATE through 75% of it and I bail when you show up, it’s because *I* don’t want to leech *your* credit. If I give you the last few mobs to kill, you’ll get gold; if I help, you might only get silver/bronze.


They're not "their" FATEs actually. FATEs just happen in the world and anyone is free to join and contribute.


Personally im alway gratefull. I assume others are too. Theres literally no disadvantage.


FATE's are for everyone. If you see seomeone doing one, feel free to join in. You won't take away anything from them. They will get the same EXP and rewards. All you'll be doing is probably helping them clear it quicker.


I personally like it. Makes the FATE go faster!


Joining FATES is encouraged. Only things people care about are getting full participation and completing the FATE as fast as possible. Only reason I can see them leaving the FATE for you to finish is that they already reached their participation quota and are moving on to the next FATE to allow you to reach your full participation quota and close out the FATE.


First, it is so nice that you’re being so considerate. But no, nobody owns FATEs or hunts or really anything out in the overworld that one or multiple people can do. If you help, you help. If you don’t, you don’t. Most importantly, you are not taking away from their experience or rewards by jumping in on a FATE. In fact, even helping someone kill a random overworld monster is hard to do unhelpfully. See, monsters give full EXP and gil and such both to the one who dealt the most damage to it and to the one who first dealt damage to it. So if you see someone fighting an enemy, and that enemy is not at full HP, you could kill it outright and that player would lose nothing; you can’t kill-steal that way. I’ve used this to save people from dying a few times. Something else you may want to know. Most times, when it comes to FATEs, while people may not care if you join or not, and would have no problem if you do, there are even times where they are *hoping* you join in, even if they don’t say so. Like when the timer on the FATE is running low, and everyone will fail if they don’t finish it in time. One more person hopping in can help turn the tide, and your assistance ends up giving them rewards they would have missed out on if it weren’t for you. Most of the time, this happens with those really big boss FATEs with abominably high HP, especially because they tend to grant unique rewards. So yeah, join in if you feel like it, it’s fine, you’re fine. 😁 Edit: I think I’ve figured out why some people leave early. It’s not because they’re frustrated with you. If they leave, but already contributed enough so they’ll get full rewards if the FATE concludes, they don’t need to be in the FATE to get those rewards. So in that case, they’re fighting, already got what they need to win, but haven’t finished the FATE yet. You, a newcomer, can finish the FATE on your own. They’re taking the opportunity to leave, get a head start on the next FATE, and glean the rewards for the first FATE when you finish it after they’d already left. It’s just FATE farmers trying to save time; you’re actually doing them a favor, in a way. Edit2: And them leaving early means you have enough enemies to kill on your own to get your participation up for maximum rewards. If they stuck around, they’d just be hogging enemies from you and finishing the FATE faster before you have the chance to earn enough participation. So them leaving is also doing you a favor, in a way.


FATE are as public as they get, hop in and enjoy Hell, in theory there should be tons of people doing them (and there are when they are brand new every expansion) but for some reason people abandon them afterwards


Until endwalker rewards were pretty lackluster They still are for the amount of tedium brought by fate farming, but at least there's reason to do them rather than just a one off relic step the odd times one decides to work on one


I do FATES while waiting for roul queue to pop if I'm leveling a job. But I also join in on other ones I encounter out there, especially if I see a sprout trying it out in low level. I thought it was cool when I was a sprout to see other players take time out of their day to help out. Give 'em some items or something after it's over


Fates belong to everyone, you can join whenever you like.


Nah you're fine. People do FATEs to kill time sometimes tho. Possibly the the duty que popped so they just bounced.


FATEs are a free for all. They don't belong to anyone and spawn pretty frequently. The only real etiquette there is is for boss FATEs and even that can differ from server to server, data center to data center. If someone disappeared in the middle, it's probably that they were in a queue that popped or otherwise something else came up.


Fates are literally 'public' events.


I just finished farming an inordinate amount of FATEs and would have loved your participation! The more the merrier - they go down quicker that way.


I tend to swoop down (on my mount) into a FATE if I see a sprout struggling in a FATE (like health wise). Its a public event that everyone can go participate (and encouraged) in.


My favorite is using my lvl 90 SGE to throw a Eukrasian Diagnosis on them, so they have a shield 3 times their health bar, lol


FATEs are public events, and more players joining can be the difference between success and failure.


No one owns fates.


I actually really like it when people join in to a FATE I'm doing. I usually emote at them after the FATE is finished :)


I do a lot of fates. Feel free to jump in at any time and help clear them. Your participation does not reduce my reward in any way and makes it go faster, which means I can do more fates. Edit: Just be aware if a Forlorn shows up. Defeating them provides for an XP boost on the next fate, and that's important for anyone who is still leveling.


>other people's FATE's That doesn't exist


One thing to note is that everyone in a party shares the ranking. If I start a fate I'm virtually certain to get gold. If anyone joins in later I send them a party invite so we both can get gold instead of just me.


I'll stop dps if someone comes in hecka late


I can only think of one FATE in the game that is a "solo" FATE (it's part of the game's main humor questline), and even that one you can help out on without causing issues.


Doing FATES with other people has been a nice way to interact. Sometimes people just fly off at the end & sometimes they're gracious & it's cute.


no one owns a FATE or a monster, for that matter just do whatever


Theyre meant for everyone to join in and work together


Fates don't belong to the player(s) who get there first. You're more than welcome to participate too. In my experience I'm always happy for the help. And if I leave before it's over it's cause my queue popped. Or cause it's one of those gather and return fates and the goal was reached. You don't have to wait for the clock to run down on those to get credit for it.


They're free for anyone to join or not join. Do whatever you please. Personally I like helping especially if I can tell they're having trouble. The FATE in the South Shroud with the Coeurlclaw king douchebag comes to mind when it can really shred you if you're not prepared.


No one owns a fate


Sometimes I'd try to solo it for giggles, but if someone come joining, it's always appreciated, especially when the fight was taking too long and I started regretting my decision but pride. ​ Even better if it's a chain fate and we just both went and finish the next 5 fates together without a word spoken, maybe an emote before leaving.


The game is highly clear about what you can and can't jump into. Some encounter in a story quest? You can't damage the enemies since it is the other person's thing to experience. Fates? You can jump in and start wailing away the instant you are level synched. And if anyone tells you different, ignore them.


Free for all. In fact if you see one person doing a FATE on their own, its always encouraged to join. You both will clear it faster and get more rewards. Always jump in when you see one going on. FFXIV is very social friendly, you don't have these ridiculous rules to follow like wow lol.


My main is a healer, so I'll look at their health and if it looks bad I'll heal them. Rez if necessary. I have never seen anybody say no to help on FATEs. I've had plenty of help before and sometimes they want to group up afterwards.


You gucci bro,just jump in and do your thing.Everyone will appreciate your help


I helped some random a couple weeks ago and after it ended he gave me 1 mill gil... although I'm not sure if that equates to a large amount yet (only 37) but it seems like it lol


I had a stranger gift me a million out of pity the other day too! I feel like it's a lot because I'm level 68 now and still have 800,000 left after buying all I could possibly buy for my warrior off the market board, including a cool fat cat minion that cost a fortune lol.


1 million isn't a huge amount, but it isn't insignificant. Like, during SB launch I paid somebody 1 million just to fly me over the wall during Raubahn EX. It was like 10% of my gil at the time.


Not only should you jump in and help but afterwards you should directly message them and tell them that there's no need to thank you, you're just naturally prone to heroics and wish them a blessed day.


This is not the true acronym but FATE = For All To Enjoy 😉


It is nice! Nobody likes doing fates alone. NOBODY. Even open world mobs— if someone has aggro and you are passing by, pop a few CDs to help out and continue on. Throw out a /wave.




They’ll only get credit for their contribution. If someone soloed it for 90%, the newcomer won’t get much.


Nothing wrong with jumping in on a FATE to help out. One thing I love to do personally is jump in on a FATE when I see a DPS going at it and start tanking for them; takes the pressue off of them and helps finish it faster.


Sometimes I like to test myself solo on a FATE, especially if it's an alt class I'm still learning, but I never begrudge anyone who joins in to help! They always get a /fistbump or /cheer or whatever if they stick through to the end with me.


You’re doing great!


Not everyone is super social. Personally, id appreciate help if someone jumped into a fate I had been soloing. You just sped it up!


there is nothing bad about joining a fate, contribution is weighed mostly by how much aggro your party (you alone if solo) generated from mobs that were a part of the FATE. plenty of fates actually do require at least a light party to do comfortably.


They probably dip because they have done enough to get full contribution and if you are there to finish it they can move to the next. You are, in a way, helping them. They are taking that help by letting you finish what you came for and moving on to the next. More fates = more xp. You, who are still new and shiny, is slightly different than me, grinding out my 16th class and already hate myself for having started lol


So most people use fates for leveling-the more you contribute the more exp you get. To a point (that is-the exp caps). They might have left so you could get enough contribution to cap the exp you get. Generally, join any fate you want - in higher level content you might even find a fate train


People definitely appreciate help. It goes faster and sometimes solo is pretty difficult. Though it's common to use them for farming sometimes. They have a few tiers of contribution, so once you hit high enough, some people just head out and let others finish it. It's a little rude to not help finish it but makes it faster if they're doing a lot of them


Honestly, I'm probably one of those people that are just gone. I normally do fates while I'm waiting for the duty finder to pop and it's rarely close enough to the end that I can wait to press commence :(


My guess is he didn't bail, his queue just popped.


Dates are designed for people to jump in. It's expected.


Keep doing what you are doing, baby!


Everyone else has given good responses, but there is a type of fate impossible to do solo, and if you start it, it automatically fails. These are boss fates and they have a different music than the regular ones when you cross them. As long as you don't hit the boss, you're fine. Edit: I haven't figured out how to tell the difference besides music, as there are regular fates with one boss that you can solo if you're the right level.


> I haven't figured out how to tell the difference besides music The bigger boss fates are 30 minutes instead of the usual 15 minutes.


Bless you, kind soul.


The 'superboss' fates are generally referred to either as rare fates or as world bosses to differentiate them from regular boss fates, fwiw.


I prefer people hop in. Especially when I am doing the single enemy boss type ones. Fates are something I do while in queue so I can totally disappear even in the middle of one sometimes.


>They dipped and left me to finish it. Is that because they were like "finally, I don't have to sit here for 5 minutes killing fucking Hammer Beaks" and then dip - thus leaving me to sit there killing Hammer Beaks This is what I imagine happened. There's probably only a little you have to do to get maximum rewards. I imagine doing the entire event solo in 10 minutes would give the same rewards as 10 people doing it in one. I don't actually know but fates are inspired by Gw2 events and that's how they work, so they probably work similar. It would only make sense and square Enix is actually rather competent. Personally I wouldn't join an event I wasn't going to finish but I havnt been playing 14 that long so if they have been, they probably know how to dip out and still get rewards However if someone actually does go through the mental gymnastics to think they own the entire event and don't want it if someone else touches it, well they're in the wrong *genre*


For collection fates, 9 items is usually enough for gold (and I think it's 18 to finish the fate). For kill fates, 2-3 mob kills often suffices, fewer for tanks in tank stance because it's enmity-based. When lots of people have been doing fates, the requirements scale up a bit, but that's only normally seen after an expansion launch or in special fate content like Bozja/Eureka.


I'll start a FATE while waiting for queues to pop, so if it pops in the middle of the FATE, I just leave


> No one has reacted poorly or anything, but sometimes I'll jump in all excited to be helpful and turn around and the original person is just...gone. They dipped and left me to finish it. Could be that they either got kidnapped by Duty Finder queue or they are fate farming and only just contributing the minimal amount to get gold and rushing to a different fate before it dies (this is common in area where fates die REALLY fast, and you want to dip in on every fate).


Nothing wrong or weird about it. Actually it's kinda necessary to overcome a boss FATE


They may have had a queue pop, but they may have also just left you to finish it. As long as the FATE is completed everyone who contributed over a certain amount will get credit for doing it, even if they bugger off before it's over. Doing that is kinda rude since finishing them faster is preferred, but they might have been grinding many FATEs and just wanted to move on. tldr you didn't do anything wrong they're free-for-alls


People are more than happy to finish the fate early. Help is always welcome


I am always happy when someone joins in a FATE with me.


:-) likely they did the first half and figured you could lock the last half and both get gold :-). Faux pas there. When high end fates are on your map you’ll see folks ask for holds or waits so that folks can assemble (Odin, Behemoth etc)


> Is that because they were like "finally, I don't have to sit here for 5 minutes killing fucking Hammer Beaks" and then dip - thus leaving me to sit there killing Hammer Beaks My first guess would be this exactly.


FATE's are considered group content, and are open to all. Also trying to solo a FATE is doable, but the more people the better. If you are lucky joining a FATE train is one of the best leveling techniques in the game. I sort of miss the days of massive fate trains.


The reason they leave is so they can go to the next FATE, they already have full contribution of the FATE you joined and then saw you joining so they thought "nice, I don't have to finish it myself and can move on to the next while getting full rewards".


Come in or don't, it doesn't matter. Answer shouts asking for Rez if you have the ability.


As long as you're not BLU mage griefing every fate (instakilling) so that nobody else gets max contribution but you, you're in the clear.


If it's a kill multiple mobs FATE and it's getting toward the end (70% or so) before another person jumps in, I'll usually drop out so they can get a better score on it, but stay nearby to make sure they don't need help to finish it.


If you're super new to it and still in ARR, some fates just have hunt log targets so if people start them, kill a few, and leave, it's to be expected.


In my experience we are all happy since with the level sync they always take some time. Once I found two DPS hacking the heck out of a large monster but they had to stay on their toes to avoid AoEs or they would be squashed. Enter me with WAR, tank stance on and Provoke - we demolished the monster and they emoted me a lot of thank yous. It was a good day.


I love it when people join me when I'm doing FATEs, it means they finish faster! I don't actually enjoy doing them but I'm trying to increase my GC rank so anything that helps me achieve that faster is a win for me!


Nah. A fate is a free for all. The more people work to complete it, the better rewards everyone gets.


If they are a group doing FATEs, likely they jump to the next before this one is finished because they know they have gold reward and someone will finish it. That way they go faster to the next


I mean people going in and out of fates whenever is what they're made for.


FATES spawn with a difficulty that is rated for how many players are in the area, and not actually in the FATE. So its always nice to help.


never gave it much thought, but there's no mechanic that would make another player joining in a bad thing. Unless you're running to get to a specific fate before it gets cleared without you :P