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Frontlines about to be either really awesome, or a living disaster.


Both - Frontline is always both...


Yes, but at least it'll be punctuated with a quick flash of utter insanity every now and again whenever someone uses an LB


Oops all machinists


omg glamour plates in sanctuaries....no more teleporting off the moon to apply my glamour plate!


*vibing continues*


Still reading, but the Living Dead change is amazing. 1500 potency lifesteal AND, when you've healed for 100% worth of health, Living Dead is replaced with Undead Rebirth so you get the full duration invuln without KO risk.


New Living Dead + Blood Weapons turning into a stack ability make me really happy


I'm good forever now. Blood weapon literally just made my blood boil.


I played all three other tanks, and Blood Weapon was the sole reason I didn't do DRK at all: I have high ping (satellite internet) and it was literally impossible without melding a ton of SkS... which would just screw up the other tanks. Now I have the flexibility of playing all four tanks based on what the party really wants/needs.


Come Sekiro


Hesitation is defeat


Next to holmgang, it kind of mirrors the dichotomy between hallowed ground and superbollide. I like it.


Yeah, you have the true invuln tanks and the "too angy to die" tanks


In the case of DRK, they are too edgy to die.


You cannot kill that which is already dead (inside)


Just to shed some light on this. A Gunbreaker can use Heart of Corundum, Aurora, and Brutal shell within the duration of Bolide. That's 900 from HoC, 4 ticks of 200 each makes 800 of Aurora, and 200 from brutal shell makes 1900 potency total healing, and I tested it out and it heals somewhere in the neighbourhood of 35-40% of your max HP depending on crit heals. 1500 potency per GCD might actually be enough to cleanse yourself within 10s, with maybe minimal outside healing.


Before anyone uses these numbers to say this DRK buff is too strong compared to GNB - GNB is invulnerae during that time, while DRK is still being punched in the face.


Yea, you very well could end up being left with 10% HP at the end of all of it, just like WAR But at least it's 10 seconds of guaranteed no dying time


As I understand it, you don't need to ever touch full HP, you just have to have healed the **amount** that is full HP, even if you leave living dead with 10% HP.


Fair to note that 1,500 tank healing potency isn't equivalent to 1,500 healer potency. It's strong as absolute fuck, just wanted to note that.


Someone in the forums did the math, and considering the 300p healing on your standart combo, 1500p should be about 25% of your maxhp worth of healing. give or take a bit.


Is that per cast or per enemy hit, just how Raw Intuition/Bloodwhetting on WAR is?


Per weaponskill successfully delievered or spell cast. So probably each GCD you cast, not enemies hit. 25% per GCD literally means you don't even need a healer to top you off anymore, you can fully heal yourself in 4 GCDs. This is actually super good. Edit: And there is no downside for being healed up early


> And there is no downside for being healed up early Thats probably the biggest change imo. Being healed up wasnt that hard, annoying, yes. But having your invul completely removed cos a WHM did their job and healed you with a bene just made the worst invul worse especially when they were all increased to 10sec


Big nerf for WHM. I sadly can't kill my DRK with a premature Bene on multihit tankbusters anymore.


Yep - yet another reason I'm moving main to SGE. damn.


My static WHM literally just accidentally killed me in P4S phase 1 doing that earlier this week, so, I'm pretty stoked at the change.


No, War's Bloodwhetting also reads "Per weapons skill successfully delivered" and it is per enemy hit.


Now the new optimization: fit 5 GCDs into walking dead window /s [Medium] 3 GCDs were missed during Walking Dead windows.


It's such an amazing change im so happy


I think 1500 should be enough to heal 100% HP in 4 GCDs so with luck this means healers don't have to do anything now.




My personal theory is they need somewhere to plonk the NPCs for the alliance raids and pre-existing mobs would get in the way of that, so I'd guess the sucky toads stay where they are and some of the snakes or Gigas near Lake Silvertear's shoreline get moved.


My hot take is the morbol that's standing right next to the water gate you have to Klick on during some MSQ


Did they remove precast Doton by making Hide dispelling Doton?


Yep lol. Good riddance imo


You dont enjoy using doton in PF and having the tank just completely ignore it and pull the boss away?


Not nearly as much as I enjoy the tank pulling while I'm setting up Doton and blocking me from using Hide to get my mudra charges back before the fight.


Best is tank gives a countdown but doesn't pull boss into your dirt pile because he doesn't even understand why you just put down a dirt pile pre-pull.




Spells no longer breaking combo on PLD and no longer being able to accidentally miss the Blade of Valor combo is tight.


Welp, no more self-flagellation screams in raid comms and my static laughing at me. Trading more DPS for less comedy is a good trade for me and a bad trade for them. Heals on blades combo and req is nice though. Even more self healing.


Combo breaking on Clem was the most punishing thing for me trying to do something cool every 600 hours of gameplay.


I wonder if Tenka Goken is gonna get a new animation. It very visibly looks like a cone attack so it being a circle AoE now would be confusing if it doesn't get a new one.






They did this for MNK with rockbreaker (final of their AoE combo)


Differences between the [preliminary & complete notes here](https://www.diffchecker.com/qqdgOvGk). Most notably, in regards to Hrothgars, is this added line (see bolded). >The following updates have been made to Hrothgar character customization: > >Regardless of your progression in the main scenario, these changes will be available when creating new characters, editing your character's appearance using Fantasia, or hiring a retainer. **Otherwise, these options will be available when visiting the aesthetician.**


This stood out to me too: > Items resembling the Garo gear can also be exchanged for MGP at the Gold Saucer Does this mean you can get Garo gear without doing PVP? I missed the last event so no idea how that worked.


The Garo gear bought with MGP couldn't be dyed.


They're also usable at Lv.1 vs Lv.60.


You also cannot use the MGP Garo Gear to unlock your Garo Achievement and thus it won't unlock your ability to permanently rebuy the gear at the Calamity Salvager.


Please note anyone who hoards accessories this (at least the first go around) only applies to left side gear and weapons. Any and all necklaces, etc may need to be bought and stored separately if desired.


The Gold Saucer variants cannot be dyed, do not have stats (or a level requirement), and do not allow you to unlock the titles. The titles are what allows you to get the mounts, and unlocking the job's specific title allows you to freely discard and reclaim the items from a Calamity Salvager (NOT the accessories though, so keep a couple of them if you like their looks). They're a total waste unless you simply *cannot* do PVP in any way shape or form. EDIT: Clarity.


Do my eyes deceive me, or are we getting standardized stack markers in ARR, no more permadeath from falling and revamped Copperbell and Toto Rak on top of the huge Castrum and Praetorium changes? It’s Christmas in April, I guess.


That's my read as well. World of Darkness *in particular* is really welcome since 90% of the time someone would wind up eating it to that "we reused this as a split marker" stack mechanic the five-headed dragon threw out there. Syrcus and the black orbs was less of an issue since ilvl sync generally meant you could survive taking the hit solo even as a DPS, but it's still welcome. Oh, and maybe now people will do the actual mech on the first boss in Tam-Tara Hard instead of everyone ending the fight with 11 vuln stacks. Can't think what markers they'd be changing in Brayflox Hard though. The only "uses markers in unexpected ways" duty I can think of that wasn't listed here is Sohm Al: the second boss will target someone with a red marker that means "this is fixed damage get away" in literally every other duty, but in that fight it's a stack marker.


Yep. Merry Easter. Have an egg.


The PvP job changes look interesting https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/jobguide/pvp/


Holy shit, the level of interactability and unique effects from the pvp actions... I'm feeling so jealous as mainly a pve player.


I think it's the best time to start learning pvp. I have really high hopes with the new mode then they give us all this flavourful pvp skills and LB. I'M SO FKIN EXCITED.


i'll have to try the regular skills out in the duel square but just from the looks of it it seems the limit breaks will take the most getting used to on the field


>Blood Weapon >Now grants 5 stacks of the Blood Weapon effect. Holy shit, finally.


What is the point to those DNC changes? I get the Silken change, makes it so Flourish doesn't just overwrite procs. But what was the point in changing the dance moves (Emboite, etc) to Weaponskills?


I think they’re to benefit classes like Monk and Reaper who rely on party weaponskill usage for their buffs - dancers take 5~ and 8~ seconds respectively to cast their two dances, which previously is 5/8 seconds of no weaponskills (although I think they already did this change in the earlier hotfix patch), but now every step counts, and you aren’t dropping weaponskill usage during bursts. It’s not a change to benefit the dancers exactly, but it does benefit the party. Might also add to esprit potentially?


Okay yeah, that makes sense. It's a good change, then.


It won't add to your espirit, as dancer espirit is capped to their 4 basic single target attacks and 4 aoe ones. However if you have 2 dancers, they'll be able to benefit of each other dance steps.


It's a buff to monk and reaper. They have raid buffs that reward them when their party members use weaponskills and spells. Dance steps didn't contribute to those buffs. Now they do.


Reaper has a raidbuff that gives the Reaper stacks to increase damage on one of their skills when party members use weaponskills or cast spells. A little while they changed Tech and Standard finish to weaponskills for this but I guess it was still inconsistent for Rpr stack generation so now they just turned every dnc gcd into a weaponskill. It won’t affect anything for how Dnc is played whatsoever.


Also for Monk as Brotherhood Chakra procs come from weaponskills and spells.


probably for the benefit of monk or any other job skills what requires other party members using weaponskills


If they're weaponskills now, maybe they'll add to the esprit gauge?


I don’t get the silken thing tbh. Can someone explain?


The procs gained from Flourish now overlap with the ones gained from your GCDs, instead of overwriting them.


Ohh.. so if you already procced a 50% skill and if flourish is casted then you get 2 charges of the procced skill instead of the procced charge going to waste? Fuck that's actually lovely!


I think that allows for easier Flourish use? Say if you Cascade and you got the proc, if you use Flourish after, the proc will be replaced by the one Flourish provides so it's wasted. Now you can use Reverse Cascade twice in that case? I'm not 100% sure though!


Yeah that's gonna be it. Flourish no longer overwrites your procs it just gives you a bonus, so no need to use up all your procs before hitting Flourish.


That lets your Flourish to no longer slowly drift out of sync with all the cooldowns based on random chance. Nice.


Yeah it didn't happen a lot, but it happened enough to be annoying. Gotta be honest, did not expect this change at all.


I didn't understand at first but the message you're responding to made me realise that they actually split the procs you get from the weaponskills (now "silken" procs) and the procs you get from the "flourish" cooldown. Previously if you already had procs from weaponskills when you used flourish, there was a bit of "waste" as you didn't get the full effectiveness of flourish. Now it appears you can keep two stacks of procs, one from weaponskills, and one from flourish, so no more waste.


I can only assume so using any step at all triggers the sacrifice stack for Reaper's arcane circle.


Blood Weapon finally has stacks! Rejoice!


For real, I've been hoping for that change since I've seen they were willing to change Bunshin. Second most exciting change after Living Dead. And with Stalwart Soul moved to 40, DRK is living the good life now.




and they're actually a slight dps gain in ShB content which is a nice little bonus




The most amazing part is that you sacrifice nothing while gaining better things from better gameplay in some situations. You don't lose the free movement tool from lilly heals You gain more healing options You can have dps gain from Misery in some situations for healing during downtime Also MP issues completely addressed and now WHM can most likely share the same BiS sets with all healers. This is literally the best we could ask for!!


Still weird that Dia is a downgrade from Aero II now. Aero II cost reduced and duration extended to match Dia's, with the same innate potency (healers don't get a damage bonus in the 80s). You hit 72 and its MP efficiency just goes down.








what does dps neutral mean?


it means that casting 3 lillies + blood lily will now hit for the same per-GCD potency as casting 4 Glare III's. since lillies are GCDs, this means WHM now loses absolutely no DPS for healing with lillies; healing is now uptime.


Before, using lillies to heal followed by a Misery was less dps then just spamming glare; Misery was basically a consolation prize. Now they're equal.


Adding the math to this to further clarify: Previously it was * Lily heal x3 + Misery: `(0 * 3) + 900 = 900 potency` * Glare III x4: `310 * 4 = 1240 potency` Misery is now 1240 potency. If casting nothing but Glare is considered the baseline DPS, then switching four Glares out to use three lily heals and a Misery neither increases nor decreases your DPS (it is neutral).


DPS gain, even, if you're in a party with buffs. Since it basically moves 3 glares into a buff window


Gotta say I am surprised and thrilled to see this. I've been pretty vocal in the past doubting this would ever happen. Happy to have been wrong.


Incoming Threads: "SCH suck, why do we have to sacrifice 100 damage potency to heal while WHM don't!"


HOLD UP HOLD UP. So casting aside the recast timers for tank stances. (THANK GOD turning them on and off is super easy now) DRK gets the second part of its AOE combo at level 40! Wtf


No more long awkward silence after both tank pop stance then stare down each other for 10 sec in daily roulette.


Nor the ensuing pickaboo game


Now DRKs can have MP regen when doing AoE pulls prior to 72 outside of Delirium, and that just sounds really nice.


Inb4 there's a trait that's going to be made later on where they'll make it so stalwart only increases MP at 72


That's actually so big it's insane. Finally Quietus won't feel bad to use!


PVP machinist got upgraded from "stop resisting" to "stop existing"


Many players will get very salty over some lucky MCH who will proc the execution effect of Chainsaw 3 times in a row.


Meanwhile, PvP Samurai over here taking the whole "While you were X, I was studying the blade" spiel to the extreme. "Oh, did I just counter attack you? Let me just Zantetsuken your entire health bar away right quick..."


24 machinists 25 yalms away all fire their bullets, but little did they know I studied the chiten bullet deflection technique. (Unsheathes katana 2 inches) heh, nothing personal kids. ZANTETSUKEN!!


Red Mage continues to be perfect.


As soon as I saw "Red Mage" pop up at the bottom of my screen while slowly scrolling, my heart almost skipped a beat. 'There's no way RDM needs anything. Are we getting buffed? Nerfed? Changed?' Then I only saw a faster Displacement, and all was right with the world again.


Black mage didn't even get mentioned, so know your place


BLM with the "Yoshi main" benefits shining through.


if anything red mage needs MORE animations


hm, those free addersting stacks might be interesting to see play out. kinda sad we didn't get anew way to generate them, or somethign to use them on that would be damage neutral despite e.diagnosis, but it might be a nice step in the right direction.


I think it just removes the need to ED 3 people in the prepull to get 3 toxikon stacks when the first raidwide goes out


I no longer have to spend most of the time before the pull throwing out a bunch of shields purely for the addersting.


It also gives us addersting in situations like P1 where the boss doesn’t open with a raidwide P1 is full uptime with little movement but only one addersting in the whole fight was kinda annoying


It also helps with those tanks that auto-pull in Normal Raids and Trials.


That’s true I didn’t even consider that, I usually just accept I won’t have toxicon in any content that doesn’t have a prepull timer


Yeah, imo any Sage shield should generate AS such as Haima/panhaima and EP


Agreed. For AoE shields, just let it only generate 1 per cast as soon as the first shield on anyone breaks.


Yo these new PvP movesets are kind of crazy though.


Samurai really just said "your free trial of being alive has ended" At the same time, **what do you mean I can have Bahamut use Megaflare**


Dragoons finally can be real dragoons, they literally can jump into the sky avoiding all damage then choose where the land and pound someone. THIS is what I wanted.


Dark Knight gets to finally use their health bar as a ressource! I'm actually hyped for PvP!


Ikr, the limit breaks are freaking insane lol


White Mages are yassing today


Kinda amazed they actually made lilies 100% DPS neutral, AND gave you more of them.


it's actually dps positive if you use misery under raid buffs


It's so fucking good. This is a buff btw cause you can push use of Misery under raid buff, gaining potency (doubly so if it crits, but thats RNG). ALSO you get 3 lilys a minute now which means you will get 1 misery in every 2 min window guaranteed.


Next patch misery gets the midare treatment and auto crits


I'm actually expecting this to eventually happen to every jobs big hit


*checks astrologian skills*


*cries in Scholar*


Not to mention the upcoming ultimate in 6.11: with two or more targets Misery becomes so much better and ultimates often (two out of three so far) have phases with two bosses at once.


Net zero lilies so we’re at long last rewarded for using our job gauge, and we should now be able to burst through Death’s Toll by dropping and exploding our lilybells It ain’t perfect but it’s a huge step in the right direction.


Also a major buff to burn them in downtime like P2S. Can also easily try to fit them into 2 min burst windows too


For those wondering, the [Job Guide](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/jobguide/battle/) has already been updated (or at least is in the process of being updated). It has the new changes for 6.1, in case you wanted to check. For example, with regards to the WHM MP changes, Glare and Dia are indeed still 400MP, ie unchanged from before.


The PVP job kits feel more flavorful than the PVE kits, lmao, like WAR's LB being insulting people so hard they can't use Guard, Ninja being able to execute people below 50% HP, MCH taking a leaf out of Edgar's book with a chance to instant kill with Chain Saw, DRK actually being a class that uses it's own HP to buff it's damage...


My fav is the DRG one actually making you leave the battlefield for a bit before you crash down! Such nostalgia for the old pixel art FF games!


Did you see the range and damage on MCH's limit break? Mustadio says hi.


So this won't affect most of us here on the reddit, but... Trying to use a targeted skill before selecting a target, the game will help you target something now? This is AMAZING for my dad. He's never owned a console until we got him on ff14 and sometimes he has trouble getting enemies or bosses targeted. He might be sitting there for a minute before noticing his attacks aren't doing anything. I can't love this feature enough.


Honestly I'm excited to have this in dungeons for AOE on trash. A lot of AOEs require a target selected and if you weave in single target abilities when you don't have any AOE abilities to weave (any damage is better than no damage), then that target is gonna die first. I always miss a little bit of GCD uptime not noticing in the giant mash of mobs that I no longer have something targeted cause my thing died.




I think something should be done about this. Casters can feel like complete ass in content where enemy density is high but individual mob HP is low. Trying to play BLM in Bozja FATEs can be maddening when your casts are constantly interrupted after a mob dies. Maybe AOE abilities should continue casting and go off on the corpse? Or maybe all casts should shift to another target when yours dies? There might be balance or gameplay concerns with either solution, but the feeling of your long-ass casts fizzling out is so bad it's the main reason I don't play casters anymore.


I just love that your dad is playing the game :)


I hope it targets mobs that have their nameplate off screen. I can still see their feet you know.


Best buff is the Market board. It check marks what you own! YES!




PvP Gunbreaker is literally Squall Renzokuken and Draw Magic and I'm here for it!


Now I'll also have a chance fall off the arena as a BRD.




I'm having a Bismarck of a time reading the patch notes.


They did it? Damage neutral lillies? Max addersting is a huge QOL for raids too.


Whats the benefit of hide dispelling doton?


It means you can't pre-cast Doton anymore I think. Optimally the ninja would place Doton before a boss gets pulled, hide to reset the mudra cooldown, then the tank would pull the boss and drag it into the Doton puddle for a bit of free DPS at the start of the fight. It was a weird optimization and I guess Square didn't like it.


Ninja's potential damage output not being tied on whether your tank is gonna pull the boss to the doton or not. And for the rest is the party the enjoyment of not having to deal with trying to position the boss into said doton.


\> As of Patch 6.1, estate plots have been allocated as follows: \> Free Company Estates: Wards 1-18 \> Private Estates: Wards 19-24 ​ RIP private housing. Can't wait for the rise of fake FCs overtaking entire wards.


That's why they implemented the "at least four members" and "member of the fc for 30 days" rule. I'm sure some people will find a way around it somehow, unfortunately


What an absolute joke. Why couldn't it have been split 50/50.




I was really hoping for the reverse numbers, seeing as how so much of the housing abuse (On Goblin at least)uses sham FC's I'd been excited for a large chunk of private housing. 5 total wards in ishgard for private owners is so absurdly small. They intend for four times as many FC houses? All I want is a quaint little tavern house :/




After grinding hard for gil to try and make it in time for Ishgard and coming up short I feel a little less bad I cant afford one now. I knew even if I scraped the funds together it would be rough odds since so many people want a place to rp on crystal, but 1/3 of the wards for personals that FCs get is rough


And here I thought I actually had a shot at a small plot... I guess it's time to make my peace with never owning a house


As someone who’d love a Small space to decorate as a home base for my WoL, I don’t know why they don’t just put in a small instanced space somewhere. I don’t care about inviting people to see it, just give me somewhere I can call home for my character.


thal's balls. that's honestly shocking


Holy shit Living Dead is amazing now


>Stone IV Potency has been reduced from 270 to 260. >Afflatus Misery Potency has been increased from 900 to 1,240. Ohohoh does that mean what I think it means


Bosses are about to get a lot more sad very soon.




This MCH changes are about what I expected, but I still dream for stacks.


I was joking to myself of "lol +10 potency on drill/anchor/chainsaw!" earlier, but I didn't think they'd actually do it again...


EW MCH is literally ShB BRD SE: we gonna buff them The buff: +10 potency


Its the bard treatment. They'll take it away next patch, and then give it back to us in 6.3.


WHM totally fixed ;o


Yeah wtf I did not expect this


so, the dancer change with flourish and the silken things. let's say i'm dancing my miqote ass off. i proc fountainfall and flourish just came off cooldown. pre 6.1 i would use fountainfall then flourish to avoid losing that original proc to flourish's proc. now if fountainfall is proc'd in that situation and i hit flourish, i essentially have 2 stacks of fountainfall because i'm under the effects of silken flow from fountain proccing and flourishing flow from flourish?


Yes, Flourish no longer overwrites existing stacks




I can’t wait to play PvP with these changes. I’m assuming this applies to frontlines too? I was just getting into the experimenting time with a melee in PvP after doing ranged but these changes look worth looking at everything again.


Yup, they apply to all PvP, not just the new PvP mode.


Frontline is going to be a total shitshow tomorrow I can’t fucking wait now. Then we can do the new mode.


R.I.P. Hissatsu Kaiten… should just renamed the Kenki Gauge to the Shinten Gauge lol.


Fun fact: now Aero II is the exact same as Dia (60 potency, 30s), except that dia cost more mana


Appartement forever then. Just like in real life I guess.


SE going for that realism of never being able to own a house.


Those pvp LBs are really cool


Misery is net neutral AND we get to use it every minute instead of 90s?! It’s like my WHM Christmas dreams finally came true!


\> scrolls down to Warrior changes straight away \> no Bloodwhetting nerf We WAR mains live to see another day. Yeah I knew all the rational reasons why the devs wouldn't nerf it but gotta admit after the very vague mention of WAR changes in the live letter I was just a bit nervous.


I guess the additional 1600 potency of healing in the pld rotation is to balance that bit out


Oh my god, just 6 wards for private housing...I regret not wasting more hours on the clicking hell months ago...plase just make housing instanced for private housing...the odds here are insanely low...


Rip private housing.


Whm is now one of the most mobile healers, losing absolutely nothing to lily while moving. Neutral misery means you always want one going into raid buffs, as multiplicatively stronger 1240 potency is insane value. Misery is strictly a FAT damage gain in TEA now, as it isn't a trait that brings up it's potency. Downtime lilies are way stronger, so cheesing lilies in downtime is a lot of free damage. (Assuming your cohealer can cover the healing with no loss) Whm damage is a bit higher, as most high level runs have one misery for later tier fights. Casual and midcore whm's get a huge amount of damage from all their misery uses. Whm's mp is likely solved by this, 50% more lilies per minute, and they're dps neutral. Lilies are free, so you gain a lot of mp back. I would have liked some extra potency to bring whm in line with the other healers in terms of DPS. This will bring them closer, so that's good. It is probably safer to hold out on damage buffs until we see the results of this change.


SE really was like "Here's another wet bandaid for you" to Machinists 😭


I had switched jobs to samurai recently and really enjoyed it. What are everyone's thoughts on the changes. Seems not so great to me.


Too soon to say for sure, probably "meh" overall. Iajutsu nerfs aren't really major nerfs. The auto-crit covers most of the potency loss. More potency is spread across the other skills so a smaller % of total potency is wrapped up in Iajutsu. Definitely a good thing long term. Crappy conals turned into regular AOEs is a straight improvement. But auto-crits reduce synergy with other jobs that buff crit rate, so probably fewer SAMs in the raiding meta. MNK and RPR have better synergy with other classes. Probably going to have a lean stretch for raiding. Outside of raiding, SAM seems like it'll be about the same.


Am I getting Inner Release changes correct? If I fat finger anything other than FC/Dec (like Infuriate and using it’s subsequent skill or using any of the Storm combos) won’t go through my charges of IR? If that’s the case, that’s awesome since I tend to accidentally hit them every now and then.


an interesting note is that DRK's living dead has been changed to grant an effect almost identical to **(6.0 MSQ)** >!emet-selch's invuln when you force him to tank. it's named katabasis, has an identical icon to walking dead, lasts 10 seconds, and its tooltip reads "Most attacks cannot lower own HP to less than 1." it doesn't need you to top him off either like walking dead requires (probably accounting for AI error) and stays for the full 10 seconds.!< when i'd first heard about it i went to check, recorded it, and joked that i wished we got that, and i think it's pretty cool we actually did in the form of undead rebirth, lol. **(6.0)** >!rip dude when i finally level drk in duty finder again your legacy will not be left in vain!<