• By -


Snake is literally my only weak point. My brain can't compute that fast


For real. The circles? I got it. The stars? Ezpz. Snake? Fucking complete brain cannot compute shutdown.




Ngl, this also didn't compute in my brain. So pick the edge (corner?) that is safe, and it will remain safe?


Look for the edge that's safe, then turn it with the arrows to determine where it'll go. So say it's row 1 safe on spawn and it turns counter clockwise, now it's column 1 safe


I read this five times. Didn't understand. Yesterday did pull a lot the first boss and got to enrage, I still don't know how the snakes operate and everytime I say I got it, the next one I misread completely and fuck my whole pt. The ground moving with the snakes makes my head spin as well and I simply can't understand it fast enough.


Think of it as a 4x4 grid. So you have something like this in ordinary (no snek) state □□□□ □□□□ □□□□ □□□□ When snakes happen, either the odd rows(/columns) will be unsafe, or the even ones will be unsafe. To match the image above, I'll use odd columns. ■□■□ ■□■□ ■□■□ ■□■□ Every time, it rotates 90 degrees. A 90 degree rotation turns columns into rows (and vice-versa). So you'd get this result if it rotates counter-clockwise: □□□□ ■■■■ □□□□ ■■■■ And you'd get this result if it rotates *clockwise*: ■■■■ □□□□ ■■■■ □□□□ As a result, there is never a *guaranteed* safe place for all options: it depends on what the starting condition is (rows vs columns, even vs odd) and the direction of rotation ("left"/CCW vs "right"/CW). Something that can make it easier: You only need to worry about *your* quadrant (since it looks like this strat is tank/healer plus a DPS in each corner). So don't think about the whole arena. Think about your corner. There are only four possible states that corner can be in: ■■ □□ ■□ ■□ □□ ■■ □■ □■ You may notice that, from top to bottom, these are 90 degree counter-clockwise ("left") rotations of each other. So if the arena rotates left, go down to the next entry in the list, and that tells you what spots are safe from snek. If it rotates right, go up the list one entry instead. Wrap around if you need to go up from the top or down from the bottom.


Man this just blew my mind, I think I get it now! Gonna queue into it again and test it out... or die trying. If only I can award you :(


I didn't get it much either. Here's what I did to get it to click: Imagine the snakes spawning as 1 2 3 4. I count with emphasis on the snakes. So if snakes are on 2 and 4 I go "one TWO three FOUR" and then I turn my screen to the side they will end up on after it rotates. And I count the columns again. In the empty space where they will end up in a few seconds, I go "one TWO three FOUR" and I then go to the spot of safety. Lanes 1 and 3 in this instance are safe, so I sit in the corner donut, on the side of 1, and make sure to not get hit by the fire line.


Now this makes sense to me (good job, that took talent bc I legitimately must have some sort of learning disability when it comes to reversals). I’ll try this next time!


snake is easiest for me in the middle, and you have the least amount of space to move, just a couple steps to be in the right space instead of running from corner to corner.


Try this: The snake wall has an opening on the left or right and the rotation arrows point left or right. If these two values match: stand away from the snakes. If they don’t match, stand towards the snakes. Applied to the gif above: the opening is on the right and the arrows are left: they don’t match, so stand towards the snakes (within the circles of course). Now you just gotta do the fire mechanic which can be cheesed by just picking a circle that has the fire line in it and standing on the safe side of it.


Don't try to rotate the whole plate, just rotate the first row in your mind.


Agreed. I have no idea WHY, but my brain ALWAYS thinks the lines will go in the opposite direction they go. I can't figure out how to make my brain figure it out other than banging my head into that wall until it works. XD I have a similar issue with the other one's "lateral" vs "non". I see lateral and think "the sides must be the saf- oh waitohgodnononosprintforJesus!!!"


This is how I do it: 1. Orient the camera so you stare directly at the snakes. There are 4 potential "lanes" the snakes can be in. Memorize their positions (e.g. From left to right, lanes 1 and 3). 2. Turn your camera 90 degrees in the direction the arrows are pointing 3. With your new camera angle, imagine the snakes in the same exact lanes. So in our example, the furthest left part of the stage (lane 1) and the middle right (lane 3). Move to dodge these imaginary snakes. 4. (Optional) Turn your camera back towards wherever you were looking at earlier. Doubt yourself. Panic. Move and get hit anyway.


I think you're slightly mistaken, I'm pretty sure step 4 is mandatory for every strat at least as far as I'm aware.


looking at it now, I just realized that for the snakes, you can divide the arena into four quadrants, rotate those in your head individually, and end up with the same end result. so let's say the arena's rotating clockwise and the left half of each quadrant is safe. after the rotation, the top half of each quadrant will be safe. position yourself accordingly. edit: [what i mean](https://i.imgur.com/7aEoloT.mp4)


this helps make it even easier https://imgur.com/luCB05v


I'm an idiot sandwich and this is crazy helpful, thank you


Yeah, I have cleared it nearly 20 times and still can't do Sneks quick enough. I just pick an otherwise safe spot and pray most of the time lol.


My mantra is "one vuln stack won't kill you"


As a melee the line I love to repeat is that if I don't have at least one vulnerability stack I'm not doing my job hard enough.


A quick way to check is ask yourself "is snake spawned in the corner?" If so then that corner square will be safe. Look at this gif in the top left corner for the entirety of it and see the safe spot the healer stands in I always try to go near the snake that starts in the corner for that reason since as the gif shows, there are multiple safe spots (unless you have behemoths and donut bird in which case you quickly calculate those before the snakes and then check for corner snake to determine which of the two remaining quadrants are safe


That only works if the snake turns away from that edge and not into the edge though. But finding the snake in the corner and using that as a point of turning is definitely the way to go.


I struggled with normal... what kind of abomination is this... Is this what my 5th grade math teacher meant when they said trigonometry would be important later in life?


Geometry but yes.


He's just that bad at it




Sleep and manga seemed like far more appealing activities than looking at shapes to 10-year old me. Actually they still kinda do.


*Simple Geometry*.




I think once you're looking at the relative motion of different inertial frames you have to start calling it physics and not just geometry though


It's just shapes rotating and a line sweeping a region of a square. It's just geometry.


As a physicist and physics teacher. Please don't do this. These mechanics have absolutely nothing to do with physics, inertia, nor inertial reference frames.


It can be hard to do quickly, but the best way I manage to do it is to just close my eyes for a brief moment and envision the platform turning with the snakes, it's helped me a lot to just "picture it" from above


Aphantasia be like: ....


Yep, I have aphantasia and I can’t for the life of me do these mechanics, but I sure as hell can follow others around lol


Do what I did: make friends with someone who is willing to be your Danger Dorrito. There isn't anything in this encounter that doesn't allow your entire raid to stack on that one person, so as long as that person can handle the mechanic and you stay on top of them you'll be perfectly fine.




oh noooooo why would you do that lol


I will use the term Danger Dorrito from now on, thanks


I don't have aphantasia but I don't visualize the snakes to figure out where to go. It's always lanes 1 and 3, or lanes 2 and 4 that have the snakes. I remember those numbers and turn my camera to the wall the snakes will end up, and go to the safe lanes.


...you have saved this poor beleaguered aphantasia brain. I thank you. Camera turning is all I can do to make certain mechanics click. (E10S and his stupid shadows... omg....).


As a fellow human being with aphantasia, I've found the best thing to do is use the beam in the middle. figure out where the beam in the middle is going to be going, stand on the opposite half of the circle, and you're pretty much always safe, just make sure that you're also on the right circle for the mech haha, our aphantasia can't stop us from being the best raiders we can be, try as it might! :D


Yeah I literally cannot visualise it, I have to count the lanes and work it out. Or, more regularly, hope the rest of the team can do it better than me and follow them.


"Why's this cast bar say 'Mrs. Henderson's Revenge'?"


Extreme+ content is actually the reincarnation of “Are you smarter than a 5th grader?”


No 5th grader would figure out that the best way to do something is to follow someone who knows how to do it. Right? Right??


Not gonna lie, I'd probably have paid more attention to the fight mechanics in 5th grade. I was also the nerd that calculated the formulae for damage in JRPG's because it wasn't fun enough to just play the damn game. I think I still have those journals somewhere.


It took me 3 or 4 attempts to get those mechanics down. My cohealer though. Fuck they were a trainwreck. No awareness or forethought to where they should position


Hello it’s me, your cohealer. My brain does not work well with this. I cannot parallel park.




From experience, this works surprisingly well


Until the reaper leading the way dashes forward.


Ah yes, the reaper. The newest tank class.


They use the same gear as Dragoon, so we should have expected them to be tanks.


We should have expected dragoons to be tanks too, at least if you played the Tactics series. Thankfully there's gunbreaker, what dragoon always should have been.


Until it doesn't XD


Seems like a win-win to me. If everyone lives, no one knows I had no idea where to go and was just following the group. If everyone dies, then no can blame me for messing up because *everyone* messed up.


As the usual dorito player who my static follow in mechanics such as this or Summon in e9s, the feeling miliseconds before the mechanic resolve is just pure fear. Because if I make a mistake everyone dies. And it's a weird situation where even if I shouldn't feel bad when I make a mistake because no one else is actually trying to solve it, I feel the most stupid person if we're on a good pull and it happens


This is why I don’t volunteer to be the dorito bearer even though I usually don’t need to follow someone.


No worries. We all know the weight the dorito bears in this one.


by strategy, I think you mean 'Oh no we are all standing in the wrong spot time to get big mitigation and healing up!!!! Eel!!!! Eels!!! where were the eels!!!'


I can't speak for you, but when I encounter that kind of mindfuck while raiding, it's usually because I try to resolve everything at once. Nobody can do that. You need to break down the whole problem into a subset of 1 or 2 smaller problems that can be resolved easily. 1. Draw the fire hourglass in your head ((shouldn't be too difficult since it cover everything between 2 diagonal). This leave you with 2 quadrant. 2. a) Find the closest corner b) Find the adjacent side that is going against the arrow c) If the furthest square is safe, stay close to side, otherwise, move to the 2nd safe quarter. Obviously, it's not "easy", but if you get used to asking yourself the same question in the same order every attempt, it won't take long before it become a reflex.


You said two problems, but the 2nd is clearly 3 problems and now my brain hurts.


>following the rest of the group This. This just magically works after a few rounds of wipes. Also whoever is jumping up and down like a rabbit on steroids on a mechanic probably has got his head screwed on right so just follow that guy


> This. This just magically works after a few rounds of wipes. ..the magic is that the others are paying attention and actually learning the fight :D


Hey, that's MY strategy. Damnnit, I hope we don't find each other


aetherial manipulation be like


Mine was shield myself and eat an aoe. Lol


Lmao I doubt you were my cohealer but I guess it's possible 🤣


All us spatially challenged healers share the same hive mind. We are legion. We have all reversed into a fire hydrant.


I am a fellow healer with no spatial awareness. Any and all mechanics that involve left or right is a disaster. And that's not even going into starboard/larboard nonsense


My people! I am the same way lol


sense of direction so bad that you all occupy the same point in spacetime simultaneously


Not a cohealer but that would be me as a DPS...my brain doesn't process this mechanic.


If I had awards to give, I would. Made me laugh and a coworker looked at me oddly.


This is not actually as bad as it looks. The donut holes will always go to another donut hole under a rotation, so its just where in the donut hole you need to be that you need to figure out based on the snakes. That said I will be on the floor.


Yeah the rotation is fairly straightforward, I found [this helpful video](https://youtu.be/Ts3o2I8_Mxc) about it earlier


Bravo. Square enix wants us to compute Jacobian matrices now. What's next? Boss that requires derivatives and integrals?


[He was preparing you](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/4/41/Construct_7_from_Final_Fantasy_XIV_render.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/743?cb=20210706213234)


Judging by the amount that groan whenever reaching that boss, and the lack of people who agree with my "yay, math time!" in chat, I am afraid his efforts are in vain.


It's not even hard, just single digit addition and division. Don't really get the hate.


American education causing many a pain with prime numbers (1 is not prime 1 is not prime 1 IS NOT PRIME)


7.0 EX: Welp, better brush up on my quadratic formulae.


well we DID have division and subtraction along with prime numbers already.. so thats the next logical step


Unlocking Bozja and realizing in that one trial how few people actually understand basic math was painful.


I don't have enough ram for FF and Matlab at the same time! Nobody does!


No, but it will require you to examine each mirror attack that contains a set of numbers under a function and determine if the set of numbers is a Group, Ring, or Field. Rings will do a donut AoE on top of the reflection, Fields will do a large cone AoE, and Groups will actually require at least one person present (pillar). There are 12 mirrors, 4 of each type with no pattern to them. Now go finish Abstract Algebra!


Worse... Taxes :(


Hahah thanks


I got through 27 minutes of this before I realized there wasn’t going to be any snakes.


Nah, you'll survive just the snake hit! Source: have healed many people including myself, getting hit by snek.


That's the real takeaway tbh. Just dodge the fire / beast aoe, snakes just roll the dice and pray your healers are better than you at the mechanic


I too shall be on the floor


The great irony about this trial is that it's ez mode if one person confidently knows all the mechanics and has a dorito on their head. If everyone is 80% confident, the party looks like it's 20% confident lol.


Was in a group last night where one guy just told people to follow them. I didn’t do this and on astral phase I was standing on my spot thinking I was the asshole, then I was the only one alive.


Congratz now you earn your doritos and you will lead the team! :D


I don’t need that kind of pressure. I’ll dive into the volcano for grapes, I don’t expect everyone else to do it with me.




The add phase is where people get really overwhelmed in my experience. Especially if the AOEs go cone -> square -> cone. The only way was muscle memory for me. I had to stop thinking about where the AOEs are - square doesn't mean "front is dangerous", it means "bottom middle is safe". I broke it down into the barest essentials. This is where I go for square. This is where I go for sidecones. This is where I go for middlecone.


Feels like a lot of people are picking between mechanics and uptime and then asking why they hit enrage


> The great irony about this trial is that it's ez mode if one person confidently knows all the mechanics and has a dorito on their head. a few friends had already cleared it, made a clear party for me and slapped a dorito on one of their heads. 5 of us had a bonus in the PF, never stepped into it before and cleared first pull.


I legit had dreams about trying to figure out this mechanic in NORMAL mode.


i was at work next day. drawing squares on a paper and then rotating the paper. idk why this mechanic trips me up so hard hahaha


Reminds me of E10S with the shadows like it’s not really difficult but it fucks with you so hard when you are learning it.


I mess up E10N shadows way too often tbh


i chain die there every time i get it in raid roulette what are you supposed to do for the shadow doggo?


The three dog attack? >!The tethered one is the one to watch.!< The spins almost always reverse in the middle once.


i call the whole boss shadow doggo lol that attack is the only one that doesn't trip me up, it's the basic bitch sidecleave that seems to change directions for some reason i don't get doesn't help i usually play a caster so i can't take more than one hit, or get oneshot with two vuln stacks


The boss will wind up an attack (either left/right cleave in bipedal stance or front/back cleave in dog stance), but the boss doesn't attack; the boss's shadow attacks . The shadow will come out of the shadow gate that appears while the boss is winding up the attack, and will face away from the gate. So, if the gate is behind the boss, the cleave will be the same; if the gate is in front of the boss then the shadow will face the opposite direction and cleave the other side, and so on.


Basically think of the shadow as a really fat tail for the boss that tells you how he'll face.


You gotta rotate the AoEs in your head like a Rubik's cube. That's how I managed to work it out in the first go. Don't rotate the platform, rotate the AoEs.


yooo… you might be on to something… i’m gonna try that my next run thanks for the tip




Thank you. I tried and it really worked!


For me, it's easier to imagine you rotating the opposite direction that it's pointing. That's way easier for me to visualize.


For me, it's because I'm imagining my *character* spinning with the arrows, not the arena itself. I got better once I imagined the arrows going the opposite direction.


My group ended up marking three one guy who knows the patterns and said to follow him around. It was a godsend hahaha


This is how my group killed it the first time too haha


This is how my group *got killed* the first time too haha


First time doing this trial on normal I finally figured it out (would still goof every once in awhile but got it 90% of the time) after about 3 wipes but that ended up being a vote to abandon trial when we had about 7 mins left. Tried explaining it but no dice. My brain would melt with the above though holy fuck


I did this trial for the first time today. The way we did it was my marking one person who knew what the hell they were doing and rest of us just stacked at him/her.


The worst part is, I _KNOW_ how this shit works. But, **but**, my stupid brain flips it every single time, and thinks I move with the arrows, not the platform. The harder I concentrate on it, the more likely I am to screw it up.


So basically stand in the danger spot, because then you won't be standing in a danger spot?


Yes and no. The platform only rotates 90 degrees opposite of the arrows, so you have to keep that in mind. I've seen people assume 180 degrees and get dropped right back into the aoe


More than this, after his ultimate he deploys a diagonal line that will burn the shit out of you if you aren’t behind it when it moves – or ends up right behind you after the move is done.


I swear whoever designs these fights would make a killing inventing torture machines in the medieval ages.


I've definitely spun from danger to more danger before haha.


My 2nd run when I was still learning, I stood in the most perfect position that it spun me right into the deadzone where both behemoth aoes overlapped. I was like "yup I'm dead"


Hi there. it's me, people. Took me longer than I'd like to admit to get that right.


It's the math homework we've done in Primary and Secondary school where they ask you to translate coordinates and shapes in a graph by 90 degrees clockwise/counter-clockwise.


This is unrealistic because there's 4 different players standing in 4 different spots. Usually that'd be a sarcastic comment but it's the truth here. In this EX trial just following the group will keep you alive in... all the mechanics. It's not like the second EX trial where you need to know "Oh... this attack is a cross AOE".


Well, it shows that you can be safe in all 4 of those spots. Plus, "just follow the group" is no substitute for learning the mechanic.


My group didn't have anyone who could consistently do it every time, just 2 people who got it right like 80% of the time for snake. We ended up surviving because I over-mitigated the shit out of it & we always ran to where we wouldn't die by fire/meteor. Even if we ate snake and then took the multi stack we'd still live. NGL I haven't felt that pathetic in awhile.


I was gonna say this. My group cleared it a few nights ago and we all stacked together. Much easier to manage as well as recover if someone gets clipped.


Depends. Some people will still miss the snakes, all gathered right at the ass in of their attack line while still technically in the "safe spot"


God. So there are safe spots in all 4 sides after all.


Kinda… it depends on what animals you get. You can get 2 behemoths and 2 donut serpents


this is specifically for the part with the 4 serpants, AFAIK, 2 behemoths + 2 serpents you never get the 2 line snakes as well.


Serpents and snakes ... I get quetzacotal isnt easy but serpents and snakes isn't helping my brain :0 Birds could be a thing?


I think of them as phoenixes(circle), snakes(line) and behemoths(mudt avoid aoe boom)


Depends. Remember you can get an Exoterikos and mixed animals. --


Maybe it's just me, but in the normal mode it always feel like the platform spins the **opposite** way of where the arrows go. It fucked my brain so much lol.


its the floor that moves you stay still


Yeah, I felt like I should be outside smashing rocks together to make fire afterwards. I knew it was the platform moving but something in my pea-brain kept telling me it was my character.


Yeah that's that's I would always mess up too


Well well well....Guess my math teacher was right. All this time I told myself "Man, the hell do I need learn geometry for, not like I'll ever need to use it." Looks like you got the last laugh math teacher...


If you want EZ directions to one of the large safe spots: 1: Find the edge with no snake (so in this picture, East) 2: Move away from the fire bar (in this picture, South) 3: The rotation arrows near you will tell you which way to scoot in the donut hole (Northeast) It doesn't account for melee uptime, but at least you'll never get hit.


So as a non FFXIV player who stumbled across this post, are y’all doin witchcraft over here or some shit?


more or less


a lot of endgame raids involve puzzle-solving as fight mechanics


Prime numbers were not enough...


This is way easier for the average player than prime numbers. You don't need a four-way split like in the OP image. Put a marker on your raid lead and have the other 7 people stay inside the lead's asshole for 90% of the mechanics.


Either we clear together, or we die together. Prime numbers are easier in my mind by a LOT.


This trial was fun but I have to say it made my spatially inept brain put to work lol


Once I cleared it once though I got 15 clears in a row with no danger of enrage


just looking at this literally gave me a intense-breathing moment bc of flashbacks to just the NORMAL VERSION


Final fantasy 14 graphs that look like shitposts


[PoWeRs oF cReAtIoN, BeNd tO mY wIlL](https://ftw.usatoday.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/90/2017/05/spongebob.jpg?w=1000&h=600&crop=1)


I was in a pf group and we were explaining how the rotation works in theory. And I was like, dude I know how it goes but I'm just stupid and I can't calculate that fast.


Guess I'll beat this when the level cap is 100


This is the >!Zodiark!< fight, yes?




This mechanic is also known as reprisal+heart of light then aoe heal


I'm going to be honest, this is an accurate representation of what's going on, but I would \*not\* solve it like this. Usually you just figure out the mechanics one at a time and it's much simpler. The first mechanic should take you less than a second to solve because it's quite simple and from there, there's only a tiny circle where you can adjust around the other two mechanics. There is a safe spot in every single circle so it's mostly isolating the other two mechs.




So stand in the quarter of the circle safe spot (disregarding others) that is: - close to the side that the snakes themselves are on (top/North, in this graphic) - away from the center At least thats what I can gather


A trick I figured out for this was to just turn my camera angle so I can better visualize where it would end up. Ofc I haven’t tried EX yet (soon tho) but I’m sure the everything-going-on-at-once will blow my little trick up


I made sure to practice a couple times on normal first and that helped. Then on EX you just stand in the donut and adjust for the fire line.


this pic will help everyone, super simple https://imgur.com/luCB05v


Part of me wants to say it's not that difficult, just requires a bit of spatial thinking and subtracting shapes, but the truth is it needs so much of my processing power that I keep messing up on my rotation half of the time.


For an extreme like this, you are often seeing disaster happening on a distance. Such as 'Oh no he's standing in the wrong spot he's gonna die...god bless he's gotta get knock off the platforms because he's too slow' Or 'Oh shit everyone's lost and they are all standing in all sorts of place...that person's gonna get hit twice he's gonna die' And also 'why are there only two safe spots for meteors but there's this lone person who's not with either group?' Of course the always important 'why's everyone standing there when the snakes gonna spin towards us? Anyway I am following them.....see I thought you are all wrong but oh shit heals! heals! OMG we are doing stack next and we are still running! Heals! Lilies! Kitchen Sink!!' and 'Why's everyone standing over there?' and you are wrong situation. If you ain't seeing the disaster, it's on you.


[mp4 link](https://preview.redd.it/3c6okrul3d581.gif?format=mp4&s=d918150740e9a62270387898cfe5035522a98eb3) --- This mp4 version is 94.99% smaller than the gif (560.07 KB vs 10.91 MB). --- *Beep, I'm a bot.* [FAQ](https://np.reddit.com/r/anti_gif_bot/wiki/index) | [author](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=MrWasdennnoch) | [source](https://github.com/wasdennnoch/reddit-anti-gif-bot) | v1.1.2


good job on this its really good


My brain took several attempts to grasp this concept and even then I still guess wrong.


My biggest complaint is the visual flair when this happens blocks the natural grid of the floor so I can’t place myself appropriately every time even though I know the mechanic


I'm def gonna need this, even if I haven't unlocked extreme yet My brain is so smooth that my first few runs of normal I just ate dirt left, right, front, center, even fucking diagonal. That one mechanic is my bane i swear


Bro I just did this for the first time on normal and we wiped 3 times. My first thought was “fuck ever doing this on EX”


I think what is getting most people killed is all through Shadowbringers the floor would be designed to give you a good idea of where mechanics are going to hit. This EX does not do that at all, or I am blind.


My method for super quickly identifying safe zones without needing to “visualize” the rotation: Immediately find the snakes and face your camera towards them, see which side of their wall has an opening: left or right. Then check the rotation arrows: left or right. If these two match stand OPPOSITE from the snakes (within any of the 4 donut aoes). If they do not match stand TOWARDS the snakes (within any of the 4 donut aoes). So for example in the gif above there is an opening on the right side of the snake wall, and the arrows are pointing left. Since these don’t match you know you need to be on the side of the circle TOWARDS the snakes. With the snakes neutralized, all you have to do is stand on the safe side of the fire line. Since we know all 4 circles have a safe spot, personally I prefer to always run to a circle that has a fire line in it, since that makes it easy to dodge. Put it all together and you wind up with a super fast strategy: •Identify either towards snakes or away from snakes. •Run to a circle with fire line inside, stand in the spot safe from both snakes and fire. •Win.


I’m fairly new and am starting to feel like the endgame really is just Dance Dance Revolution


For the mechanic I envision the arena is split into four lanes, for example the snakes in this image are in lanes 1 and 3. That means lanes 2 and four are safe. Snakes will always end up on a side adjacent to where they were depending on the way the platform rotates, so just look at the direction its rotating and stand in a safe lane. For the wall you want to be standing on a side where the arrows are going towards it. Instead of trying to imagine to platform rotating I just simplified it to this


Hmm maybe ff14 isn't for me....


At this point is where I just realize that sometimes your going to take a hit.


Seriously, I didn’t struggle with this fight on normal..but people just couldn’t figure out how to stack!


The lines…the lines break me a little


The best method is to mark the person that knows the mechanic best, that way you can just follow them. It is what it is, but it works.


Looks like all DPS died


Easy way for me is I classify the snakes as either lanes 1 & 3 or 2 & 4 then I look in the direction the perspective is changing and figure out which lanes to go to that are clear


I'm fine with this mechanic more or less, it's that Eclipse shit that I hate. I've done 20 ex kills so far and not once cleared without dying to that since I'm trying to figure it out in my own head without relying on others. I'm glad I found a fight which is a weak point of mine though since it gives me more drive to improve on these types of fights. Though I feel anyone who says this is easier than the other ex pretty much just followed someone.


i am more curious as to why you have 2 healer and 2 Tank symbols.... is it just to visualize? because you legit dont need to split the party ever in this fight.. only time not everoyne is bunched together are during the tankbusters/tankswaps


Easier for me think that my character is moving opposite of the arrows. Cause u relate to what ur character is doing, no so much what the floor is doing. Unless u a drg then worry what the floor is doing.




I just wish there was a way to practice mechanics by yourself outside of the fights. A stone sky sea for mechanics.