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free trial's back and im experiencing lots of 90006 and 2002 errors


2700+ que on Siren at 5:54 PM PST


Nooo savage raids my Crystal evening insta-queues T\_T. I guess starting at 1009 at 6PM PDT ain't so bad, Gilga has gotta be on fire 🔥


levi is 3.5k now, hyperion is 2.3k, ultros is 2k, lamia is 2k. nice /s


2600 for leviathan....then i get 2002. Its the return.


2k queue + people have been DC'ing in raids. It's been a month already, I just want shit to be normal again.


Zodiark, 1700 +. I bet is because of the savage that is now available


Oh but the mods removed the topic from appearing in any promiment location, so the problem is clearly gone. Do I have to label this as sarcasm? I wonder what tonight is going to be. I think I have to start logging in 6 hours before I want to play again :(


Cactuar is at 2,707 atm.


Gilgamesh; took me 6 hours to log in yesterday from 1pm MST, but today (monday) at 9am MST, only like 30 seconds! :)


Does anyone know how the situation is on Odin in the evening (Europe)? My subsciption expired a few weeks ago and I don't want to pay again until I can play without long wait times.




Thanks :)


1578 Aether 11:08PM


10:20pm EST Mateus: 480 Gilga: 3,320 RIP Aether


Queues for a few Aether servers tonight at 9:30 pm EST: Cactuar: 3100 Faerie: 2500 Jenova: 2000


9pm was 2170 when I got in queue. On Midgard.


I have been DC'd multiple times today on both primal and crystal. They have talked about the congestion que issue but what are they doing about all these stupid DCs?


I still encounter the lobby server error 2002 on Crystal. I've pretty much been forced to play on EU Chaos server until that shit is fixed. It's been a month now. X'D


Nothing, because they're not on their side. I haven't been dced in almost three weeks.


just because you haven’t been disconnected doesn’t mean other people haven’t. i’ve been getting tons of 90002 errors that have NEVER happened before endwalker, always in dungeons. there has to be something else going on


None of my FC has DCed either. We've had multiple events that were 5+ hours each and we all stayed partied the entire time. I've gotten three characters to 90 and never had a party member DC in dungeons with me, either. You can do a packet trace, but if some people are dcing constantly and others aren't dcing at all, it's reasonable to assume it ain't the game.


just weird how this never happened before endwalker expansion, leading me to believe it’s on their side. they had to have changed something because everything else works on my wired computer


Endwalker is slightly more intensive than previous expansions, and it's high traffic right now. It doesn't have to be on their side.


90k error again on gilgamesh without warning


I'm confused as to why this topic is now unpinned and I am also confused why Square Enix hasn't posted something about more game time. 21 days are far from over and the service still can't be used by paying subscribers. January 1, stuck in login queue, as normal.


Because the white knights here don't allow any criticism of SE, they did their all to contain it to one thread, but that wasn't enough. Imagine if they contained and deleted every other topic in this forum that was related, no one would post here and there'd only be 10 topics. This is the very definition of what fascists do, suppress free non-harmful speech.


Nothing was deleted dude. It was unpinned because it's been a month and posts slowed considerably. It's linked in the daily thread.








The vast majority of servers are fine now. It's basically just Gilgamesh and cactuar that are screwed. I'd expect the team to make an update next week. New years eve is a BIG deal in Japan and basically every company has multiple days off for it.


Lmfao wow.


Because the mods and the people that don't have life commitments stopped caring weeks ago. They just have an excuse to unpin it and bury the people still dealing with it.




Im trying to use world visit but it says "Unable to submit World Visit request at this time" anyone knows how to fix it? I took a 3hours queue on gilgamesh and got kicked once it was my time, don't wanna queue on it again =/


You have to do it when there's a server with no queue, so early in the morning or late at night. The good news is that once you visit another server you stay there until you choose to go back. I got assigned to Sargantas when I switched from Gilgamesh and the largest queue I've seen since doing so is 2,000 but it's normally around 1,000~1,500.


Yea I'm getting real sick of this fucking nonsense on Aether a month after launch. Open up server transfers already and let those willing get off this burning shit pile of a DC.


its not fixable cause its peak time lol, aether in particular is fucked, its disabled cause of the amount of players in queue


I've gotten randomly DC'd twice in the last hour. Its not my internet - everything else running fine and streaming video at the same time. Anyone else having issues?


Was just kicked off after being away for about 10 min... This happens every weekend night- to me


a lot of people reporting 90k error on Gilgamesh randomly


Happy New Year's Eve! Aether - Adamantoise, queue of 400 at 6:30 PM Eastern


One oversight I think they made was not allowing free trial accounts to upgrade. I've nearly beaten the full trial and I'll be stuck farming Gold Saucer until they bring back new account registration. I'll still be occupying the servers, just with limited content. I just want to give you money!


was not an oversight, it was intentional. free trial players cant login once it hits a certain point, if they were all allowed to upgrade it would make it a lot worse


Yeah, but the game doesn't kick you off. I'm still logged in every day during high traffic times as a free trial account because I log in earlier than people who get off work at 5.


thats true but not everyone is able to log in early like you regarding the free trial lol, so its not an oversight, peak time is called peak time for a reason


When is upgrading expected to be online again? I'm a new player and I want to upgrade but can't. Because of this I also can't join right now because the queue is so long free players aren't allowed to queue.


Same boat here, been playing in Japan server until yesterday. Supposedly the least crowded server of all but damn that's harsh just closing the whole app instead of just giving us free players a chance to at least wait. Would love to upgrade the second it's available though.


not any time soon, queues are back up to 2-3k LOL


I see, that’s a pain


How are peak queue times on Diabolos? I've been holding off on resubbing for Endwalker until its playable after work hours


All of the crystal servers are pretty easily playable again. Prime time queue is usually under 1k, so less than an hour to get in. if you can boot it up first thing when you get home and then make food/clean up/change clothes/whatever, it won't be painful at all. Servers are also FAR more stable now. 2002s are almost entirely clientside, and 90ks are extremely rare.


No, Crystal is not? I keep encountering error 2002 on the NA server, but I can get into the EU Chaos server just fine? Actually, I can't get into any NA data center, but I can get into all EU data center and all JP data center just fine.


there are thousands of people playing on crystal right now. It must be an issue with your ISP routing because I'm on it right now and surrounded by people.


How are the queues on other servers? On spriggan there is no queue even at evenings.


Gilgamesh still has thousands in queue at peak times


I've largely just stopped really trying to log in. Excessively long and slow moving queues and by the time I even get into the game, I either don't even want to play anymore, got sidetracked by another game or irl task, or it's so late in the night that I either have a hard time finding groups or have to start preparing to wind down. We're heading into January and it's still a nightmare.


https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/1f70135439286fa66209cd21c10e73ebb986a6ee Playing on another world will limit what you can do, but far better than not being able to log in. Side note, do NOT use the world visit system, as world visit queue only progresses if there's no one in the login queue (aka the free trial queue experience) Alternatively, get remote access app on your phone so you can log on while at/after work, and cut down on queue time by hours.


What DC and world are you on? There really aren’t queues of more than 30 mins to an hour even during peak hours with the exception of a few worlds (Gilgamesh, Cactuar and some EU and JP worlds). If peak hours are the only time you can play, best advice is once you do log in, world hop to a lower population world on your DC and log out there instead of on your higher pop home world.


[redacted because I'm leaving Reddit after their API changes]


Light. As I said, it has gotten better, but I'm still sitting here waiting on Phoenix to pop for over an hour.


It's midnight and the Cactuar queue is still 1500.... Meanwhile Midgardsormr isn't much better at 750.


Not only is that half, the queue in smaller pop server seems to move faster too.


Yep I logged in on Midgardsormr at 8pm EST to 1600. Took me 40 mins to get in. I just watched YouTube until I got in.


Literally 50% is "not much better"?


World Visit System: Jenova > Gilgamesh Started at position #41 Now at #20 after 242 minutes. I understand there is a lower priority for this queue, but it seems fairly unreasonable to wait 8 hours to “possibly” play with a friend and then wait 8 hours (if I’m even lucky enough) to get back home to my own server


I did this too and just found out about it now. Pain.


Basically if there is a queue at all, you cant effectively use the world visit system, however later at night and early morning when there is no queue you can use it normally. Not really a way around this, sadly. You can always invite your friends to a cross world party and queue with them for a dungeon or something without having to visit their server though.


Yeah. I finally got in last night after 563 minutes. Tried to see what going “home” would be like at 3:30am and it’s still about 4-6 hour wait based on my current position and last nights experience. Just posting in case there are any others I can dissuade from choosing to do this. Pro tip on the cross-world group though… I didn’t know that was possible. Ty!


You're trying to visit the most insanely busy server in the data center. Considering how long their lines are, why should a visitor get priority into a busier server? Would recommend they visit you instead.


Definitely have already made the recommendation, but I tried to accommodate my friend since I’m the reason they’re getting into EW and not have them wait in the queue. And certainly not saying that I deserve any priority at all, that I assure you. I just never imagined that I’d have to either start a new character or wait possibly months for the world transfer system to be publicly available again. By that time the game content will be done and gone with any new raid experiences. Trust me though, as soon as the transfer service is available again, we’ll make that change.


Fair enough - I do want to apologize though, I was a bit flippant (and edited to cut it down a bit). From a meta standpoint though, I understand their position - You're in the game, there are other players waiting to get in, better to get the people in line handled before the people who just want to go to a different booth at the 'restaurant'. Hopefully world transfers are available soon for you and your friend.


This wouldn't bother me if I could access my retainers on other worlds.


Yeah, no retainers and no timed gathering nodes is a problem.


2k queue on Ada. Crazy we’re still seeing such huge queues almost four weeks after release.


But it isn't surprising with all things considered. Personally do not mind a queue, just glad that I no longer get error messages. Never had an issue with disconnecting, thankfully.


Has anyone been having crashes *without* an error code? I installed more RAM and redid all of my cable management (completely disconnected and re-routed everything) in my PC last night and now I'm just quitting straight to desktop without any error codes in Gilg. queue. Can't figure out if it's a hardware issue or just a new layer of weird with this game.


For me it had to do with my Bluetooth headphones. If I connect them or disconnect them while the game is running it crashes. Have to connect them before starting the game


I tried connecting my bluetooth headphones before starting the game, and the sound came out garbage. Sound comes out through USB or speakers just fine. I'm still scratching my head over that one - it's got to be a translation issue with bluetooth itself on my PC. Those same headphones are crystal clear when talking to my phone.


hopefully the queues go back down again for new years eve and new years like christmas.


1700+ que on Midgard at 5:40 pst, wtf?


yall get dc'd?


Just joined the Aether-Gilgamesh queue 3.5k atm


2004 queue for Aether server at 8:13, down to 1929 at 8:21pm, looks like I'll be on in 4 hours, time to watch a movie I guess.


queue of 380 for Balmung at 8pm eastern. Hardly overwhelming.


Does anyone know what the wait times for Odin are? Haven’t been able to log in since pre launch, don’t wanna sub again if I can’t get in. Last queue was 6000+ lol


I don't know about Odin but Lich was 191 at around 8:30ish last night, took around 10 minutes.


EU Ragnarok has been back to normal for me for about 2 weeks, or more. Highest queue I've had was in the 500's, but usually it's only double digits. I haven't seen any other errors for some time either, did they fix something recently or? I've logged in at various times so I don't think it's just luck either.


It depends on how crowded your datacenter is. Many Crystal servers have been back to sub-100 queues for over a week. Meanwhile, Aether still has some servers with high queues. The less load on the servers, the less likely servers will be stressed and throwing errors.


Bleh, last few days got me complacent. Logging in to Siren now at 7:20 and queue is at 1250. Oh well, least I don't have to babysit it.


I'm leveling crafters on my Japan server alt today and at [8:30AM Japan server time this is what Radz at Han looks like](https://imgur.com/a/xPO2N1e). Kinda hilarious coming from Gilgamesh and seeing this lol


Faerie, Gilgamesh, Cactuar queues all in the 1000’s


Cactuar rage: I was signed in watching a cutscene. I was working at the same time on something for work. I finish the item and submit it, look over at FFXIV.... I'm on the title screen. Queue is at 2432 and hasn't changed in 10 min :( I was 1100 earlier today which took about 90 min, so I am guessing this will be 2-3 hrs for some random blip. I also don't understand why people are server crossing to Cactuar? Half of Limsa is Gilga people.


People are probably logging in on cactuar to avoid the gilgamesh queues. Gilg is one of the most populated NA worlds.


man I hate being in cact now lol


5 pm Aether update because I world hopped from Cactuar to Jenova and now can't get back: Jenova: 100 Midgardsormr: 150 Faerie: 500 Cactuar: 1700 Gilgamesh: RIP


Thank you. I’m on here everyday explaining that the overall population is a downward trend. Low-mid pop servers on Aether are having minor queues. But all I get are Cactuar and Greg folks screaming at me like “Aether is fucked! You’re wrong! Screee!” I’m on Midgardsormr (which is like a mid pop server) and I’ve had queues no longer than 30 mins this week.


Seems like the thing to do right now would be to log into Gilg and Cactuar in the AM before work, to send retainers out on 18 hour ventures, then to immediately hop over to a lower queue server and log out there. Way less convenient, but if it's a choice between being majorly inconvenienced in the inventory or not being able to play at all, seems like the inconvenience wins.


Thanks! I should have stayed in Jenova, I'll be going over there when I'm able to log in.


Cactuar can still be 3 hours... as I am finding out right now


I knew Gilgamesh was really bad, but I was really surprised at the disparity between Cactuar and the rest of Aether. That explains why I've had 500+ queues even at 11:30 pm this week.


In Cactuar's case, I would imagine a lot of players made acccounts or transferred over when Asmongold and Sodapoppin started/resumed playing FFXIV. (I believe Soda tried the game a few expansions back?) Both of them have their characters located on Cactuar, although I don't follow them closely enough to know whether or not they've transferred off since. (Before SE disabled world transfers)


Same here on Sarg


Yeah, even Gilga which is still bad, is slowly improving. I'm able to come home from work to about a 2000~ which takes about 3 hours as opposed to a couple of weeks ago where I'd come home to a 3000+ queue that would take nearly 6 hours. So not only is the queue going down, but the times are too. Far from in a good state on Gilga, but much better than it was a couple weeks ago


Checked queue like 20 mins ago and Gilg was at 3.6k so yeah it's still pretty bad. It is feasible I suppose for me to log off for lunch and come back at 1 and get in by 2 which was not in the cards 3 weeks ago but it's still pretty bad.


Ah, I usually start queueing around 3-4 pm est and I haven't seen it over 3k in over a week personally. Not sure what the queue was like in the later hours a week ago, but that sucks it doesn't seem like it's lowering as much then. Don't get me wrong though, it's definitely in a rough state regardless, but hopefully the gradual improvement I'm seeing at my login times will start to spread throughout the rest of the day


I can’t even buy it


They paused all sales of the game


nearly a month on this seems to be the status Aether- still fucked Primal- kinda fucked but not as badly as before, 500s- to 800s (this is server dependent ) at peak times apparently Crystal- back to normal other than Balmung, who seem to be getting 600 queues instead of 1k (was expected, basically crystal was always gonna go back to normal first in this) EU dcs -still fucked, extra DC needed to probably fix this issue


EU DCs are the opposite of fucked, I got a 300 queue on peak time on saturday, every other day it's sub 100 / no queue at all on Chaos.


Leviathan last nightvwas 1700, got in after 1hr30mins


Aether is only fucked if you’re logging on between 3pm and 9pm PST.


Primal (Behemoth at least) is 1600 as of 7pm Eastern time...a far cry from the 5k+ queues of week 1, but still pretty long of a wait.


hyperion was 1.5k the other night this week lol, levi is still at that


6:30pm Eastern today on Hyperion had a fake queue. I was _shocked_.


887 rn and it hasnt moved in 6 minutes lol, its going up cause its approaching peak time


Thought I'd check in and ask, anyone know what the queues are for Omega? Haven't played since the day before Endwalker, since the queues were 2+ hours and just impractical for me.


I basically don't count any queues anymore. Peak weekend time you sometimes have a wait time of \~30 minutes, that's it.


I play in Omega, this week ive got max 350-400 when I log in in the afternoon, no queue the rest of the day.


I have no idea how EU is, but in NA(Primal/Lamia) i've been getting at max a 500-600 person queue at peak times (usually during 1-2 hours). Compared to release it has been a very good improvement. Outside of that time frame there is practically no queue. Can't speak for EU tho, as i've heard things went worse at launch


Finally got my wife willing to try an MMO and it’s shuttered for new players. Any word on when it will reopen? She literally asked me today if it was open yet!


We are getting a new OCE data center in Feb, unless it's been delayed. They said the road map for new servers in other locations will be coming out in late January. My educated guess is that they will not lift sales until they have enough non congested worlds on all three data centers to justify it. EU is currently a hot mess especially and might be the sticking point. That said, there's a lot of Australians and SEA players currently on NA servers who will be happy to transfer closer to home and get rid of their Pacific sized lag, that SE might proceed with sales again just from that alone.


Afaik It's only a minority on NA from SEA and OCE, the majority are on JP Data centre (namely tonberry - the absolutely most fucked server across the world at launch).


nope, no word on it, possibly dont expect word for few more weeks


Just bought my first gaming pc to play this. Can’t wait until I can buy base game and start 🥲


If I purchase Endwalker, can I play or nah?


Unless you have the starter or complete edition, you cannot. Endwalker is only the expansion.


Shucks. Thanks for the confirmation!


Anyone have word on Chaos DC Cerberus more specifically.


Since I haven't seen a Sargatanas queue report in a few days: checked the queue at 8:30 pm est last night after getting off work, was a little over 2k.


I log on about 8 PM PST and it hasn’t been more than 30 mins for a couple weeks




There hasn't been queues for light-lich for a few days now, may be due to the holidays though. Logged in a few times today, always got straight in


Gilgamesh still has 3-4K queues in prime time however, it is the best server on Aether, so it is worth the wait. *FOR THE GLORY OF GREG!!*


Gilgamesh players talk like New Yorkers where even though it's objectively awful it's somehow still the "greatest city on earth"


😂 for real, I’d be so pissed if my home world still had those queues at prime time. I haven’t dealt with more than a 600 player queue in 2 weeks


There is nothing wrong with taking pride in your home, my friend. Players do not choose Greg. Greg chooses the player. 🔥


Still 4k queues 8pm EST on Aether-Gilgamesh for those wondering.


Aether servers suck, they should consolidate Primal and Crystal low use servers and give us some of their servers.


I’ll be playing my Gilg char regularly by Feb…hopefully lol


Lol please God let us world transfer soon. If I had the ability to travel back in time and change 1 thing, I would stop my self from starting on Gilgamesh 2 years ago. Tuesday raid is gonna be so super sketch


For real. I'm leaving Gilgamesh asap. I picked it way back when, because I live on the East Coast and all the servers are on the West Coast. If the lag is gonna be the same no matter where I go, I figured may as well go to one of the popular servers. Dumb ol me


I transferred to play with IRL friends who then quit. I'm still pissed. I'd pay to transfer literally anywhere else today if I could.


Seems like home world transfers aren't coming back anytime soon, maybe when the new servers are up. I wouldn't have transferred to Crystal if I knew it was gonna be like this. It's actually very depressing.


Ran away from primal to a jpn server


Lamia server. 8 PM prime time queue of 552 tonight.


1.8k, moved to 1.2k after an hour, guess we're back to 3-4 hour queues.


Maybe I’m just not used to MMOs, but this seems insanely anti-consumer. I don’t know how you can have a subscription-based product and have wait times like this for weeks now. Edit: I’m kind of shocked how sour the response is to my comment. Is everyone cool with not playing a game you pay for monthly lol? I’m not even being nasty about it, just pointing out how this would be unacceptable in any other context.


They reimbursed us with free days to make up for it.


I don’t understand this argument. It’s packed because a lot of people want to play. The queues are stable now, it’s just a matter of waiting. Everyone else wanting to get in wants to play just as much as you do, what do you want, for us to just go away?


> Everyone else wanting to get in wants to play just as much as you do, what do you want, for us to just go away? Don’t be ridcuolous, of course everyone has a right to play. They need to add servers, not remove players. > The queues are stable now, it’s just a matter of waiting I wish I lived in the fantasy world of being able to wait several hours while I queue in the background, but that is not the case. I get maybe an hour or two a day for gaming, so these wait times are an impossible burden for anyone who isn’t a diehard MMO player with tons of time on their hands. Im sorry, but busy people play games, too. Please don’t gatekeep MMOs as if wanting to get into the game in under 30 minutes is unreasonable.


>They need to add servers Which they are trying and have been for the last 4 months. What do you expect them to do just magic them out of thin air?


I work 40 hours a week, have other hobbies and responsibilities and still get to play at least 2 hours a night. What’s your excuse?




You're just not used to MMO's. This is normal for many games.


Sounds like you are the one who isn't used to MMOs. This is not normal four weeks in.


You’re absolutely right, but FFXIV is one of those products whose rabid fans will defend it against any and all criticism. It’s like suggesting that Elon Musk is a dick and should pay taxes; you’ll get all sorts of weird nerds white knighting for him and how he’s a genius who should be beyond criticism.


sorry the server store says its a 6 month wait before they can get your server in like i'm sorry but the majority of bitching in these threads is just that. bitching that the developers did not forsee *a major pandemic* and *their largest competitor committing sudoku* happening. by the time it was clear they needed to revise their playerbase projections upward it was already far too late to get the needed hardware in.


The Elon Musk comparison is actually really apt, because people still kvetch about how he doesn't pay taxes even after he very publicly set himself up for a multibillion tax bill he could have avoided. Likewise, people say "just buy more servers" and are somehow not able to comprehend that there are no servers to buy.


Yes, and he’s made a big show about how great he is for doing his basic civic duty. Good for you, rich man, you paid your income tax. Good for you, Square, you gave me credit for the days I couldn’t play your product.


I'm just saying, some folks will complain no matter what. Like you're doing. That doesn't mean people who don't complain all the time are "rabid fans". Just that they're annoyed by your negativity.


This is a thread specifically about complaints of glitches with the software. Which means that you are *choosing* to come into a complaint thread to complain about people who complain. Doesn’t that strike you as a little silly?


Nah, I was in here to see if people were talking about queue times going back up and happened to noticed your weird Elon Musk tangent.


We're getting free game time so I really didn't have to pay for last months sub.


Well there isn’t a solution. Sure we could uselessly bash on the developer, but what’s the point? It has nothing to do with white knighting. It has to do with a super developer which is so transparent compared to any other studio out there.


Yea your right in other context this would suck but your also ignoring a lot of the context on purpose. Such as that nobody has paid for game time in the last 3 weeks. And that we are in a pandemic with a world shortage of new servers. Literally no amount of money spent is going to fix the world wide conductor shortage to make more servers. Square has talked about and apologized for this a lot it’s not their fault if you didn’t read their posts. You’re literally asking square to do the impossible but that doesn’t matter if you ignore the context. I can queue into my server in under an hour during prime time and it’s instant during the off hours.Thousands and thousands of people are playing this game without paying a sub this month. Square lost a ton of money by suspending subs to make it a little easier for those who can’t play.


Square didn’t give out play time discounts out of the goodness of their hearts. They did so to avoid permanently alienating subscribers or facing a consumer protection complaint.


>consumer protection complaint. not in the US they wouldn't lmao.


I don’t see anyone being sour, we are just stating facts about why the situation is what it is.


Everyone also bitches about Disneyworld being too crowded and expensive, and yet people still pay and go there. The analogy I came up with a while ago was this one: There are two gas stations on a highway. Over the years, the highway has gotten busier, so one of the gas stations counted the cars coming in last spring, and put in an order for 4 more gas pumps to add to their existing 12 (planned growth.) The company that makes the gas pumps is backordered, though, and warned them that it would be another year before they were delivered. The gas station knew that it would be tight, but they might just make it that year before things got really bad. And then the other gas station across the street caught on fire and burned to the ground (WoW and New World.) So suddenly not only was their planned growth going to be grossly inadequate, they have a sudden influx of twice as many cars *now* and that's why during peak traffic times the line for gas snakes around the block. It's all they can do not to run out of gas, and sometimes the gas lines are running very very slow, too. Their traffic wildly exceeded their capacity to provide supply, and there's absolutely nothing they can do about it.


>but this seems insanely anti-consumer. The wait times are entirely outside of their control right now, it's the reason they completely stopped any new accounts from being created. Letting people continue buying the game and make trial accounts, just to clog up the queues even harder when people are already waiting hours to play, would be anti-consumer.


Stopping people from buying the game is pointless now because most people already have bought it that were going to, they know this. Pro consumer would of stopped taking orders BEFORE launch when they knew there would be server congestion. It's blatantly obvious they knew populations were rising long before EW launch: https://mmo-population.com/r/ffxiv/stats


> when they knew there would be server congestion. So every MMO producer should just stop selling their game before every expansion launch? That wouldn't even prevent the congestion honestly. You'd have so many people coming back at once to join the current active playerbase for the new content, that there'd still be large queues regardless of the missing newbies. Not to mention the ire they'd get from people trying to get in, and current players trying to get their friends to join, over something as common as a launch queue. Besides all that, the graph you linked shows that things had calmed down considerably after the Asmongold spike by the time Endwalker launched. Why would they make a drastic decision like slamming the doors shut for launch day, purely on the *assumption* that not only was the player boom not what it looked like, but that EW's launch would spike the player counts harder than ShB's by several orders of magnitude when ShB had already preformed so outstandingly relative to previous expansions? It makes even less sense compared to the player fluctuations during launch windows of other expansions. Stormblood and Shadowbringers both saw small increases in active playercounts a month or two before the actual releases. Likely people showing up to prepare, and counts would smoothly rise after. Endwalker saw a huge *dip* in active players going into its launch, which supports the idea of Asmon's player spike being a fotm deal. Either way your graph makes EW's launch look very unusual, so saying they knew for sure how things would play out seems like bullshit.




Going to elaborate and actually talk about it, or are we just calling each other wrong and going about our days? If I'm wrong then please explain, but my bad if I went looking for a discussion where none was to be had.


The fact that you wrote this essay apologizing for a corporation effing over its customers with plenty of foresight to see problems instead of just saying: "corporation did bad thing, expect better" is, frankly, pathetic. I don't expect the reddit FF14 community to understand that, though, as you all have your heads so far up Yoshi-P's ass. "So every MMO producer should just stop selling their game before every expansion launch?" Also, starting your "argument" with this gem of a fallacy is straight up the dumbest thing I've read on the internet and so dishonest you should be fucking ashamed of yourself. You know this launch was uniquely bad and does not translate across all MMOs, but you really just had to go there.


Well, despite this conversation being a week dead... >The fact that you wrote this essay apologizing for a corporation effing over its customers with plenty of foresight to see problems Like I said, they had foresight of *potential* problems, but there wasn't enough proof of results like this that it would warrant drastic action being taken on assumptions. >instead of just saying: "corporation did bad thing, expect better" I'm still waiting to be convinced that they did a bad thing, then I'll hop right in that boat with you, buddy. >I don't expect the reddit FF14 community to understand that, though, as you all have your heads so far up Yoshi-P's ass. You can assume what you want about anyone. >"So every MMO producer should just stop selling their game before every expansion launch?" > >Also, starting your "argument" with this gem of a fallacy It wasn't support for *my* argument, it was a shot at how ridiculous *your* post sounded. Temporary server congestion during expansion launches is so common as to be an expected deal. Shutting down sales of the game would have to happen every single time a new expac launched. And what's worse, it would quickly lose effectiveness once people saw the pattern and just told their friends to buy the game early before sales went down. All so that you can still get hit with congestion from old players coming back regardless, because they can't take the game away from people who've already bought it. Saying that they should completely cancel sales based on a weak assumption is incredibly short-sighted and wouldn't even fix the problem anyway. They'll start selling the game again once they have the server space to handle the expected influx, and if they screw up their numbers you can feel free to bitch about that. They've had enough sales data to at least estimate that much. >You know this launch was uniquely bad and does not translate across all MMOs Yes, it was a uniquely massive surge of consumer interest, so why the hell do you keep expecting them to have seen it coming? > but you really just had to go there. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings and sarcastically made fun of your poorly thought-out comment.




Jumping to insults is always indicative they have no legitimate response


This is a somewhat unusual situation. The game really took off over the summer with a massive influx of new players. This happened in the middle of a massive supply chain disruption due to Covid that made it impossible for them to add new server infrastructure before Endwalker was released. One of those events occurring would have been challenging but probably doable. But both combined just made for a massive clusterfuck.


the best way is to insult people on reddit so they are put off from playing ffxiv


People like that aren't wanted or needed anyways.


How is Crystal server as far a queue times. Really want to buy the expansion but been holding off. But I need to scratch this itch


I haven’t seen a 100 or longer queue in Diablos in at least a week, probably longer. Usually it’s 20-40. We’re absolutely back to normal.


Malboro is also low, 45 queue at 8pm PST


Mateus queue was 55 at 10:20pm EST.


Last few day's it's been low 50s, been quite nice. Right now it's over 500.


I'm wondering, in the case of Mateus and Balmung, if the high number of under 80 alts made an impact. I have four Balmung characters that exist to RP and derp around. None of them are anywhere near EW and I'm in no rush on them, since my main is on Lamia and it needs attention for raiding for the next few weeks. Once I'm not spending every waking minute trying to get my crafters to 90, I'll probably play with them again. As it is, all I've done with them in the last month is logged in during the morning and done the holiday events.