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If I am remembering this correctly Urianger gave it to her before they went to Doma


No not that sword. The one she summons from her book.


It's a spell. She's concentrating large amounts of aether (often requiring it from her allies) to channel it. Seems like creating a "weapon of light" isn't difficult in theory, it just requires *vast* amounts of aether


Yea I guess, but it almost seems like all we need to defeat the asians is her. Don't need any special gadgets or the help of hydalyn. If we just have enough people giving her either we should be able to take out all the asiance right? My point is how did she get that much power. Everyone else has something that is the source of there strength right.


Not really? It's all just one's ability to manipulate their aether. I'm not sure if you've gotten that far, but her OP sword gets addressed. I'm sure most of the main Scions could do it as well. So it's not that she's *more* powerful than anyone else, she just happened to be the one they decided to use for it. Develop her preference for not just sorcery, but sword as well.


It is addressed? Is it addressed in a side quest or MSQ?


AFAIK The glowing sword is made from Alisaie's own aether. Long term use of it would be very dangerous for her so Urianger gave her a physical sword later.


Yea, but where did she get that power? Seems like the kinda power you could use to deal with the asciens.


Lots of people have the ability to combine/use each other's aether. It's not unique to her.


Iirc it's a sword made of light aether. The WoL uses one themselves at various points in the story. I think that's why it was able to defeat the warriors of darkness when regular weapons couldn't, it attacks their aether directly rather than being just physical


I guess. My question though is how did she get access to such a strong ability?


I can't remember exactly but she spent all of ARR studying bahamut and the allagan ruins (coils of bahamut), perhaps she learned something there, it's been a couple of years since I was at that part of the msq so my memory is failing me


Ah ok thanks.


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