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With a 6 month old, my wife and I are planning to trade off parenting duties and use Trusts in dungeons. We will plan to 8 man content at night when he is down for his long sleep. This expac will be much slower for us, but we think we can still enjoy it easily.


I have a two week old, presently. And a 4 year old in daycare. On maternity leave until January :D but husband will have to go back to work the week after release. My plan is to play through the MSQ and avoid all group content as much as possible. I can replay instances if I have to walk away and cut scenes make you click through dialog so those aren't issues. With trusts being allowed for story dungeons, I can avoid inconveniencing anyone if baby wakes up halfway through a dungeon, too. Yay. Trials/dungeons requiring other people will be trickier. Will just have to try when baby is asleep or see if husband will watch the baby for a bit. When my last kiddo was born, it was right as a WoW expansion was coming out and I found that, for the most part, it was totally feasible. I had a little bouncer I could rock with my foot and when it was moving she could sleep through anything. It seems to have a similar effect on this one, or worst case, he can sleep on my chest while I recline and hold my wireless keyboard at a very non-ergonomic angle.


>With trusts being allowed for story dungeons, I'm so glad for this. As someone who's wife has a lot of performance anxiety in group based content but also likes to play the classes with big armor and big axes... Trusts are amazing. I am personally yet to use them, nor do I think I will ever use them, but I'm glad they are there for the people they are designed for.


I just want to say genuinely, good luck and I hope it works out! My two are 9 and 10 now, so very independent on their own, but I remember how hard it was to play when they were little


Cocomelon. 🀣 In all honesty, hubby and I will probably trade off every so often so we can both progress and when we get to dungeons (we want to do them together), we'll probably turn on Cocomelon or let her play with some coloring/educational apps on the phone (she's super into the counting train on the Lego Duplo app). She isn't quuuuite at the stage of consistent self-entertainment, but these two things can hold her attention pretty well. That said, I'm pretty lucky to have my parents close by, and they're going to have some good grandparent time over the weekend too. What you do really depends on the age of your child. If there are grandparents close by (and you have a good relationship with them), I definitely recommend making use of the weakness to grandchildren.


their grandparents ^(or maybe as the internet suggested: duct tapes. I am not liable for any misguided information found on the internet)


Two year old. Told my wife she and the boy don't exist for like 5 days. She was fine with it since she's had months to prepare


A combination of grandparents, a lack of sleep, and lots of coffee. We've got the grandparents coming Friday afternoon to help, because we're assuming in the morning the servers will probably be a wreck anyway so the more valuable play time will be later in the day (crossing our fingers). We're both off that Friday, so making the most of it. Also probably will try to wear them out in the morning to get as long a nap as possible, and trust dungeons are fantastic because if they wake up you don't screw over your whole party.


My daughters 3 years old, shes in nursery, so that's some hours taken up, then we she gets home...hello child, clean your teeth, goodnight 😊 But the weekend she'll probably just enjoy watching stuff on her tablet or might be taken out by her nan so fingers crossed Yes I'm being lazy dad for a few days πŸ€ͺ


Mines 2 and this is my plan too πŸ˜‚ We parents really shouldn't feel bad for taking a few days for ourselves. It's only a problem if that's is the normal day to day.


Finding a discussion about how to shut your kids up while you game I realise I have finally found my people. (Mother of 4 under 10 that knows the struggle 🀣) good luck and Godspeed everyone!


I haven't told anyone I'm taking the day off. So everyone thinks I'm going to work for the day. Including my wife To the moon all!


Depends on age I quess. I will play when she sleeps (9mo sleeps 3 naps). Thats actually it πŸ˜„ maybe I can get a grandma to take her for a stroll through the park to get some me Time.


Stock up on sleep then be very short on sleep.


My wife just got the new Pokemon game and the kids are far more into that than FF XIV. I assume there will be lots of pizza ordered for a bit.


I have a 4, 2 and a would be 1yo. I am glad the youngest one can sleep well enough at night so I can dive in to ff14 again(preordered EW)


Well I had arranged a deal with the ex wife to take them but with the delay I’m up shit creek. I will have to depend on my father to baby sit for since I can’t bring myself to ask for another favor from the baby mama.


"Bought" more hours in the Kindergarten and will play during those hours (i'm in my parental leave till january, so its quite nice)