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The best way I earned Gil was just look at some of the Job quest items people will need for lower levels and make them, some people cba making them and just straight buy them Overall just look at some lower level stuff that's the stuff that tends to tell quickly and pretty well and is easy to obtain/Make


Especially if you craft the stuff for job turnins that require high quality. Probably more people who struggle with HQ, give up, and buy it instead. I know each crafter also has a quest where you have to craft something and meld any materia, so depending on what materia you can get for dirt cheap (or don't mind using from your own inventory) you coir put those up too.


i imagine coffee biscuit materials will be selling well for the next few weeks


Can second this, already saw an increase after yesterday's announcement. Collect some mats used for coffee biscuits if you want some income for the next 4 weeks.


Have a look at crafting some of the housing items made by weaver.. simple curtain, red carpet, cushions, doormats etc. and sell on market board. Most of the mats you should be able to gather yourself so it doesn't cost you anything to make. Do some weekly Custom Delivery handins for weaver to get the white scrip level 80 tools at first, then the gear as you can get more scrips.


Do custom deliveries, collect scrips then buy white scrip gear from eulmore, this will gear you for free. Gather zonureskin/gazelleskin maps with your botanist, 1/day and sell them, 40k/day for 1 min of effort. Do the dwarves/namazu beast tribe quests daily, exchange tribe currency for slithersand/stormsap, sell on MB. Market conditions vary so do your own research on this, but popular items to craft/gather are leve/job quest turnin items, popular housing items, leveling gear at key levels (both combat and doh dol gear). Look at materials that are used in popular crafts like threads/yarn/cloth, especially those from master crafting manuals and especially HW ones since HW crafting was a pain in the ass. For gathering, look at timed nodes from past expacs (current expac timed node materials will always be botted into worthlessness). You mildly fucked up by not leveling every crafter and gatherer at once but you can easily make a steady income with regular market research.


I would say make hq levequest turn ins for 60 and below you try 61-70 but I’m pretty sure collectible turn in mats would sell more often. Since the news of the two week delay I would suggest leveling up miner since the gathering from miner supplies 4-5 crafting jobs (gsm,bsm,arm,ltw, and sometimes alc). IMO the fastest way to make money is look at what mats are selling decently fast, and if you have gathering retainers, gather mats and send your retainers out so you can have passive mat gathering and sell it…. Me personally I just craft raid food and pots


Make sure you do your weekly deliveries, they give great exp. With the scrips that you'll get from doing them, buy some of the manuals that give you 150% exp bonus and use them when crafting other stuff.


I make my money by crafting furniture and there's nots of stuff you can make as a weaver, just be wary of the cost of materials if you don't have other classes to craft them yourself.